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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » Snow Job 2021 RP Board
The Hunt- Chapter 2
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Chris Page Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

01-21-2021, 04:44 AM

The private jet belonging to Chris Page has just touched down on an isolated runway at LAX in Los Angeles, California housing CCP and Oliver Main. We’ve come to Los Angeles following up on camera footage from Milan, Italy to try and track down who really laid an attack on Robert Main.

[Image: Gulfstream-GIV-Exterior-Sunset.jpg]

Chris and Oliver have exited the jet and are walking the ten feet to an awaiting black town car with dark tinted windows. There’s a driver stationed at the back passenger side of the car that opens the door as Chris approaches allowing him to enter followed by Oliver. The door is shut behind him as we now fade inside the back of the car.

Chris and Oliver get adjusted in their seats as it’s been a long day already for each of them. The driving force that keeps them going is knowing how close they could be to uncovering the truth behind what really happened to their brother.

” You always travel like this?”

” What do you mean?”

” You know, the private jets and town cars?”

Chris smirks at Oliver as he responds.

” I mean I know it’s not a Harley or anything but the jet is mine, and yes I prefer to be driven in major cities as it eliminates the hassle of navigating the streets and dealing with idiots on the road. Two worst cities in the United States to drive in, can you guess? New York City and Los Angeles, we’re in the belly of the beast brother.”

The driver enters the driver’s seat as Chris directs his attention up towards the front of the car as he asks while he closes the door.

” You know where you’re headed?”

“Yes sir.”

He responds as the driver is dressed in a black suit with black shades covering his eyes. Chris sits back in his seat while letting out a deep breath. The car cranks up and the journey begins.

” So we’re here…”

” No… we’re close.”

Anticipation probably doesn’t even begin to describe the feelings and emotions that course through their bodies. Potentially one step close to identifying the involvement of a principal character in this story of who side-lined Robert Main.

” Do you think your buddies found anything on the security footage?”

” We’re going to find out shortly. They’ve been analyzing it for a couple of hours. For their sake let’s hope they have. We don’t have a lot of time to play around with this. The more time that passes and the longer this mother fucker is on the streets the angrier I become.”

” This entire situation is still so weird to me. Who wouldn’t want Robert back on top of the XWF, he was the star attraction for years, everyone made money and the ratings were clearly better than they are now and have been for the last several months.”

” What you’re saying is true to a degree but you have to look at it from all angles. Robert was a great champion who made as much chicken salad out of chicken shit as he possibly could, and in the process, he became what most would call unbeatable. Robert hasn’t been pinned inside an XWF ring since two thousand nineteen, and in this business statistics like that will always make you a walking target. People don’t want to talk about the backside of the business they just talk about what you see on camera. The Professional Wrestling business is as cutthroat as cutthroat can get. In Robert’s case, he’s a threat to everyone booked against him at any time under any rule structure.”

Chris closes his eyes and leans his head back against the headrest as he starts to recount his perspective of December 23, 2020, as Oliver sits and listens.

” I do feel like I am missing something, I mean I can recount my steps and see my point of view like it was yesterday. I was in our locker room…”

We see Chris Page, freshly showered and changed following his tag match with Barney Green sitting on a bench as Robert Main is shown walking towards the locker room door.

” It’s about that time.”

Chris is putting his wrestling boots inside a travel suitcase as he responds.

” Go get that strap.”

Robert walks out of the locker room as Chris puts his second boot in the bag before zipping it up as Oliver’s voice is heard asking.

” What happened next?”

” After zipping up my bag…”

Chris turns towards a forty-two inch television that’s mounted on the locker room wall as it’s tuned into the closing minutes of the Thaddeus Duke versus Chris Chaos Universal Title match.

” Sorry boys… all this effort about to be upstaged.”

Chaos shove Thaddeus backward before he turns and snatches the camera off the shoulders of a cameraman! Chaos sizes Thaddeus up before charging forward swinging for Thad’s head! Thad ducks and in the process takes the camera cord and wraps it around the throat of Chaos before pulling back with all of his might as he’s choking away at the challenger! The referee is in position as he starts asking Chaos to quit.

Chris tries to fight free but drops to one knee as his face starts to turn purple before muttering out the words.

” I quit.”


” The match finishes and then what?”

Oliver’s voice chimed back in to ask.

” And after the match?”

” I heard some commotion but didn’t think anything of it because the show was wrapping up.”

In the midst of Thad’s post-match promo Chris walks towards the locker room door where he passes through the doorway and out into the hallway. It was clear in both directions as Chris starts to head towards the gorilla position.

” I entered the hallway and began walking towards the gorilla position so I could witness Robert’s challenge and be the first person to tell Thad how fucked he was at Snow Job.”

” What did you see?”

” The coast was pretty clear until I came around the corner and that’s when I saw Robert surrounded by trainers and EMT’s.

A spotlight hits the top of the ramp as the anticipation starts to grow for is sure to be a historic confrontation between Thaddeus and former Universal Champion Robert Main.

Only problem….

There’s no Robert Main!

Suddenly we take a cut shot with a cameraman cutting through gorilla towards a commotion backstage. As he makes his way through we see Chris Page, trainers, and EMT’s surrounding Robert who is unconscious on the floor. Page snatches one of the Trainer’s up by his collar as he spouts out with sheer anger and intensity within his voice.


Trainer- “ We don’t know, we came across him just like this.”

Chris finally hears Robert’s entrance music playing out in the Stadium.

” Fuck.”

Chris releases his grip on the trainer’s shirt as he starts towards Gorilla while yelling back towards the trainer.

” I want answers when I get back.”

” That’s it?”

Chris finally opens his eyes again as he glances over towards Oliver.

” That’s all I can remember about it, but something that struck out now was the commotion that I heard as Thad was delivering his promo. There were definitely the sounds of running up on Robert and then the thud of his weight impacting with the concrete floor. So whoever did this did come from behind like a fucking coward.”

Chris shifts his attention and gazes out of the dark tinted window and up into the clear blue California skies falling into thoughts of what or if there’s anything that’s going to be found on this video footage. It’s the only real lead that could pan out into something tangible if we’re going to find out who levied this calculated attack on Robert Main.

There’s got to be something.

How will I be able to look Oliver in the face and deliver more bad news? Telling Robert wouldn’t be any easier and it means that whoever is responsible won’t be known until they’re ready to be known; more importantly I remain a prime suspect. I wish that I could sit back and say that finding the culprit or culprits is sole to in good faith to my best friend… it’s not… there’s a part of me that needs to find the responsible parties so that it clears my name… because I won’t lie, this is totally something I would have done in the past.

I feel the looks and hear the off-handed remarks, and when I’m exonerated I’ll be knocking on your doors to slap you in the mouths.

” I don’t know man…”

Chris turns his head back towards Oliver as he states.

” You don’t know about what?”

” I’m still just kind of confused that all of this has transpired the way that it has. It’s just so surreal to think how close they came to ending Robert’s wrestling career.”

” We’re talking inches one way or the other from the point of impact it could have been lights out for good. There are a handful of people who would have that much pent up hostility for Robert, and I’m sure that very shortlist is going to get a lot shorter when we get to my boy's spot.”

” Where exactly are we headed?”

” One of the many great things I bring to any table is knowing people in high places. When you need something done on the down-low you have to know people plugged in. We’re headed to see one of those plugged-in people. I’m not big on name dropping, I’ll let that reality set in when I make a formal introduction.”

” Level with me man…”

” What’s up?”

Oliver takes a deep breath before he asks.

” Why are you putting so much time and effort into tracking down these fuckers instead of putting time and attention on your deal with Duke? Shouldn’t you be focused on taking him down?”

There’s a smirk from Chris as he responds.”

” Listen, man, the deal with Thad at Snow Job is very high on my priority list, and trust me when I tell you he’s digging his own grave as we speak. When it comes to Snow Job I already know what I’m walking into and I know who I’m walking into it with. Where my advantage comes into play is he doesn’t know who he’s walking into a fight with. Sure, the kid is good and he’s talented… but his biggest disadvantage revolves around just how immature he is and the rabbit hole he’s going down.”

There’s a pause from Chris before he continues on.

” I haven’t taken my eyes off that ball… but in the same token, this is equally as important. Robert is family to me and when you take a shot at one member of the family you take a shot at the entire family. If we condone what happened to Robert, if we don’t try to track down the responsible parties then we are saying it's okay to lay hands on us and expect no repercussions. That’s unacceptable, and I don’t think that I can look myself in the mirror knowing I took Robert’s title match if I didn’t put forth the effort to find out what really happened here… we all know the XWF doesn’t give a shit.”

Oliver reaches into the pocket of his black leather jacket pulling out a pack of cigarettes. He opens the pack taking out one.

” You really do care about Rob, don’t you?”

” Listen, man, I know he’s your brother and blood is thicker than any water… but the sole reason I am still around is that Robert talked me into it when he didn’t have to. I’m not sure how much you know about our history, but I was brought into the XWF to stand toe to toe with Rob because nobody else under contract would. At that point in time, he’s was standing on top, bored out of his mind until I walked into the picture.”

Oliver cracks his window before lighting up.

” Collectively we knew we had something special when we stood in that ring as foes. We sold more tickets and made more money becoming the talk of the federation and the wrestling world for that matter. In the end, business decisions were made that we both disagreed with; those disagreements we agreed on brought us closer together. When I was about to breach my contract Robert was right there to suggest we team together; not only team together we win the titles and watch the other title scenes burn.”[green]

Oliver continues to listen as he takes a few pulls from his cigarette.

[green]” Robert has done a lot for my XWF career and I take this attack personally. I’m not going to waste a hell of a lot of time when we find out what/if anything is on this security footage. If there’s something there we’re hoping on a plane and we’re going headhunting. When we go back to that hospital I want to have ahead in a bag to give over to your brother and my best friend.”

” What if Thad is behind it?”

” That’s a best-case scenario because we won’t have to look far and his public execution date has already been set. It would make Snow Job bigger than what it already is as we speak here and now; and if that is indeed the case then I want Robert front and center to watch as I rip his fucking throat out.”

Another pull from the cigarette before Oliver tosses it out the window before blowing out the smoke and rolling up the window.

” I guess we’re going to know a lot more here real soon.”

” I just wish I could blink my eyes and us be there; fucking Los Angeles takes forever to get anywhere anyway, pandemic or not.”


Words from the Stoned One:

Now that the “cold open” is out of the way one might think that this is the moment where you sift through the babble of your counterpart to pick out the little things that you then flip in order to save face or take away some of the credible statements that have been made…Maybe for you… but not for me, at least not yet for you see I’m going to keep it gangster all week spitting different shit while Thaddeus continue to fall victim to the delusion that he’s actually something other than my placeholder...

I want to take a few minutes and talk about the walking contradiction that is Thaddeus Duke.

Here’s a guy that cares so much about what the fans think about him it’s going to send his career into a nosedive that’s already begun. He craves the attention, he NEEDS the spotlight because for far too long he was looked at as Sebastian’s son; he professes to be loved by all and spouts off about doing things the right way that he enlisted a HEEL manager who every time he opens his mouth on television makes Thad look more and more like a fucking amateur with each and every appearance. What’s a matter baby boy? Need an extra boost because the talent you claim is so grand doesn’t hold a candle to more the seventy-five percent of the professional wrestlers around on the face of the goddamn planet? Not quite capable of using all that star power to carry your programs?

No, that’s not it.

Maybe it’s the experience that Paul brings to the table that entices Thaddeus to be so unoriginal that he hired someone who’s on Fox on Friday Night’s so he can sit around and play on Twitter like a lazy sack of shit he’s always been. You can’t do the right thingg when you have a heel on a major network playing with an alleged top tier face here brother, that dog just don’thunt and yet here you stand STILL letting him take your spotlight as late as Warfare because you’re stupid enough to let him. Hell you even allowed this cocksucker to go out on national television several months back and make the excuse that the only reason I won the TV Title was because Thaddeus Duke doesn’t work Saturdays… and here you are coming off of working a fucking Saturday! Bro if you’re going to sell yourself on something fucking commit too it or else anyone with half a brain can see through your insecurities as a performer and have their way with you like I’m about to do over the next several weeks. I’m not going to leave any room for error when it comes to the cold hard fact that I am and have always been better than you.

Here’s a million dollar question.

What has he added to your success since you felt the need to throw money away on him? More importantly for a guy who thinks he’s the best thing since sliced bread why would he need someone to handle business for him as opposed to handling business his self? Let’s not pretend for one second you’re so busy that you can’t handle your professional business like someone such as me is capable of? We all saw how I helped Paul out of his soon to be expiring contract; which it’s rather fitting that it suddenly comes up to expire just days following Snow Job after I called you out on having him at your side to begin with. You’re desperation stinks bro.

Let’s now get into the meat and potatoes of this little piece of business for this next example is enough in its own right to put it over the top. For someone that is supposed to be the be all talent that Thaddeus Duke professes to be look no further than the closing moments of High Stakes which saw him leave with the Universal Title. I hate to break the news to you kiddo, you did EARN that title… it was HANDED to you by your friends. I had things right where I wanted them and Doc couldn’t help himself but walk his happy ass back down to that ring, latch on to your ankle while you’re butt-buddy did the rest. Your friends shit all over what was supposed to be a crowning moment for you, and the fact that you are deluded enough to think that YOU are responsible for your current success makes about as much sense as Donald Trump condoning violence on the Capitol one minute and then condemning it the next. It’s one of those “are you serious?” kind of moments that leaves one scratching their heads wondering if you really think most of us are that stupid not to see through your act.

You’re foolish to think that people respect how you got to the top of the mountain and you’re flat out if you think you deserve to be there. Don’t get me wrong bro, I’m the last person on the planet that will condemn you for having Doc and Corey watching your back while you watched theirs, it was a Battle Royale after all; and while you looked weak as fuck winning it the way you did don’t for one second profess that YOU did it homie… because YOU didn’t… the THREE of you did. This is the same fucking guy that lobbied for a Universal Title match prior to High Stakes because even he knew going in that he wasn’t capable of doing this by himself whereas I walked into High Stakes with no friends, no one watching my back and nearly won the goddamn thing after competing in that grueling Ladder match prior to. I’ll take losing on my own over winning the way you did any day of the fucking week because I can look myself in the mirror knowing that unlike High Stakes you don’t have that backup at your disposal. You don’t have Corey or Doc protecting you from the thrashing that’s about to come your way because for the first time since having that title handed to you, now you come to a defense where you have the PROVE you belong in the position your boys put you in.

I’m not Chris fucking Chaos.

I’m not Barney Green.

With all due respect to both they lost their battles before they even began while I’ve been sitting back watching, plotting and planning the perfect strategy that will end with my arm raised in victory staking claim to the Universal Title for the first time in my career, while shutting your mouth once and for all in the process. Over the last several weeks I’ve played nice, I’ve resisted the temptation of wrecking your face and breaking your body eagerly anticipating the opening bell of our showdown in Green Bay. All bets are off as this is one fall to a finish with zero excuses when you’re put in your proper place. What I’m not going to do is be a condescending prick and pretend that you’re not talented. We’ve been in the ring enough times to know that each of us bring a lot to the table but the one thing neither of have over the other is that definitive victory; or so you’ll say. In my eyes I got you for the TV Title and you got me for the Tag Titles- Relentless was bullshit, you couldn’t get past me so you kissed me knowing it would be the only thing that would send me over the rails. In your eyes I got disqualified because I couldn’t beat you… whatever you need to tell yourself dude.

You can have that pissing contest all by yourself because all of it isn’t relevant in the here and now.

Our story is well chronicled and doesn’t bear much repeating because you’ve already covered that and wasted your time in the process, ultimately our paths have been elected to cross right here, right now on a grand stage with what’s supposed to be the biggest title this company has to offer. After I’m through with you, after I break you on a national spotlight I fully expect a goddamn thank you from you sir, because without me in the mix you wouldn’t be as relevant as you’ve become over the last four months… and that is nothing short of a fact. You were floundering when by chance our paths crossed and had I not taken you and created this elaborate track you would have already walked back out the ever busy revolving doors this federation has a reputation for. When I first came back to the XWF almost two years ago I had a mission to bring the structure down, and one of the many grenades I threw at the very foundation is how they let guys from the past; myself included, walk right through the doors and to the front of the line, they put a belt on them hoping that by chance whatever magic was created back in their day can somehow be recreated only to see it blow up in their faces. You are one of those stories too, Thad, only you’re worse. You’ve had multiple stints within the XWF squared circle and yet you always end up walking away in under a years’ time. What I mean by that, and you’ve already done it within this latest run is that you take a few matches. You take a few more matches and you go away. Rinse and repeat brother because that’s you. There’s always an excuse for whatever time off is needed which means you don’t respect the very craft you profess to be the best at because if you did your ass would be in that ring injured or not to give the people what they’ve paid for.

You’re no champion.

You’re a pussy.

You’re the epitome of what’s wrong with the younger generation that truly gives no fucks about what it means to actually be a Professional Wrestler. You’ve come into a business thinking that it’s entitled to give you something when you give nothing back but a goddamn headache. It’s always take, take, take and then it’s take a break. Now, over the last five months we’ve went back and forth so many times either in the ring or in a parking lot it didn’t matter the playing field. You and I are about to walking on to the final stage for the Final Chapter. It’s the climax of me carrying you to a successful program and making you stick around for a cup of coffee.

This is the battle that determines the winner of this war.

More importantly this is the battle that the world will remember the winner of.

Pressure has never really been your friend, and what you don’t know about me is just how far down the rabbit hole I’m going to drag you while I continue to outplay you in our human game of chess. You’re next several moves are already predictable from where I’m sitting, and I assure you when you play them I’ll be right there to put my foot so far up your ass that the water out of Major Payne’s knee is going to quench that thirst. You sir are in for the fight of your life that your little “mean streak” isn’t capable of touching. More on that later homie for I am going to take great pleasure in breaking you down piece by piece verbally before I completely thrash you physically. Yes the title is at stake and that carries its own level of importance but what really fires me up is knowing that when you throw me everything you got, when you get to that level of desperation and kiss me, when you pull every trick you’ve got up that sleeve and it’s still NOT good enough…. When you find out exactly why I am and forever will always be simply better than you. Leaving Green Bay by putting your shoulders to that mat is all the satisfaction I’m going to need.

That belt…

That’s just a bonus.

Better than me?

Keep selling yourself that pipedream for when the smoke clears and the dust settles there’s only going to be one man left standing and one man reaping the bragging rights and being able to call themselves the best. You’re looking at him. You’re isolated, you’re alone and you’re going to get wrecked beyond your wildest dreams. Go ahead and prep your fans because I have a feeling someone is about to take an extended break.

Later loser.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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