Chris Chaos
Corporate Chaos
XWF FanBase: Very random (heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)
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Joined: Tue Jul 12 2016
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Hates Given: 14
Hates Received: 68 in 60 posts
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12-21-2020, 02:54 PM
"It’s easy to pretend you’re the best when you have a lot of time to practice in front of your mirror before going in front of the public for your big performance."
Her voice was warming to him. For some reason, he was cold. It was 80 degrees outside, and he still found himself to be cold.
He turns his head towards her. Her neck was still bruised and blue. Her lip as split. She had a smile on her face.
"Do you care to elaborate?"
"Do you wanna know why they call you a fool sometimes? Why they nitpick every single flaw, why they make you such a target?"
Chris doesn't say anything.
"Because they see you. All of you. All the time. Every night."
He turned his head from being down, back towards her.
"And I've paid the price for it. Physically, mentally, emotionally. I've laid it all on the line, Mandii, and guys like Duke reap the rewards from the paths I have blazed."
This time it is Mandii who doesn't say anything.
"I have been an iatrical part of this roster for so long, and sometimes I wonder if I would have been better off taking the easy way out, like Duke did. I have so much film on me over the past four years, all my dirty laundry has been aired, and everyone here knows nearly everything about me. But no matter how much they have on me, I keep my head up and keep chugging. Guys like Duke are constantly that an excuse, by no means....but it makes me wonder...."
Mandii cuts him off.
"It shouldn't. I want to know why everyone is so keen on teaching Chris a lesson or just wanting to kick your ass when they also want to make you out to be some little nobody. You're NOT a nobody! You've proven that tenfold. I mean they can argue that it’s fun or entertaining but I’d think a bar fight would provide the same feelings so why you in particular?"
After a few moments of silence, they say in unison.
"Because I'm that good."
"Because you're that good."
Chris smiles.
"Pop in the tape."
Mandii rubs his shoulder, and puts in the DVD. She sits back down and pours a glass of whiskey for each of them as the High Stakes Main Event plays.
"He makes it sound like there was never going to be a chance in hell he would have lost....but look at's clear as day....." he takes a sip as the whiskey swirls against the ice.
"Duke makes it sound like he would have been completely fine without the help. Logically speaking with enough force everyone would have tumbled out of the ring and if you wanted to be technical Corey's feet would have been last to touch unless Dukes noodle arms are stronger than they appear."
"They are pretty noodely...."
They run the tape back time and time again, laughing with each time Duke is clutching the belt, damn near crying.
"The hourglass though....I mean, I think you should have speared him out of his body."
"I wanted to."
"The old Chris would have."
"Spearing him is what he wanted. He even said he expected it. He can make fun of me all he wants, but I wanted him at 100 percent. I didn't want any excuses. I wanted to face the best in this business right now--by title only--when he was at his best."
"Makes sense....but I still think you should have speared him"
"Oh trust me, he's in for more than just a spear."
He grabs the bottle, pours a glass to the rim for each of them again.
"His mind isn't 100 percent though. I'm in it. I have him so rattled and desperate for things to say that he didn't even reference my insults properly."
"Well, there were so many of them."
"His little James Bond adventures he takes us on every time....oh boy, he didn't like the reading comment did he? Had a whole section on it. Dedicated time to it. However, he failed to mention that it was a quote from the promo that twisted his panties up so badly.....the promo I didn't care about and designed solely to rile him up. It did."
"He really hated that."
They lean in to kiss, and Mandii begins to take her shirt off.
"It's been a few days. I've sat back and reflected over the last few days. I haven't let the situation get the best of me, or let my nerves get too far out of whack. I haven't panicked like Duke has, and haven't said to myself, "oh my god, he's right, I have nothing to say so I'll just yell into the microphone and try find clever ways to repeat myself....they'll believe me because I'm talking sternly and saying fuck a lot." No, Duke, that isn't my strategy at all. My strategy is to stay calm, cool and collected and let you keep talking. Yes, Duke, let you keep rolling that verbal train in circles because the only think you're doing is making Duke Nation look like Haiti.
You claim I talk in circles? Well, maybe great minds think alike then, no?
But despite your brutal verbal attack, your scathing review of me and everything wrong with me, something became painfully obvious to me while listening to that. Brutally, disgusting, and shamefully obvious.
Thaddeus Duke has nothing else to say. Thaddeus Duke never has.
You see, he puffs his chest out, he shoves his bravado into your face, he speaks without a quiver in his voice. You believe him because he's got the line delivery precision of a world class actor....because that is what he is, a world class actor.
Thaddeus wants to point fingers, wants to accuse me of stealing an entire game plan. Thad, every.single.word. you said has been said about me before. By someone, sometime, somewhere. Hell you didn't even come up with a unique twist on their game plan......Thaddeus Duke has said the same thing that Robert Main, The Engineer, Jim Caedus after having his promo translated to English, has said about me. Duke just says it louder so he thinks people will listen more. But I ripped off Chris Page?
If anything, I say Chris Page has copied me. But I digress.
It's fine, truly it is. I am not even mad, because it's funny to me now. Funny how everyone claims I am so easy to rip to shreds but never seems to find a new way to do it.
Same tired argument time, same tired argument channel.
But we wanna talk about evolution and a new era. We want to talk about how I never get better? I never improve, I never change. Isn't that right? You want to sit through my promo's with a fine tooth comb and nit pick the shit out of what I say, desperately trying to pull an argument out of it that doesn't come off as boring and generic. It's like Duke expects me to overlook the fact that he is a total potato and says things out of arrogance, not out of fact or logic. Just like he ripped off Jericho then tried to deny it.
*whiney voice* "Its my name.....Meh....Chris Chaos is stupid because EVERYONE knows German and can make that comparison...mehhh"
He made a point of saying this shouldn’t be a matchup I actually want because he “owns” me every time...okay, I get it, but Dukey.....wouldn’t it be a matchup I want so I can actually prove myself...if, you know, we're using logic? And, despite that you "owning"'ve owned me when there was nothing on the line and nothing to gain. Lets see if you can own me when the biggest prize in our business is at stake. Let's see your FIRST title defense go up in smoke, just like every big moment you've pissed your pants during. What's even more funny is you think I am going to just lay down, wave the white flag, and crown you victor before the bell even rings. I've never changed, right? When have I EVER done that? And Duke is so hell bent on teaching me a lesson. So hell bent on proving something to me. Duke, the only thing you're proving is how to fake it until you make it. You leave for long periods of time, during which you learn the competition, you study everyone whose better than you (which is virtually everyone)then come back and pretend your the all knowing god of wrestling.
Your ego really comes out when you boast about the reasons your a badass, reasons your the champ, but in the same sentence you proceed to say you takes your wins with humility and grace. Duke, come on. Be you, don't patronize us. You're good, you're the champ, we get it but don't try to convince us you're humble. You're idling at egotistical then claim to be as humble as a Buddhist. Either you're a troll, an asshole, or just flat out ignorant. Maybe all three. Probably. I won't say stupid because I don't think you're stupid. I think you've found a smart way to get yourself ahead. Oh yes, Duke is brilliant but at the same time a coward because he has to leave to regroup so he doesn’t make a fool of himself. Isn't that right, Duke? Whenever your weaknesses are exposed and brought to light, suddenly Duke is nowhere to be seen. Notice that? Anyone notice that? Just because you're smart doesn't mean you aren't a total yellow bellied coward. You're Lionheart has been the size of a house cat's your entire career, don't tell us its any bigger now. You're on a hot streak, but you're bound to fizzle. You always do.
Duke feels the need to leave so he can stay on top and appear to be great when in all reality he leaves because he’s so terrified of failure. So afraid of being judged. It is easy to talk tough with that belt around your waist Dukey, so easy, trust me I'd know. But your brash and cocky interior hides the petrified face of the little boy in a grown up world whose never been good enough to matter. The reason it is so easy for me to be "ripped apart" like you claim? Because I am out here every night. Even as Universal Champion, when I had all the privilege's in the world to back out of a fight, I opted into every card they offered. I put myself out there, both the good and the bad, every single show. I have failed, in fact I've failed quite a bit, but I keep coming back (like a true champion, mind you). I dust myself off and run head first into the next challenge. It seems that young Duke is terrified of the idea that the world will see him as weak or not the best so he would rather hide away for awhile and come back when he knows he can relive the glory days and keep his faked image alive. The "glory" days when he was fucking a pre-pubescent girl who had a better career than he did, I may add. Those were his glory days....statutory rape.
I see you Dolly. Welcome back.
I digress.
Duke has had time to “perfect” himself so to speak. He has had time to change so when he comes back he can beat the best since he would train to beat the best. This puts his competition at a disadvantage when he comes back from long hiatuses because he changes away from the public eye while his opponent (often times, me) puts their flaws out for the world each week because they don’t take a break. I don't even know what a break truly feels like. Now before you nitpick away at this and throw my own words at me about not really doing much in this ring since I beat Ned Kaye last December.......let me elaborate by saying I have spent YEARS building this legacy while you've spent years popping in and out like a Whack-a-Mole rodent and never getting any better until Doc took pity on you. I've been top tier since the moment I walked in the door, four years of blood, sweat and tears. If I want to take a few months to recoop, I think I've earned that. At least that.
You have figured out how to beat me because you've spent time studying me from the comfort of your couch. I've had very little film on you because every time I turn around, I can't find your name on an active list. So like I have said every promo so far, I'll say it again. We are not the same. Even if you are able to prevail in this contest, even if you are able to best me again, I come out of this with the upper hand. The ace in the hole. You see, if I lose, I'll still be right there, just below the top slot. I'll be right there, within striking distance. If you lose, be it to me or to whoever comes down the pike after me, Duke you're going to drop right back down to the bottom of the pile, the back of the line, and in your rightful place.....where you've spent your entire career......behind ME.