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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » High Stakes Battle Royale RP Board
Training/The Date Part 2
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Champ Sportsman Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

11-21-2020, 10:57 PM

November 14, 2020

"...................and that was why I wore a thong to beat Lux."

The familiar voice of Big D rang throughout the empty XWF Development Center, echoing off the walls as Champ Sportsman bounced back and forth off the ropes for what felt like, and actually were, hours.

"But you...............," Champ managed to gasp out between bounces. "Didn't beat.....................Lux...................."

"No, no I didn't," Big D crossed his arms, thinking about his regret over the end result. "But I WOULD'VE if it weren't for those meddling kicks!" He looked at the clock on the wall and realized he'd had Champ running the ropes a half hour longer than he intended. "STOP!"

In between bounces, Sportsman collapsed in the center of the ring and sprawled out. "Now that......................... is a workout............... he huffed.

Big D climbed onto the apron and leaned against the top rope, looking in at his protege. "Workout?! That was only a warm up!!!"

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck," Champ exhaled, sounding almost like a whisper due to his lack of oxygen. "It's a good thing................................. I don't plan................................. on getting laid............................. tonight. "

Big D seemed confused at first, before realizing Champ's date with Miss Reno was later that night. "Oh shit, I completely forgot!" He climbed off the apron, grabbed a water bottle, and tossed it in to Champ. "Training's over."

Sportsman caught the water bottle with one hand before immediately proceeding to slam the entire thing down in two gulps. "I don't understand, we're done because I have a date?"

"Yep," D responded with a friendly smile. "When I was in high school, word got around that I was about to go on my first date ever, so our football coach let us all leave practice early.................. of course, I actually skipped that practice to GO ON the date, but at least it benefitted the rest of the team! Figured I could return the favor."

"But this isn't MY first date!" a confused Sportsman pointed out. "I've been on hundreds, maybe even THOUSANDS; what makes this one any different than the rest of 'em?"

Big D pulls a blunt out of his pocket and lights it up. "Well, for starters, it could be your last," D bleakly stated, blowing out a cloud of smoke as he does so. "XWF might not be as littered with murderers and rapists as it once was, but that doesn't mean they aren't out there. Hell, you saw what Corey did to Duke!!!"

"I don't think that was rape."

"Rape?" D repeated with a furrowed brow. "I was talking about how he murdered that butthole!!!"

Champ put his head in his hands with shame. "Jesus Christ."

"Oh, lighten up!" Big D wrote off with a chuckle. "Don't be a Ned!"

D and Champ hung around for a bit, in silence, each of them thinking about their respective matches at High Stakes. It was as interesting situation for both men, as each of them were on polar opposite sides of the spectrum. On the one hand, there was Big D, a veteran in the twilight of his career going for what would be his 36th Championship, in an attempt to show the world he isn't wash up, yet. Then, on the other hand, there was Champ Sportsman, a greener than grass rookie who doesn't know the difference between a wrist lock and a wristwatch with the opportunity to do something his mentor never could: win the big one. In his first ever start, Champ could attain the very thing Big D had fought his entire life for: a World Championship. Champ knew if he could win that belt, Big D would feel like he won it, too. He couldn't let him down.

"How 'bout a little bit longer?" Sportsman suggested, tossing his water bottle aside. "I'm not meeting her for another four hours, we've got some time."

Big D, overjoyed by Champ's work ethic, climbed through the ropes and began to stretch. "Alright," he spouted eagerly. "This one's called................................. the Dan Slam!!!!!"

Later that night...............................

Megan and Champ, both a little tipsy, ditched their unappetizing meals at Fligati's in exchange for some Ballpark Franks outside of Tampax Park, home of the Bloom. Being a member of the team, as well as a hero to the entire city, Champ was able to get them, and a 6-pack of Rolling Rock, into the stadium after hours. Once inside, Miss Reno led Champ over to the seat she'd been in when he hit his first Home Run, where they cracked open some cold ones and ate their hot dogs.

"You know, they're really not bad seats," Champ admitted, despite the inconvenient placement of a pillar directly in front of them. "I'm sure it captures my good side."

Megan shook her head, taking a bite of hot dog as she does so. "Not as well as this one," she garbled through a stuffed mouth, pointing to the seat next to her. "Luckily the guy who sat there was passed out, drunk, by the 3rd Inning; so I was able to lean over for most of the game."

"Just in time to see my Home Run," Champ frowned, recalling the end result. "It's a shame we lost."

Megan laughed. "Nobody even remembers that!"

"I do." Champ took a long drink of his beer. "Don't get me wrong, it was a great moment, but I don't play for the stats................. I play to win! If the only thing I do all game is hit the winning run in, so be it.................. as long as we WIN!!!! The only thing 5 Home Runs in a loss proves is that you're a talented loser. It's why I couldn't celebrate the moment, or even my Rookie of the Year award................. because I still failed to become champion. How can I celebrate when my teammates are just as miserable as I am, only without the participation trophies to lift their spirits a little." Champ looked down at his half empty beer, widened his eyes, and set it on the ground. "I'm sorry for rambling."

"I didn't think you were rambling at all," Megan assured Champ, motioning for him to keep drinking. "On the contrary, I think it's sweet how you care about your teammates like that."

"Truth is, I'd be nothing without them," Champ confessed, picking his beer back up. "If I didn't have them, there'd be noone to catch my pitches, or bat me home."

Megan finished off her first beer and grabbed a second one. "It's a team game, Champ," she pointed out, taking a sip of her fresh beverage. "That's what you're supposed to do............... it's gonna be different at High Stakes."

"Maybe," Champ disagreed, putting his legs up on the pillar and leaning back. "I'm still afraid of letting down those on my side, Big D..................Coach McDowell.................the"

Megan turned towards Champ, a loving gleam in her eye. "You could never let us down, Champ," she informed him, slowly moving closer to his face. "We love you.............." Miss Reno leaned in and planted her lips against Champ's, gently slipping in a little bit of tongue.

The two of them proceeded to make out for the next five minutes, getting overly handsy, and knocking over their food & drink from essentially dry humping. Eventually, Megan pulls away and makes a rather bold suggestion. "Do you wanna take this back to my place?"

Champ popped his head up and scanned the aisles of the stadium, before looking back at Miss Reno and making an even bolder one. "How 'bout home plate?"

"Getting plowed by Champ Sportsman at home plate?!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide open. "And they say dreams DON'T come true.............................."

"Hi, Corey, it's your buddy, the Triathlete, Champ Sportsman! I wanted to let you know that I DID receive your package, and was more than happy to pay the postage for it. Afterall, I'm a millionaire, what better way to spend my money than helping the less fortunate? The thing is, though, it was all for nothing. Do you honestly believe you can just shove a bunch of, literal, shit in my face and expect me to believe it? What are you gonna tell me next, that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself just because the crooked justice department said so? They've got documents, too, Corey.................... that doesn't mean they're legit! Big D's told me about all the doctors and nurses he used to work around as a janitor, apparently they're full of more shit than you are! There's power in fear, and I'll give you that: people DO fear you, it's the whole reason your Title run was so abysmal. A Champion is only as good as their competition, and that's a generous term for most of the people YOU faced. Unknown Soldier's corpse basically HANDED you the Title, and then you went on to beat a bunch of nobodies in an Elimination Chamber Match; Robbie Bourbon BEFORE he was on a hot streak making Top 100 lists; and, of course, Ned flippin' Kaye. You're lucky Ned wasn't smart enough to do what every other Champion in the history of XWF has done and cashed in on you AFTER somebody ELSE has already taken care of half the job................. you know, like Fuzz ended up doing to you shortly after that match!"

"Now, it might not be your fault that nobody of relevance wanted to face you, but it IS your responsibility for how you handled yourself AFTER that loss. You claim that you're not afraid of Sarah, but you never once wanted to face her again after she made you her bitch at March Madness of last year. You conveniently went into a coma before she became Champion and just so happened to wake up in time to take the easy road back to the top? Give me a fuckin' break, we all know you were hiding under the covers, cowering in fear of the scary lesbian! Corey, you can show me all the documents you want, or send me samples of whatever bodily fluid you feel is necessary to prove your point, but it doesn't matter: I will NEVER believe that you aren't afraid of Sarah Lacklan. Big D will never believe it, hell, the entire FED will never believe it."

"I'll give you this, Corey: you won't take shit lying down, a quality of a true Champion. Which is more than I can say about Thaddeus Duke, the personification of laying down and taking it. Ernie here couldn't even wait 'til the Battle Royale to roll over for his master like an obedient puppy, he just HAD to get a jump start on the ass poundin' he's gonna receive come High Stakes. This is exactly why you'll never step out from your daddy's shadow, Duke, because you're too much of a pussy to get the job done yourself! It's why you needed to call Doc in to handle your Chris Page problem, and it's why you've made your gay little alliance with Corey. And what an alliance it is, two cowards watching each others' backs because you're both too scared to watch your own. Big D told me about how you tucked tail and ran when he beat you for the TV Title, what an embarrassment. A true competitor, someone who deserves to be Universal Champion would've learned from their loss instead of pouting over it! How did you EVER expect to live up to your dad's legacy hiding out at some outlaw mudshows?!?Well, don't worry, Thad, I'll help you follow in your father's footsteps when I bury you a week from Sunday, just like Cataclysm did to HIM!!!!"

"Speaking of Cataclysm, that brings me to Robert Main's worse half, Christopher Page. I pissed you off with all those shadow comments, huh? You don't like being teased for the fact you're in therapy, because you KNOW everything the voices are whispering is true. It's eating you alive, Chris, dragging you down like a puddle of quicksand; and it's gonna keep on pulling until you're in over your head.................. but little do you know, you already ARE!!!! That's right, with you, Doc, and Duke all battling it out over a lesser prize BEFORE this match, the three of you are gonna be in no shape to compete with the rest of us fresher athletes.................... especially one in peak physical condition like myself. What's gonna seem like the 1st Quarter for me, is gonna feel like the 4th for YOU!!!!! I hope you haven't been skipping out on your conditioning, because if you have, you're probably not even gonna make it to the Main Event........................ but that wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, though, it'd save you the embarrassment of second place.......................again!!!!! You and Robert can just retain your Titles and keep your place atop a dying division, at least then you'll know what it's like to be good at something, even if THAT'S just an illusion, too."

"Alias, I owe you an apology. I HAVE been treating the way everyone's been treating me, and for that I am sorry. You and I have alot in common, we both came out of nowhere to shake up this whole match and actually have a shot at pulling the whole thing off! We're the dark horses, the ones who the Corey's and Bourbon's need to be afraid of. If you asked anyone 3 weeks ago who was gonna win at High Stakes, neither of our names would've left ANYONE'S lips..................... but NOW?!? Now we're all they can talk about."

"Make no mistake, Alias, just because I see similarities between the two of us does NOT mean I respect you! I heard your asinine comments about me being afraid of losing the spotlight, and it goes to show how little you actually know about me. I don't need the spotlight, I never have! This isn't about grasping on to some sort of proverbial brass ring, it's about the sport of competition. You see, unlike Corey, I'm not afraid of a challenge, not even one that seems nearly impossible to overcome. The only thing I fear is walking away from that ring knowing I could've given a little bit more effort in order to secure a victory."

"Come High Stakes, I'm gonna take out the trash like I'm Barney Green. James Evans, Marf, Micheal Graves.................. all sacks of shit ready to be put out on the curb so the garbage man can dispose of them for once and for all! Barney Green may be the only sanitation engineer in the match Sunday night, but they'll be calling ME Barney Gorman by the time High Stakes is through!"

"Just because Sunday's gonna be my first game, doesn't mean I can't start the season off with a TD! When I first step into that ring, I plan on pointing to the heavens and calling my shot..................... right before knocking it out of the park! I have a history of outstanding rookie years, and what better way to start this one than by winning the Universal CHAMPionship? While most wrestlers wind up with a storybook ending, I'm gonna start off with a storybook BEGINNING!"
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