Jenny Myst
The Queen of X-Treme
XWF FanBase: Very random (heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)
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Joined: Thu Apr 06 2017
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Hates Given: 9
Hates Received: 60 in 55 posts
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11-09-2020, 02:54 AM
"Throughout my years here I have been called every name in the book. I have had words that you wouldn't say to your worst enemy said to me, and I have been the focal point of wrestler's trash talk both against me in a match and as a punchline for someone else's match. I can handle that. I have a thicker skin than many of you may believe. The terrible things people say to me, I shake them off and move onto the next. Nothing really shocks me anymore. However, there is something that baffles and perplexes me, something that makes me take me perfectly manicured hands and slap them on my forhead. The glaring problem here among a lot of the XWF roster, especially among the part timers like Zane Norrison, is that they don't keep up with current events. It's like they live in their own little bubble, their own little world, completely oblivious to the world around them. Ignorance is bliss? Maybe to some, but to be ignorance is very fucking unattractive.
What do I mean by this? Well, for those of you out there who decided to put yourself through a bout of self torture by listening to a Zane Norrison promo, than you may have picked out the same thing I did. This lunatic still thinks I am romantically involved with Chris Chaos. I mean, I know he's dead and all that, but has been living under a rock since the summer time?
"I'm certain the feeling is most likely mutual, I doubt she'll have anything kind to say about me but at the same time, I don't particularly give a shit. I might actually be more insulted if she fancied me. I'd start wondering what was wrong with me cause she's romantically involved with Chris Chaos and that man is just awful. He's a fucking train wreck. I honestly don't know how he gets up everyday and carries himself through life. With that being said, I'm glad he's around because he is the perfect match for Jenny Myst and their involvement with each other, eliminates them from contaminating society, in any further capacity. "
"I mean.......Zane, buddy, come on. For all the brains you claim to eat, you'd think you'd have one of your own. That was like the biggest story at the end of summer! Chaotic Inc formed from it, I joined B.O.B because of it, I became Shooting Star Champion BECAUSE I broke off ties with Chris Chaos. Well, he dumped me, on national television, to get with that orangutan Mandii Rider, but that is neither here not there. It's been MONTHS Zane. You've had matches since then, so you can't say you weren't around to witness it. I just think you're an idiot, because I refuse to believe you're that damn oblivious. Not only is your in ring talent sub par, but apparently so are your comprehension skills.
He goes on to say:
"For instance, if they were to date other people. Rather than be in a relationship with each other. That would be a crime against humanity. I only pray they never procreate and successfully have children cause holy shit, whatever wretched creature that they would wind up spawning is not meant for this world. I say that and I'm an undead abomination. A zombie with an insatiable craving for brains, one scratch from me and I could start the apocalypse. No joke. I could start the end of days and yet, I'm not even close to being as terrifying as the ungodly, offspring of Chris and Jenny. Nevertheless, I think we're safe, since Jenny is a succubus and most likely would devour her young, seconds after birth. It's disturbing to fathom the thought but it could be worse, they could raise the child to adulthood and then the world would have to deal with it. Now that would be a real bane of existence. Oh the horror... the horror."
![[Image: p3Rv9Pn.png]](
"I mean.......come on. Just come on. You look like how I would imagine the Musinex booger would look like as a child, and you're brain is about the same texture. Your attempt at humor is laughable (see what I did there), and your sad attempt at a burn would have had a shred more validity to it if it made fucking sense. Next time, do your homework, because you're just making yourself look like more of an ass than your face already does. You vapid troll. You're what happens when your insurance company denies you coverage mid-transition. It's okay, though, Zane, I get it. You're upset, you're angry. You're letting your inner frustrations out! I mean, it’s hard to come out of the closet when there are no fucking doors on it. All of this stress of being on the outside looking in at relevancy has got to be getting to you! There really isn't much else you said that had any substance. You're just so bland and boring. Vanilla fucking ice cream cone. A stupid, ignorant, oblivious to reality vanilla fucking ice cream cone. Not everyone can be a walking Harvard Law Degree like your tag team partner this week. Not everyone can as polarizing as Peter Gilmour.
Peter......why are you the way you are?
Even if you were forced to get into that ring with us? You double decker moron sandwich, its a TAG TEAM ELIMINATION MATCH. So if its JUST Zane, there is no elimination, is there? Plus, we all know how that hermaphrodite Derrick Diamond would feel if someone no showed a match on his first Warfare. But then......just when I thought the Peter Gilmour soundbites we all know and love were over, he drops this gem:
"But Ash, Jenny know this. Even if I were forced to get into that ring with you, I am not going to lay a finger on you."
"Wait for it...................."
"As for you Ash, well, I know it's been a hard road here in the XWF but if you think you're going to get a win over me, you're mistaken. As hot as you are milady, I'm not going to let a woman steal my spotlight. Sarah Lacklan saw that when me and her fought over the Uni Title and if I have to, even though I'll hate hurting your sexy ass, I will do whatever it takes to get the win"
"But wait.....there's more........."
"So ladies, I'll end with this. Enjoy beating the shit out of that loser Zane Norrison. If you want, I could help you guys out with beating his punk ass."
"Peter, do you even listen to yourself when you talk or do you just drift in and out. Do you say things just to say them? Do you think you sound cool? Peter.....I have always thought you were the XWF's perpetual fuck up, even more so than Chris Chaos, but its clear to me now more than ever. I thought there was a rock bottom for you, Peter, but I see now, you didn't hit the bottom, the bottom hit you. Like for years I thought maybe people were being a little to hard on you.....but no, you've brought every once of it onto yourself. In fact, they all may have been too easy on you, Pete. And sexy? You think we want to fuck you? Want you "deep down in our vaginas." Peter, my vagina is as dry as Theo Pryce's sense of humor at the mere thought of it. There is nothing remotely sexy about you. You don't look like the God of Extreme Men, you look like you yell at your mom when she folds your Pantera shirts wrong. You have the facial features of a downy and the sex appeal of a used condom. I’ve heard of a happy trail. Never seen a well groomed sadness trail before. Do you pluck with the same tweezers you masturbate with? Why do we continue to allow Peter Gilmour to get away with wasting our oxygen? Someone is to blame here! Someone gave the Gerber baby steroids and a copy of Mein Kampf. All shock value, no real value.
Jokes aside, Peter, how many chances is this now? How many times have we given you the benefit of the doubt only for you to come along and fuck it all to hell? How many times are we going to book Peter Gilmour only for him to either half ass it, not show up at all, or promo about something totally fucking irrelevant and pointless? Honestly, I think they book you now Peter, not for the shock value, but for comic relief. That's about the only thing you still bring to the table.
Your partner that you hate so much is going to be the only reason this isn't a thirty second match. Mr. Immortal over there seems to have healed from having his entire foot cut off pretty well.....hell if he can survive that let alone fight another match on the following show, he must be tough! Right?! Right?!
Zane Norrison is a fucking joke and we all know it. We all laugh about it. We all sip coffee and share nachos and talk about how much of a joke Zane Norrison is. You're mad I called you a vampire? Bro, get over it. I don't even know what you are, and neither do you. Seems like you have new powers every time you decide to show up. Vampire, zombie, incel, it doesn't matter. For someone who can't get hurt, you certainly get hurt a lot. You've left your opponents scarred? Yeah, scarred mentally and emotionally from trying to wrap their head about being put into a match against a water boy and told to try. Ash Quinn and I are going to show you how us mortal women do business, and according to your partner, you'll be in the classroom alone!
That leads me to my partner, Ash Quinn. Lets get one thing straight here, doll face......we are partners this week, but we are not friends. I know damn well that you want what I have around my perfect waist, and I don't trust you for a second. You made your intentions crystal clear when you attacked me after Queen's Court. You stuck your nose all the way up in my business, and if you do that again babygirl, just know I will break it next time. I am the reason you even fucking matter. You aren't Atara, you aren't Madison Dyson, hell you aren't even...ugh.....Mandii Rider. They made names for themselves on their own. You matter because you've involved yourself with me. I have brought you to a level you aren't used to being on, MY level, then dropkicked you back to reality...what, twice now? The best ass in the XWF is the only claim to fame you have, and even that is sub par. By the way, I love the “I’m a quirky stroke victim” face you chose for your XWF roster page headshot. For real, girlie, you look like someone tried to draw Angelina Jolie from memory. If you spent half as much time on your eyebrows as you do seeking attention that you haven't earned, you'd probably be able to crack a more convincing smile when you look in the mirror. All that aside, I want to help you. Despite knowing full well that you're the women's division version of a crash test dummy. I want to help to elevate the women's division. I want to give it purpose again. I am, after all, a generous Queen. Plus, I want to go into High Stakes knowing that I have an actual match and not a night off. So I'll help you, just this once, but know this sweet pea........I'll be watching your every move. For the next 72 hours you're the safest person on this roster, but after that bell rings and our hands are raised in inevitable victory..........all bets are off. By the way, you can take your socks out of your bra and put them back in the drawer now."
![[Image: 66Sdhuv.gif]](
THAT ^^ Is what you call "The Best Ass In The XWF"
"What the HELL were you thinking young lady?! You could have been killed!"
I sat there, leg bouncing as it crossed over the other, my face covered in a canvas of sass.
"I wish I was!."
He was furious. Furious not because I could have died, but because he prized possession was almost a prized memory. I was no use to him in the ground.
"How can I be comfortable giving you your teenage freedom if you escape like a damn undomesticated animal every time I turn my back for two seconds?"
He had a point, but I'd never tell him that. I just rolled my eyes and bit the inside of my cheek.
"So.....I think we're going to have to monitor you more intensively......."
"Oh what, lock me in my room? Oooooh, so scary."
He reached into his pocket, pulling out a small key.
"I don't believe I have a choice. I am sure you will understand."
He walked over towards me, motioning for me to stand up. Still biting my cheek I looked at him, my pony tail bouncing along with my leg.
"UP!" His voice had a little more base in it this time, a little more gravel. I felt my eyes roll as I stood up.
I gave him an "ugh" audibly, and turned to walk up the steps. I could feel him behind me, ogling me. He began to walk up the stairs with me, walking behind me step for step....breathing heavy.
As I got to my door, I felt his palm brush against my ass. I turned my head back, but he pointed to the room. I sighed again and turned, heading into the room. He locked it from the outside with the small key before entering in behind me.
"I didn't want it to be this way......."
I sat on my bed.
"But you're just so stubborn."
I huffed again as the sound of metal tinged. He undid his belt. I heard the zipper.
"I hate that you make me do this."
I laid down on the bed. As he crawled on top of me, I watched the birds outside the window, in the tree.
One day, I would fly.
I just kept running. Running with the hopes that maybe I would take off and fly. The car engine roared behind me, I heard the tires crunch the Las Vegas pavement. I had to duck and dodge, I knew a straight line race was impossible.
I ducked behind a fence, cut through a yard, and leaped over a small kiddie pool. I kept running, with no real destination. Like the birds, they can take off any fly anywhere. Where do they really have to go?
Branches from bushes and corners of wooden fences scraped my skin. I felt my lungs tightening. The 100 degree heat didn't help. This wasn't running weather.
I cut through the final row of back yards, a branch scraping my cheek lightly, and found myself skidding to a stop when I came to the freeway. Trapped. He was behind me, I knew he was. Even though, him being in a car, that would be impossible.
I looked up at the sky, and saw the birds circling. This time, turkey vulchers.
Birds of prey.
I smiled to myself. I was ready.
"Birds of a feather" I said to myself as I stepped out onto the busy freeway.
2x XWF Bombshell Champion
3x XWF X-Treme Champion
3x XWF Television Champion
X- Title Briefcase Holder
War Games Captain
Sex, Metal, Barbie, CHAOS