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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 RP Board 2020
All or Nothing
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Chris Chaos Offline
Corporate Chaos

XWF FanBase:
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

09-24-2020, 09:07 PM

[Image: 7CIEs7Y.gif]

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"I have come to a crossroads in my career. The holy grail of the wrestling world that I have been chasing is finally within my sights, but in typical Theo Pryce fashion he has to make things difficult. That's always been his MO. Not sure if it is because he is jealous of me, or because he is just a miserable person. I think its a combination. I think what really stuck in his craw was that he could never be me. He could never have as much fame, could never be talked about as much, could never have as much impact on a show. Even when he came back with his Kings brothers, this company still revolved around me. I was the headline every night, I was the show stopper. I sold the tickets. I sold merch. The only thing Theo Pryce sold was bullshit. Sold promises he couldn't deliver, sold the ideology of the old days in XWF and a takeover that his geriatric buddies didn't have the competence to complete. Chris Chaos was captivating, unique cutting edge. But more than that, he was resilient. When I beat Doctor D'Ville, they lost their minds. Theo thought that was a shoe in for his old chum to hit the chamber, and he would have won it, too. I stopped him dead in his tracks and the war has been on from there.

The deck has been stacked since the moment my hand was raised in that chamber. I was the new kid, coming in, making waves. This was New Blood vs Millionaire's Club all over again. What really gets me is, they never once had any faith in me. They thought I would come in, be a quick flash in the pan, and fizzle out like the rest. Spend my days wallowing in the mid card and get swallowed up and eventually driven out, just like everyone else here. The fact I was going to the chamber and Doc wasn't, that was strike one against me, wasn't it? You fed me to the wolves, and I slit the wolves throat and made a coat from his fur. I went on to win that Universal Title, and the hunt was on from there. The hunter became the hunted, and I became priority number one on the administrations shit list.

Time and time again you put me in matches designed for me to lose, and time and time again I pulled it off. When it became apparent that I was going to beat anyone you threw at me, you had to take matters into your own hands. You screwed me, and used Vinnie Lane to do it. Vinnie hitting me with that chair inside the cage and costing me the title, it wasn't an accident and you all can stop playing stupid and pretending it was. You'd rather have Gabe Reno your champion so you can dick him around than have me as champion thwarting your games. Dolly Waters, Michael Graves, Reno the first time, you threw them all at me. The only thing I was guilty of was being a survivor.

So the belt is gone, you thought you won, and rematch after rematch the establishment went out of their way to screw me. Time and time again, impossible matches, inferences, collusion. Does Archie ring a bell? I had Robbie Bourbon dead to rights, but you ripped it all away. You couldn't stand having me rule the XWF again. It shook you to your very core. You were desperate, your back against the wall. You needed me to be gone because despite your best effort, I just would not go away. The one thing you hated me for, accused me of, of ducking behind others to snake my way to the had to do the same thing. The belt was on Robert Main and you hid behind him. You stacked the allowed him to make the rules. So hypocritical, wasn't it? Wasn't it you who forced me to put up my number one contender slot when I was doing the EXACT same thing Robert Main was doing.....funny how that works, isn't it?

So you succeeded, you forced me out of the business. But did you think that was going to get rid of me for good? You poor, miserable, sniveling sack of shit. All you did was give me some time off to get myself right. You awoke the beast.

But you know what? I was willing to forgive and forget. I know business is business sometimes. I was ready to let bygones be bygones, but then you got involved in my personal life. A particular XWF official named John Bihl, the name ring a bell? Funny, he is the ref for this match.

For those who don't know.....I made a mistake and I let my personal life become entangled in my professional career. Mr. Bihl contacted a loved one of mine, said horrific things, and that person is now effectively out of my life. That was a line that didn't need to be crossed. You wanted me gone that bad, you could have just fired me. And did you take responsibility? Did you get to the bottom of it? washed your hands of it.


Get over it? Get over the only person in my life I truly loved leaving me because of someone here, employed by YOU, and most likely sent by YOU.....

But you have no knowledge of it.

Theo, what you have done to me is shattered the man who we all used to know. I am cold, calloused, and uncaring. You took the one good thing about me and broke it down. You created a monster. You awoke something within me, and now.....I am going to make you pay for it. Pay dearly. You see, I am at a crossroads, like I said before. Sure, that title means everything to me, but I no longer know what love is. You've stripped that from me. I am willing to put my career on the line for this because Theo I have nothing left.

I built Chaotic Inc as a safety net. They are all young, talented superstars who have bright futures and they will be here long after I am gone. Now, I want to hurt you the same way you hurt me. I want to make sure that I got my hands on you, at least once. I wanted to take out the last 16 months of frustration out on you, and it would all be legal. I just had to goad you into it. I had to pull you out from behind that desk and have you lace up those boots one more time. It wasn't easy but I finally have you where I want you.

I have my back against the wall here, I have nothing left. I have no other option. It's win or go home. It's beat you and go on to cripple your little protected champion, shatter the face of this company into a million pieces, or you will never see me again.

I am willing to take that chance.

I have nothing else to lose. I either win or you will never see me again.

I've made peace with myself, and I am ready to meet my maker.

"I felt a Funeral, in my Brain,

And Mourners to and fro

Kept treading – treading – till it seemed

That Sense was breaking through –

And when they all were seated,

A Service, like a Drum –

Kept beating – beating – till I thought

My mind was going numb –

And then I heard them lift a Box

And creak across my Soul

With those same Boots of Lead, again,

Then Space – began to toll,

As all the Heavens were a Bell,

And Being, but an Ear,

And I, and Silence, some strange Race,

Wrecked, solitary, here –

And then a Plank in Reason, broke,

And I dropped down, and down –

And hit a World, at every plunge,

And Finished knowing – then –"

[Image: ChX8iFq.gif]


"They hanged John Farrel in the dawn amid the marketplace;At dusk came Adam Brand to him and spat upon his face."Ho neighbors all," spake Adam Brand, "see ye John Farrel's fate!"Tis proven here a hempen noose is stronger than man's hate!

For heard ye not John Farrel's vow to be avenged upon meCome life or death? See how he hangs high on the gallows tree!"Yet never a word the people spoke, in fear and wild surprise-For the grisly corpse raised up its head and stared with sightless eyes,

And with strange motions, slow and stiff, pointed at Adam BrandAnd clambered down the gibbet tree, the noose within its hand.With gaping mouth stood Adam Brand like a statue carved of stone,Till the dead man laid a clammy hand hard on his shoulder bone.

Then Adam shrieked like a soul in hell; the red blood left his faceAnd he reeled away in a drunken run through the screaming market place;And close behind, the dead man came with a face like a mummy's mask,And the dead joints cracked and the stiff legs creaked with their unwonted task.

Men fled before the flying twain or shrank with bated breath,And they saw on the face of Adam Brand the seal set there by death.He reeled on buckling legs that failed, yet on and on he fled;So through the shuddering market-place, the dying fled the dead.

At the riverside fell Adam Brand with a scream that rent the skies;Across him fell John Farrel's corpse, nor ever the twain did rise.There was no wound on Adam Brand but his brow was cold and damp,For the fear of death had blown out his life as a witch blows out a lamp.

His lips were writhed in a horrid grin like a fiend's on Satan's coals,And the men that looked on his face that day, his stare still haunts their souls.Such was the fate of Adam Brand, a strange, unearthly fate;For stronger than death or hempen noose are the fires of a dead man's hate."

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