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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 RP Board 2020
The day it got real. Real real. +++HMW 500 word char dev RP+++
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

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Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

09-24-2020, 09:41 PM Thumbs Up  The day it got real. Real real. +++HMW 500 word char dev RP+++ -->

A cheap graphic of a newspaper with a naked me (Greggo) on it. Mmmmm, developments developments. Read all about em.

Scene fades in real slow like. Boi's n gurls listen up the games are over because right now I'm narrating the biggest day of my week.

Look, there I am in bed, sound asleep. The nurse walks in and wakes me up for the 25th time this night alone, boi do I friggin HATE that!

She's all like "hey hun errthing ok? I just gotta change this or that, blah blah fuckitty blah!" ...and me? Well I'm all about the "bitch get outta here I'm trying to sleep you dirty cunt!"

So why am I here in the hospital in a bed, you wonder? Well let's not waste any time with building anticipation I got friggin' Covid 19 and that means Charlie has it and so does Sarah.

SOWWIEZ!!!!! :'(

Also got c.diff again. I think it's mating with the Corona.

Oh but it gets better because guess what the XDub Staff did when they heard the news? It went a lil'something like this........

~~~blurry lines and wavy waves! Back in time a few days!~~~

We see a cartoon of Greggo covered in shit. He's talking to a cartoon Vinnie Lane. Cartoon Theo's there too!

Greggo: "Hey Vinnie n' Theo guess what! I got the bug! I can't taste shit! I'm shitting up a storm! Guys I need some time off; I'm sure glad I'm not booked for Relentless!"

And you can guess what happened next. Lane is all like, "Woah'oah duuuuude! That's gnarly! I just booked you for the show! It's gonna be totally rad!"

Then Theo's greasy arse chimes in with the autotune glow on blast, "And lets be clear Greggo was ADDED to the match, Charlie was not removed! Haha! Fuck a Charlie!"

And I'm just wondering do I even hate Charlie THAT much? Do I really wanna DOUBLE infect him PLUS give him c.diff?

A few clips of me recently saying super mean things about Charlie pass by.............

Yeah I do.

I sit in my hospital bed and ponder my hatred level for the man. At this point, my erection can be seen under the sheets. The nurse has already left the room, luckily... much like Charlie already left the XWF title scene. Yup, happened when I beat him for the HMW title even tho I'm just Sarah's friggin marketing mentor, yet this was SUPPOSED to be his journey to supposedly taking a title FROM her?

I pull the HMW title out from under the sheets and mumble, "Charlie boi yer losing titles to her friggin' MANAGER n' u think yer gonna take HERS? BLAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAHHHH ACK ACCKCKSJHK!"

I start to choke. I vomit all kinds'a nasty shit!

And then............................... it happens....................................

A doc walks in and he's all like, "welp yer sick as a dog but you have no insurance and you keep smearing shit all over the halls so yer outta here bitch!"

And just like that I'm BACK ON THE STREETS!

And I DEVELOPED something alright!

New hybrid strain! They call it Corondiff.C.1920! And I'm patient friggin' ZERO!

Crap! (literally. Everywhere.)


[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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