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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 2 RP Board 2020
Going for a Grammy
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Ash Quinn

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09-14-2020, 12:46 PM

Sometime in the early 2000's

[Image: Opera-Anl%C4%B1k-G%C3%B6r%C3%BCnt%C3%BC_...92x376.png]

" That's the one babe....It's a keeper don't ya think darlin'??" A guy with long red hair bandanna over his head, says into the production room mic.

"I don't know Ax, I sounded kinda flat in the middle. Oh and just because we had a tussle in the sheets doesn't mean you can get cutsie with me, Darlin'" Ash winks and smiles her bright toothy smile. "Let's do it again"

Axl Van Rose shakes his head chuckling. He hoped his diva days were past him, but fronting Steel Badger can make anyone a perfectionist. He cues up the recording and Ash wails again beefing up parts here and there.

"What about now?" He says over the playback, "Does that please her Majesty??"

"Yes, it does asshole!" Ash chuckles shaking her own head mind drifting back to just a few months prior...

... We now focus on a talent search TV show, where Axl Van Rose and two other prominent singers were judges. Much like other shows such as The Voice, this one will offer up a record deal, the first for the rocker's new label. The young Scot stepped to the mic destroying one of Steel Badger's latest ballads. the judges all smile Axl at the singer we now can see is Ash.

"That was stellar and may I say, ballsy, to sing one of my songs for us," Axl says chuckling. "By the way you aren't Ash Quinn, the Scot that gave Hasselhoff a run for his money over in Europe, are ya??"

Blushing Ash looks up at Axl over the mic. "Ya dearie in the flesh. I hung up the mic awhile back when Madonna's label went to shit. I figured why not get the man, the myth, the legend, AVO to help me make my big comeback"

After a few minutes of back and forth, the judges tell her she is moving on to the next round. After that, the next few months are a whirlwind. Weeks of rehearsals, performances, and sweating the vote each week come down to the Finals where she is given the contract by a wide margin. That brings us full circle...

Ash hangs up her headphones and walks out of the booth, happy with day's work.

"any of you cunts wanna join me for a few at the pub??" Ash is hyped up after the great session.

"Nah girlie, I'm headed to the label, sorry" Axl shakes his head.

"Well sod off then, who needs yas"

Ash walks the few blocks to the pub, ignoring the looks she gets on the way. Sitting down at the bar, she orders a scotch and is downing the drink when another patron bumps her nearly knocking her off her stool. Shrugging it off she rolls her eyes scoffing under her breath. The drunk man wheels around.

"Wha was that a Lil sweet thing like you talkin' shit,"

Ash gets up sweeping his leg out from underneath him, where he unceremoniously cracks his jaw on the bar. She picks him up by the collar of his polo dragging him down the bar and throwing a towel on his head.

"Don't ever call a woman sweet thing, Twat!" She scoffs as she plants a foot in his ass chuckling. His friends run over laughing loud at his expense scraping him up off the floor.

She leaves the bar after paying her tab humming and whistling her latest tune walking back to her unassuming 98 Corolla.

[Image: 4ee1b62911051009ba74cdf5a08425f5.jpg]

I know I didn't fair so well in my debut. After some hard thinkin and harder drinking, I decided I need to freshen things up a bit. The boys in the glass tower musta noticed cuz I'm in a triple threat for the Shooting Star Title!! That being said it's in yet another freakin triple threat with two burds, one of which I already have a bit o history with and one who is rather impressive in her own right.

First thing first, Jenny dearie. You and I started off rough but I have to tell yas, game respects game and your Title match was bonkers, and in all honesty, I'm glad you came out on top. Since my loss to ya,' I've been watchin ya close and learnin more and more about ya.

My mistake last time was assuming you were some kinda honkin hoore, who was all flash n no dash if ya get me. It wasn't till after I realized you gotta a lot going on under the clown face and big fake knockers. Here's to hoping I kin knock ya aff your high hoarse and back to the ground cuz I smell me a paper champion this go around. But now I gots the focus on ya, Eye of the Tiger n all that.

On to the Huntress...

All I know of ya is what I've seen of late. Regardless of the weird entrance where it looks like your smellin jobby off the ground and comin at us, I see a tough competitor there I really do. As long as you keep those B.O.B knobs back in the back where they belong we ladies can have a right good row. Maybe after I beat the snot outta both o yas, you and I can have a right proper match, without Pennywise, eh?

I'm sure ya lasses will come at me with a much shite as I have thrown ya way. That being said Relentless definitely can't come soon nuff
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