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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 RP Board 2020
Chapter 5: Adam meet The Beast.
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Chris Page Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

09-13-2020, 01:31 PM

Chapter 5: Adam meets The Beast


The screams of Adam Barker can be heard within the darkness as our scene fades in.


[Image: AdmiredImpressiveJohndory-max-1mb.gif]

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” Nobody’s going to hear you, do yourself a favor and shut the fuck up.”

Fire suddenly surrounds Adam who is revealed to be strapped to a stainless steel table with the Beast.

[Image: 3b24e-15710973748561-500.jpg]

” Chris, oh my God please, please you have to help me!”

” Who is Chris? Chris isn’t here.”

The Beast starts to walk around towards the head of the table as Adam is stuck looking straight up in at a dimly lit light bulb that sways back and forth from the ceiling.

” What are you talking about?! YOU ARE CHRIS PAGE!”

The Beast slams both his fist down on the table beside both ears of Adam’s head before leaning om towards the right ear of Adam Barker’s head as he softly, methodically states.

” That guy locked away and now I’m here to play.”

Fear overcomes Adam as he starts to tremble on the table cause the Beast to laugh at Adam as he states.

“What’s the matter? Did you scare? You should be; however, before playtime can begin you and I need to talk.”

” Chris, I know you’re in there somewhere… you gotta let me go.”

The begging from Adam continues.

” Let me help you…”

” Help me? You’re on my table and from the looks of it, you’re the one that needs all the help. You can beg and plead all you wish but there’s nobody that’s going to help you.”

” What do I call you? If I’m going to try to talk to you I at least can know your name.”

The Beast quickly lashes back at Adam.

” Enjoy the fact you can speak while you can, I think I’ll cut your tongue out first.”

The Beast walks away from the table and into the darkness that consumes the massive room. The sounds of wheels rolling across a concrete floor can be heard as The Beast emerges pushing a small surgical table over towards the table.

” They call me The Beast, and I reside in all of you.”

” Where is Chris? Why are you here?”

” Oh I think you know why I’m here. Your friend Chris refused to look through your bullshit to see you for who you really are. Chris has come way too far without your distractions and we will be damned if you are going to show up and ride on coattails.”

” Where is Chris?”

Adam continues to ask for Chris which only seems to draw the ire of The Beast.


” Chris does exist! He’s my friend and I deserve the chance to explain myself!”

The Beast leans over Adam looking down at Barker before showing Adam a scalpel

” You had that chance, remember?”

The Beast runs the blade of the scalpel down the right side of Adam’s cheek shedding the blood of Barker as it runs down the side of Adam’s face. The Beast places his left index finger under the small cut allowing Adam’s blood to run over the finger.

” Now you’ve got me to contend with and unlike your little pal, I’m not a pussy.”

Adam Barker manages to look directly into the eyes of The Beast.

” Chris! I know you’re in there!”

A smirk graces the face of The Beast as he brings the scalpel towards the forehead of Adam and as he gets the blade inches within the skin the right hand of The Beast starts to slowly shake causing The Beast to draw his hand back and shake it. Adam sees his chance to coax back out his best friend.

” Fight it, Chris! FIGHT IT!”

The Beast brings the scalpel back towards the face of Adam Barker and once again as it gets close to the skin of Adam we see the right hand start to shake. Suddenly the lights begin to start to dim.


The dimming lights go dark for several second only to come back up to reveal…

[Image: chris-jericho-life-at-complex-clip.jpeg]

” CHRIS! Holy shit I can’t believe that worked! Get me out of here!”

” Wait, where the fuck are we? Why are you strapped to a table? What happened in the limo”

” I’ll explain as soon as we’re out of here!”

Chris, confused and a little disoriented steps away from the table while dropping the scalpel as Adam continues to beg for help.

” You have to help me, Chris!”

Chris regains his composure before walking toward the table where he removes the strap from the forehead and followed by the shoulders as he feverishly states.

” Did I do this to you?”

” Not you…”

Chris reaches the sternum and then the upper thighs removing the straps before finally the ankles. Adam tosses his legs over the side of the table before leaping off to the safety of the concrete floor.

” Come on! We have to get out of here!”

Fear is instilled in the voice of Adam as he and Chris walk across the empty warehouse. Adam is looking around, paranoid of the surroundings.

” What the hell is going on?!?!”

” We have to get out of here, now!”

Chris stops in his tracks as he snatches Adam by the right shoulder spinning him around.

” I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what the fuck is going on!”

” I hate to break the news, you have split personalities… and The Beast isn’t anything nice to deal with.

” What?”

” Sounds crazy but you and Robert both have split personalities and those split personalities apparently are known as The Beast and The Omega; those personalities brought me here to kill me!”

” You been hittin’ my bong?”

Adam frantically tries to get Chris to listen.

” As crazy as it sounds it’s true; Robert has been trying to get you to turn on me. He saw it wasn’t working so The Omega and The Beast emerged.”

” Do you hear yourself?”

Chris asks.

” Do you hear what you’re saying?”

The sound of metal hitting the ground behind Chris and Adam take their attention…

[Image: tumblr_po9wydT1s71qj6sk2o4_500.gifv]

” Who’s there?!?!”

Adam stands behind Page as he says.

” I have a feeling this is about to go to a completely different level.”


[Image: fe503138e812ffe2d35e3ca92d85dca898c5f013.gifv]

” Hi Chris, nice to meet you…”

” Who the fuck are you…”

” The Omega… I don’t want to hurt you.”

The Omega points behind Chris at Adam.

” He’s the reason we’re here, and if you let him go you’ll never know the truth about why he’s really back.”

” Don’t listen to him Chris, we can make a break for it right now.”

The Omega snickers to himself upon hearing Adam Barker.

” That’s what he wants Chris, he wants to continue hiding his indiscretions… it’s because of your weakness that you refuse to see it, I had to call upon the Beast… but it seems that even the Beast wasn’t ready to play.”

The Omega steps out of the shadows and stands across the room ready to square off for the soul of Adam Barker.

“You’ve got two options; step aside and let me bring the truth out of him… or stand in the way forcing me to destroy you too.”

Chris looks across the warehouse at The Omega as he simply states as he raises up both fists.

” Game on mother fucker.”


Words from the Stoned One:

” You wasn’t smart enough to leave it alone, was you Thad?”

The scene opens to reveal the XWF Television and one half of the XWF Tag Team Champions sitting in the isolation of his hotel suite in Santa Monica. Both of Chris’s tiles are sitting up facing the camera on a dresser behind him. The camera shot is an upper-body shot as we see Chris wearing a t-shirt that has bold print which reads “Thad’s my bitch”.

” You could grasp the realization that I outsmarted you and took away the Television Championship; so like a hooker chasing after a John you’ve challenged me, you’ve stalked me just to get that one crack at proving to yourself that you got what it takes to stand in the ring and deal with someone of my stature.”
There’s a soft sigh from Chris.

” You’re childish and you’re incredibly immature… a tad bit delusional as well; however, our paths have crossed and I’m going to give you one last crack at trying your hand against the true ring general that is Chris FUCKING Page.” Chris intently looks into the camera as he then states. ” Be careful with what you wish for, now you’re going to get it.”
Chris leans back in his chair as he runs his left hand through his hair across the top of his scalp before he states.

” So regardless of how we got here; and while this is a complete waste of my time I’m going to show up on Santa Monica Pier and FINISH what you started; not being content with being told no is one thing… hitting me with a Superkick like a Lil bitch sneaking in from behind; doesn’t sound like the actions of a man of the people, does it? Being bad feels pretty good, doesn’t it?” ” Chris intently gazes into the camera before he states.

” You’re welcome.” There’s a very brief pause from Chris before he states.

” See what happens when you cave into a side of your personality you never tapped into…. Never knew existed, it opens you up to notions you never thought about. So you’re welcome for causing you to tap into a darker side of your human self for it’s actually made you more desirable to watch in the ring. Let’s face it, the goodie shtick just wasn’t cutting it anymore, was it? What the rest of the world fails to realize rests with the fact that YOU need me.” There’s a sly smirk from Chris before he continues.

” Your actions leading us to this point dictate that statement to be true. You need me to feel that void you’ve found within yourself because in six short weeks I’ve made you more relevant than you’ve ever been, and while I’ll be the first to admit my initial intentions were to use your body to send a very loud and clear message to that uncle of yours… but now my intentions include embarrassing you on the single biggest weekend of the year for this company. The eyes of the wrestling world will be focused on Relentless, and on night one we’re going to give the world a WRESTLING match of a lifetime.” Chris leans forward as his elbows rest on his knees.

” What I’m going to look forward to more than punching you in the face rests with unlike our previous encounter I’m not going to be rushed, we’re not going to be confined to fifteen minutes. I’m going to work a slow, methodical pace in which every move, every submission I conjure up in my mind in order to put you in as much pain as humanly possible…”
Chris softly continues with a methodical tone to his voice.

” You’re going to rue the fucking day you ever thought you were capable of being on my level because the sad truth is you’re not, you never were. So now here we stand poised to Main Event Night One of Relentless… you’re welcome by the way, without me you wouldn’t be sniffing the Main Event spotlight when you’ve literally won one fucking match since Leap of Faith; kudos.” Chris leans back relaxing in his chair before he continues.

” And while you got past Chris Chaos, who hasn’t? Now the brightest light of them all is shining down upon you as you step on Santa Monica Pier with aspirations of victory dancing through your head and consuming your each and every move because make no mistake about it you NEED to pull a win for another loss in a high profile situation such as this will kill what credibility you’re trying so desperately to attain off of my legacy and my accomplishments. I have been in this business for nearly thirty years and I’ve stayed on top of this profession because of my ability to adapt with the times, but there is something that sparks my interest more so than any other match or Main Event I’m involved in over the course of the weekend…” A momentary pause from Chris before he states.

” I pride myself on being one of the greatest Professional Wrestlers of all time and I’ve made a point to stress this companies knack for attaching too many gimmicks to too many matches that the entire art of the gimmick itself becomes moot. Case in point, how can I get excited to see Sarah Lacklan decapitate Charlie Nichols in a Ladder Match when I’ve seen a fucking Ladder match on just about every goddamn show?! No gimmicks needed come Relentless Night One ladies and gentleman; you want to see Professional Wrestling at its finest; purchase Night One and you’ll be treated to just that… and while I don’t want to be there I’m showing up to prove a point not only to Thaddeus but to the rest of the goddamn locker room wrong when they say I need Robert Main, the only thing I need is the space and opportunity and I’ll continue adding to the legendary legacy that I have carved for myself throughout my career.” Chris shifts to a more serious tone as he states.

“ Thad you’re going to regret the day you knocked on my door and tried to pick a fight with someone who is flat out better than you on all fronts. I’m going to not only use this as a way to steal the entire fucking show on the first goddamn night but also to send a friendly reminder to the rest of you fucking clowns exactly why I am the straw that stirs the drink, why I have not taken a back seat to anyone since I saved this federation from the boring and desperate state I found it in a little over a year ago. Over the course of the weekend I’m going make up for a lost time; last year I refused to take part in the shit show that unfolded, this year I make Relentless weekend the weekend of Chris Page! I’m competing in three separate matches and all of them are going to be different. Not only are they going to all be different but they’re all going to end the same fucking way… with my arm raised in victory. I mean what better way to say fuck you to all of you than by showing up and showing out while cramming my likeness down your fucking throats, bitches.”

Chris winks as the scene slowly fades to black.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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