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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Chapter One: Holy Page
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Chris Page Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

07-02-2020, 04:41 PM

Welcome to the Revival:
Chapter One:

[Image: Burlington-Big-Tent-Revival.JPG]

A massive white tent is shown.

We fade inside the tent where hundreds of people off all ages and races are being played in by none other than the Gaither’s! Upon finishing their track there’s a loud applause from the backwoods rednecks that have gathered for this joyous occasion. We see Robert Main walk out to the podium wearing a large white robe. He raises both arms up drawing silence from the crowd that’s gathered as they take their seats. Robert then begins to address the crowd.

”God is good.” A very loud “AMEN” from the rednecks is heard as Robert continues. ”Tonight is going to be a momentous occasion because God is going to make his presence felt in front of each and every one of you tonight.” A loud ovation is heard from the pulpit. ”I said GOD is going his presence felt tonight!” The ovation from the pulpit gets incredibly louder. ”They say that everything is open to interpretation, and when I tell you the man that I’m about to bring to the stage has the power of God Almighty running through his veins; he’s a man that truly displays no fear and is a man that will change your lives. Ladies and gentleman, Pastor Chris Page!”

The tent lights dim before darkness overcomes everyone.

Red strobe lights start to flicker throughout the tent as a thick white smog has overcome the stage. Walking out through the smog dressed in an all black suit is none other Chris Page.

[Image: Chris-Jericho-AEW-Revolution-645x370.jpg]

Chris and Robert shake hands at the podium before Robert steps to the side. The music fades away leaving dimly lit red lights illuminating the tent. The pulpit of rednecks, most of which are probably pretty confused as Pastor Page stands in front of the podium where he starts to deliver his sermon.

”If you came here tonight expecting to hear fairytales from a book that tells you snakes can talk you’re sadly mistaken. You see there’s plenty of you here tonight that follow a trail of breadcrumbs because you’ve been conditioned to believe that God, or his son that was conceived without penetration being involved like that shit happens daily” Some smattering of boo’s from the pulpit can be heard. ”You’re more than welcome to leave, some of you might… but for those that stay your eyes will be opened and you’ll be filled with the Holy Page.” Chris extends both arms out as he bows his head and closes his eyes. You can the sounds of some people getting up and leaving causing Chris to raise his head and open his eyes before lowering his hands and as he does a projection of Thunder Knuckles hits the back white walls of the tent.

[Image: rs-16600-rectangle.jpg?resize=1800,1200&w=1800]

”That man! That man right there you see is a man who just like you all have been blinded by lies believing that a man named Jesus Christ could walk on water or turn that very water into wine! A man that who was once wicked, anything to make a Xbux or two. Inside that man, much like inside each and every one of you lives a monster, uh huh.” The group of rednecks that was about to leave the tent suddenly start to turn around and face the stage. ”That’s right, a monster that is just begging to be unleashed and I have the power to unlock that cage and let the beast out.” There’s a pause from Chris followed by a smirk as he glances towards Robert before turning his attention towards Robert where he points at him before he starts to continue. ”The man you see beside me; a guy who lost as he did everything right, he played by the rules and walked the straight and narrow… it didn’t get him anywhere, I opened his eyes and now that man is one of the most dangerous men on the face of the planet… all it took was opening his eyes to the real world that surrounds.” There’s a brief pause from Chris before he continues.

[green]”He was once you and he was once the man you see on the back of the tent by putting his faith in the wrong hands. God or even Jesus Christ simply do not exist. They’re figments of the imagination that you’ve been conditioned to believe is real, a simple comparison would be like saying Advil seriously stops headaches. When something good happens to you I bet you all say “God is good” as if God had anything to do with whatever success you might have attained when the truth is God had nothing to do with it… You did. Jesus Christ didn’t get you that promotion, God didn’t buy that new car or house… You did.”
Chris motions with his right left hand towards Robert who nods. ”Don’t take my word for it, I offer you proof of the Holy Page.” Robert emerges back on stage with what looks like a younger boy around ten years old with a black blind fold covering his eyes. Robert removes the blindfold to reveal the kid can’t open his eyes. ”This little lad is barely ten years old and lost his site due to a horrible chemical accident when he was six… someone didn’t child proof the kitchen sink and he got into some house hold cleaners and disinfectants.” Chris directs his attention off stage as he spouts out. ”Nice parenting ya jackass.” Chris redirects towards the pulpit of rednecks. ”Where is your God, your Jesus to answers his prayers of having his vision again? I’ll tell you, it’s not convenient for them, but watch as the Holy Page overcomes his ailments and will give him the power to see once again.” Chris lays the palm of his right hand on the head of the child for just a matter of seconds before kicking him straight in the face and sending him flipping backwards rolling off the stage to some gasps from the pulpit. Chris shifts his attention towards the rednecks.

[Image: IgAjOzgt_400x400.jpg]

”Fear not for in just a mere moments you’ll see the true meaning off power.” Chris motions towards Robert who assists an elderly women who is using the assistance of a walker. She’s pale, skin saggy with wrinkles all over… and probably not wearing a bra given the demograph. ”Ethel has been trying to regain the ability to walk on her own for the last three years, sure she’s ninety six and is probably doing the best she can with what she’s got but where has God or Jesus been to take her pain away? They’ve ignored her calls because she’s not important enough to them, but she’s important enough to me.” Chris walks over putting his arm across Ethel’s shoulders. ”That’s a cute moo-moo.” Chris glances over towards Robert mouthing the words “It’s not.” Before turning back towards the pulpit who saw nothing due to the larger nature of Ethel’s head. ”Ethel, do you believe in the power of the Holy Page?” Before she can answer Chris kicks the walker out from under her and she falls like a two tons of bricks to the stage to even louder gasps from the pulpit as two or three men start to rush towards the stage only to be stopped by Chris’s voice. ”Brother’s and sisters while this is difficult to watch you’ll see this old bag will get up and will walk off this stage!” Chris immediately follows up as he points to the kid who is still on the ground and unconscious. ”And that little shit demon will see once again.” Robert is shown snapping his fingers in front of the eyes of the child as Ethel can be see reaching out for help while calling for it in the same breath.

”Or then again… maybe they won’t because only the strong survive and only the weak rely on Jesus Christ or God Almighty as a crutch to prop themselves up on. All of you, much like that gentleman plastered on the back wall will either come to grasp knowing that your mindless sheep living in a delusional world of sunshine and rainbows when monsters like us do exist and we don’t lurk in the shadows. We’re here in the flesh and we will crave the blood of the innocent, because with each innocent there’s a monster just like us inside.” Chris looks back at Robert who stops snapping his fingers over the kids face before looking towards Chris where he shakes his head from right to left. Chris redirects towards the pulpit. ”If any of you thought this shit was actually going to work you’re dumber than Thunder Knuckles could ever imagine to be. Fuck Thunder Knuckles and fuck all of you too.” Chris flips off the pulpit of rednecks as the scene slowly fades to black.

Words from the Stoned One:

They say there’s no shame in losing to the Universal Champion… well that’s bullshit. I look back on the magic that unfolded inside the hallowed grounds of Madison Square Garden and I realize that Shawn Warstein didn’t defeat Chris Page.

Chris Page defeated Chris Page.

I am my own worst enemy because I allowed Shawn to creep in through the backdoor and snatch victory away from me, but with that performance I’ve earned a consolation prize in the form of a shot at the XWF Television Championship currently held by a man that should be on his knee’s THANKING me for even having a strap of gold around his waist to begin with. That’s right Thunder Knuckles, it’s fitting that the very man that is responsible for you having that strap is the very man that’s going to take it away from you. If it wasn’t for me softening up Noah at March Madness, if it wasn’t for me delivering that first knockout blow you would still be in a bad episode of Eastbound and Down and not standing on top of the TV title division, and while you’ve done great over the last several months there’s an age old saying that states all good things must come to an end. This is your end because you and I both know that when Chris Page is compared to Thunder Knuckles there’s isn’t a comparison and you have every right to be scared shitless with what’s about to come your way in the form of Chris Page. For the first time in a long time a glorified mid card talent is not the man you’ve got standing across the ring from you; I’m not a Michael Graves who you clearly couldn’t beat, I’m not a Atara Themis because I actually show up to scheduled affairs. I’m the guy that haunts your dreams and is responsible for your nightmares which is exactly what the next edition of Savage Saturday Night is going to turn into once that goddamn bell rings and it’s Thunder Knuckles versus CCP. Nobody was more shocked than I was to see my name across from yours because honestly you’ve done jack shit to warrant my attention, but alas here you are standing in my way on my road to redemption which will start by steam rolling over you and taking away the only thing that makes you relevant in the process… the XWF Television Championship.

Expectations for this match are as high as I am on a daily and they should be after the performance I delivered at the most famous arena in the world because now ignorant fucks like you have no choice in feasting your eyes on the sheer greatness that is CCP. They’re already asking if I can top it, not only can I but I will because make no mistake about it boys and girls there’s not a better PROFESSIONAL WRESTLER on this roster better than yours truly, and while you and I haven’t officially met inside that ring there’s not a chance in hell that you’re leaving this encounter on your own accord. While you’ve been a decent Champion thus far it’s not like it’s a challenge to beat up on people like Brain Storm or Azrael. Thus far your entire run as Television Champion has a list of challengers representing a who’s who waste of roster space so allow me to say you’re welcome for bringing some actual star power into this meaningless division. It never ceases to amaze me the complacency of guys like you and Warstein who have golden opportunities to MAKE your division mean so much more than it does today… but then you’ve got people like Robert and I who take a sinking division and turn into the most talked about deal today.

That’s exactly what I’m going to do with the division that you stand atop of now.

For the first time in a long time a huge spotlight is cast upon the Television Title division because for the first time in a long time some second-rate cookie cutter performer is stepping to the plate in the role as a challenger. You have every right to doubt yourself and doubt your abilities when compared to the walking God that is Chris Page. Since the day I stepped foot back in this company I’ve commanded the spotlight and I’ve delivered win or lose within any stupid stipulation that’s been thrown my way and I will continue to create my mark on this company by gracing center stage in a shithole town in bum fuck Wisconsin with one belt only to leave with two. I’ll be doing this not because I want too but because I have too. It’s destiny and it must be fulfilled for our prophecy to continue. We’re collecting all the gold between Robert and I because what better way to continue shutting all your mouths than by dominating three separate division simultaneously?

Sounds like a daunting task yet a task that we are laser focused on to the degree your new-found friend Jesus Christ won’t be able to protect you from.

You see Thunder Knuckles never has your back been more against the wall than it is right now because you’ve never been faced with someone of my stature that can give two shits about anything or anyone of the talentless jabroni’s you’ve encountered on this run as Television Champion, and while I’ll be the first to admit that this belt is far beneath me I’ll go ahead and take it off your hands because it’s involved with our bigger picture and because I have plans that with that belt that will supersede everything else going on in this shithole called the XWF. For far to long this company has resorted to being an outlaw mud show instead of a Professional Wrestling company. When I embarrass you on Savage and take your belt nobody is going to have to wonder what stipulation I’m going to select to defend my title under because they’re all going to be the fucking same! PURE WRESTLING RULES.

That’s right boys and girls you’re all going to have to try to do what Shawn did, out wrestle me… and it took that fuck nugget sixty-seven minutes to do it.

Are you built to go that distance if need be or do you need the security of a time limit in order to gauge your success? I mean, you did run a draw against Michael and he was your stiffest competition up until now, and on top of all that I don’t see you rushing to management looking for a rematch. That’s a bitch move if there ever was one when you look at what the Television Championship is all about. You’re allowing the shadow of doubt to linger above your head and for what? Because there’s someone else out there that has claim to that very title you don’t even covet. When it comes to Mikey, I’ll tell you what because I am a fair guy, so when I beat the mullet off Thunder Knuckles you’ll get the first shot at trying to take it away from me at Leap of Faith. I’ll do what your current Champion couldn’t do… beat you. Sit back and take notes because I’m going to show you how to get things done under a time restriction.

There’s no running or hiding from this Thunder Knuckles.

For your sake I hope that you’ve dusted off Kenny Powers and are prepared to reenact two goddamn seasons because you’re going to need all the entertainment value you can provide to remotely come close to surviving the ass whipping I’m going to give you. You’re going to rue the day you ever won that strap when I’m done beating you more than Peter Gilmour beats his dick while fantasizing about all the men who make him hard, his words not mine. I’m going to enjoy every minute I hear you scream and beg for the humiliation to stop… and it will… with a Page Plant that has your name written all over it

Even Jesus wept..

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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Johnny Legend (08-02-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (07-02-2020), Robert "The Omega" Main (07-07-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (07-02-2020)

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