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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The treachery of demons is nothing compared to the betrayal of a “friend”.
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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

05-05-2020, 08:52 PM

D-R-W Labs, location unknown

Robert silently moved through the dimly lit laboratory, nothing but the machines meet “The Omega’s” first glance. It was deathly quiet and unsympathetically cold as a morgue. Even all the ultra-expensive machines lay hushed. Robert ran his index finger thin film of dust as he continued. He inspected a few cabinets that were emptied, even the computers had been formatted. Deep down something didn’t feel right. It was intriguing that some of the personal belongings of the scientists had been left carelessly lying around like they'd left in a hurry and somehow not thought to take their cellphones or bags. It was mysterious. What had happened to them? There was no movement, no odor of any kind. There were lights, but like the stars in a night sky but they did very little to lift the gloom, showing only the hustle and bustle of the hardware. Enormous monitors with text were running expeditiously in the jumbled form of code. Robert to him code was nothing more than moving numbers and letters.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Robert had the feeling of being in a high-tech cave the size of any sports stadium, metallic roof above, metallic floor below. Every footstep reverberated off the floors and ceiling, nothing tumultuous enough to give away his whereabouts to anyone who could have been concealed. He halts at a desk noticing a vanilla folder that reads TOP-SECERT . His eyes widen as he read through each page meticulously absorbing as much of classified documents, then a menacing smile flashed across his face.

” Project “GOD” how interesting.”

He tossed the folder back onto the desk giving everything another once over. This was a research laboratory. For a moment Robert contemplates skirting around the edges of another hallway when he desists moving, he stops breathing, while his heart speeds like he was sprinting. What Robert thought to be a movie theatre sized screen is nothing of the sort. The monitor he thought he was looking at unexpectedly changed revealing the inner workings of the lab. The white-coated scientists moved in choreographed silence as they drew pipettes of fluid from one tiny tube and transferred them to others. The hum of machinery was like a whisper in the background. Robert peered across the laboratory’s back wall noticing floor to ceiling windows revealing a view across a city down below, it was simply stunning, but the scientists didn’t appear to notice, transfixed on their experiment that was Shane .

In that adjourned moment, there was what seemed like a fraction of a second drawn out to infinity, as Robert’s brain tries to offer justification yet discards it simultaneously. This is the stuff of science fiction, of movies, of horror. Shane was laying on a metal surgical style table lifeless, emotionless plugged into a series of supercomputers. As Robert stepped from the shadows as the screaming began started slashing everything that moved, he was wielding a knife was snapped off at the tip, the first blow striking bone, but the rest was razor-sharp. The handle looked like it was made of cheap black plastic. For a nanosecond, Robert was lost, leering on from hind the thick lab glass as blood flowed thicker than fresh crude oil. Robert’s eyes narrowed from beneath his mask as he entered the laboratory not knowing what would happen next.

In life everyone has a moment where they become dehumanized, it can be for race, gender, age, education, religion or beliefs... So many reasons. But here's the rub, the real one, education us to demoralize one another induces psychopathy into us. It takes run of the mill folks and makes them not care if others live or die. We aren't born to be that way, we aren't. We are supposed to clash, stay humble, be generous, think importantly and be courageous, bold. The only other alternative is to be complicit in the unbalanced with our eyes wide open; if you do that, no one can save you. Psychopaths subvert written rules, the lunatics camouflage themselves as wolves among the sheep.

As Shane dissected the last body…. STAB…STAB…STAB…STAB… Robert observed the last killing blow as he moved in behind Shane collapsing into Robert’s arms. Shane now over Robert’s right shoulder began to make his way out of the lab when curiosity struck like a bullet to the brain. Just off to Robert’s right, there was a little black book that seemed out of place, Robert grabbed it flipping it open as he continued to walk out of the lab.

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” Code words?”


Robert walked along the gnarled cobbled alley ogling the gloominess before laying Shane down on his back. The buildings were tightly drawn together and loomed over Robert and the inanimate Shane , like a forest of brick and mortar. When Robert gazed up at the roofs, he realized they were so crammed together that he could only make out a sliver of the silver moon that was mirrored by the tiny stream of light that trickled along the chilly stone ground. The alleyway twisted and turned back on itself, first going to the left, then to the right. From where Robert stood, no matter the direction Robert could only see a sea of stone.

[Image: mWmM1R5.png]

Robert flipped the black book open running his finger over a few codewords before saying one out loud.

” S….J? SJ?”

sat upright, staggering to his feet, as Robert leisurely drifted into the shadows as a bewildered look fell over Robert’s face.

” Hmmmmmm…”

Robert remained vigilant as a young woman stopped in front of Shane, she quickly recoiled, as Shane gradually turned his head with his new and improved trademark deathly stare, but there was no conscience there, not anymore. The distress gripped her as he hurried along.

” Let’s take the new Shane for a test drive and see if there is anyone home.”


The twelve-inch knife slid along the stone stopping at Carvers feet, without hesitation the knife is lifted from the ground walking after the young woman. She glanced back over her shoulder needing to get out of this critical situation, and quickly, but it was too late. The slashing began as Robert watched on from a distance. Her throat was cut like a butchered animal, her vessels severed, sticking out corrugated pipes. Shane stared at his victim for a few moments before disappearing into the shadows.

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Kneeling Robert observed her pupils had exploded filling her entire eye. For a few seconds, he wanted her to blink, to sit up and laugh. Running his fingers through her blood he heard footsteps approaching from behind. Robert let out a cold-blooded laugh before replying.

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” ORDER!!!”


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:::::Words of wisdom from:::::
“The Omega”

” Walking into Warfare wind in my sails, my eyes locked on the grand prize, the writings on the wall you thin dicked pricks. Cataclysm is taking things to an indistinguishably different level and none of you are going to be able to keep up. There’s no going back after this one kids… With this Wargames captains match on the horizon I have taken a tiny amount of time to see what my adversaries have had to say. I just wish I could say I was mesmerized.”

Robert lifts his index finger for the camera while adjusting his half of the Tag Team Championships.

” First there’s Cent.”

Robert shakes his head in resentment.

” Where were you when I hit rock bottom? Where was the helping hand telling “your friend” everything would be okay? You didn’t text, you didn’t call… You acted like I didn’t exist, while I was at home having a mental break down you were riding high. There wasn’t a Goddamn second where you said keep hanging on brother, after everything that I had gone through, you ghosted me. You turned your fucking back on me in my darkest hour. For months I’ve been fighting in a blindfold with my ankles and my arms tied, and then you have the balls to ask why I’ve changed. Why is Robert so pissed off? While I was tormented, I ran out of options pal, and now I’m living on the dark side. I just wanted you to see it clearly before you twisted it into a bigger web of lies. With “friends” like you who in the hell needs enemies.


Would you please refrain from riding my jock thinking that your name and mine belong in the same sentence as your pompous, arrogant ass hole. You and I are not even in the same stratosphere. Hell, if you are not a single biggest walking contradiction this company has ever seen I’d be astonished... I just managed Vanessa Gibson so that say’s something… I guess? You’re on this kick to become the longest-reigning Hart Champion in the modern era because it’s the only thing you can accomplish when no real talent gives two hot shit about that belt, to begin with. There’s one reason you’ve always stood in the background for most of your career. When it comes to inventiveness you simply can’t hang with top tier performers like “The Omega”.”

Robert sighs.

” You assume that you belong in the top three based off trimming mid-card fat for nearly an entire year. While you comprehensively nullified Shane and his contributions leading into this semi-high profiled affair. His promo’s this week blew you out of the water on so many levels it’s not even funny anymore; but hey, you keep thinking that you got things all figured out and while you do I’ll stab you in the back kind of like you did to me. I can’t even listen to you talk without taking a drill to my ears because it’s become so repetitive. It's damn near watching a Shawn promo. How and why the higher-ups enjoy hearing the same shit repeatedly every single week is mind-numbing and they think it’s boundless. That way of thinking is what’s wrong with talent relations today. I’d rather listen to Peter Gilmour spout out nonsense than endure another promo form you; sure, it will be a bunch of bullshit but at least his bullshit is a tad bit attention-grabbing while you on the contrary… You wouldn’t know riveting entertainment if it dick slapped you in the face twice.”

Robert holds up two fingers.

” But wait there’s more folks, we’ve got all those sick burns from Shawn to deal with… Oh and by sick, I mean eye-rolling at best. How was that unprecedented? We’ve heard better shit spat by Red-X. Maybe if you’d get Atara’s dick out of your mouth, for a... I don’t know, split-second you’d come up with something more palatable. I want you to take stock in the fact that you’ve got me right where you want me. Don’t get me wrong here you’re correct in a sense, we’re all playing a game here but while you fuckers are playing checkers, I’m playing chess and I’m three moves ahead. I’ve openly challenged you to a Wargames match it’s fallen on deaf ears. I wasn’t awestruck or anything because it was like the lead into March Madness you dodged our sixty-four-thousand-dollar question for weeks hiding on Twitter. You sidestepped us… Well… At least until it couldn’t be evaded any longer because you had to defend those straps, and what happened? Oh yeah, I confiscated those Tag Titles. For someone that talks as much shit as you… Champ you might want to stop writing checks your ass can’t cash. Because right now I’m not coming for the Universal Championship I’m coming to shut your fucking mouth.

Better yet.

Just accept the challenge man and I’ll do what I do better than any other man or woman that’s ever walked down the ramp. I’ll show you who the big dog around here really is. Unlike you Shawn, I didn’t have to resort to dishonesty during my title run, I didn’t have to, I don’t have to try and play this masterful puppet master… All I’ve got to do is show up. Here’s how this is going to play out on Warfare. I’m going to punish you in the middle of that ring unshrouding you as an overrated has been from an era forgotten about years ago. You are a paper champion and I’m the man who will prove that fact. End of story.”

Robert scratches his head.

” No one else matters that much but I’ll still talk some shit, Hanari Carnes. You’re the only guy I know that’s come into The XWF that’s squandered every title opportunity that’s been put in front of you. You and Chris Chaos are a match made in heaven, two good-for-nothings praying that two half brains will equal one full one. Yet you’re going to try and tell me that I’m not one of the premier athlete’s in the Xtreme Wrestling Federation? Get the fuck out of here…. No, I mean that literally. This is coming from a two-bit underachieving miscreant. Congratulations on doing precisely what everyone else has been doing since the moment I walked into this company. Let me take this opportunity to smarten you up because you decided to dive headfirst into the deep end of the pool with no water wings. Bitch, I’m not sure you completely comprehend the gravity of the situation you’ve gotten yourself into. This Wolves - vs - lions. Guess who wins that one… I’ll commend you for trying to make a name for yourself, but it won’t come at my expense not on Warfare and damn sure not on Savage when we defend our titles. So, I’ll break this down in the most uncomplicated manner I can. On Warfare when I knock into the middle of next week, I want you to think long and hard about that tag match. Because that same thing will happen again. Dropped dead center looking at those light Chico!”

Robert smiles patting his half of the Tag Team Championships.

” Your problem rests with just being bland. There’s nothing about you that will ever jump off the page. You are just like Chris Chaos only a different nationality, nothing and I mean nothing makes me want to pay attention to anything you’ve got to say.
Example, you just got obliterated by Shawn. What did you do? Pulled a page out of the Chaos handbook. I swear to Christ you two share a brain. Don’t make excuses for being a fucking catastrophe just own it and move on. That’s called being a man, or senior, not that you would know anything about that. Chaos has taken you under his wing, whining and bitching is sure to follow when you are listing to a man who’s never had one ounce of class. I cannot wait to take your cookie cutter ass and toss you in the shit can right where you’ll always belong. So, while you’re looking at Wargames as this grand stage to make some sort of impact on this federation… You won’t by the way… Inconsequential at best…. Just consider yourself blessed if you walk out under your own free will.”

Robert acts surprised.

” Finally even though this fucker didn’t even bother to cut a promo I’ll give Red X just a little bit of my time just so I can say I covered it. Here’s an inquisition why in the hell would you throw your name into the hat if you were just going to bitch out? Wait…. He won’t answer that question. You could at least had a shred of respect for your impending slaughter. I mean we all know there aren’t ginormous expectations for you to begin with. But you could try? But that has passed, hasn’t it? You had your moment to show us what you’re made of, but you shit the fucking bed. I hope that I get my hands around your pencil neck before anyone else, I’ll enjoy making you into a human pin cushion. Over this past week, you all you’ve done is worshipping me for my accomplishments. Sucking the shaft won’t get you to the top around here unless you are Cent or Shawn.”

There’s a brief pause from Robert.

” I realize that I’m walking into this party with the biggest target on my back and I’m okay with that because I’m the guy that’s been conquered twice in a year and a half. One of those was a cash-in while the other took a fucking forklift. The bottom line is straightforward fuckers. I’m the man to outshine and we all know it. I am the straw that stirs this drink, I’m the guy that’s going to come out on top and show you all exactly why you might be exceptional… But not immeasurable. I’m the measuring stick around here and I’m going to use this match as an opportunity to put the final pieces of my puzzle together. Making an example out of your Champion in the process. All I have ever done is leave a trail of bodies behind me and count will rise on Warfare. Carnes pointed it out flawlessly… You’re all trying to hunt what you just can’t kill. I implore management to watch front row. Because their superstars are going to get incapacitate and their blood will be on Theo and Lane’s hands.

All of you can play your games, assuming you’ve got some sort of upper hand.

But from where I’m standing, I’m the guy with both feet firmly planted on top of the mountain just begging for somebody to knock me off… Only problem… None of you are resourceful, I’ve clobbered the ones in this match that matters. I’m coming to Warfare… But rest assured I’m not coming alone; I’m not coming to fight fair. I’m coming to rip your heads off and shit razor blades down your fucking throats”

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[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
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Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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