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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
American Sushi
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Satoshi Daiki Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Classic Heel

(usually booed; often plays dirty)

06-14-2013, 12:19 PM

Satoshi, dressed in a caramel coloured suit, and Feng, in a navy coloured suit, are sitting in a corner booth at a crowded restaurant. The two are looking at menus and speaking in hushed tones, inaudible to the camera. A young waiter dressed in a black tuxedo approaches the table with a pencil and notepad.

"Good evening gentlemen, are you ready to order?"

The men look up from their conversation and Feng is the first to speak.

"Yes sir, I would like the fried eel with a shrimp entree."

He looks over at Satoshi.

"How is the ikura gukan?"

"The best in Michigan sir."

Satoshi looks tentatively at Feng, unsure.

"Ok I'll take that."

"Ok sir."

He scribbles the orders on his pad.

"Anything to drink?"

Satoshi answers first this time.

"Just water for me."

"Ok, and you sir?"

The waiter turns to Feng.

"What kind of pop do you have?"

"Ginger Ale, Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, Root Beer, Coke and Pep....."

Feng quickly raises his hand and glances nervously at Satoshi. The waiter gives them an odd look.

"Coke will be fine thank you."

"Ok sir should be ten minutes."

The man walks away from the table, Feng once again nervously looks at Satoshi before he breaks the silence.

"So Satoshi your first match has been signed, how do you feel?"

"The best ikura gukan in Michigan, what is that suppose to mean?"

Satoshi says completely ignoring the question.

"I'm not sure, but come on it can't be that bad I have heard great things about this place, plus this is your celebration, don't be negative. You should be happy, you're less than a week away from showing the American population what real wrestling is."

The waiter walks up with two glasses and sets them down in front of them.

"Feng what is it you want to know? Would you like to know how disappointed I am with the XWF management putting me in a match against two nobodys? Or how little publicity this match will get due to the lack of big names in it?"

"But Satoshi we discussed this with Mr. Witasick Wednesday night, everyone needs to start at the bottom, even you. You even said yourself there's a lack of American names in this match, and no disrespect but that includes yourself."

"Feng I made my decision to come here and start from the bottom, I know my lack of name value here in America but how am I ever going to raise my value in a match with two insignificant nobodys."

"Simple, do what you do best, go out there and wrestle, make a statement, send them back to the picket line, destroy them."

The waiter comes back holding the plates of eel, shrimp and gukan, setting them down he interrupts.

"Is that all tonight gentlemen?"

Satoshi waves his hand at him.

"Yes that's all."

The man looks at the two men, shakes his head and walks away.

"I guess you're right Feng, even the greats must begin somewhere, and what better way to do it than by making an insignificant American like Logan Hunter tap out. Or even by destroying another Japanese man whose ignorance has caused him to turn his back on our values and take an American gimmick like The Punisher."

Feng stares over his half eaten eel and as he speaks Satoshi pokes at his ikura gukan looking at it disgusted.

"Yes, I agree it is time to teach this Punisher who the dominate newcomer is, and who exactly is the Ultimate power here in the XWF, You."

Satoshi shakes his head knowingly, picks up a piece of the sushi and puts it in his mouth. His face quickly changed to one of disgust and he put a napkin to his mouth and spit the fish out, and threw the napkin on the plate, before angrily saying.

"That is not ikura gukan, that is disgusting."

Satoshi stands up and begins walking out when the waiter comes to him and stands in his way.

"Is there a problem sir?"

Satoshi gets angry with the waiter.

"Get out of my way, I asked for ikura gukan, not whatever you gave me."

"Sir, that was our ikura gukan."

"Then you sir need to change your menus because I know ikura gukan, and that was not it."

Satoshi makes to walk around the waiter but he steps in front of him again.

"Sir you can not leave without paying."

"Then get me ikura gukan."

"Sir that was our ikura guk....."

He's cut off as Satoshi grabs him by the throat. People at nearby tables who had been watching the seen closely let out gasps. Feng calmly walks up and grabs Satoshi's hand around the man's neck.

"Satoshi let him go."

He let's him go and the man stares at him, eyes wide, as Feng goes in his wallet and pulls out a hundred dollar bill, and puts it in the waiter's front pocket.

"There you go that should cover it. Satoshi let's go."

Feng walks away and Satoshi turns to follow, but stops and turns back to the waiter and menacingly says.

"I could have broken your neck."

He then turns and follows Feng out of the restaurant.

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