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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
An open plea to the entire XWF (from Dean's dad!)
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Dean Moxley McGovern Offline
Ahm Back, Jack!

XWF FanBase:
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06-13-2013, 11:00 PM

XWF headquarters has approved the following statement to be aired but does not necessarily agree with the views or opinion within.

It's no secret that Dean McGovern's father is no fan of his son, having previously made comments such as:
  • All through growing up that boy had a sick and twisted brain. I tried knocking some sense into him best I could but eventually he grew to be too big to hit.

  • I should have tied the telephone cord around his neck as a baby and thrown him into the tub with a toaster and a hair dryer.

  • I wish they would have killed that piece of shit while he was locked up!
Those passing comments are of little significance when compared to some of the things that were said today by Ralphus McGovern - father of Dean McGovern. The good folks at have sent a camera crew per Ralphus McGovern's request and the father of the current X-Treme champion was by no means shy during this airtime.

I told everybody when all the ruckus about the molestation charges was going on...I told everybody right then that my boy was a sleazy piece of shit that can't be trusted. I told everybody about how I caught him doing some terrible things but I'm not here to talk about that again today; no no, today I'm here to talk about what you need to do.


Each and every one of you that is looking at my fat face right now. You guys are the "roster" of that federation, right? The lifeblood of the XWF? Well I'm telling each and every last one of you that when Dean talks about himself being a "virus" he is being truthful. He's a sickness that poisons anything and everything he comes near and he's going to get the XWF in a lot of trouble if he continues on. I've seen my piece of shit son doing things that he should be in prison for but he's in your locker room, XWF. He's your champion for Christ's sake...fuck! Plus I hear he has a shot at a second championship this Saturday. What? Why? Who the hell did he manipulate to make THAT happen?

Had to be somebody because I'm willing to bet he didn't earn all that shit.

That manipulative son of mine once convinced a police officer that it was a complete misunderstanding that he was running through the high school football field completely naked - a high school he didn't attend and had no business being on the property of even if he had been clothed! Not only that but he got the cop to give him a blanket and buy HIM a donut!

I'm willing to bet there's some poor chump in the XWF that's guilty of being manipulated to high hell by my snake in the grass of a son. What are you morons going to do if my scumbag son wins and then has two championships? How many damn championships are in your company? Isn't it a LOT for one guy to have two championships at once? You guys need to put a stop to it AS SOON AS POSSIBLE or next thing you know this miserable son of mine will be manipulating the guys who run the company into giving him everything he asks for.


Beat the shit out of him...fuck it, KILL HIM if you have to. I've said before time and time again that I wish I could go back and kill that piece of shit. He's the scum of the Earth and HE KNOWS why. He might have all his brainwashed little "friends" sticking up for him and saying he's such a fun person to hang out with but that's just a hot, steaming cup of bullshit and I hope you all know that. He's touching those boys. He's touching those girls.

Hell, he's most likely doin' a lot more than just that! He needs to have his dick chopped off and his hands bashed with a hammer. He might be good at fooling some people but don't let yourself be one of them.

Don't trust my son. Don't trust Dean. He's not just a sexual deviant but he's also involved with the wrong people...

Ralphus stops himself abruptly there. He seems unsure whether or not he should continue with his thought. He clears his throat and gets a glass of water while cameras continue rolling. He appears to be giving this a lot of thought; peering out into the distance as if sorting through miles of memories. He finishes his glass of water in a few more massive swallows and wipes some water off of his really gigantic double chin.

You know what guys? I don't think I can continue right now. All I've got left to say for now is you need to get my son out of your company and get him out FAST! He's like a damn disease and he'll ruin your lives just like he ruined mine so long ago! Please kill that worthless son of mine and send me his head in a box for me to kick into the freakin' river.

I sure hope one of you fucktards is listening to me.

XWF record: 11W - 3L

Current Allies
> The Dangerous Alliance
> The millions and millions of kids around the world

Top 3 XWF Infections
> The Raycer, via DDT into flaming bag of shit
> Zayne Vyper, via suplex thru flaming table w/ flaming shit on it
> Axle VanHalen, via DDT into flaming bag of shit followed by suplex thru flaming table followed by decapitation
(none of them have been seen since!)

Sights Set On
> Making fun of Darren Dangerous after taking his own stable from him in less than a week! w00t w00t!

Wrestler Info
Championships acquired in XWF

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