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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Medveds In The West
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Alexei Medved Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Hardly anyone to be honest

(booed by most fans; hurts people even when not supposed to; often angry and shitty)

04-05-2020, 03:50 AM

Ukraine National Ballroom
Kiev, Ukraine
Jan. 1 2020

Medved vs. Fedanka
Exhibition match

The buzzing crowd is standing inside the sold out majestic and very formal looking venue. Silk ivory curtains shower the 30 foot high walls as the light shines down on a white canvas ring whith shiny gold ropes and a matching gold apron. Above the ring hangs a massive blue and yellow Ukranian flag.

Tonight The National Ballroom has shifted from an event center that hosts theater and dance to a Coliseum of combat. The audience looks a bit different then normal. Usually visited by the countries richest and powerful couples, it has a different feel. Tonight it's filled with screaming wrestling fans from all walks of life.

Inside the pristine looking squared circle two of Europes fiercest Gladiators stand facing each other, beads of sweat drenching both wrestlers, top to bottom. They've been giving the fans their money's worth going back and forth, exchanging devastating blows, maneuvers and holds.

The momentum is beginning to change as the much smaller but quicker Ukranian Fedanka whips the bear like Russian Rose towards the ropes. The Russian, who's wearing his traditional red wrestling suit with the name of the country he represents across the chest, hits the ropes and jumps over a laid out Fedanka. Now as the Russian Rose leaps and bounces off the other ropes his opponent gets to his feet. Fedanka and Evgeni Medved collide in the middle of the ring both going down hard.

Outside the squared circle Russian Rose's manager and brother smacks his clenched fists on the mat, a sign of encouragement for his brother. Alexei shouts toward his brother, trying to instill some motivation into the technical wrestling beast. Evgeni gets to his feet first and gives a look of gratitude towards his brother.

Medved is obviously bigger but much more conditioned then his opponent. He waits for the Ukranian Champion to slowly get to his feet. Fedanka is gassed and sluggish as he keeps his hands on his hips that are covered by his black wrestling shorts. RussianRose sees his opening and hoists him up in the air over his head. The crowd is slowly becoming volatile as they can all start to see their National Heros chance to win this match slipping away. Medved roars, imitating the king of the jungle, before he launches Fedanka out of the ring and down onto the concrete.

Evgeni looks out towards the crowd with a tight lipped frown across his face. The crowd jeers him with disgust letting him know this is not his house. RussianRose soaks it all in, the look of intensity tells it all.

RR rolls under the bottom rope and outside the ring to meet his obvious injured opponent. With all the confidence in the world he locks on a camel clutch and starts to invert his forearm into his opponent's neck. Its painful to watch, almost impossible. The applied pressure is taking it's toll on the already defeated looking Fedanka. RussianRose finally lets go of the hold and tosses the lifeless body to the concrete floor.

The Russian spits towards the crowd and growls at them like an aggravated caged animal. Fans are lashing back, throwing trash towards the massive wrestler.

Medved rolls back into the ring and the ref restarts the count out. Evgeni Medved nods his his head to each number shouted by the ref as beads of sweat splash off his bald head. He tucks his thumbs behind the suspenders of his trademark red wrestling suit.

The ref reaches the count of 10 and signals for the bell. DING DING DING!!!

The crowd in Kiev is beyond furious as the RussianRose tries to celebrate his last big win in the continent, throwing his muscular arms up to the heavens. But his brother Alexei encourages him to head for the back as his theme song Tchaikovsky's 1812 overture playing through the speakers.

The clip of RussianRose's last match in Europe cuts to a solid black background with the large letters X W F spelled out in torqouise letters.

Its obviously a special evening as the huge statured Russian superstar walks into the scene, first time on camera as official XWF property.

His steel blue eyes wide open, neck stiff, alert as a guard dog. His massive torso draped in a plain grey hoody, a black toque rests atop his head.

Following into the scene is the much smaller sized brother of RussianRose. They will and always will be connected by blood, but Alexei is not only the superstars brother but also his manager.

He sports a perfectly fitted black suit and dark tinted fashionable squared off sunglasses. The contrast in outfits and physical stature tells in obvious story. His slicked back blonde hair shines in the bright studio lights.

One brother a modern day warrior... an obvious threat to any member of the XWF. The other brother an aspiring business mogul and an already World class manager.

All they've ever known is this business and this job. No other stints pumping gas or serving fries. Just blood and sweat...wrestling rings...empty gyms...packed venues...different cities everynight. They might have not seen it all but they've definitely seen alot.

Sat-urrrrr-day night-t-my brrrrrotherrrrr and I-we arre not expecting a warrrrm welcome.

The manager drags on his Russian accent sounding out every syllable. The effort is there as he continues to communicate his thoughts as best he can.

But that does not matterrr. I do not want to take any at-tt-tention off the one most signi-i-ficant thing.

Russian Rose stands behind his brother, listening to his words with undivided attention. He has a huge physical presence that seems to overshadow the sharp dressed manager. He encourages Alexei's words with smug facial expressions and quick nods of his giant head.

Its facts of life! My brotherrr, Evgeni Medved, the most underrrrrrrrrrrrrrated wrestler of his generr-ration will finally have his trrrue shot at glorrrrrrry.

Alexei spits out his words like a venomous snake.

He doesn't carrr-rrr-rrre who his opponent is. That man was put on this planet as a stepping stone in Evgeni's path to becoming a legend.

Russian Rose listens to his brothers words, a look of raw intensity on his face. This encourages the manager to confidently go on.

Out of rrrespect forrr yourrrr family I won't go into too much more detail on what will be left of you. These things do not matterrrr, nobody benefits frrrom knowing these affairrrs. A week from now you will be a distant memorrry. Nothing mooo-rrr- then a tr-tragedy, a tr-rrradgedy that should have and could have been preee-vented.

Alexei Medved issues a stern warning as the former overseas Wrestler begins to pace back and forth. He has a menacing look on his face. RussianRose is all business. He is pumped and ready.

We fully expect you to vomit all and any stupid, ignorrrrrr-rrrrant comments that yourrrrr puny brain can come up with in the coming weeks. But please take my advice... save yourrrr stupidity. Keep yourrrr ignorrr-rant comments forrr some-one else. I tell you this in good faith because I have seen too many times beforrrre.

Alexei connects eye to eye with his brother as RussianRose stops pacing and faces his brother. A smirk on the managers face, a frown on the wrestlers'.

I have seen men dis-rrreee-spect my brrrotherrr in the past, only to meet theirrrrr own demise.Take this only as advice forrr I have heard this storrrry too many times.

Alexei continues on. His words must be sinking into the minds of his audience.

We expect to hearrr from you in the coming futurrre. But I have to admit I don't expect much from a man with yourrr intelligence level. In the rrring, no doubt that defeat is imminent forrr you. The first victim of Evgeni Medved's Amerrrican Assault.

The intense superstar grunts an agreement with his manager. He holds his giant hands up in the air and then smacks them together, imitating the crushing of his opponent.


For the first time we hear RussianRose speak. He points to the screen and then looks as his brother who reaches into his suit jacket and pulls out a black rose.

The manager passes the flower to Evgeni. RussianRose slashes the flower across his throat using it to imitate a knife and then whips it violently towards the camera. The Medved brothers turn their backs and walk out of the scene as it fades to this upcoming Savage shows details


[Image: M8HN8TM.png]
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