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ANARCHY: Micro RP Show Russian Rose
Author Message
Alexei Medved Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Hardly anyone to be honest

(booed by most fans; hurts people even when not supposed to; often angry and shitty)

03-29-2020, 06:27 AM


In-Ring Name: Russian Rose

Wrestler's Real Name: Evgeni Medved

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: new

Wrestler Date of Birth: March 4 1990

Height: 6ft 3

Weight:265 lbs

Hometown: St. Petersburg, Russia

Personality: Heel

Looks Description: steel blue eyes, clean shaven head and face. Very muscular and defined body.

Ethnicity: Russian

Pic base:

Strengths: Traditional olympic style wrestling. Submission and technical specialist

Weaknesses: high fly manuevers

Entrance Theme Music:

Special Entrance (if any): Quickly struts to ringside with a black rose in his left hand and a thick 4ft length of chain wrapped around his clenched right fist. He wears a long sleeved hoody overtop his one piece red wrestling suit. Following behind him is brother/manager Alexei Medved wearing a black fitted suit and sunglasses. He runs a hand through his slick blonde hair and stops at the bottom of the ring while watching his much more massive brother walk up the steel steps and into the ring. He immediately drops the chain and uses the rose to imitate knife slashing his throat and whips the rose down to the mat. He removes his hood from his clean shaven head and removes the sweater. Alexei collects his brothers items from ringside and watches his brother as Evgeni continues the look of intensity and anticipation.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves: German Suplex, belly to belly suplex, suplex, spinning neckbreaker, DDT, scoop slam, inverted camel clutch sleeper, Boston crab, figure four, crossed face chickening.

Trademark Move(s): Weeping Rose
Description(s): BearHug

Finishing Move(s): 1.St. Petersburg Slam 2. EM-47
Description(s): 1. Spinning firemans carry into sidewalk slam
2. Sharpshooter

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: 4ft length of chain.

Additional notes:

Evgeni is a 2nd generation wrestler who was trained by his father
Igor Medved. Igor was a Gold medalist in olympic wrestling for the former USSR. He quickly learned that there was not much money in the Olympics and needed to support his wife and 2 children. He accepted in offer to wrestle in Japan as a masked villain "Black Rose".When he would return home to visit his family he would bring back stories, pictures, and memorabilia of his work in Japan. The boys idolized their father and wanted to be like him.

Growing up the much bigger Evgeni dominated his much smaller brother when they would wrestle and was a breakout wrestler for his school never losing a match during his time there. Around the same time his father had lost his World Championship in a mask vs hair match against the promotions top young wrestler. The Black Rose never had the same success without the mask and after 2 years retired and came back home.

He opened up a wrestling school in St. Petersburg training both sons, although only one had the ability and the desire to make it in the ring. With so much talent at his school he opened his own indy promotion with the help of both sons. Evgeni headlined most of the events and at a young age had the charisma to be the face of the organization and World Champion wrestling under the name Russian Rose. His brother Igor helped their father run the promotion trying to learn as much as he could from his much wiser father.

In 2018 the same Promotion in Japan that Igor had worked for came up with an offer he couldn't refuse and he sold his small russian indy promotion and all the talent in it for big bucks. After that Igor retired but the 2 brothers left for Japan. Alexei decided to manage his brother Russian Rose in Japan who was projected to be a huge success. Alexei was right, his brother became the top wrestler and the hottest thing in Japan.

Alexei decided to contact several American promotions looking for the highest bidder. But Russian Rose needed some convincing...


In-Ring Name:

Wrestler's Real Name:

New to XWF or a returning roster member?:

Wrestler Date of Birth:





Looks Description:


Pic Base, if any:



Entrance Theme Music:

Special Entrance (if any):

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:

Trademark Move(s):

Finishing Move(s):

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots:

Additional notes:

[Image: M8HN8TM.png]

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