Strengths: Eyebrows On Fleek, Dick Game Strong, Flipping Pancakes With Only His Butt-cheeks
Weaknesses: Burger King Gives Him Gas, White Bitches, Shiny Objects
Entrance Theme Music:
Special Entrance (if any):"Day of the Dead" By Hollywood Undead starts to play as the fans boo throughout the arena. Out comes The Hired Gun as we see that figure with him. The figure cackles as he sees The Hired Gun start walking down towards the ring. The fans look frightened as the figure follows him. He makes it to the ring as we see the figure pull out a car battery and jumper cables. The Hired Gun just exposes his thumbs to him as the figure sparks the cables and then places them on The Hired Gun's thumbs as The Hired Gun just grunts. he removes the cables and The Hired Gun climbs into the ring. The Hired Gun just stares into space as his music fades.
Million Dollar Plex - Millenium Suplex (Usually right after somebody gets a rope break from the Million Dollar Dream)
Cash Kick - Super-kick
Throwing Shade - Reverse Gory Special into Double Knee Gutbuster
Make It Rain - Swiss Death
Finishing Move(s):
Amityville Horror - Vertabreaker
Million Dollar Dream - Modified Cobra Clutch
Breaking The Bank - Power of the Punch (brass knuckles)
Ultimate Finisher: Fabula Nova Crystallis
Description: One Winged Angel. This move is not done all the time, as it takes away almost all of The Hired Gun's stamina, but it is devestating. No one kicks out of it.
Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots:
Likes to set up a steel chair and suplex opponent onto the hard edge at the top of the chair.
Throws chairs as hard as he can at someone's head.
Places limbs in between steel chairs and stomps on them... He likes chairs.
The Hired Gun loves the idea of making a steel chair suit, covering as much of his body as he can in steel chairs with the aid of duct tape in an ill-fated attempt to become invulnerable to damage. 9 times out of 10 this backfires but it looks pretty cool.
Additional notes: Basically, The Hired Gun was transformed into essentially, a living weapon. He wasn't born this way, though that doesn't mean that he didn't have skills to begin with, he was simply modified. Conditioned. Enhanced to be capable of doing things, that most are not born to be able to do. Rewired biochemically and altered genetically, while his mind was manipulated and redesigned, to cater to the transformation.