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Therapy is Necessary
Author Message
Kalel Drake

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02-17-2020, 12:58 AM

Why do people start in the darkest part of their life to tell a story? Why not start from the start?

[Image: giphy.gif]

Ok, maybe that's a little too far and I don't even remember those days anyway. To be totally honest I don't remember a lot of days actually. When I was younger I was told the reason I can't remember is that my brain wanted to forget. That's a scary thought, isn't it? Your brain can just delete things without your permission and what if I wanted to remember those things? What if they were important but my brain just chooses to yeet that shit right out of my head. Stupid brain.


I'd like to think I grew up the way any girl should. A room full of toys and a mother who loved her daughter more than life itself! Mother- I wonder what happened to her after I left. I couldn't stay with her anymore and I know it made her sad. This story is boring isn't it? Maybe that's why no one starts from the beginning. Ok, I'll tell another story then.

The night was dark but not so dark that you couldn't see the moon or stars. The house was dark aside from the windows that let in the light from the moon acting like night lights through the two-story house. It was really quiet, more quiet than usual since everyone was asleep and it was only nine o'clock. Mother was in her room across the hall with the blankets pulled nice and tightly around her. It was kind of cold so it wasn't unusual for the heat turning on to break the silence throughout the night.

The heater turned on and air blew out of the little vent in the floor to make the room more comfortable. It didn't bother mother, she stayed sleeping in her bed not even flinching. The floorboards creaked now and then but that was normal of the fifty-year-old house, it was just settling. The only other sound was the cat that meows from outside? This family didn't have a cat.

A little girl, eight or nine I think, sat up in her pink sheeted bed and looked around. The tree outside of the window slid against the glass making a scratchy noise. It must have been the thing to wake her. She was about to go back to sleep before her lips stuck together from her mouth being to dry so she scooted over to the edge of the bed and dropped down on the ground, walked into the hallway, then downstairs to the kitchen where she was able to moisten her mouth with a cool glass of water from the fridge. She closed the fridge door then noticed the cat sitting on the back of the couch. It meowed at her and she thought it was just a dream so she walked back up the stairs. She had a lot of dreams about cats and mother always told her she was special because she could walk while dreaming. Pretty fucking neat right?

Upstairs her mother's bedroom door was wide open when she went down the stairs. Then when she went back up to lay down in her bed mother's door was closed and locked tight. It took a lot of budging and I mean a lot but she got the door open and behind it was a bloody wonderland. The little girl walked into her mother's bedroom which was stained with crimson red. Parts of her mother laid on the bed and other parts were on the ground.

Kalel it seems as though you are recalling something you've already talked about in a previous session.


Kalel do you remember what you said during that session?

Yes. The cat told me I had to kill my mother and that's what I did so she could be with my dad. At that time I thought my father was God because my mother told me I was an angel and angels come from heaven where God lives. She said he was my father and I was the best gift he gave her. I thought my mother was sad she couldn't see him but she would read letters from him every night before we both went to bed.

You mean a bible. She read you a bible.

Yes. A Bible. That was also around the time I thought he was talking to me. There was also a woman.

"Do you know who your father is Kalel?"


"God is your father?"

"Mother told me I was an angel and angels come from heaven where God lives. She said he was my father and I was the bestest gift he could have ever given her. I think mother is sad she never gets to see daddy. She loves him a lot and she has a big book of letters from him that she reads to me every night before we go to bed. I hear him sometimes."

"What does he tell you Kalel?"

"He misses mother but knows she won't see him so he wants me to help him get her back. He also tells me he wants to see me and hold me like he did in heaven."

"Did he tell you how you and your mother are going to be able to see him?"

"He said I needed to make mother sleep for a really long time so she can dream of him like I do. He told me to listen to the women in the closet because she could tell me how to see him again."

"Who is the woman in the closet Kalel?"

"I don't know her name but she floats in the air a lot and makes funny faces like this-- She told me once that if I wanted to see daddy, I had to play a game with her."

"What was this game Kalel?"

"She told me not to tell."

"Did she tell you to hurt yourself Kalel?"

Kalel, where did you go?


Do we need to talk about disassociation again?

I didn't disassociation! I was thinking.

Okay. What about now, do you believe God is your father now?

I don't belive in a God.

What about the women, do you see her anymore?

No. It's been a really long time since I've seen her. Not since I started taking medication.

Do you remeber why you started going to therapy?


"The home remedies aren't working Ms. Watson, Kalel needs to be put on medication before she harms herself or someone else and if you are not willing to work with me I will call CPS."

"She doesn't need medication! Nothing is wrong with her besides the dreams she has that's it!"

"She believes her father is God Ms.Watson."

"She's young, she doesn't understand it when I tell her she is God's child."

"She is nine years old Ms.Watson, she is no longer a child and should understand the difference. If you refuse to give her the medication I am prescribing she will be taken from you and checked in so we can be sure she is receiving proper care."

"No, I won't allow it."

"She is talking about killing you and herself so she can see her father Ms.Watson, that is cause for concern. She hears voices and sees hallucinations that are not there. Unless you have been coaching her I believe she has schizophrenia and possibly dissociative identity disorder. She needs to be medicated and therapy needs to continue."

"I want a second opinion. Nothing is wrong with my daughter, the only reason we came to you was that--"

"She injured a young man on the block on purpose and said he had a demon inside of him. She tried to extract the demon by looking at him and it didn't work so she said she had to kill him. Ms.Watson, do you not see how serious this has been?"



I hurt someone badly because I saw a different face that wasn't their face.

Did the same thing happen two months ago when you attacked another patient?

No. Luther took my pudding cup after I told him I was going to eat it and it made me mad.

You stabbed him with a plastic fork Kalel.

He had it coming but now I know that it was wrong and I'll never do it again.

What about your previous psychiatrist? You jumped on her desk and knocked her over in her seat.

She was saying mean things.

What mean things did she say?

She said she wouldn't release me because I wasn't better.

Do you believe you're better.


Kalel you said before that you wonder what you're mother did after you left. Do you remember what happened to your mother?.

That was a slip of the tongue. My mother's dead and has been since I was 14.

Can you recall your mothers death?

The little girl never got the meds she needed and her therapy stopped. Mother said the best medicine was to pray and told her to pray more and God would fix things. She and her mother moved to a new house inside the states. She wasn't allowed outside of the house unless her mother was with her and started to show signs of separation anxiety whenever her mother wasn't around. The voices became louder, the hallucinations more real, and once she finally had enough she tried to kill her mother to stop them. After that, she was strapped to her bed every night by her mother right before she would read a verse from the bible and tell her she loved her.

Five years later she killed her mother. She didn't feel sorry about it she laughed and smiled looking at her mother's body. The girl looked horrible with deep sunken eyes and a pale glow that lit up her skin that barely clung to her bones. She was malnourished from weeks of being starved. A priest came and he and her mother tried to do an exorcism on her using holy water because mother said she was talking to the devil, not god. She had enough.


"You've been a bad girl!"

"I only want your mother to come home."

"You weren't supposed to tell!"

"I'm sorry...Please...How do I fix this daddy?"

"Kill her."

She slipped out of the holdings and walked into the kitchen, pulled out a large butcher knife from the knife rack, walked down the hallway, opened her mothers door, and found mother sitting on the bed reading her bible.


"Shhhh mother."


"Mother, please be quiet. I just want you to see daddy again because he really misses you and I just want you both to be happy."

"Now, just go to sleep and when you wake up daddy will be there. Daddy doesn't want me to go so I'm going to have to stay here but you'll be ok mother. When you see daddy tell him I say "Hi," ok?"

She held mother down while she screamed then stabbed her in the artery.

Kalel are you aware when you talk about what happened you talk as if you are telling someone else's story?

Oh yes I knew that because aren't I?

What do you mean Kalel?

After the police came I said I did it. I said I left her rotting in our house for two years until someone called about the smell. I said I killed her and explained why. They didn't question me really because my story added up. There was no break-in and the house looked like a torture playground. I went to a psychiatric hospital sorta like this one but they released me after giving me pills and therapy. I even started going to public school after I was released.

That doesn't explain-

Let me finish. I said those things because it was what I believed at the time. I couldn't tell reality from a hallucination so you tell me Doc do you think a 14-year-old girl who was extremely underweight would be able to hold her mother down and kill her?

So what you're saying is you didn't kill your mother?

No. I didn't kill mother.

And how did you come to this conclusion?

I guess therapy is really working.

Kalel, am I talking with Ms.Watson or Ms.Drake.

Does it matter?

Yes it does. Ms.Watson is honest with her answers because she is you. Ms.Drake was manifested in order to protect Ms.Watson and will do anything to keep her safe including using manipulation tactics and even lying.

Yes it's Drake but I'm being honest. I've worked this program for the last nine almost ten months and I just want to get out of here and on with my life.

Well, it is a good sign you can remember things as far back as 14 years ago and you have been participating in your groups. I have seen a lot of improvement but before I decide anything I need to ask you one more thing.


What caused your last break?

I broke up with Rea my girlfriend. I was only staying on the meds and going to therapy for her so when she left me I didn't see a reason to keep going with them. Besides, they affected me in the ring and I didn't want to lose my career because of fucking pills.

Do you plan to go back to wrestling?


What is to stop this from happening again and you seriously hurting yourself or someone else?

Like I said I changed in here. I'm also not alone when I get out of here. I have help.

You're referring to your wrestling partner.

Friend. And yes.

Well Kalel as long as you take your medication and continue therapy you should be fine to leave. I'm glad you did improve and we solved some of the underlying problems that have caused some of the turmoil in your life. You can leave this afternoon after I finish the paperwork.

Thank you.

And don't forget what I always say-

Therapy is necessary.

Good thing I can still lie through my teeth and people belive every word I say.
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Jenny Myst (02-17-2020)
Kalel Drake

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02-24-2020, 03:09 PM

I've always wondered if people are born crazy or if they are just sorta driven to it. Ya know? Like, most people who are crazy have a reason for being crazy but was that crazy already there and it just took a pushing point to push them over the edge or was it that one thing that happened that changed them forever? I'm pretty sure there's an easy answer to that question but I always wonder because when I was younger my mother used to say that we were made in God's image and why would God make someone defective if we are in his image? Isn't he perfect? I asked her that once and she slapped me really hard. I asked my first doctor that too and he said there's a malfunction in the brain which would imply we're born with it, right?

Crazy, heh, I've been called crazy by a lot of people. Mentally unstable. Sick in the head. Strange. But all this time I never saw myself that way. I've always just been different. I know I'm not normal and I've never tried to be. Sometimes because I don't mind being different I end up in a mess of trouble. People don't understand. People don't want to understand. They want you to take this pill or go to that doctor and get fixed. I'm not broken so why do people say I need to be fixed? If you ask me normal people are the ones we should fear not people like me.

Ya know it's funny how a girl can have so many stories in her mind but not remember them all. It's weird that doctors think that by uncovering those stories it can make people better. If the brain really does block things as a way to save itself then why do doctors expect those stories to make anything better. Wouldn't it just make things worse? Anyway, it's not like she doesn't want to remember those memories, not like she doesn't try at times. Maybe it's because she needs a new way to hurt herself or maybe she's scared to forget more. She'd like to give you an answer to where it all went wrong or at least when it all went wrong in everyone else's eyes. I don't have an answer but I'm pretty sure it's your job to put the pieces together and fill me in any way.

That house was always so freaking loud that you couldn't even hear your own thoughts. Little kids needing a sugar fix every twenty minutes and adults who didn't care. There was so much screaming, crying, laughing, and yelling. But kids will be kids won't they? Six little crotch goblins were always running around that house but then a seventh little child was added to the household.

She was quiet, much more quiet than the other kids. Afterall she grew up that way; sitting in church pews and listening to adults talk. She was raised not to speak unless spoken to and that was her golden rule. She was also anxious around the other kids. They made her anxious. They made her want to shove q-tips all the way in her ears until they bled and she didn't have to hear the noises they made anymore. While she barely talked all they could do was scream.

She was different.

And because of that she was outcasted.

It's not easy growing up with six other kids who want nothing to do with you because you're weird. It's not easy to be told the only reason you had a roof over your head was because you were stupid and crazy and your foster parents got more money for you than the others. It's not easy waking up every morning in a war zone where you have to duck and cover all the time and fight for a meal. It wasn't easy but I got through it. In my own way.

I was always curious about everything so I read a lot and listened to a lot of music growing up in that house. I had a lot of time to myself and there was a lot of time I wasn't at the house. My doctor thought this foster family was just the thing I needed to be normal but it wasn't. No one really listened to me then. Well, until things got bad.

There was a lot of blood but the feeling of pain was barely there. She had numbness that just overtook everything. Feeling anything at all was hard and you know part of the reason had to be because of the seven medications she was on. It was an honest mistake. She didn't know the trouble it would cause. She just wanted to see how her muscles worked.

Kalel, was this right before you were admitted to another psychiatric hospital?

Yes, they said it was a suicide attempt but it wasn't. I really just wanted to see how my muscles worked. I read so many books but you can't learn from just reading. You also have to do.

You sliced your arm open vertically and pulled back your skin at the age of Sixteen. You scared and worried a lot of people Kalel including your foster parents.

Heh, they didn't worry about anyone but themselves. Did you know that before they became foster parents they were struggling to pay for their house? I did. They were about to lose everything before the first foster child came in but instead of getting out of the hole they kept buying this and taking on more kids.

Your foster mother stayed by your bed every night Kalel.

It was fake. It was all fake. They knew how and when to smile but all I saw were frowns. I saw through it all while everyone else turned a blind eye. The other kids had it easy. They could take care of themselves. After I got home from the hospital they treated me like I couldn't. Not anymore they'd say. Stay in your room and we'll bring you food they'd say. If you don't stop acting out we'll take you back they'd say!


No more time outside. No more time with the other kids. I was ostracised! I was separated and discriminated against. I was locked in that bedroom for hours with no food, they never brought food! Do you know what it's like to feel your body breaking down because you weren't given food or water? I only acted out because I wouldn't have survived! I was crazy! Insane! Unreliable! Noone fucking listened to me! No one paid attention to me! They lied. They said I was refusing to eat. They lied. They said I was harming myself again when I was getting abused by the other kids and our caregivers promoted it! They lied. They said I wasn't take my meds. They lied. They lied. They lied and lied and lied and lied!

Kalel I think it's best if we move on-

But when I finally reached my breaking point. When I was tired of being the victim. The moment I became the villain. Everyone paid attention then. Everyone was worried then.


"I don't wanna- I DON'T WANNA GO! NO! PLEASE!! NO!"

"What did I tell you last time? I told you if you don't behave we will make you behave."

"I don't want to please no! NOT THERE! NO!"


It wasn't the first time that door closed behind the little girl but it would be the last. There were so many mirrors and no sound. It was a simple closet until one day it wasn't. One day it became a different world to her. Hallucinations were almost natural in that closet when they took away her medication. It was her own twisted wonderland that day.


"I'll be good, please just don't put me in there. I don't want to hear them!"

"Next time you won't take what doesn't belong to you will you?"

"I won't I swear! I was just so hungry and Abrey said she was finished I just wanted some-"


Food was her breaking point. Can you believe that? She started eating her nails and scabs. Fucking disgusting. She didn't have to after that one single day. All it took was one day.

Kalel, what happened in the closet?

They said she refused her medication and all this was by her own doing. Everyone believed because who belives a sick girl? A broken girl? Nightmares. God. She saw it all in that room as soon as the door closed.



"No one will harm you, child. I won't let them."


"Not your mother."

"Not your mother."
"Not your mother."
"Demon! DEMON!"

"Shhhhh it's ok daughter. Remember what I say, all good things come to those who believe in the almighty. He will not abandon you in times of need. You're his child and all of God's children are protected by his hand."

"No god here."

"God isn't real."
"No god here."

"Come child."


Her face was comforting and so was her voice. It was the evil that the girl was used to. It was a comforting evil. It was also the worst evil.


"I'm so sorry mommy. I thought you wanted to be with dad and I didn't know what else to do. You were so sad and I just wanted to make you happy."

"Oh but I am happy."

"Are- Are you sure?"

"Of course."


"Don't trust."
"Don't trust."
"Don't, don't, DON'T"
"Where is dad?"

"Come here and we'll go together."


"To your father silly. He's waiting for us."


"Break the mirror and use the glass."


"Break it."
"Bad girl."
"Listen to mommy."
"But what if it hurts?"

"It will but not for long."


"Come home."
"Come home."
"Come to hell."
"Come home."

Kalel, you said there were mirrors? Why?

How should I know? Maybe they wanted her to do it. Maybe they were waiting for the day she actually followed through so they could blame it on her mental illness. Maybe they thought she hated herself and forced her to look at the thing she hated most. Little did they know it would backfire.


"I want to come home mommy. I don't like it here."

"You know how."


"Not mother."
"Mommys home."

"Not mommy."
"Mommys gone."


There was a lot of blood and as she laid there dying wrapped in her mother's arms things seemed to change. Her eyes were closing even when she forced them open. Her blood was warm but her body was losing heat. She almost gave in but then she changed. Mother's face was rotting, blood gushed from open sores and her teeth began to fall out. Her skin was pulled from her bone as the girl tried to fight. She screamed. Pleaded for someone to save her.



"What's wrong Kitten? Don't want to join me in hell? Heh, you took me there. Having you as a bastard baby put me here! YOU KILLED ME KALLELLY!"


"No one is going to help you child. No one cares about you. You're crazy remember? Batshit insane. No one believes a word that comes out of your mouth and you have no one to blame but yourself for it."


"Where's mommy's little girl? Hahaha."


Can you remember what happened next Kalel?

She- I- I broke the door handle using one of the mirrors. I was covered in glass and all the little pieces in my shirt and pants kept cutting me. I was crying a lot and there was a voice that kept talking to me as I ran into the kitchen.

What did the voice tell you?

I- I can't remember. It was so loud and I really wanted it to stop. I- oh god I hurt Timothy. I stabbed him I remember him laying on the grass outside and all the screaming and yelling. I- I think I had a panic attack then woke up at the hospital again. Did- Did I kill him?

No Kalel, can you remember anything else?

I- I don't want to. Not anymore. I don't want to remember what happened. I hurt- I hurt-

Kalel, breath. Practice the breathing exercises.

Did I kill anyone?

No, you didn't. You took back control and proved that even without medication you can have control. I think that was good enough for today I don't want you to overexert yourself. I do want to continue these sessions every Monday from here on out. If you can continue to remember I think we can really break some ground and possibly make life a little easier for you to live. I'm proud of your progress.
Kalel Drake

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02-26-2020, 03:07 PM

Case N○. 1326
Beverly Watson

Everything happens for a reason. I didn't always know that but now I do. I wondered why good things happened to bad people and why bad things happened to the good but now I know why. Sometimes what we perceive as bad isn't always bad but seems bad at the time. The same goes for good things we count as blessings even if we haven't seen the evil in those blessings yet.

When I first started coming to these sessions I saw it as a curse. I didn't want to talk about myself or what happened and thought this was unfair treatment of someone who went through one of the hardest times in their life. Little did I know this would be a blessing and I'm grateful for it. It was God's way.

Nine months ago Ms.Watson was referred to me after a case involving sexual violence. After a kit was administered it was determined Ms.Watson's story of being forced into sexual intercourse was true. A week later she found out that she was pregnant. As a result, we have continued to meet twice weekly unless otherwise stated in previous notes. Currently, I believe that Ms.Watson is in a fragile state and could pose a risk to herself or the unborn she's carrying. However, a second opinion has determined that Ms.Watson may discontinue her therapeutic sessions if she wishes. It should be noted that Ms.Watson's mother did not want the kit nor therapy from the beginning.

Although what happened to me was terrible I can only see it as a blessing. Not only will I be a mother to a beautiful baby girl I've found my faith and can believe in something again. It's wonderful to wake up each morning with those thoughts alone.

At the age of Fifteen Ms.Watson was sexually assaulted by two men in the bathroom of a local park. She will be giving birth to a child at the young age of sixteen and plans to take care of the child. Based on early conversations with Ms.Watson I believe she did not make this choice on her own and that her parents or another party have had their hand in deciding this decision. I personally believe that Ms.Watson has not and possibly will never disclose the entire truth to me about what happened that day in the park.

God placed me on this path and has given me the strength to continue down this path. He's the reason you and I met, the reason I will have a child, and the reason I once again smile in the morning. Had this never happened I wouldn't have found him again.

Throughout our sessions, I've seen disturbing sighs in Ms.Watson's behavior. I've witnessed bruises under her clothes when she moves the wrong way including over her belly and lower back. My first instinct was to blame Ms.Watson because often times victims can not handle what happened to them and although they chose to keep their children they go through periods of regret and inner turmoil. However, certain things Ms.Watson says leads me to believe that there is someone else in her life abusing her and that this abuse as continued throughout much of Ms.Watson's life.

My mother is excited to become a grandmother and has been very helpful these past nine months. She agreed with my decision to keep the baby and plans to help me finish school and graduate so I can give my little girl the best life possible.

Ms.Watson's mother has been a very interesting topic we've spoken on many times. During many of our conversations, Ms.Watson describes her mother as nice and caring however other times it seems Ms.Watson is scared of her mother. Ms.Watson's father died when she was younger and she barely remembers him and her step-father is no longer allowed around the family due to an indiscretion that Ms.Watson refuses to speak on. I offered to talk to Ms.Watson's mother but she refused a sit-down.

Beverly, I think you might be confused. You keep saying you're having a child and that it will be a girl.

I'm not confused. My mothers bought nothing but pink everything and told me it's a girl.

No Beverly I don't mean confused about the gender I mean confused about how many children you will be having. You are having a girl but you are also having a boy.

I believe Ms.Watson has been coached by someone. Her answers are slowly becoming less genuine and her expression don't match the feelings that she should feel while talking about certain topics. When she was first brought to me she mentioned how she didn't want the baby and that her family life was abnormal though she wouldn't express in what ways. She showed signs of severe depression, anxiety, and possibly disassociative disorder but after a month became strangely optimistic.

Oh. Okay.

Concluding notes: Ms.Watson left my office today, December 19th, 1996 at approximately 3:45 P.M. Upon disclosing her condition she became unresponsive to my questions as though she were in shock. I believe her mother has withheld the information she is carrying twins, a boy, and a girl. Once our session had concluded her mother informed me that she would no longer be bringing Ms.Watson to my office and thanked me for my help.

My conclusion is still that Ms.Watson or her family may harm her or the unborn children she is carrying. It is still unclear but I believe Ms.Watson's mother is abusing her daughter, coaching her, and telling her what to do. I don't believe that Ms.Watson is better I believe she is being manipulated and controlled. There is the possibility that many of Ms.Watson's stories are fabricated but I believe she has been hiding key details in her stories that are the truth. I will be reviewing my notes from the past nine months in hopes that I can involve police protection.

Case N○. 96380
Kalel Watson

We've held Ms.Watson for 30 days as part of the evaluation asked by officers after the discovery of a body inside of the Watson home. Ms.Watson believed she killed her mother late at night in the home after hearing voices and seeing hallucinations. Officers at the scene began procession and charging Ms.Watson with murder at the young age of sixteen but questioned parts of her story. Ms.Watson told officers at the scene that she held her mother down before stabbing her then left the body in the room for two years to rot. At the scene, officers found dried roses in a vase next to the door appearing as some form of homage to Ms.Watson's mother indicating that Ms.Watson knew of her mother's passing but did not reach out to inform anyone. The body was only discovered due to neighbors reporting a smell from the house as well as not seeing anyone leave the house in almost two years.

I didn't want to get in trouble. I knew what I did was wrong and shouldn't have done it but I just wanted them to stop. I just wanted my mother to be happy and be with my father. He missed her.

One inconsistency in Ms.Watson's story is holding her mother down. It was estimated by a professional that at the time of the killing Ms.Watson weighted 76 pounds while her mother weighed 190 pounds and would have been fully capable of breaking free of any hold Kalel had on the woman. When Ms.Watson was brought to us she weighed a shocking and disturbing 54 pounds and could barely hold herself up. It was mentioned that she didn't leave the house during the two years her mother was dead and instead found water wherever she could and resorted to eating parts of her mother to survive. This resulted in a feeding tube followed by full meals only 14 days later. A miracle some would say. Impossibly if you asked me.

I must have touched the window after I killed her.

The second inconsistency in Ms.Watson's story is the bloody fingerprint left on the window. The entire house was swept by officers and nothing was found aside from a fingerprint on the window in the victim's blood. Ms.Watson's fingerprints were taken upon arrival here and it was determined they did not match the fingerprint at the scene. Ms.Watson still claims no one came in or out of the house that night and that she had been awake for the majority of the night.

I tossed it out of the window and it went into the neighbor's yard.

The third inconsistency in Ms.Watson's story is the knife used to kill her mother was never found even after investigating the entire block. She claims she used a kitchen knife but ridges indicated on the skin indicate a skinning knife was used. Ms.Watson's statement to the officers indicates she did not leave the house after the murder and only left once during the two years while her mother was in the house. Security cameras from a neighboring house proved this to be a lie. Ms.Watson also claims she stabbed her mother only once but there were over 23 entry wounds leading officers to believe this was a crime of hate and not only of love like Ms.Watson claims.

I have no reason to lie! I killed her! Me! I wanted her happy and I did it so she could see daddy even if I can't!

The fourth inconsistency in Ms.Watson's story was how the body was laying. According to investigators, the body had not been touched since death. There was no signs that any part of the body had been moved and based on the position of the body and the pattern of blood on the headboard Ms.Watson's mother was not killed sitting up but rather laying down. Other inconsistencies have been documented as well however I don't have access to them.

I've considered the possibility that over a two-year span Ms.Watson could not remember details perfectly which could be the reason for the inconsistencies. I've also taken into consideration the possibilities she lied during her initial interview. However, these don't explain the fingerprint that did not belong to her mother or Ms. Watson nor does it explain why a fragile Watson was able to hold down her very capable mother. In addition, I've determined that Ms. Watson's mental state has not fully developed. While she may be a sixteen-year-old girl her mental capacity is more between the ages of five to seven.

Due to the interesting circumstances around this investigation, I decided to look into Ms.Watson's past. I found her birth mother's case file which a copy will be attached to Ms.Watson's file for any future reference. First and foremost I found that the woman found dead was in fact wasn't Ms.Watson's mother but her grandmother based on dental records. I also found that Ms.Watson's birth mother was killed in front of Ms.Watson when she was three and her brother was missing from the scene. This is how Ms.Watson ended up with her grandmother.

After reviewing Ms. Watson's birth mother's file I decided to also research the Watson family. Originally, they were the Handerson's but later changed their last names to Watson following joining a church called the Church of assembly. What I found was very disturbing and after reviewing Ms.Watson's birth mother's case file I belive Doctor Fitz was correct in his assumptions.

After the death of her first husband, Ms.Watson's grandmother married into what I would describe as a cult. The step-father convinced the grandmother that God wanted him and his brother to devise a group to follow in God's footsteps. He and the brother impregnated her daughter at fifteen and each twin had a different father. The grandmother told Ms. Watson's birth mother she was only carrying a daughter in order to remove the boy from the house and it was planned that once Ms.Watson was fifteen she would also be impregnated by the two men. It's believed that Ms.Watson's birth mother was killed in order to remove Ms.Watson's twin from the house without a fuss. The grandmother then took over the role of being Ms.Watson's mother and began planting the idea that God was Ms.Watson's father. Ms.Watson was manipulated and controlled similarily to her birth mother and there are indicators that Ms.Watson was sexually mistreated as well.

Concluding notes: In conclusion, I don't believe Ms.Watson killed her grandmother but there was someone else who entered the house. Ms.Watson seems to have been coached into believing she did the action herself. I don't believe she is a threat to anyone, however, I am diagnosing her with Post traumatic stress disorder and panic disorder in addition to the previous diagnosis of bipolar disorder, psychosis, and dissociative identity disorder. Medication will be administered and her new foster home will be informed of her necessary therapy. I believe it is too early for her to be released but unfortunately, it is out of my hands.

I have identified two separate identities that will take form from time to take. The first is Kalel Drake or Ms.Drake. Ms.Drake is the identity that protects the host (Kalel Watson). She is the mature version of Ms.Watson but she is also the part of Ms.Watson that has learned manipulation tactics from her past. She appears cold and assured and reveals herself when the host (Kalel Watson) is overwhelmed. The second identity is Timothy. I believe this is some sort of personification of her twin brother though she never met him. He is defensive and shows signs of extreme fits of anger. He very rarely shows and a trigger for him is yet to be discovered at this point. At times I believe he may also manifest as a hallucination and Ms.Watson is unaware that he is not real.

Additional important notes: Until Ms.Watson is able to identify past memories from past manifestations I believe it is in her best interest to not mention certain aspects of her life. First, the mention of her twin should be strictly prohibited. This could cause Ms.Drake to take the place of Ms.Watson for a long period of time in which time I believe she could harm herself or others as a way to lash out at the world. Second, there should be no mention or distinction between Ms.Watson's birth mother and grandmother. For all intents and purposes, her grandmother is to be referred to as her mother and her birth mother is not to mentioned. Third, there should be no mention oh her own sexual past as a young child. Finally, she needs to be able to remember the past for what it is and not what is was portrayed as in order to keep Ms.Watson intact. Until she can tell the difference these things should be avoided.

Recommendation: Kalel Watson should be placed in a household with many children so she can develop in her mental state. She also needs to know how to work with others before the isolated life she lived causes more problems. I suggest a family with two parental figures in the household. It would be preferred the foster home has past experience with mental illness.

It took nine months to find these but now things make sense. Then again who's to say I haven't been here from the very beginning to keep the "host" safe? After all, Kalel Watson would be dead if it wasn't for me, or worse. With me here she has fun and can be herself without the world telling her she can't. Call me a guardian Angel. But who are you going to believe? A few trained professionals or a crazy girl?

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