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Chris Page Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

10-11-2019, 05:17 PM

The scene opens with the following shot taking over our screen.

[Image: A-competition-called-Sacred-Wales-wants-...listed.jpg]

It holds the screen’s attention for several seconds before immediately switching over.

[Image: hell.jpg]

The shot of the fire and burning flesh occupy the screen for several seconds in its own right before we finally get.

[Image: %CF%86%CE%B1%CE%BA%CE%B5-3.jpg]

The scene opens with as with a shot of CHRIS PAGE standing in front of a black backdrop on a small stage. We see CHRIS standing behind a row of five podiums that are waist high and all five have blood red drapes over something on each small podium. CHRIS has his long hair tied back in a ponytail per usual and is wearing another interesting t-shirt which is black with white lettering that reads “SATAN and GOD” across the top and underneath them the words “ARE FAKE”.

CHRIS looks into the camera as he welcomes us all.

CHRIS PAGE- “Nineteen sixty nine.”

CHRIS pauses for a moment before he states.

CHRIS PAGE- “Come on, think about it. Nineteen Sixty Nine.”

I wonder if you even have any idea where this is truly going for someone that’s dull and boring as you would LOVE for me to seriously believe.

CHRIS intently looks into the camera as before slowly starting to walk to the left where he comes to rest behind the first podium.

CHRIS PAGE- “Nineteen Sixty Nine.”

Nineteen Sixty Nine is where it all started, right Soldier?

CHRIS PAGE- “A lot of things happened in sixty nine; Woodstock, Apollo Ten, Moon landing, Lennon and Yoko’s marriage, Nixon took office, Manson murders… but all that pales in comparison to what nineteen sixty nine should mean to someone like UNKNOWN SOLDIER.”

Nineteen Sixty Nine is when it all went… Main stream.

CHRIS PAGE- “Up until nineteen sixty nine it was all a dirty little secret, wasn’t it? I mean it happened, evidence was around but never it gain the popularity then when…”

CHRIS yanks the first red rape off the podium where a book is on display.

[Image: 82333._UY500_SS500_.jpg]

CHRIS PAGE- “The Satanic Bible was born.”

It’s an interesting piece of literature that rivals the Bible as pieces of literature that I might keep by the toilet and use as toilet paper to wipe my ass with. There’s plenty of scripture that pop out at you as complete horse shit then you have some that make even myself scratch my head.

CHRIS PAGE- “Anton LeVey; you know about him considering your agenda. He’s the man that brought Satan worshipping into the lime light and out from the shadows so guys like you, the insecure masses had something to cling on to in order to make yourselves feel good for being twat waffles.”

Unlike Solider who will come out here and attempt to fool you all into thinking that I’m nothing or no one, or past my prime, or should walk away, or any and everything that EVERYONE before him has said before. His smack talk against me thus far has left a lot to be desired for someone who thinks he’s truly the man around here. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve been told to walk away from the sport by just about anyone that crosses my path. It’s about as cliché’ as it comes which is about as much as I can expect when I’m dealing with a child.

Here’s a fun fact about CHRIS PAGE and something that you’re just too stupid to figure out. I don’t pretend to be cool, I don’t try to be witty and I can give a flying about anything that is beyond my control. I literally walk out in front of a camera and tell you how it is from my perspective and how I see things. I don’t expect you to understand that everyone is entitled to an opinion but they’re all like assholes in the regard that everyone has one but they’re all a little bit different. It’s your job to step out in front of a camera and try, albeit feebly, to discount me and my logic. Thus far you’ve insulted your own intelligence and have already put your foot so far down your throat it truly reminds me of PETER GILMOUR.

… high five.

Not only can I play your game I’m going to play better than you because from what I’ve already seen you’ve literally said the same thing over, and over and over again like a broken fucking record. It’s sad, truly it is.

CHRIS PAGE- “A piece of scripture that sticks out from Mr. LeVey states “The real satanist is not quite so easily recognized as such”.”

There’s a momentary pause from CHRIS before he spouts out with sheer sarcasm.

CHRIS PAGE- “Someone’s overcompensating for something.”

Well aren’t you just the polar opposite of what he was trying to profess? You get off on MAKING yourself known because you NEED that attention like your mama needed that crack pipe while you was kicking around in the womb. It’s what defines you because without you’re just another poser following the teaching of a man that is questionable at best.

CHRIS PAGE- “Nonetheless this was just the start of the Satanic movement because he followed that up with this beauty.”

CHRIS yanks the red drape off the second small podium revealing.

[Image: 31ywOhlkSxL._SX304_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]

CHRIS PAGE- “The follow up to The Satanic Bible as more and more drank the kool-aid and started to buy into this hypocrisy and propaganda as the market started to boom and people started to buy in.”

In nineteen sixty nine the movement started to gain momentum and after three years of making up any and everything he could think of this follow up unfolds because Anton was smart enough to see a market that hadn’t been tapped… he tapped it first.

CHRIS PAGE- “They started to buy into ANTON much like some people buys into you, SOLDIER. You’ve got a handful of followers that worship the ground you work on; minions that are that desperate to be brain washed by nothing that has any credibility. He provided you nine rituals that you practice to his very day.”

SOLDIER has already showed his hand and has already committed a huge mistake as he continues to underestimate me and what I’m capable of. Example, apparently I’m a LOSER. If I’m so much of a fucking loser why the hell is this match taking place in a stadium as opposed to an arena? If I’m such a loser why do I garner attention like I garner it by doing absolutely nothing other than simply telling the truth? Example; isn’t it very interesting that you rose to the top of the XWF initially while one of your buddies was running the show? Isn’t it just a little bit interesting the timing of your cash in on ROBERT MAIN the moment that same little buddy poked around for “XX”?

I’m glad you think I’m nobody and even more ecstatic that you look at this as a complete waste of time because it’s going to make my impending victory only that much sweeter. People want to question my record? I’ve lost two matches and each by the hands of a guy that NOBODY beat for two years and even one of those wins was questionable at best. That isn’t crying, those are facts. Know the difference before you open that mouth of yours and try to stand toe to toe and box with me buttercup.

CHRIS PAGE- “And as if the happy horse shit couldn’t get any deeper Anton took it to a completely different level by nineteen eighty nine eight by adding MAGIC to his books!”

CHRIS yanks the third red drape off another book.

[Image: 41i0-P1w0LL._SX316_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]

CHRIS PAGE- “A book with spells mixed with psychology manipulation and glamor!

Okay really? Who the fuck does this guy think he is Harry Potter? This is seriously starting to get ridiculous and it’s clear only the legitimate bat shit crazy folks buy into the crap.

CHRIS PAGE- “Your leader that started this movement to spew hate in a time where everyone was impressionable; like yourself. Over the years it took on a life of its own only getting more and more outlandish as imaginations grew.”

Speaking of imaginations growing how’s that hole you’re digging to hell going for you? I’m just curious how far you’ve gotten with that because after all this is your deal, right? I mean I really CAN’T wait to see this first hand; you’d imagine my skepticism around all of this because Heaven and Hell mean about as much to me and are about as real to me as Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny. Is Satan going to climb out of this hole and kills me? Highly unlikely, and since you like to mention names like Roman Reigns allow me to counter that with booking Satan to team with you like Shawn Michaels and God; we all know who didn’t show up for the fight now don’t we?

CHRIS PAGE- “Anton made millions of dollars off cases that couldn’t afford mental health just like Churches all over the world milk millions weekly of people who think giving money to a Church is going to put you on some imaginary list to walk through some pearly gates. Being gullible is something anyone can control if they choose too.”

CHRIS snatches the fourth and fifth drapes off the last two books revealing.

[Image: 5141eiUMUUL._SX314_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]


[Image: 5141eiUMUUL._SX314_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]

CHRIS PAGE- “Essay after easy, hail satan after hail satan, blah, blah, blah, blah!”

There’s a pause from CHRIS before he states.

CHRIS PAGE- “Then he dies while his name carries on because the sheer stupidity of his followers that bought into all of this. He created the Church of Satan which spawned the Satanic Temple all for the almighty dollar that continues to pay dividends today.”

I’ll give Anton some fucking credit for tapping into a market and cashing in on the easily manipulated.

CHRIS PAGE- “And yes, there’s a plethora of morons that will claim this is the gospel of the dark one; in reality it’s the ramblings of a one man’s thoughts much like the bible is written based on someone’s dreams. Ironic that none of this Satan worshiping would be going on without the foundation of lies the bible laid out in front of us.”

CHRIS knocks the books off their holder one by one until he reaches the Satanic Bible. He reaches out picking it up off the stand and walks around the front of the podiums as he holds it in his right hand.

CHRIS PAGE- “There’s a lot that can be said about this man and the reason that I’ve stood before you this evening at this point to show you that I’ve taken the time to research what makes you tick, I’ve done a little homework and can say I’ve read some very interesting and outrageous scriptures and essays. This dude was whacked out of his skull.”

CHRIS tosses the Satanic Bible down to the floor with the rest of the propaganda.

CHRIS PAGE- “What’s funny is after his death numerous reports surfaced from his own daughter that many of his stories were simply fairytales.”

CHRIS shifts his attention towards the camera as he spouts out.

CHRIS PAGE- “SOLDIER, you believe and worship whatever entity you choose too but you’re going to have to forgive me if I’m not trembling in fear; there’s nothing about this to fear when you look at things for what they really are. You like to live in a word where Satan exists and you’re trying to garner his attention while I live in a world in which that’s like believing the tooth fairy is real. It’s crazy for me to sit back and think that this isn’t some kind of joke because of just how outlandish this sounds.”

CHRIS’s hands go below his waist as the sound of him unzipping his fly is heard.

CHRIS PAGE- “Whatever you or anyone else chooses to believe in I choose to believe I’ve got to take a piss.”

The camera takes a full back shot of CHRIS as the stream flows and CHRIS pisses all over the writings of Anton LeVey. CHRIS shifts his aim so that each piece released book gets a little of the golden shower and once he finishes we see CHRIS from behind as he puts his piece back inside his pants before zipping them back up. CHRIS turns around so that he’s now facing the camera.

CHRIS PAGE- “SOLDIER, I took the time to get a detailed look into your way of life, and I can honestly tell you it’s complete horse shit based off of taking your anger out on whoever you want without repercussions in the name of Satan; cool story bro.”

I’m not the one that is manipulated… I’m the guy that is the manipulator. You’re playing a game in which you think you’re calling the shots. Reality is this is a battle between reality and fantasy. I call your fantasy world with Satan and dong sucking and according to you I live in fantasy world where I’m a billy bad ass.

What I am is a man pushing fifty and understands the reality of his situation when it comes to shots at major championships. I’m a man that prides himself on the things I’ve accomplish in this ring when you popped out your mothers cooter.

I’ve won every Championship I’ve set my eyes on but the XWF Universal Championship.

I’ve had but one shot and while I have my views and opinions I did business. This could very well be my last and if you think for one second that I’m going to sit here and squander it like ROBERT did then you’re sadly fucking mistaken.

CHRIS PAGE- “Bring whatever dark force you need to come Warfare because I’m prepared to slap that fictitious Satan in the face using your body as my instrument of destruction. I assure you that while you think you know what you’re walking into you’ve really got no clue. I’m more than cheesy t-shirts that troll whatever the bitch of the moment is, I’m more than a has been or a never was, I’m the guy that’s going to walk into Warfare and dick slap that Universal Title from your grasp.”

CHRIS pauses for just a brief second before closing this out.

CHRIS PAGE- “Keep thinking this is a joke, keep thinking that I’m not for real and keep looking past me; I BEG YOU! Because from where I’m sitting I’ve got you right where I want you… firmly in the palm of my hand.”

CHRIS winks at the camera as it slowly fades to black.


Jesus Christ where do I even begin with this guy? I mean I could go the route of rebuttal but what’s the point when we all know all it takes to go over on me is to say the following, and in no real order:

“You’re not relevant.”

“You suck.”

“I’m going to beat you.”

“You’re a loser.”

ROBERT MAIN did it back at Leap of Faith and clearly you’re doing it now. Instead I’m not really going to concern myself with what your skewed views and opinions might be because that’s exactly what you want me to do. This edition we’re going to dive a little deeper into the style of match you’ve put us in because apparently you addressed this before your latest title defense. Excuse the fuck out of me for not assuming my name was attached and excuse me for not assuming I was that idiot, I honestly had fallen asleep before it ended out of sheer boredom because all the promo’s run together with no real difference other than how many “people” get slaughtered. The shock value has worn off and reality is about to set in the moment I step inside whatever Cell your deluded mind has conjured up. The one thing you’ve certainly taken advantage of is that Champion’s advantage knowing you would steam roll over DREZDIN you had plenty of time to get production running on this little showdown, but even with all the extra notice you had you’ve still managed to suck a fat cock.

You truly know nothing about me other than my reputation for being one of the most valuable players in the game on any day I choose to lace up my boots. You THINK you know what I’m about but we’ve already established you really don’t have a clue and it shows. I’m not going to lay down nor am I going to take it easy on you from this point forward and there’s not going to be any reason to doubt that when that closing bell tolls that you’ve just been owned, you’ve just been raped and you’ve just lost the Universal Title. I’ve already made it know why that title has just a semblance of importance as it’s the only title I have not attained that I actually want to attain.

I want to be able to raise that belt above my head as I give Vinnie the middle finger.

That’s it.

And while lifting from you won’t stroke my ego like it would have had it been ROBERT it will suffice enough. I am going to enjoy walking into that Cell and having that door closed and locked behind me. There’s not going to be any friends to save you, there’s not going to be excuses there’s going to be one winner and one loser… and while that is being determined I’m going to shed your blood and I’m going to try and end your career. Just going back and listening to your explanation on what this contest is sounds like the brainchild of the world’s dumbest bastard.

I’ll play ball though.

So, how far is it from the ground to Hell? Are you digging in shifts? How many people does it take? Or is it magic that Anton tried to sell where you open this portal? I mean I’ve never seen any of this before and really am interested in how it all comes together seeing as all I have to do is thrown you in this hole that’s apparently going to be in the ring? Does anyone else realize how stupid this sounds? I mean I know I’ve smoked a lot of weed in my day but I don’t think I can get high enough to grasp this concept.

I hope that you have some of your cult followers in attendance to watch as you come to grips with how you’ve written a check that your ass can’t cash.

A piece of your game works off of playing the psychological game but it simply just doesn’t work with me. You don’t think I’m aware my supporters behind that curtain are very few and far between? You think I’m not aware that there are plenty of the jobbers on this roster that want me to leave and probably expected me to leave after being robbed like I was robbed. I refuse to give you or any of the haters the satisfaction of being able to say that you are responsible for me leaving this federation. I’m going to leave when I choose to leave and it sure as shit isn’t going to be because of someone like you.

You’re going to meet your maker the moment that Cell is locked because there’s nothing that says I have to take the easy route and simply toss you in the hole like a turd in a bowl, oh no, I am going to take my time. I’m going to savior each and every moment when I hear your scream, begging me to stop but your screams will fall on deaf ears. I’m not a man to reduce myself to using weapons to get my point across; however, in this set of circumstances I am going to go after anything that’s not nailed down as a tool for delivering mass amounts of pain… not because I have too… because I want too. I’ve been fighting my entire career for any and everything I’ve accomplished and I’m damn proud of it.

I’m going to simply outsmart you at your own game.

I’m going to humble you.

I’m going to make you regret you even thought about accepting my invitation to show the world that you’re the overhyped failure I already know you to be, no wait… you already regret it as I’m a loser that doesn’t belong in this position. When this loser is the man that’s left standing when the smoke clears and the dust settles I wonder what you’re going to tell Satan? How will he feel knowing one of his top supporters spreading his propaganda failed him, failed to deliver his sacrifice? I’d imagine he’s going to be “pissed”.

Thus far this has been easier than I thought and it’s only going to get easier as you continue to punch yourself out.

While here I stand chugging along without skipping a beat. Don’t you worry though, don’t you fret because I’ll have a new t-shirt for you every promo just to make sure I keep you entertained since they apparently are a “sore” subject. The last one was actually for you and I might even present it to you when you come back from “hell”… or under the ring pretending its hell, whatever you choose. One thing you’re not going to be able to choose is if you’re leaving Warfare with the XWF Universal Championship because that’s GOING to be coming with me. Oh and SOLDIER, you’re wrong. They don’t boo you because they hate you like you want to fool yourself into believing and they don’t boo you because you suck. They boo you because they see through you, and for someone that LOVES to pay attention I believe the last several shows I’ve garnered heat and pops… and that’s because they respect me.

I know Lux has to be sitting back laughing her ass off at all of this knowing that she will headline the last Pay-Per-View of the year.

The question is just who is going to be walking into that event with the title in tow… the answer is CHRIS PAGE because LUX versus PAGE already sells more tickets than LUX versus SOLDIER on any platform; not to mention we have some unfinished business now don’t we? Sit back and enjoy as I systematically take apart SOLDIER and expose him as a glorified paper champion. At least you can look forward to dealing with a credible champion; but I will tell you this once I become the XWF Universal Championship we’re going to eliminate the whole “Xtreme” nature and we’re going to have ourselves a ole fashion BORING wrestling match. I’m going to show everyone that pure wrestling still exists while telling the fan base to fuck off and not cater for their need of Xtreme. I’ve never claimed to be perfect but I know how good I still am. SOLDIER is first, Satan is second and LUX will be third. The dawning of a new era for this shit hole you call the XWF is about to be upon us. I want you all to watch as SOLDIER squeals like a pig as it’s tied to a stake just seconds before its throat is cut. When we are locked inside this structure you might as well consider it the knife slicing across the neck, this isn’t even going to be close when I’m through with you.

Enjoy the last week or so of this title reign. It’s going to be coming to an end.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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