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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 3 RP Board 2019
Soft Deadline Manteniendo el ritmo
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Hanari Carnes Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-21-2019, 10:34 PM


The waves were rolling stronger than usual. A nice south breeze provided a good respite from the heat, but it was pushing the water in an unusual direction and making the white caps break further out than they typically do. The brown sand was riddled with umbrella's, mostly tourists, and the occasional local in a speedo. Some of the best looking women on planet earth mingled with guys who wore slick black blowouts (like that shit didn't go out of style in 2005), and many of them had gold chains on too. This was South Beach at its finest.

The sky was ice blue, not a cloud to be seen anywhere. The sun beat down like a big orange pearl in the sky. The sand was soft, and the slight breeze from the south blew the brown sediment in all directions the further away you got from the water.

The cabana bar, however, was just right. It was empty enough where you could comfortably get a seat, but busy enough to still be entertaining. People watching. Walking away from the bar was Hanari Carnes, shirtless with just a pair of swim trunks on, holding two glasses in his hand. Both were filled to the brim with ice and appeared to have a clear liquid inside them. A leaf and a lemon. Condensation ran down the sides of the glass, and the ice clicked with every step. Hanari had a smirk on his face, he appeared to be having a good time.

The camera followed him about half way down the beach until he reached his destination....two big chairs planted firmly in the sand. He plopped down in his chair, next to someone whose face was originally hidden from the camera. The person had a big fishing hat with a brim, cargo shorts, sneakers and a tee shirt. The camera panned around to reveal the person in the chair was actually Steve Sayors. He also had a big white line on his nose from the sunscreen.

"I got chu a drink, mang. Mojito" he said, taking a rather audible sip of his.

Steve took the drink sheepishly, holding it in his hand as Hanari finished his big gulp and set the glass in the sand next to the chair. Pulling a cigar out of his trunks pocket, and a book of matches, he lit the cigar with a big puff of smoke. Steve waved as the smoke lingered towards his face.

"So.....chu had a chance to sit down with was it, mang?"

He took another big puff.

"Well....first off, I sat with Kenzi, she was on my show......"

"Same difference."

"Not really."

Hanari looked at him with a raised eye brow, then took another puff, blowing out another rather large cloud.

"She didn't take chu to de beach......I mean, look at dis mang. Hanari has you in paradise, he's buying your drinks, he's talking to ya man-to-man. Who else would do that for ya......."

"Well, I...."

"Chu ain't a big fan of de sun, is ya? To be honest, chu look kinda goofy. Take that hat off."

Steve didn't move.

"Hanari, don't you think we should talk about the match......"

Hanari cuts him off again.

"She was vocal, excited......braggadocios. You know how they are......both of them are....."

Hanari wasn't paying attention, his eyes were following a bikini clad woman walking in front of them.

"Goddamn mang.....look at that. I'd like to take her back to de room and break her back like a glowstick......"

"HEY MAMMA!" he yelled, whistling.

"Steve, this is Miami. This is paradise. We are out here on de beach.....isn't this much better than sitting in some studio looking across at a girl who can barely see over the desk?"

"I mean it is nice........"

Hanari's eyes follow another woman who is walking the beach.

"Chu know, people from home have been calling me all week. They have been asking me all sorts of questions. How it feels to be a champion, how it felt to take down Drew n James finally, how it feels to be upper echelon talent here now..........but de best question they ask Hanari......."

He sips his drink again.

"Is how Hanari feels going up against two women who have de body of Doby but the personality and voice of Golum. Two women who are so obnoxious dat Jefferey Epstein wouldn't have brought them to his.........."

"That's a bit much Hanari.......they aren't children........"

"Dey sure look like children. An' act like children. Spoiled, entitled children......"

He takes another puff of his cigar.

"........children who need de chanclas and a time out."

He sips his drink again.

"Steve....dis es personal. Chu have no idea. They sit there screaming WE ARE GOING NOWHERE UNTIL WE ARE XWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS. Steve and I already are mang. We are de bar, and we did what was previously thought of as impossible. We get no respect. We get no clout. We are de tag champs coming in as the underdogs. That is unheard of. So now we need to re-write the script a second time."

He takes another puff, and picks his drink back up.

"But here I am wit my friend Steve........."

"Speaking of Steve's, your partner and you are probably pretty tense after his attack on you post match......"

"We good....emotions run high in dese situations....boys will be boys. Until we run into the issue again, then we will solve it.....chu know what, I need another drink.......chu want one?"

Steve looked at his full glass as Hanari raised his empty glass for a toast.

Steve stared at him.

Hanari pushed his glass forward and made contact with Steve's. The two glasses clapped together.

Hanari got up and pointed to Steve with a wink and a finger gun. Steve watches dumbfounded as Hanari walks back towards the cabana bar.

Who was Hanari? This certainly wasn't the same man Steve spoke to last time...........
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