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Shift Gears: Chapter One
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THE Tristan Slater Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Not Over

(the perfect heel; hated even by the fans who usually cheer heels; pisses off internet fans too)

09-06-2019, 12:27 PM

“You know, I just a little concerned.”

The voice belonging to THE TRISTAN SLATER can be heard as our scene opens and we see that THE TRISTAN SLATER is seated in the back of a limo with ADAM BARKER; personal manager to the single hottest act in the XWF currently, “CHRONIC” CHRIS PAGE.

THE TRISTAN SLATER- “I mean, I get a phone call from CHRIS about coming back to a place that is the equivalent of hell to me in the XWF so that we can take it down. He promised that this would be the biggest thing in the business, and yet while we started off hot it seems like things have cooled the fuck off.”

Now if that isn’t an understatement I don’t know what is. Two months ago we had our own mini roster in place to do some serious damage and yet now here we sit with CHRIS, FAMINE and yours truly that for whatever reason are still here when more than half of the roster would probably welcome our departure just as quickly as they welcomed our arrivals.

ADAM BARKER- “I get what you’re saying and while I’ll never speak for CHRIS what I will speak to is nobody predicted CABLE would walk away, no one predicted MDK or BILL BLAKK would stop returning phone calls and no one would have imagined the truth behind John Gambino.”

Too soon?

ADAM BARKER- “Here is where I draw my silver lining when it comes to this entire equation; while the lower card guys will talk their shit about CHRIS losing this or losing that they’re blinded by their own stupidity when you take into consideration he’s been beaten by TWO men since he returned; ROBERT MAIN and RANMA SAOTOME; one was undefeated for nearly a year and the other is one of the greatest of all time while they struggle to sniff Main Event levels on secondary shows.”

There’s a very brief pause from ADAM as THE TRISTAN SLATER intently listens to what is being said.

ADAM BARKER- “I say this to say that the war we envisioned taking place did not go as planned and as far as I’m concerned it’s dead in the water. What does that mean? Well, it means that the XWF will live on long after we’re gone.. but it does not mean that WE can’t take the fight to as many of these cocksuckers as humanly possible.”

THE TRISTAN SLATER- “I guess I’m just a little disappointed in everyone else’s lack of effort, but I can’t fix that.”

ADAM BARKER- “Stupid question, why did you refuse to take part of XX?”

Anyone that knows my history with this federation knows that I am responsible for it even getting off the ground back in the early days of SHANE ; back before he turned into a two faced douche bag. At one time I was a Triple Crown winner, multiple time World Champion, former US Champion and Xtreme Champion; I have my credentials just like everyone else which is why it amuses me dearly to see the complete lack of respect for me and my peers who did everyone in this company a fucking favor by even gracing you with our presence to save your dying federation and save the fans from the same dull and boring programming that belongs on PBS and not a major network.

THE TRISTAN- “Not stupid at all because you know I was asked.”

ADAM nods his head as TRISTAN continues.

THE TRISTAN SLATER- “I simply did not want to lend anymore credibility to a show that was built around guys from the past; while I have my history with the XWF regardless of it being good or bad I didn’t want to be associated with it. Did I miss a good payday? Sure. Do I regret turning it down? Nope.”

I’m not saying I wouldn’t have turned it down if I had a more formidable opponent had been presented to me that was actually worth my time or attention, but with what was presented wasn’t enough for me to get out of bed in the mornings.

THE TRISTAN SLATER- “That and I’ve got most of my attention locked on this Tag Tournament because we’re reaching the nitty gritty as FAMINE and I are just a couples wins away from taking the XWF World Tag Team Championships and making them our own because they’ve been held hostage for far too long.”

I’ve always been a man that is able to focus on whatever is laid out in front of him and I can play ball with just about anyone that can hold up their end of the bargain. I started this tournament by putting past issues with JOHN CABLE behind me much like he had to do the same. Unfortunately JOHN saw what others saw and just how much this place hasn’t changed and opted out. Fortunately for me FAMINE has stepped to the plate and even with our issues we managed to pull some shit together and show the world that collectively we’re more dangerous together than CABLE and I would have ever been.

I traded up.

And to prove that FAMINE isn’t selfish or self-centered he shared our victory with me as evident via a double pin when he could have easily made that cover and took the credit for the victory. Yet people want to seriously assume that just because we’re thrown together means we’re going to fail? Do you seriously understand how stupid that sounds? That’s almost as stupid as Soldier and thinking PAGE and MAIN would ever join forces. You’d almost think that THEY think they’re actually important.


Truly it is.

ADAM BARKER- “I agree that the titles have been held hostage for entirely too long.”

THE TRISTAN SLATER- “Here’s what it tells me when you actively have someone who is an authority figure holding on to ANY title; much like JAMES RAVEN and the tag titles, he has no faith in his own talent that they can carry a division.”

… and that’s got to suck if you’re anyone else on the XWF roster that sat back and allowed it to happen. JAMES RAVEN is all but telling each and every one of you that you suck and you’re not generating star power to carry a division so he and APEX-PROPHECY had to do it for you. Seems to be the normal with figure heads competing at the same time if you ask me but what do I know.

… apparently I know more than Sarah who seems to think CHRIS PAGE is in this match.

Paying attention is free.

THE TRISTAN SLATER- “They aren’t going to have to worry about that much longer because as soon as FAMINE and I dispatch of designing women the next step is going to be Relentless and it’s going to be for the crowning of new XWF World Tag Team Champions.”

That’s kind of going to be a fact. For the sake of Sarah I can’t wait for my second promo because this chick is clearly the ideal definition of one dumb bitch. You’ve exposed yourself and I will tear you apart; more on that later, dumbass.

Where was I? Oh yeah, new champions to be crowned and how good those belts are going to look when they’re wrapped around the waist of THE TRISTAN SLATER and FAMINE of the VILE. The Apex Prophecy got the preferential treatment at Leap of Faith when Theo, AFTER HIS BOYS GOT BEAT, returned the tag titles to DREW and RAVEN as complete and total favoritism. Longest reigning tag champions… with an asterisk and with a CLEAR loss on the record.

THE TRISTAN SLATER- “So I hear CHRIS might be on his way out?”

ADAM BARKER- “Again, a situation that I’d rather you talk with him and is actually one of the reasons he’s called you and FAMINE to meet for a face to face.”

There’s certainly been a lot of speculation over the last several days about CHRIS and what his plans are. Rumors range from hanging up the boots once and for all too even the more OUTRADGIOUS claims that CHRIS is going to align his self with ROBERT MAIN and the APEX-PROPHECY. I’m not really big on the rumor and innuendo when we can hear it from the horse’s mouth.

THE TRISTAN SLATER- “Saw what he did with the belt.”

There’s a light sigh from ADAM as he states.

ADAM BARKER- “Not the finest moment for sure.”

ADAM casually states before he continues.

ADAM BARKER- “But he certainly does have everyone talking… you and I both know that’s all he cares about anyway in that regard. They’re talking about the classic with RANMA at XX the other night, they’re talking about him dropping the belt in raw sewage, they’re even talking about him aligning with ROBERT MAIN… and yet he hasn’t spoken on it at all. Who’s won?”

ADAM winks towards THE TRISTAN SLATER as the limo pulls to a smooth stop.

ADAM BARKER- “But we’re about to talk to the man himself.”

The scene draws to a close,,,, to be continued by CHRIS PAGE.


I’ve had a very, very interesting Tournament thus far if I do say so myself. Round One I reformed the New Breed with JOHN CABLE and for the first in nearly three years we graced the ring together as a tag team in what was a very bitter sweet moment…. And then he left. Listen, I understand why he left and I won’t fault him for it, but when he left it left me hanging high and dry without a partner to continue on within the Tournament. Now, originally they we just disqualify me and have me removed… until CHRIS PAGE stepped to RAVEN and offered to let the ILLEGAL activities of a returning figure head that handed RAVEN and DREW titles back AFTER they lost go; water under the bridge, but only if FAMINE could take CABLE’s spot.

When you’re clearly in the wrong like THEO was and nailed dead to rights on it this was clearly easy fix.

Round Two all questions on if FAMINE and I could coexist where answered loud and clear with an affirmative yes! Not only can we coexist we can put our egos to the side and build trust within each other at the same time. Famine could have easily taken victory on his own yet he elected to share the win, that’s called being a team player and I’ll fuck with that all day every day because that’s a lost art that most of you forgot even existed when it comes to Tag Team wrestling.

So let’s shift gears and look at what is ahead for both FAMINE and myself come SAVAGE as the THIRD ROUND is set to commence, and I’ll be the first to tell you when I first saw the opponents for this upcoming show I was rather impressed to see what I thought was GOING to be some cool competition until some dumb cunt open her mouth; and while I can’t touch it right now trust and believe I’ll enjoying taking a bite of that ass the next go around, but something you did mention that I’ve covered MORE than once in previous pieces of work, so no this isn’t a retort to you, but uh… what’s all this you’re not a team bullshit? You and everyone else within the free world are aware it doesn’t take months and months of being paired to gel and know if this is going to work or not. I’m going to tread lightly because I’d hate to be “disqualified” over your sheer stupidity and move on for now, trust we’re not done here.

You and that other cunt might have longevity as a team, so it’s going to make our victory on SAVAGE tastes so much sweeter when you’re both disposed of like yesterday’s bloody tampon.

Where is your partner anyway?

Queens of creativity that speak first?

From I’m sitting the men with nuts hanging between their legs beat the TEAM that you claim to be to the punch all the way around, so how is this going to work when everything that you’re laying out backfires on you? Let’s take it a step further since you girls are SOOOOOOOO much better than FAMINE or myself, why aren’t you Tag Team Champions now? Oh yeah, that’s right because your partner showed up just for the tournament so those belts that you claim to want to fight for you DIDN’T fight for which makes you another one of those sideline talents; you know the ones, the ones that talk a lot of shit from the sidelines and don’t do a fucking thing about it. It’s funny how now, all of a sudden you care about doing anything within this division, it’s even sadder that your partner that you boast to be unbeatable with just walked in after how long exactly?

And you question FAMINE and I?

Bitch please.

So let me go ahead and tell both of you little girls how this is going to work out for you. You’ll show up for SAVAGE hell bent on walking that aisle and proving your superiority over a someone you deem as a has been like FAMINE and someone you think is just a little bit better in him in myself. You’ll exude your over confidence… but then something going to happen… something that’s going to change your life within the blink of an eye, something that’s going to hit you both like a goddamn wrecking ball…

We’re going to walk to that ring with not a care in the word.

We’re going to step through those ropes and we’re going to introduce you to reality.

When reality bitch slaps you across the face you’re going to know real quick that both you and Kenzie have bitten off WAY more than you can fucking chew. Your mind is focused on everything else going on around you rather than what’s staring you directly in the fucking face. I’m going to take you from the sidelines and put you front and center… then I’m going to embarrass and humiliate you more than you already have done yourself.

For your sake I hope Kenzie brings something tangible to the table or else this is going to be easier than taking candy from a fucking baby, I mean that in the nicest possible way.

So continue to pretend that we’re not a threat.

Continue to think that we’ve been handed a golden ticket to the finals; which side note, I’m down to see the brackets too, but whateves.

Continue to prove that your spot IS on the sidelines because as of now you’re mouth has written way to many checks that it certainly isn’t going to be able to cash.

Kenzie, god I hope you are the work horse and you don’t let me down like your counterpart because I was expecting a hell of a lot more than what I got and she’s already opened more can of worms than she even realizes just yet. For your sake I hope you don’t make that same mistake. Don’t look past us, don’t sleep on us because FAMINE and I are dangerous enough on our own whenever we want to be… but the two of us together is just simply an unholy alliance that was birthed out of necessity but has taken form in a dark reality. You two pieces of scat mark the final speed bump to Relentless. Beating the two of you will not only stamp our ticket to becoming the team that knocks off APEX PROPHECY but will also give us some credibility, I mean after all apparently we don’t have any. Truly does suck to be you all in this situation; but hey I’ll do the beau’s in your lives a favor and they can thank me later for how good it’s going to feel for them when you’re sucking their dicks with no fucking teeth.

See you both next week.

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