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The Fix is In
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Shawn Warstein Offline
Blood In Blood Out

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

08-30-2019, 06:39 PM

Two Days before Maury

The air was crisp, and there was a slight breeze. I sat outside smoking a cigarette, the cloud of smoke billowing out into the night air. I sat there nervously tapping my foot on the ground, watching every passing car in hopes it was the one I was waiting for. Car after car and nothing. My hopes slowly dwindling to nothing. Finally a medium sized car pulls up and honks its horn. A man begins to wave me towards the vehicle. I walk towards the car and lean into the open passenger side window.

“You Shawn?”

“Present and accounted for.” With that the automatic locks sprung up. I jump up slightly as the lock pokes into my arm.

“Get in.”

I wasn’t hesitant in the slightest. The door opened and I sat down in the passenger seat. I shut the door behind me as I finally get a good look at the man. He’s no older than 45. A slight dusting of gray on his temples, and a pair of glasses that would make coke bottles look small. He didn’t strike me as a hardened criminal, so I felt at ease. He begins to drive away, opting for the highway rather than the surface streets in the town. It was maybe fifteen minutes before either of us said a word, that was until be broke his silence.

“So this issue of yours…”

“Yup.” I wasn’t quite prepared for what he said next but what did I expect from someone Jason set me up with.

“So how do you want it? There are a few options to choose from. I can make it look like you’re making a point. I can make it look like an accident. Or my favorite, Lord of the Flies.”

What the fuck is this guy talking about? Does he think I want him to kill Noah? What have I gotten myself into.

“I don’t want him dead.” Suddenly you felt the air change in the car. Either there was a miscommunication between us, or he was supposed to somehow pick someone else named Shawn at the same corner. “I’m thinking there was a mistake…” But before I could say anything else the guy cracks a smile.

“Ah I’m just fucking with you, Jason said you were gullible.” He then slaps me on the shoulder, cackling like a witch who has emphysema. “Seriously I had no clue what to say if you wanted to hear about the Lord of the Flies.”

Son of a bitch, of course I’m the butt of another joke. Oh well, win some lose some. “Ok so you know that this needs to be kept hush-hush right?” He nods.

“I don’t see what the big deal is anyways. So what if you have a bastard child…”

“You don’t understand the pressure the both of us are under right now.” I’m not entirely sure if he knows everything but I assume the basics for him will be enough. “ It’s just that we both have very tight schedules to deal with, and with this tournament going on. Not to mention the fact that I’m pretty sure the deck has been stacked against the both of us….”

“I get it.”

Thankfully I actually think he’s trying to help, and he in a weird way is.

“Ok so all I need you to do is switch the samples.” It was a simple enough task. I go to the show, take their test, and he changes them. Bing, bang, boom.

“I get that, but it’s not as easy as it sounds. Do you even know how they take your samples for these types of shows?” Honestly I didn’t. I just assumed we were put in some back room and they took some blood. “It’s all legit man. They bring in the best doctors, the best security, big brother is there in a major way.”

“Ok, so how are you going to pull this off?” It was a reasonable question I thought, but the laughing from him proved otherwise.

“Ok, yeah I’m going to do it. No you idiot, it’s my job to change the samples, you still have to give it. Jason never did tell you what I actually do did he?”

“Not in the slightest.” I just assumed he was some sort of master locksmith where there wasn’t a lock that could stop him. Or maybe a retired cat burglar. What he said, well it was shocking to say the least.

“ I make prosthetics. Have you ever heard of the wizzinator? That was me. I’m going to make you a fake arm.”

“A what!?” Now I know that I’m not the smartest man alive, but I think they’ll notice a fake arm.

“Well not really a fake arm, more along the lines of a mask for your arm. It’ll match your skin pigmentation, and when they take your blood, it’ll flow just as if it were real.”

“Ok, but what about the tattoos?” Over the years they have faded, I’ve added some. It’s no easy task.

“You think this is the first time? A simple photo of them and we will be set. It's quite literally a copy and paste job. Once we get to the warehouse it won’t take long. I suggest wearing it for a day before hand to get a feel for it, and then a few hours before we will load it up with the other sample, and you’ll be good to go.” Wow I’m glad he thinks that it’s simple. Just a few years ago this would’ve cost me a small fortune, but now a days things like this are more common.

We drove for a few more minutes before we pulled up to a small warehouse. Nothing really sticks out, no large signs or anything just a few lights and a bay door. He reaches over and presses a button and the door goes up. If the outside was unflattering, the inside wasn’t any better. A compute, a few machines, and what looked like a large barrel of melted skin. Later I would find out it’s just latext that he stores like that for situations like this. We get out and walk over towards the computer.

“One question.” I simply nod. “What would be so wrong about this kid being yours?” I ponder the question for a moment while he begins mixing up the latex, and taking pictures of my tattoos.

“Nothing, but I don’t want him to get his hopes up too much. We will go on this show, it’ll prove that I’m not his father. He will drop it, and if he doesn’t then we will cross that bridge when we get there. He’s a good kid. A bit jumpy, and he’s got a mouth on him, but the pure possibility that he is my kid needs to be squashed right now. I don’t need him playing hero with me when we are in the ring, I don’t want him to save dad from a fucked up situation. No I want him to save his partner.” That’s a lot of words for simply saying, Nah Noah isn’t my kid and we will keep it that way.“And even if I actually am his father that news can wait until after we win this tournament.” I know that I’m not Noah’s dad. The math just barely lines up, but by making sure this test doesn’t say I’m his father is the beat thing for now. Yet somewhere deep down I can’t help but think about it. I would be a father. I would have a god honest child. I would be able to hang out with my son.

Wait what do fathers and sons do?


I’d .. play catch with him.

That’s what I’d do.

A nice game of catch.

The Afterthought

Right then, let’s just get right back to it. Obviously I’m all for women's rights. Let’s just make that clear right now. I am just so sick and tired of you two talking and talking, with nothing to show for it. Sure Sarah you’ve got some things under your training bra, and Kenzi I’m sure you’ve done….. well something. I’m just utterly confused, everyone calling me old. I just don’t get it. I’m not even 40 yet, and people think that I’m decrepit, and it couldn’t be farther from the truth. I may not be up to date on everything, but you know, addiction tends to bleed everything else out. So let’s continue.

I shall once again take aim at Sarah. There are so many things that I want to say, but will hold back. Why? I don’t really know, but I have a feeling I don’t want to waste anything right now. I’ll need to have some ammo in the reserves for the eventuality. That’s not to say I do t have plenty to go on right now, actually that couldn’t be farther from the truth. I could bring up the tantrums that you’ve thrown everywhere you’ve called ‘Home’. I’m honestly looking forward to the major league hissy for you throw after this weekend. I’m sure it will be a sight to behold, something that we’ve never seen before. The ground will shake, children will run and hide from the cawing of your voice, grown men will piss themselves from fear, and the world will end as we know it. Actually I take that back, your world will end, for the rest of us that will have been nothing more than a fever dream.

I could bring up the fact that you were ‘paralyzed’, but that would be too obvious right? I mean I tried that once, it didn’t go over too well. I guess that’s why you are here now. With the whole world basking in your glory, I see it for what it’s really worth. You are afraid that you are slowly becoming more and more irrelevant. Again I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to walk away broken and battered, only to come back when the drive returns. It slowly becomes a slippery slope and before you know it you slowly become a figment of the past. You see while my “Returning Legend” stigma may have passed, it’s still a better reaction than what you got upon coming here. I’d rather have that reaction than no reaction at all.

AXLY, I’d always prefer to me than anyone else in this entire industry. These are just facts, yet allow us to call to question some of your claims… I can’t help who is put in front of me across the ring. So calling out who I have and have not beaten is just silly. You say that I flake out on my partners? Okay sure, ask Page if I flaked out on him at War Games…. No, and I didn’t even care for his agenda. I walked away from him and he brought in more flakes and see where he is? Running from Main, I mean not literally but he stole something he didn’t win and is ransoming You claim to know all about my past, but guess what you don’t. You haven’t even brought up the giant red flag that’s blowing in your face. I guess that’s ok, not everyone is super intelligent and can see signs from a mile away. I honestly thought that by now you would’ve brought it up, seeing as how you’ve watched or seen over 500 of my matches. It’s odd really, it’s almost as if you don’t know shit, and you were handed the cliff notes version of my career and said “That’s good enough”.

Seems to be the story of everything I’ve seen from you. Good Enough. I mean you honestly think that I am coming to Anarchy to face Green? That’s not what I had in mind, but again I stress, I cannot control who is put in front of me. You are bringing that up like it was my choice, as if I had a say in it. Newsflash bitch, I didn’t. What I did have was a choice to compete in this Tag Team Tournament, and I took it. You say Noah tapped me in? Again, “Good Enough for Sarah”, but you’d be wrong. I tapped him. I see something in him that I’ve never seen in you. A drive that hasn’t been here in a long time. I see the way he looks at you when you two are in the ring. There is no fear, no remorse, and no regrets. You say you have beaten him…

Kudos to you, but now you two are no longer on the kiddie show. With you being the Anarchy champion, I’ve seen nothing but the same old shit that everyone has already seen. Championship coronation? Of course it gets interrupted, it’s the oldest trope in the book and you fell for it. Have a hooded stalker? Well color me shocked, it’s almost as if no one cares enough to bother finding out who it really is. It’s sad really because I put in a lot of work figuring out who the hell Kenzi was.

I mean she is right, I’m not going up against a social media account. She’s a living breathing entity. I have to mind my P’s and Q’s. This is all getting a bit in the way, but honestly the only way I know to get a hold of her is through her Twitter and she can rest easy after this I’ll go right on back to ignoring her. She had the audacity to call me out over Twitter, and gave me a subscription to some boring ass network. I politely declined, if I needed to waste money I would just go to Vegas with Centurion and tell him go wild. Sure I did a little bit of surface digging on Kenzi. A quick google search told me everything I needed to know, that was until I hit page two.

Let me tell you guys… Never go to Page two of a google search.

There was so much there. I mean it’s amazing that you have picked Sarah as you wife. I mean she’s far more successful than you are, she’s respected in her industry (Kinda). Just like everything else, you’ll constantly be living in her shadow, just like Mommy dearest. Isn’t she far more talented, respected, and successful than you. I know that’s what you are chasing, good ole mommy. You are craving her approval. You just want her to recognize you and affirm everything you have done wasn’t a waste. It was. Just like you agreeing to participate here in the XWF. It was a waste.

Just like how much time you and your beloved talk about your current reign as a Tag Team Champion, in a place that is basically nothing. Allow me to break it down for you, based on the pure fact that that company is constantly trying to get people to come in to garner ratings tells me all I need. I don’t need to look it up. What is tells me is that, the company itself doesn’t believe in its own roster to compete and make thrilling entertainment. When a company has to go outside and basically beg for competition it says the company is nothing without the worthwhile competition of others. It’s not allowed to stand on its own by itself. Now that I’ve said all of that, what does it say about you? The company can’t count on your for ratings? Of course, they need bigger and better options, and while you hold the titles it’s simply because they haven’t paid the right amount to get anyone over there, so you’re basically fighting the same rejects over and over again. I could constantly win too if all I was fighting were Chasm’s and Green’s. Your reign there means nothing here, and shortly that will prove to be the truth.

Well I’m still going on and on, I must like the sound of my own voice. How did the LFL playoffs go for you? That’s right…

One and Done. Just like the both of you here in this tournament. Enjoy the view, because soon enough Kenzi will be gone, and Sarah will go right back to Anarchy where she belongs. I’m finally done with these two cunts, who look like their diets consist entirely of cocaine, jizz, gummy worms and Red Bull’s. I know that isn’t right. I’m sorry I’ll take the jizz out of the equation , because I do nothing but tell the truth, and come Saturday….

That’ll be the last I hear from either of you.

[Image: 193QVMb.png]
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