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Chapter 9:
Author Message
Chris Page Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

07-27-2019, 05:12 AM

The “CHRONICAL” of CHRIS PAGE’s road to Leap of Faith continues as we are shooting one last pre-tape before tomorrow night’s historical event set to take place on the grounds of Buckingham Palace. In this shot we see RAGE standing to the left dressed in all black with his trademark trench coat and the ever familiar “bulls eye” marked in the center of his head while the challenger and soon to be XWF Universal Champion “CHRONIC” CHRIS PAGE. CHRIS stands with his hands on his hips proudly displaying a “TRUMP/PENCE 2020” t-shirt with a red “MAGA” hat on his head. RAGE opens things up for the duo.

RAGE- “Words can’t express the sheer enjoyment that I will have as I stand ringside in the corner of THAT man….”

With the emphasis on the word “THAT” there’s an elevated tone with a finger point towards a smirking CHRIS PAGE followed by RAGE’s arm and hand going back to his side while continuing.

RAGE- “… and watch as he does the ONE thing he was never given the chance of winning; they were scared of what he might say, they were scared of what he might do, they were scared of being… controversial.”

The XWF Legend that is RAGE glares into the camera with nothing but complete and ultimate seriousness coming from his tone as he draws in the viewers.

RAGE- “I was there.”

RAGE softly states without breaking contact with the camera.

RAGE- “I was one of the many men that was defeated by that man right there…”

RAGE again points towards PAGE before dropping his hand to his side once again.

RAGE- “I know how good he is, I know what he’s capable of and I know right here and now that ROBERT MAIN has made the single biggest mistake that anyone could have ever made when you deal with CHRIS PAGE; you’ve underestimated what this man is capable of.”

CHRIS chimes in for the first time as he states.

CHRIS PAGE- “Underestimation is just one of your many, many downfalls, DICK.”

CHRIS states.

CHRIS PAGE- “It’s funny that I still hear you talking yet you’re not telling me anything I haven’t already heard, and at the end of the day the clock is ticking until all this talk ends and the only thing left is for that bell to ring.”

CHRIS shifts his attention towards RAGE as he continues.

CHRIS PAGE- “I’m stoked you’re going to be ringside to watch DICK’s public execution all while shifting the balance of power in this War over to the side of some “good brothers” .”

CHRIS shifts back towards the camera.

CHRIS PAGE- ‘I’m not going to continue to waste my time dealing with your nonsense because I’m not here to placate to your ego, and while your peers look at you as unbeatable I look at you as just another victim.”

Victim is a word that sounds about right to describe what everyone’s unbeatable champion is walking into. He’s set the stage for his own massacre by my hands. There’s not going to be any interference from my brothers because you’re easily disposable and much like I’ve said before I’m not giving you an excuse for failure… you shall be a victim of your own judgement because the handcuffs are off and I’m going to beat the living shit out of you.

CHRIS PAGE- “The entire landscape of this organization is on the verge of changing, and while your Champion will hold a loss at War Games over my head, and while he should be very proud of that accomplishment, he’s never defended a Championship against me.”

There’s a slight pause before CHRIS shifts his entire body towards the camera as he continues.

CHRIS PAGE- “You can confuse this situation as much as you want and you can twist the narrative as much as you like but it doesn’t help you save face nor does it change the outcome of your last title defense homie, I’m sorry.”

I can’t stress enough just how important this one confrontation is for the XWF because when your champion fails and when he losses the crown jewel of this federation to me at Leap of Faith if you think I’m a prick now you haven’t seen NOTHING yet.

CHRIS PAGE- “I’m also sorry that you didn’t have a pair of nuts between those legs to be a man many weeks ago and answer a challenge; instead you’re personally responsible for your buddies recent career scare. You should feel guilty, you should be pissed off… you should direct those feelings to yourself because YOU’RE the guy that could have prevented it but elected not to, you’re the guy that sat his ass at home for weeks loathing in your own self-pity instead of; oh I don’t know, being on television and being in the ring where the top star belongs.”

You’re such a badass that rarely wrestles, at least I’m honest enough to tell you here and now that if you ever plan on seeing CHRIS PAGE defending MY Championship you’re going to pony up that dough and pay for it, but you… you’re a man of the people, you’re leading the charge for the locker room… from your bedroom, nice job.

CHRIS PAGE- “I commend you for showing up tomorrow night at Leap of Faith and not walking away even though you know you’re fighting a losing battle.”

CHRIS sarcastically spouts out.

CHRIS PAGE- “The fact is as I’ve stated before I’ve gotten so far inside your head but you’re entirely too stupid to even see it. You’re walking into tomorrow night’s party based of emotions, you’re not thinking clearly as you simply care about revenge when this story is so much bigger than that. You’re worried about avenging your friend’s beatings; which mind you didn’t have to happen if YOU stepped to the plate, get the fuck out of here with that horse shit.”

If any of you buys into that steaming pile I’m truly feel sorry for you while questioning your level of intelligence… I mean, it puts you on Gilly’s level of intelligence, and we all know how fucking that guy is, so just don’t… and if you do, stop. It’s not a good look nor is it even a rational thought process that DICK is out to avenge something that HE was in complete control of to begin with.

CHRIS PAGE- “That’s just like saying my career has been rejuvenated and that you’re responsible for it.”

Let’s negate the FACT that management knocked on my door to bring me here... not you. Let’s negate the fact they thought they were going to be getting the glad handing, baby kissing CHRIS PAGE that wasn’t outspoken, that didn’t called it like it is when it comes to the shitty talent on this roster and they sure a fuck wasn’t expecting to get the hostile takeover CHRIS PAGE that’s got a horde of LEGENDS that aren’t past their prime and can still run circles around all you ass clowns; prime example, me. I’ve done it to you the last two weeks. You’re head has been on a swivel for so long not even you know what direction to go…

You’re welcome.

CHRIS PAGE- “It’s like saying that I don’t deserve a Championship opportunity.”

Who the fuck else would you WANT to defend it against? I mean are you okay with wrestling nobodies that you know aren’t capable of touching you when it comes to standing inside that wrestling ring? Are you okay with wasting your time like that? That speaks volumes on your expectations as a Champion, kid.

CHRIS PAGE- “I guess you’d rather spend your time defending the title against a bunch of guy’s that should be wrestling the opening match at a bar on the indies as opposed to someone that has Championship credentials to his resume and who never disappoints, but hey what do I know?”

According to DICK I’m a burnout who’s logic doesn’t make sense and that perhaps I’m embellishing my narrative. Yeah, not so much bro. They say that the truth hurts and in this case I’ve completely emasculated you and your credentials as Champion… there’s no denying that in any uncertain terms. I’m not saying that it’s your fault you’re stuck wrestling the Lil D’s of the world but it is your fault if you expect someone like me to give you any sort of respect for it. I’m not saying it’s your fault that this company’s reputation had its biggest stars boycotting it… but it is your fault for pretending that title you carry means something more than a bookmark on when the market finally changed the moment it went around my waist.

Do you know how many legit pieces of talent are really watching this thing?

Are you aware of how many guys are waiting to see if I leave with that strap so they can come out of the wood work to try and take it from me?

It’s a list of who’s who.

Do you see any of those names clamoring to take a title away from you? Nope.

So you tell me what’s best for business considering the massive drop in numbers throughout your entire reign?

CHRIS PAGE- “What I do know is that the time is ticking away on the sheer devastation that’s going to unfold live on Pay-Per-View, parents SHOULD let their kids watch as I spill your blood all over the grounds of Buckingham Palace, kids should watch what happens to an alleged hero who thinks he’s man enough to take a seat at the grown folks table, kids should see what happens when someone tries to oppress a bully… and that bully literally beats him within an inch of his life.”

It’s truly going to be a learning experience because this bully is going to thrash you with any and everything that isn’t nailed the fuck down!

CHRIS PAGE- “I want all the children of the world to realize that when your parents are trying to convince you to stand up for yourself they’re actually telling you to get your ass kicked.”

Not every bully can be taken down and even if I am I always come back at you harder until I wear you down piece by little piece. In this instance DICK has been caught off guard as restrictions where in place yet now that they’re not he didn’t realize just how dedicated I am to my cause. He might not have realized it before but he damn sure does now, much like the rest of you twatwaffles the occupy the roster.

CHRIS PAGE- “I’m going to leave you all with some facts.”

CHRIS casually states.

CHRIS PAGE- “All the younger fans who cling on the words of DICK MAIN need to know a few things in order to put all of this into proper perspective. Fact, there’s no such thing as a Tooth Fairy. Fact; there’s no such thing as an Easter Bunny. Fact; there’s no such thing as Santa Clause…”

CHRIS stares intently into the camera as he finally states.

CHRIS PAGE- “Fact; DICK MAIN isn’t leaving Leap of Faith as the XWF Universal Champion.”

Several fun facts for you all to indulge yourselves on while you’re all hoping an praying that hell freezes over and DICK can pull this one out in actuality you’re all setting yourselves up for a massive disappointment, and while it should not come as and shock when you take a look at your lives and see how disappointing they truly are.

I’ve been on the offensive this entire run without batting an eyelash nor breaking a sweat.

I’ve have taken nothing but great pleasure in toying with your Champion on this entire road to get exactly what I want on all avenues. I got a title match, I got it with no rules and I got it on a night in which the Beast will land in the land of Xtreme. Am I not sitting pretty or what?

CHRIS PAGE- “Continue to fill their minds with false hopes and broken dreams because much like you’ve let your best friends down you’re going to let them down too by failing and losing that Championship to a credible opponent.”

There’s absolutely nothing left to be said between you and I, DICK. Anything else is nothing but overkill on an already overkilled few weeks. The fact is I had this war of words won before it even started and unlike you I haven’t disappointed; hence why I was called in. You can refuse to open your eyes and look at things in the real world all you want but it doesn’t change the fact that reality is what it is. I’m not going to say that you’ll enjoy the beating that I’m going to dish out upon you, and I’m not going to say that I can guarantee that you’ll ever be the same again because when you suffer something as crushing as you’re going to suffer it might be enough to see you walk away for a bit.

You made a point to tell me that “you don’t get beat.”.

Listen son, everybody gets beat and now you’re at that crossroads where it’s about to happen to you live on Pay-Per-View. I need for you to go ahead and prepare for the worst so when it happen it won’t come as a shock because when I’ve beaten guys like you before the loss was enough to send them packing. I don’t want to see you quit, I just want to see you living in reality with the rest of us as opposed to living in that fantasy land where you’re and unstoppable monster that can dispose of anything with a snap of the fingers.

CHRIS PAGE- “Tick tock, DICK, tick tock… that the final countdown on your XWF Universal Championship reign.”

Thank you. Fuck You. Bye.

CHRIS PAGE- “Go Trump!”

The scene slowly fades as a tight shot of the t-shirt that reads “TRUMP/PENCE 2020” is shown.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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