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Separation of Work and Life
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B.O.B. D Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-19-2019, 08:36 PM Star  Separation of Work and Life -->

The time humans spend throughout their life is basically divided into three portions. The first is sleep, which scientists say we spend about an entire third of our lives doing. This leaves us with another 2/3 of life, but another one is spent working(if you have a typical 9-5 job, of course). And lastly, there's our personal life which sadly gets reduced to the remaining third. Sometimes these portions can overlap, maybe you take a nap on the job to make up for more personal time, or stay late working to be away from your home life. Unlike these people, I've always had the Church and State motto of keeping them separate. Sometimes I've given my work a glimpse into what I do outside the ring, but there's always been one thing I kept hidden from the wrestling world: Big D is engaged.

It may come as a shock to most people, I mean, who the hell would want to put up with me? My personality can be rather extreme at times and it tends to put alot of people off. Not Krystal. She always sees the good in me, even if I wasn't always being the best I could be. That's what love is, accepting someone for who they are and wanting to always be by their side, through better and through worse. Krystal understands that my job requires me to be an asshole at times, even cross lines most women would pack their bags and run away from. But what most people don't know is I'm a completely different person when away from the spotlight.

XWF was holding a carnival event for Leap of Faith and I had decided it was time to involve her in my job. No, that didn't mean training her and putting her into a ring, but a date night with some greasy food, games, and rides(maybe even another ride once the evening was over) seemed like fun. We walked together, hand in hand, while she sipped on a blue raspberry slushy and I munched on a corn dog. There were all kinds of people around us, enjoying the variety of entertainment XWF had provided.

"I'm still pretty upset about my match," I said with a bite of my food. "This is supposedly the land of the Xtreme and the ref stops it over a little blood?"

"But, honey, you were bleeding ALOT," she responded, a bit of worry in her voice. "That match had no real meaning, it's better that you lived to fight another day."

"I guess," I shrugged before finishing the corn dog and tossing the stick in a random trash can. "It's just a shitty way to head into such a big match."

"Yeah, but you wouldn't even make it to the match had you gotten seriously injured Saturday," she pointed out with the intelligence I loved about her.

"True," I agreed, squeezing her tight in my arm.

"So what exactly IS the Leap of Faith match, anyway?" she asked. It was a question I had feared answering, hoping she just wouldn't touch the subject. I knew she'd worry more about my well being, and that was the last thing I wanted to put my future bride through. She already had enough stress planning the wedding, I didn't need to give her a reason to wonder if I'd even MAKE it to the wedding.

"It's.......... Uuuuuuuuuuum, it's.........." I nervously spit out as she looked up at me in concern. Krystal was definitely on to me, knowing they wouldn't call some regular old match 'Leap of Faith' if there wasn't some sort of crazy stipulation to it. I looked around for a way around the question, seeing the current TV Champion, Lux, heading in our direction. "It's Lux!"

Her face scrunched up, upset that I managed to dodge giving her an answer. The two of us approached Lux, who seemed rather surprised I would even go up to her.

"Hey, Lux," I said extending a hand to the Champion. Lux shook my hand hesitantly, suspicious as to what I was doing. "I'd like to introduce you to my fiancè, Krystal." Lux smiled and shook future Mrs. Big D's hand.

"Did you know he wore a thong because he thought it'd help him beat me?" she asked with a shit eating grin.

"Uuuuuuuuuuum, okay, nice seeing ya," I interrupted, grabbing Krystal's arm and walking away. "Good luck against Christian Slater......"

"Honey, I already knew about that," Krystal said with a little giggle. "There's no need to be embarrassed."

"Yeah, well, I'd like it if people could forget that," I replied, my face growing bright red. Though it was embarrassing, I was relieved she'd forgotten about my upcoming match, at least for the moment. "It'd be different had I actually won, then it'd probably be the it thing to do to beat Lux...."

"Oh, you're so silly," she smiled with a look of love in her eyes.

We continued to roam around the carnival, eventually making our way to the gaming area. The two of us passed by various fans testing their luck at the plethora of booths, attempting to win cheap prizes. They threw balls at bottles that were likely glued together and rings at targets that were greased to make them slip right off. As I kept walking, I noticed Krystal was no longer by my side which gave me a slight heart attack for a moment. I turned around and noticed her standing in front of a dart game, staring up at something. I approached her, but her eyes never left the object that got her attention.

"I want that bear," she said, pointing up at a giant stuffed animal. "Will you win it for me, pleeeeeease?"

"How can I say no?" I asked with a grin. I went up to the booth where your typical swindlin' carny was more than happy to see another sucker.

"Hello, sir," he began. "You want to give the old dart toss a try?"

"You bet," I answered with optimism. "My fiancè wants that bear and I intend to win it for her."

"Well it IS a fine bear, indeed!" he spoke with too much enthusiasm for someone who probably makes minimum wage. "You get 3 darts for 5 dollars. Each balloon is color coordinated with a certain prize, to win the bear you'll need to pop a brown one."

I looked at the wall of balloons and saw the brown ones were way up top. It'd take an NFL Quarterback to pop one with the height and power needed to reach. But that wasn't gonna stop me from trying. I reached into my wallet and pulled out an Abraham Lincoln and traded it for 3 darts.

"You can do it, honey," Krystal cheered, patting me on the back for good luck.

I tried everything to win that stuffed bear, but it seemed almost impossible. Whether it was the angle I had to throw to hit those specific balloons, or the fact the darts had dull tips, I just couldn't get the right ones to pop. After spending around $30 for darts only to fail, I ended up paying the guy another $20 just to buy the damn thing.

"I can't believe I spent $50 for a stuffed bear," I mumbled in disappointment as we walked away.

"I mean, you didn't HAVE to," Krystal said as she hugged her prize. "I told you after six darts to stop."

"Big D doesn't quit," I responded, letting my pride get in the way as always.

"You kind of did by paying him off," Krystal muttered.

We made our way past the game booths and into the fan interaction area. There were all kinds of XWF related events going on, from video game competitions to meet and greets. They even had 24/7 championships for fans to compete for. People were running around chasing the Xtreme Champion, some semi-pro football player for tackled anyone who dared challenge him. It seemed like lawsuit waiting to happen, but XWF was keen on bringing the complete experience for everyone. There was also a Federweight Title that was currently held by a woman who had won it from her husband. Apparently she made him cry by revealing his brother was more man they he is, that's why their child was actually HIS. Talk about hardcore.

"So you still haven't told me what The Leap of Faith match is," Krystal spoke, that concerned look back on her face.

"Are you still going on about that?" I asked with a nervous chuckle.

"Please stop avoiding the question," she replied with a frown. "I appreciate the bear, but I'd appreciate a response MORE."

We both stopped in front of the fan promo stage, a wrestling ring cut in half against a backdrop with a bunch of cartoon fans. There was no more dodging her concern, I had no choice but to be honest with her. I knew she was only hounding me because she loved me and wanted to make sure I was safe. Unfortunately, I couldn't promise her I'd walk away from the match unharmed, let alone WALK away at all. I owed her an explanation of the danger that came with this match, even if it'd break her heart.

"Okay, honey," I began in a somber tone. "The Leap of Faith match is......."

"BIG D!" I heard a familiar voice boom out over a speaker.

"Oh, of course," Krystal groaned as we I looked towards the promo stage and saw Steve Sayors standing there, a mic in his hand. "Big D, why don't you come up here and show the fans how it's done?"

The crowd began to cheer as I shook my head and turned my attention back to Krystal. She had a look of disappointment on her face, which had me a bit confused.

"I'm sorry he interrupted me," I apologized, wanting to continue my explanation.

"Honey, go," she said before I could go on. "I'll be right here when you're done and you can tell me then." She gave me a reassuring smile, showing me she was disappointed I wasn't gonna go cut a promo, as opposed to Sayors interrupting.

"Are you sure?" I asked, not wanting to upset the love of my life.

"Yes," she assured me with a nod. "I know how badly you want your Universal Title run and once you get it, things will become alot less hectic."

She truly was a wonderful woman, always supporting me in my endeavors. I gave her a big kiss before making my way through the crowd, who shook my hand and patted me on the back with encouragement. Finally I made my way onto the apron of the half-ring and climbed on in.

"Big D, ladies and gentlemen!" Steve announced to another roar of cheers, before handing me the mic. I peered out to the sea of people, locking eyes with my fiancè. She gave me one more nod and motioned for me to 'go ahead.' I was more than happy to oblige.

"When I was first asked to be in the Leap of Faith match, I was pretty nervous. The opportunity that comes with winning this match is HUGE and I expected the other 5 competitors to be the best XWF had to offer. Top stars on the cusp of a shot at Robert Main, such as Lux or Tony Santos. Hell, maybe even Centurion attempting to revive all the success from his past!"

"But then I saw the card and realized most of my opponents were just tossed in because they had nothing better for them to do. Don't get me wrong, I fully expected Ned Kaye and Mastermind to be in this match. Ned is without a doubt the future of this company and has earned the right to be in it. He's a fan favorite, gives it his all every time he steps between the ropes, and is GONNA be Champion someday. As for Mastermind, he's been doing this a long time and was a hell of an Xtreme Champion. There was one point where no-one could've seen him losing that Title. While he may be on a bumpy road as of late, all it takes is one big win to get back on track and Mastermind's history has earned him the right to compete for that win."

"But then you look at the other half of this match, and you gotta wonder what the hell management was thinking? Robbie Bourbon COULD be argued for, he's certainly been on a hot streak lately in his attempt to relive the glory from his past. You could almost say his career is running parallel to mine in the fact there's a man who was once a World Champion years ago trying to become one again. But does that mean he should be given a spot over the TV or Hart Champion, wrestlers who have been impressing since I arrived? I'm not so sure, but the argument is definitely more legit than the final two opponents."

"When I saw Donovan Blackwater was in this match, I about threw up; and it wasn't from the concussion I received Saturday night. No, I felt sick because for some reason the powers that be feel Blackwater and I are on the same level! What. A. Joke. Didn't Donovan take the fall to Robert Main in our Hell in a Cell match?! Wasn't it Blackwater who cared so LITTLE about that match, that he made one shitty promo and then tucked tail and hid until it was show time? In case y'all don't remember, the answer is YES. Donovan Blackwater is the least deserving man in this match and it's honestly a disgrace to all the fans who are gonna pay to watch Leap of Faith."

"Speaking of disgraces, that brings me to our last competitor: Brian Storm. Some people are raving about Storm being undefeated, a feat that's rare in this business. BUT, how many matches has Storm competed in? WHO has he beaten? I tried doing some research on him and didn't turn up too many results. He's, what, 2-0, 3-0?! Big. Freaking. Deal. I lost my first 9 wrestling matches and went on to become a World Champion, among the countless other Titles I've held. Along the way I beat former World Champions and future ones. My point is, it's not about what you've accomplished, it's HOW you accomplished it. Goldberg won over 100 matches in a row, but eventually even HE had to face someone of note for those wins to matter. Brian Storm is no different. That match is coming at Leap of Faith and I can assure you he's gonna fail. This match is too big for him, too much for an unproven rookie to handle. If Storm is smart, he won't show up and let management give his spot to someone who's EARNED it!"

"But I'm sure you're all wondering 'Big D, what have YOU done to deserve YOUR spot?' Well, you're looking at the XWF Star of the Month and for good reason. Most people didn't know who I was when I made my debut, Vinnie Lane himself admitted to me he assumed I'd be some jobber who wouldn't last. Not only did I last, but I got my way into a Universal Title match. While there are some who will question HOW I got into that match, those doubts got obliterated with my showing against Robert Main. I may not have walked out of that match as the winner, but I certainly didn't leave it as a loser, either. Everyone, from my peers to the fans, was impressed by this walking dick joke's performance and wondered what would've happened had Blackwater not been there to cost me the match. Luckily, Donovan nor anyone else can screw me out of this match......"

I paused and looked into the crowd. My eyes wandered to my beautiful future bride, who was watching me with an encouraging smile. I could feel my heart sink into my stomach, knowing my next words were going to reveal to her the true danger this match entailed.

"When I climb that rafter and ascend high above the ring, there isn't gonna be anyone who can stop me. Whether it's a veteran like Mastermind or a jobber like Brian Storm, I'll throw whoever I have to off!....."

Just as I predicted, my words had caused much concern for Krystal. She no longer was thrilled for me, having a look of fear on her face and in her eyes. It hurt knowing this match was gonna put her through so much with worrying about me, but if I was ever going to complete my goal of becoming a World Champion once again, this was my moment to get there. Sure, I was risking my life in doing so, but if I backed out of this match, it might take months for me to become Number 1 Contender again. I just couldn't do that to her, I longed too much to achieve my dream and focus back on my personal life.

"If anybody in this match thinks they can stop me, I dare them to try. Big D doesn't fear any of you. I'm the man who went toe to toe with Robert Main and had all the boys in the back believing I was the one who would dethrone him! I'm not gonna come that close just to watch Donovan Blackwater or Ned Kaye go blow it again! Brian Storm would do the exact same thing, he's already in over his head with THIS match and Robbie Bourbon's miraculous comeback is gonna get halted dead in it's tracks! And as for Mastermind, if he DID get a shot at the Champion, they'd be making shirts for him saying 'Main Mastered MY Mind!' The real winner is standing right here in front of you, and that ain't no story........."

Feeling confident in myself, I held the mic out for the fans. Just as I had hoped, they finished my catchphrase for me.


"That's right!" I exclaimed before shoving the mic into Steve Sayors' arms and exiting the ring.

"What a statement from Big D," Sayors spoke into the mic as I weaved through the crowd and back to my fiancè. Her face read a combination of anger and disappointment, feelings I wanted to wash away.

"Honey, I....." I began, but she spoke up suddenly.

"I can't believe you're wrestling FIVE other people at once," she shakily said holding back tears. "And what was that about rafters and throwing people off?"

I stood there in silence, watching a tear slide down Krystal's cheek. It was like being stuck between a rock and a hard place. I NEEDED this match to get another Title shot, which could win me the belt, and allow me to retire sooner. But this match was gonna destroy her, and if I somehow lost, it would all be for nothing. Which was why there was no way in hell I could allow myself to leave without that briefcase.

"Honey, I know it's not easy," I softly spoke, wrapping my arms around my fiancè. "But I've been in just about every match type known to man. Hell in a Cell, Ladder, Ultimate X, Barbed Wire, and so on. No matter what happened, I always managed to make it to the next one and this is gonna be no different."

"But what happens when you DON'T make it to the next one?" she cried out. "You say YOU'RE gonna toss your opponents off the rafter, but what if it's YOU who goes plummeting down?......"

I could feel some tears building up, I never wanted this for her. She's given me so much and the thought of taking that all away from her was selfish. There was a real possibility this could be my last hoorah. If I let my guard down, make one wrong move, the legacy of Big D could forever be put to rest. Mine and Krystal's future would be over and it would all be for nothing............... which is exactly why I won't let that happen. My legacy will NOT be of a mid-carder who lucked his way to a World Title run, nor will my life with Krystal end before it could ever begin.

"Honey, I'm not gonna let anyone hurt me," I assured her with a smile. "These guys may be professionals, but I am, too. Whether it was WWF, NWF, or all those shitty promos I wandered through, nobody has broken me. That doesn't change here. I've wrestled TEN guys at once, fallen from heights I feared would murder me when I was a child. When I say my dream is to win the XWF Universal Championship, I AM achieving that goal. And when I'm done, we're gonna ride into the sunset and live the rest of our days in peace and happiness......"

"And that's the Cold, Big D Truth?" Krystal interjected, wiping away her tears.

"That's right, hun," I said, planting a kiss on her forehead. I squeezed her tight and leaned in close to her. "There's one more ride I wanna go on tonight."

"Oh yeah?" Krystal asked as she looked towards the ride area. "Which one?"

"You," I whispered in her ear. She looked up and shook her head.

"You're ridiculous."

We left that carnival and stopped worrying about my upcoming match for the night. The stress my being in this match caused her is the reason I try to keep my work life from personal. Every night I come home in one piece, it doesn't matter what happened to me earlier in the evening. And I had every intention of coming home after Leap of Faith, just like any other night. And that isn't a leap of faith, it's the Cold Big D Truth.

June 2019 XWF Superstar of the Month
2019 Relentless Fishing Contest Winner
1x XWF World Heavyweight Champion
1x bWo World Heavyweight Champion [despite what Miss Furry or James J. Dildo says]
1x NWF World Heavyweight Champion
2x XWF Xtreme Champion [current]
2x XWF TV Champion
1x XWF Internet Champion
1x NWF World Tag Team Champion (w/Slim)
1x NWF Xtreme Champion
1x NLCW Slamfest Champion
1x LCW Hardcore Champion
3x WWF X-Division Champion
1x WWF World Tag Team Champion (w/Seth Flash)
1x WWF Dark Champion
1x WWF TV Champion
1x EGW Fury Champion
3x XWF Federweight Champion
4x XWF Heavymetalweight Champion
1x 420* Cruiserweight Champion
2x CMW Hardcore Champion
1x XHW T.V. Champion
1x WXC Hardcore Champion
1x XPW U.S. Champion
1x WLFC Tag Team Champion w/Chance
1x WWC T.V. Champion
1x WWC European Champion
1x WWF 24/7Hardcore Champion
2x WLFC 24/7 Hardcore Champion

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Barney Green (07-21-2019), Corey Smith (07-19-2019), Ned Kaye (07-20-2019), Peter Fn Gilmour (07-21-2019)

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