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Rain is what happens when women aren't allowed to abort...
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

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05-22-2019, 05:59 PM

Hear me out ok? Most people know me as a big strong and strapping God fearing Christian Veteran who loves him some Donald Trump and thus should be so pro life that he bottles up each and every single sperm he ejaculate so that not a single potential human life goes to waste.

But I'm here to tell you that just ain't true. See I am in fact pro not murdering babies but I am also very very pro murdering stupid people and I have it on good authority (Breitbart) that 98.9% of babies grow up to be cunts who are incapable of providing even an ounce of worth to the rest of the world and thus deserve to die.

And the best and cheapest way to stop that from happening?

You guessed it ladies and gentlemen. Abortion.

And that brings me to Rain. You see Rain, or sometimes RaYne and his sloth looking like sister Snow they are exhibits A and B on why abortion should not just be legal but encouraged. Everywhere. Schools. Churches. Girl Scout Meetings. Cheer leading competitions. Everywhere. Add Meghan McCain to that list because she is as unbearable a cunt as there ever was. Has anyone gotten more unwarranted mileage off their last name than that fat tub of self righteous shit?

The answer is unequivocally no.

Fuck you Meghan you bloated beach whale. Your father was a pussy who cracked under pressure. I like solders who aren't captured. Like me. I love me.

But back to my main point, Rain I swear to whatever God you want to believe in that if you show up at War Games I am going to make it my personal mission to leave a gaping hole in your skull courtesy of a large caliber bullet fired at a distance of about 200 yards give or take the wind conditions.

See I know you are on one of these War Games teams and so your team Captain might not want me handicapping his team by taking you out so I am willing to offer up my services free of charge. That's right BigD.

A simple 1 for 1 swap. Me for Rain. But as part of that swap you have to guarantee that after the match is over I get to first ram Rain's head up his sisters fuck box until he passes out and then once he does allow me to tie him to a post and shot him with my rifle from high atop the rafters.

Do we have a deal?

Fuck it, don't answer that. I'll just assume that it's a yes but due to not wanting to self incriminate yourself into what will likely be a pre meditated murder charge you won't give a verbal response.

I get it BigD. You're smart like that. I'll see you at War Games.

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
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