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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Paradise Lost.
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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

06-04-2013, 01:22 PM

Chapter One. Your paradise is well and truly lost.


Alone. You are lying in the fresh green grass thoughts flowing through your mind freely. The dazzling sun crisping your soft skin like a piece of bacon sizzling on a grill; the fragrant scent of flowery perfume lingers into your open nostrils and the taste of honey into your mouth. Sprinkles of pure white and sunny yellow flood the grass that is gently lent onto your back. Suppressed hedges gently crackle around you whilst young birds sing a soft melody in harmonic tantalization. All you can see is the back of your eyelids. Darkness. Red globes of glee are hanging onto the rustling bushes, yet that beautiful sound is something that you love as is the sound of rushing cars in the far away distance. You feel secure. Casual. With just shorts to keep you comfortable. That is all you need on this deliciously hot spring day…

Alone. You are lying on the smooth golden sand, Neptune’s warriors crashing onto the surface of the isolated and empty beach. Happiness basks around you. No sandcastles. No Towels. No sunbathers. No sun beds. No children. The squawking of dirty white gulls is a sound that your desperate ears open to. You lift a piece of sand up into your hand and it crumbles into dust in your strong palms. The sea was a dark deep crystal blue and the sky was a gentle light blue. Ambiguous clouds of mysterious shapes drift across the stunning universe’s emptiness. The salty scent of seaweed flew delicately into your nose, the taste of salt touching your sensitive taste buds. Still attired in comfortable shorts… Again though, that is all you need on this scrumptious summer day.

Alone. You are lying on the sleek leaf covered floor. A bed of delight. Mud and dirt surrounding you. A log stands out to your open eyes. Sun stares upon you through the leafless trees. The ominous winds gust pass whilst sun light glares through the leafless trees. Sticks crackle as a squirrel scurries across the branches, cheekily throwing acorns from what seems to be as high as the sky. A taste of nuts and the aroma of death flies around the forest’s almost unique atmosphere. Your spine shudders, your blood curdles and your hairs stand tingling. Yet whilst that blood curdles it is not just oxygen that continues to flow. A sickening pleasure reddens the skin. The sublime was mouth-watering and tearful. The burning passion inside your eyes warmed the flesh unexplainably. You hold a mirror and you stare deeply into your eye. What a mysterious creature you are… Still attired in comfortable shorts… Again though, that is all you need on this eerie autumn day.

Alone. You are lying in a bedding of snow and ice. A frozen bounty of heaven. Yet beneath you it was always evident that flames burnt. That’s what you were told to believe anyway. For faith is cruel and full of horror. Each snowflake fulfilled with a bitter sweet memory. The sourness of those thoughts only thickened as those four words echo around your mind. ‘All men must fall.’ They must have truly haunted you. Although what else could be expected. Those torturous words of truth. Ice cold water filled your mouth, the smell of wet grass filled your nose. The water that dampened your skin was confusingly delightful. Illness likely to be cracking your bones. You are a stubborn man though. Still attired in comfortable shorts… Again though, that is all you need on this weary winter day.

You are lost within your joyful paradise. Yet of course this can all come crumbling down. As it shall. Lightning strikes and the ground rumbles. Paradise comes crashing to the ground………

End of Prologue

Steve Davids is sat comfortably on a brown rugged log. The same log spotted on that unusual autumn day. He is attired in his usual wrestling attire and his signature beard covers his smooth face. Words echoing gently. There seems to be a mask in his hand…

Steve Davids
“Do you think that you are some kind of hero? I am well and truly shocked. Isn’t it strange KnightMask that you claim to be some kind of hero, ‘Rescuing Lacey Witasick?’ When in actual fact, behind that rancid mask of yours lies an arrogance face lacking honour, and a man who first of all needs rescuing from himself. What is it about you and false honour though? I would have thought that by now you would have looked into yourself and realised that it is not honour you seek. Glory. The glory of saving Lacey. The glory of that championship belt. That is why you fight this week. You want the feel of sleek gold United States belt rubbing on your skin as you did all those weeks ago. I know you are still bathing in the delights of your huge victory at High Stakes whilst I still suffer from my disastrous, torturous and fixed loss. The false gods took what is rightfully mine away from me but this week there shall be no false God preventing me from a glorious victory...

I bet you are bathing in Paradise aren’t you KnightMask. You are bouncing around in glee. Well I am sickened by it. You belong at the bottom of the mountain, struggling to push a boulder in your heroic stance. Well it is not the mask that makes the man I am afraid. It is the man who makes the mask. And that is why it is as simple as this…”

Steve Davids pulls a lighter out from his trunks and sets the mask on fire. The mask that is clearly a copy of KnightMask’s.

“Your precious mask is worth nothing. I am sure that one day you shall put some value into the mask well at least that is what I hope of a fellow Warfare member. For a second then I was actually kind. Falsely. Now you see the ways in which falseness is a sin to the one true god. Death.

Crimson Cobra shall not be here to help you out come Wednesday. Be thankful that my rage got the better of me last time we faced. The fear of my uncle’s safety led to my lack of victory. This time though my victory is simply inevitable. Although religion and faith are for people who need false hope. Fate is for the man people who know what is yet to come. Know the pain and suffering that awaits but if they fight through these torturous times they shall climb the ladder and finally reach the top as Unknown Soldier did at High Stakes. That man is suffering a delusion that even I am not sure that I could face again. Yet I shall… You see my insanity will forever eat away at me. But on my way down to the shadows of immortality I shall drag the likes of you with me KnightMask. The men who stand behind false hope. Men who stand behind false identity. I want to know what you are thinking yet I never shall for as long as you remain muted.

Perhaps the new European champion fancies speaking for you? I mean after all, isn’t CM Punk supposedly the voice of the voiceless? This one’s for you champ. Congratulations on your upset of a victory…

Speaking of upsets, the one armed Mr. Satellite proved too much for our resident demon Sebastian Duke…. Odd it shall be to not see that cocky scum bag holding the United States championship over those ridged bold shoulders of his. Odd but great that is of course. You truly are in paradise though aren’t you ‘Satty’. You’re eating every moment of this up because this is what you have always dreamed of. To hold two championships at the same time… It seems like your destiny is May’s superstar of the month. Well my name will continue to echo around these parts for a long time, whilst your time at the top shall be a moment short lived. I want nothing more than to tare you apart limb by limb, although that will be one limb less than the most of us… That I shall though…

You bask in glory with KnightMask and your precious two championships. It is only a matter of time before darkness surrounds the light of hope… Your paradise will come crashing down as if 9/11 was happening all over again. Too far? I do apologize for my twisted sense of humour… I have always liked pushing humour to its darkest boundaries you see……

If you think that either of your stories have a happy ending…. Then I am afraid…. You haven’t been watching….

For even the greatest man shall suffer.

As those four words continue to echo around each twisted mind…..

All Men Must Fall….”

Davids begins to cackle, staring into the hollow abyss. The laugh continues whilst Steve grins with a sad smile. Darkness surrounds him. As it surrounds us all.

The spring sun continues to shine upon you as white blossoms spread across the dazzling green trees…. Rumbling can be heard in the distance. Whistling wolves in the winds begin to howl. Car alarms start to bellow. Houses start to crumble. You open your eyes and gaze around, sprinting in desperation. Running cannot save you now…. The ground starts to fall in upon itself and the four words echo around your mind whilst you wear those comfortable shorts….. Death has made his decision and your fate shall be met….

The summer sun continues to shine upon you. The sea is still a deep blue, although the waves continue to get rougher as you are forced to step further and further onto the beach. You turn towards the erotic palm trees and towering hotel. Then your heart begins to pound, as do your feet. Sprinting once again in desperation. Neptune’s warriors were no longer crashing onto the seabed. They were coming directly for you. The ground shook steadily, but the water just kept on coming…. Running cannot save you now… The waves begin to surround you and suffocate you in their deep blue ways. Those four words still echoing around your mind whilst you wear those comfortable shorts….. Death has made his decision and your fate shall be met…..

The autumn sun continued to shine upon you through those leafless trees. Surrounded by nature’s dead beauty. Crackling could suddenly be heard. The forest was in flames before you could even turn. Flashes of lightning strikes down upon the wood and the rumbles of thunder intoxicated your ears. This was no rhythmic harmony but mere jumps of power and aggression. Shock was sent down that blood curdling spine. Horror filled your numb face. All expression had been lost now. You turned to run. Yet there was no way out. You were engulfed with flames and there was nothing you could do except from scream… Whilst those four words continued to haunt you. Echoing around your mind whilst you wear those comfortable shorts…. Death has made his decision and your face shall be met…..

The winter snows continue to fall upon you gracefully. Surrounded by nature’s soft torture. The cries of animals could be heard in the distance as you begin to question what those beats in the horizons were. Whilst birds flew desperately, you stood and looked in fear. Puzzled more than anything… Suddenly it was clear. Snow begin too rush towards you. Yet not gently and beautifully anymore. Agonizingly. Angrily. Brutally. The blizzard surrounded you. A frozen tear fell from your eye as you desperately tried to run. Running cannot save you now though… The snow had engulfed you. Those four words still echoing around your mind whilst you wear those comfortable shorts…. Death has made his decision and your fate shall be met…..

KnightMask….. Mr. Satellite…. There are many natural disasters… I include myself in this category. Before you know it… you shall be falling through the ground, you shall be suffocated by the sea, and you shall be engulfed with flames and snow…. For my pain and suffering is coming to haunt you… Whilst you wear whatever you want to wear….

Those four words shall echo around both of your minds….

I have made my decision and your fate shall be met….

No flames. No snow. No ground. No water….

That one natural disaster that never even came across your mind….



[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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