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Pent Up: RP #3
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Sebastian Duke Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

01-29-2019, 11:51 PM

Late December 2018 | The Illuminatus Compound | Old Saybrook, Connecticut

After all that has transpired for Sebastian Duke over the last several weeks, months and years, it is easy to wonder: what’s next? What’s next for the deposed leader of the Illuminatus Nation? For three straight weeks now, he’s been confined to the sovereign land of the Compound which is an ocean front estate in what is technically Connecticut. Just waiting. Waiting to hear his fate, waiting to get his plans for the future approved, waiting for his son to actually show up to a scheduled meeting. Waiting has never been his strong suit. For more than a decade, when he snapped his fingers, something happened. It’s an adjustment, an adaptation he’ll have to make. The fingers are no longer his to snap. The decisions, no longer his to make.

He’s anxious today. The former leader has been informed that Illuminatus One has landed in Connecticut and that can only mean one thing: Thaddeus Duke has arrived home. ”Sebastian,” says a young man seated along the wall in the main corridor.

Sebastian however, continues to war down the granite flooring as his paces impatiently. ”Not now, Greg,” he answers. Gregory Rouge is a 27 year old English born Frenchman, a hold over from Sebastian Duke’s occupation of France. The young man proved his value coming over from French Intelligence. So much so, that Sebastian often wonders to himself that had he learned to trust Gregory sooner, perhaps they’d have stemmed the tide together and possibly changed the fortunes of the war. Perhaps even snatch victory, from the jaws of defeat.

”A motorcade has just entered the gates,” Gregory states. ”Word from the gate house.” No sooner does Gregory finish, and Director Tritter enters the door followed by a large entourage of Illuminatus men.

”Tritter!” he calls out to the Director.

”Mr. Duke,” Tritter greets him as he wades through the foot traffic. ”It’s good to see you… in such good spirits,” Tritter says while inserting a piece of nicotine gum into his mouth.

”Where the fuck is he?” Duke demands.

”Where’s who?”

”The Saudi King,” he replies sarcastically. ”My boy, where the hell is he?”

”He’ll be here, Mr. Duke, be patient,” Tritter suggests as he walks off.

Sebastian hurries to cut off his path. ”Don’t walk away from me when I’m talking!”

Tritter smirks, unfazed by the normally intimidating tactic. ”Listen, I don’t answer to you. I answer to ‘your boy’ as you so eloquently put it a moment ago. Furthermore, even if I did answer to you, you’ll treat me with more respect than you’ve shown me thus far.”

”My office,” Thaddeus shouts over the hectic commotion from near the entrance.

Sebastian nods at Tritter and works his way through the men to follow Thaddeus into the office. He closes the door behind him and watches as his son removes his coat and gets situated behind what used to be his own desk.

”Sit,” Thaddeus requests as he wakes up his computer and logs in.

Sebastian hesitates, but recognizing the new pecking order within the Illuminatus, obliges and takes the seat in front of the desk. ”I have been try...”

”Yes I know,” Thaddeus interrupts. ”That’s largely why I’m even here when I’d rather be back in Europe.

“Anyway, I was just in a meeting with some in the United Nations regarding you, the war, your abdication and the like, among other things.”


”Regardless of how I feel about it all, disbelieving in you and your little performance in front of the panel...”

”It was honest,” Sebastian fires back. ”You can believe it, not believe it, ridicule me or whatever you want. It doesn’t change the fact, Thaddeus, that what I said was 100% true and honest.

“When Asmodeus died, you grieved. You had that opportunity. You had friends there for you. I had nothing. I had to paint on a brave face and assume the mantle. Yeah, I was born into it. I was raised without feelings and emotions but that only makes death and things like it even more difficult.

“If you ever cared to think of anyone but yourself for five minutes you might realize that I had to deal with it too. It’s not an excuse, and I know it doesn’t absolve me of my decision to act in Northern Iraq, but it played a role.”

”I know,” Thaddeus replies. ”The fact is, you had things you were dealing with and that’s understandable. And you’re right, it doesn’t change what you did.

“The United Nations agrees with me...”

”You son of a bitch!” he interrupts as he stands up quickly, kicking the chair out from underneath him. ”You couldn’t just let it go, could you? You couldn’t just take the victory and the leadership mantle could you? You had to stick the fucking dagger in and twist! You had to have everything you wanted! You have me confined to this fucking property.

“Know what? You’re fucking dead to me. I have no son.”
Sebastian starts for the door.

”I told them that I believed you to be forthright and honest with your speech, father,” he states, stopping Sebastian in his tracks. ”I realize you’re adjusting and this whole ‘bow to me’ thing is new to you. You don’t have to like me, you don’t have to even love me. It’s not like you were ever good at that anyway. But you will show me the respect that the others showed you when you were leader, at least in public.

“In public is all I’m asking. Consider it a concession on my part.”

”You told them you believed me?”

Thaddeus nods, confirming. ”Dad, you officially have your freedom back and Lane faxed me your XWF contract.”

Sebastian resets the chair and retakes a seat. ”Why? What the hell do you have to do with my XWF career? Besides trying to hijack my legacy?”

”Well you can’t really do anything without my expressed approval. At least not outside the gates of the Compound.

“That includes the XWF.”

”Did you approve it boss?” he asks with sarcasm.

”You could have held out for more money, man. That’s pathetic. I made more as a rookie.”

”I have money. Don’t need it, don’t want it.”

”It’s approved.”

”Thank you,” Sebastian says with sincerity. ”And the other thing?”

Thaddeus leans back in his chair. He rocks the chair back and forth a little as he eyeballs his father while twiddling his thumbs, debating in his mind whatever Sebastian’s second request was.

”I imagine you’ve seen it, Thaddeus,” Sebastian urges him on.

”Yeah, I’ve seen it,” he replies. ”I have some reservations about it, clearly.”


Thaddeus leans forward and clicks through some links on his computer and soon, a few pages spit out from the printer nearby. He retrieves the printed pages and glances them over for a few seconds. ”A private security and mercenary firm.”

”It’s right up my alley, Thaddeus,” Sebastian suggests.

”Of that, I have no doubts, but...”

”But what? There’s nothing to worry about. It keeps me busy with something I’m good at, and it keeps both of us out of each others line of sight.

“It’s a win-win.”

”It can’t be affiliated with the Illuminatus Nation, dad, that’s my concern. The United Nations has determined that it’s best if you steer clear of any sort of decision making or really, anything related to foreign relations with the Illuminatus.”

”So its a no then?” he asks.

”Well, I’ve discussed it at length with my advisers, dad. They’ve given me two thousand reasons why you can’t do it...”

”This isn’t the Illuminatus, Thaddeus,” he interrupts. ”It’s all on the up and up. It’s above board, fully legal. It’ll be fully insured with literally zero liability for the Illuminatus. As a former world leader, I have friends and contacts all over the world. I have expertise in covert operations.

“It’s not a surprise that my most successful period when I was leader, was when we were still a quiet secret operating in the shadows. Yeah, maybe I wasn’t equipped to lead when were center stage with the lights shining on us, but no one can refute my success from the shadows.”

”I’d agree with that.”

”There’s no risk to the Illuminatus,” he pauses. ”Some risk to me, obviously. But let’s not pretend that’d be any kind of factor in your determination.”

Thaddeus leans back in his chair again, partially annoyed that his father continues to give him underhanded jabs while he tries to remain polite and respectful of his father.

”I’ll approve this plan, father. But you can’t run it from the Compound...”

Sebastian throws his fists down on the desk surface, causing a pen cup and a paperclip holder to bounce off the desk and fall to the floor. He stares across the desk at his son. The father can not stand the son, and that stupid half smile smirk that adorns his face. Incensed with rage, Sebastian upends the desk and advances toward the young Illuminatus leader. For the first time, Thaddeus shows a bit of fear as he jumps out of his chair and retreats some toward the wall. The former leader grabs his son by his throat and slams him into the wall, cracking the wall surface behind him.

”Boy, don’t you EVER forget who the fuck I am and what I’m capable of. Because I sure as hell haven’t!” he shouts as Thaddeus face starts to turn a shade of red as he struggles to breathe. The office door swings open and Thaddeus’ security detail rushes in and try to separate the two men. ”You get your rocks off by trying to emasculate me and try to make me feel like I’m beneath you or less human, less deserving than you! I got snap your neck like a fuckin’ twig, boy! And there’s nothing these two fucks could do about it until you’re lying in a fucking lifeless god damn heap on the floor!

“What’s more kid, is when I was leader, I never needed a fucking security detail because I am more than capable of taking care of myself!

Sebastian releases his grip on Thaddeus and the kid, face purple and swollen from lack of oxygen, falls to the floor and coughs repeatedly, trying to regain his air. His security detail struggles to pull Sebastian Duke away from the Illuminatus leader but Thaddeus waves them off as he sits up, still leaning against the wall and panting heavily.

”How’s that for a little emasculation, bitch?” He grabs the business plan proposal and looks it over, then rolls it up and tosses it at Thaddeus. ”Sign it, or don’t. I honestly don’t give a shit. The fact is boy, I’mma do what I want whether you like it or you don’t.” He starts for the door but is interrupted by Thaddeus.

”Dad,” he calls out, still struggling to regain his breath. He signs the proposal and tosses it up on his desk. ”I was never… not going to sign… I was just… giving you a hard time.”

Sebastian rolls his eyes and scoffs. ”Boy, you have a lot to learn,” Sebastian turns to make his exit. He starts down the hall but abruptly turns back again. ”And I’ll be taking Illuminatus One,” he states emphatically. ”That’s my plane. I paid for it, I commissioned it, it’s mine. You can take a bus, hoof it, I don’t give a fuck honestly.

“And don’t worry about me runnin’ my company out of this joint, it won’t be anywhere near you or the Illuminatus.

“I think that’s best for both of us.”

Sebastian Duke makes his exit from his former office followed by around a dozen Illuminatus men. Presumably they’re joining him in his next venture. For the first time in at least 3 years, he feels strangely happy. Strange, because he doesn’t ever recall feeling the way he does right now. Almost euphoric. He’s free. He’s happy. He’s content. And he’s finally moving on.

The once and former King of the Illuminatus has exited the Compound, perhaps for the final time.

I have to admit something. So please, Donovan Blackwater, crank the volume, lean forward, maybe plug in your Beats headphones because this, I don’t do. You, Donovan Blackwater, have forced me to crack a smile. Don’t get me wrong, I mean, it’s not because you did something right, or that you were funny in any way, and surely not because you’ve proved me wrong on any given point that we’ve gone back and forth on over the last several days.

No, see Blackwater, what made me smile was the fact that no matter how contrived your idiot-speak is and no matter what baseless bullshit you spew from that cocksucker you call a mouth, which by the way you should’ve been squirted onto your mothers tits rather than breathe my precious air, its the fact that you believe in it. That’s what made me crack a smile. You actually believe everything you’re saying. Forget for a second, whether you’re right or wrong for a second and just focus on the fact that regardless of what is right and wrong you fucking believe every fucking word you say.

Do you have a MAGA hat? I swear, I’m not kidding. You seem the type.

Again, you attempt to belittle me and my rather large resume of accomplishments while you have almost nothing on yours. You can say what you want about who I lost this title to or that title to, but I assure you, winning them in the first place is a hell of a lot more glorious than never having them at all and talking down to those who have.

Know your place in the pecking order, junior. Because it sure as shit isn’t above me.

Moving on.

Why is it so important to you what happened 4 or 5 years ago? Why is important to you to continue to bring up Idenhouse and McAllister so much? They’re not relevant, as you yourself admit. So why keep at it? Do you like to vicariously live through other people? I just don’t see why this match on Warfare has anything to do with McAllister or Idenhaus. Azrael Erebus, I admit, that one I can understand. There’s that whole family connection you have with him and the fact that you’d like to best him and his abilities. Mr. Blackwater, I have fought against Azrael Erebus. And you sir, are no Azrael Erebus.

Not on your best day. Your best day, wouldn’t be good enough, Don. On your best fucking day you couldn’t lace my boots and you sure as shit couldn’t lace his. See, Warfare really is the house that Duke built and that ring belongs to me. You can deny it, you can make your lame ass baseless jokes, but facts are still facts here in the real world. I built the brand while the Sid Feder’s and the John Madison’s and the Unknown Soldiers of the XWF found an easier life in retirement. You don’t deserve to stand across the ring from me. You don’t deserve to face me. You don’t deserve to be mentioned in the same breath is me. But I’ll happily put you down for the count because it’s what I do. I kick ass and I hurt people. I’ve done it all my life. I’ve been good at it all my life. You can use some bullshit Fox News spin if you like to paint some other picture entirely but again, the facts are still facts and the name Sebastian Duke is still respected. Blackwater, even if you got lucky and fluked your way to victory on Wednesday, my name will still be in the XWF history books as one of the best to ever grace the ring. While you? You go on to lose to Robert Main, because you’re not good enough and maybe you father should’ve taught you better.

Alas, a trait your father has that I can identify with: an idiot kid that doesn’t know when to shut the fuck up and cut his losses. Also one whose brains would be best served cold, and clenched in my fist.

I don't know what you think you know, Blackwater, but it sure isn't enough to know when to quit. It isn't enough to know, to truly know, just what exactly is in store for you Wednesday night on Warfare. It isn't enough to know, Blackwater, that this isn't the same ol' same ol' ho hum bullshit boring ass cake walk match you're used to having in this uncharacteristically mundane and docile version of this current shit show of a product that is today's Xtreme Wrestling Federation. See Donovan, it's clear that this place needs saving and that's exactly why I'm here. I am here to once again put the Xtreme Wrestling Federation on my back and carry it into its next golden era, just like I did in 2013.

See, I'm not one to really say I told you so...

Actually, I kinda am.

Blackwater, Warfare is my house. Wednesday night, you're gonna find out why. You're gonna find out just what it means to step in the ring with the most cold and ruthless mother fucker in Warfare history. You get the honor and the privilege of losing to me in my house like so many before you. All I ask from you in return from this not so gentle boost I'm giving you, is that you step up. After you lose to me, Blackwater, you step your ass up. You be the man you already think you are instead of the man I know you are. Be a leader. Step up and help lead the fight to bring the XWF back from the shallow grave its lying in.

The time is near, Blackwater. You think you're ready. You think you have what it takes to get the job done. You think with your lineage that its a foregone conclusion that Sebastian Duke is just fodder for Erebus blood, but I assure you, young cocksucker, you're not ready. You don't yet have what it takes to put me down. Believe me when I tell you this, having championship blood and riding your fathers legacy doesn't make you a real champion. All it does is set you up for a heartbreak and boy, I'm more than willing and even more capable of breaking your little pathetic heart.

I'll see you in the House that Duke built.
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