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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Stipulation One of Four
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08-20-2018, 07:00 PM

Stipulation One:

One thousand souls in exchange for one...

In Addition:

he retriever will be unable to feel emotionally, physically, and
spiritually during the duration of time, it takes to obtain the one
thousand souls.

"If there are damned souls in Hell, it is because men blind themselves." - E.A. Bucchianeri

Blind as a bat in search of food in the night, it uses its senses to stalk and catch prey. Laying under the veil of darkness lurks a monstrous being controlled by something far worse than itself. Out to claim the souls of the damned to live once again away from the veil in which it hides under but consumed by the shadows in which it must lie.

What begins as a static-covered screen shortly cuts to the following words:

The screen abruptly cuts to black before a bright white screen flashes and Death is revealed.

“A poetic match in the making, isn’t this? For more reasons than one. A man from the stars who is unable to be taken by death yet forced to face it in the ring. A man who presumingly knows many things of this world, as well as many others, faces something he knows little about. Yes Azrael, I am something you know nothing about, someone you know nothing about. That alone should throw you off because isn’t one advantage of yours your intellect on things few know about? Well, I could stand here and explain myself. I could explain where I am from and what I truly am but it would be a waste honestly. After all, I have little time to explain why you will inevitably lose this battle. With that being said, I guess it is a good thing that this battle isn’t about intelligence but rather strength and technicality.”

Death flashes a cold smile.

“So it would seem I am at an advantage. I have witnessed your ability in the ring, studied you. Yet, as stated before, you have little intellect on my ability. This isn’t my first time stepping foot in the ring nor will it be my last. I have fought many and been the reason for their demise in this industry. I have watched man crumble before me, and I plan to repeat the past in our present match. One common occurrence in previous battles of mine is I single-handedly took down my opponent in mountains of bloodshed and despair. Azrael on the other hand has many victories he claims thanks to the aid of outside sources. Tell me Azrael, when you face the very best can you defeat them on your own or is aid always needed for a man of the stars? Perhaps you only take advantage of the opportunities given to you, and none of your aid is planned. If that is the case we have something in common, we are opportunistic. It wouldn’t be the only thing we have in common. We also have no need for the titles presented by this company; we are simply here for fun. We do have different forms of fun, however. Your version of fun is helping those in need, right? Mine is the polar opposite. Anarchy is my form of fun as well as messing with the weakest mind.”

“If your reputation is correct, you could be considered a god Azrael. You are unable to die, it appears, and you have a vast amount of knowledge. Because you can not die, danger doesn’t seem to phase you. You laugh in the face of it, mock it. After all, if something were to happen that ability to regenerate your entire body would stop you from stepping on death’s doorstep. The reason I bring this up is I have a little vendetta when it comes to “Gods”. I believe they are lies we make up and that definition fits you perfectly. You claim to be this amazing wonder, yet, if you were, why would you have ever dumbed down yourself enough to ever lose in this type of industry? I would assume that if you really were this extraordinary force you claim to be nothing could stop you, even in human form. Your physical abilities may be lowered but you should still contain the mental capacity meaning you could beat these half-wits on knowledge alone. This company alone is full of naive degenerates who can’t tell the difference between their pinky and penis, and yet you've been defeated by them. An amazing wonder like yourself, even when not trying, should be able to easily climb the ranks and stay there. Yet, here you are. Sad, really. It makes you wonder just how much you’ve lied about Azrael. Maybe even death? Even if it was for a short time, you have died Azrael. You just don’t stay dead, making you a very interesting specimen to play with I must say.”

A low audible hum comes from Death’s mouth as its head is lowered.

“I don’t believe you are so grand Azrael, in fact, I think you are a fool. I don’t think you possess the capability of winning in this match. What I do believe is that I am going to take great enjoyment in putting your regeneration powers to use in this match. Ripping you apart piece by piece just to do it over and over again makes for one hell of a bloodbath that the fans will remember for the rest of their lives. After all, I’m going to turn the arena into a graveyard of your body parts and I hear washing Spaceman blood out of clothes is a bitch. I’ll be awaiting your response Starboy, make it interesting. Until then, rest in pieces.”

A snake slithers from Death’s mouth then drops to the ground before shedding its familiar skin revealing the true threat underneath.

The screen cuts to the following before the cut of the promo.

[-] The following 5 users Like Death's post:
(08-20-2018), Azrael Erebus (08-22-2018), Darius Xavier (08-21-2018), Dirty Willy (08-21-2018), Nathaniel Idenhaus (08-21-2018)

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