Robert "The Omega" Main
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP
XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
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Joined: Thu Dec 15 2016
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Hates Given: 34
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08-13-2018, 12:12 AM
Madison Dyson is missing? Hmmmm? Wonder where she could have gone? I really hope she is alright, it would sure be a shame if something happened to her.
Robert smiles for a second before raising his arm nonchalantly with his index finger raised
Tell you what Dexter, I’ll go ahead and save you $200,000 bucks. All you have to do is just show up at Warfare, head down to the ring and wait. I’ll bring her to you. No fuss no muss.
That is………
Unless you’re scared something might happen to you!
Robert leers into the camera with a sadistic grin
You can continue playing the game of dodge “The Omega”! I’m fine with it. I’ll just sit back and bide my time Engineer. With this case, I have all the time in the world now. Your problem is a bit more complicated. You see every 30 days Engy you’ll have to come out of the woodwork and defend that Universal Championship You can do one of two things, and either option is fine with me. One keep running with your tail tucked and face another letdown. Or you can just face the music, you can step up and face me one on one. No sneak attack from behind, no cashing in. You and me. I’d rather do this face to face. I want you to see the end coming, I want you to cherish your last few weeks as Champion. Either way, you’ll have to go one on one with me you can do it fresh or after a brutal match the choice is yours and your alone. But you need to make that choice soon before I make it for you. Just know this I’ll be at every step, every turn. There is no escaping me this time. Last time you nearly got away. This time though is different. Deep down you can feel it like a black cloud hanging over your head. I’m that monster that just can’t be killed. No one else in this company can seem to put you down. Dexter I’m your huckleberry!
Robert looks around noticing he is now by himself
Shit! Here I am alone in the rainforest. What’s the worst that could happen? Go on a rainforest adventure they said, it will be fun they said, it will look good for the company they said. We need one of our champions out there. The shit I get myself into sometimes is just insane. Now, what way did they go?
Robert does a three-sixty seeing nothing but rainforest
Jesus! They put me out here with a machete like I’m Bear “fuckin” Grylls or some shit. This reminds me of deliverance the south America addition.
Robert starts cutting his way through the impenetrable, asphyxiating undergrowth, wrestling his way through, the humid air hung heavy like a wet blanket, soggy and still. The trees all around him made him feel compressed, they were as tall as skyscrapers only living and breathing. The sunlight from above seemed almost holy the way it was shimmering through the vast canopy. The rainforest seemed to have an intelligence of its own. Its voice was the unforeseen squawk of a parrot, the howl of a monkey swinging through the branches above. Robert could feel it deep down in his bones this place and everything in it knew he was there.
Why is it the only thing I can think of right now is Arnold in Predator! I see three red dots on my chest I’ll shit my self!
The jungle was an all-out onslaught battering each one of my senses all at once. The virescently hues of green were the foreground, the background and as high up as my eyes could see. The heat and humidity pressed in on the skin making each drop of sweat meaningless. I watched the sweat on my skin sits there beading up until no more moisture could sit in one spot and run down my arm like condensation on a window pane. I then notice the sounds of the insects swirled all around me, the birds flying overhead and the larger animals deep in the jungle brush created a symphony of nature calling me in deeper. The leaves brushed against my feet springing back to life after each one of my steps. As I mouthed the air it tasted both nectarous like a fine honey and smelled fresh, like flowers blooming inside my mouth. I stop looking over my shoulder at the camera crew following closely behind me. I then think about my match coming up with Barny Green. A living legend? I’m not too sure about that statement, that’s just what I have been told.
Barny Green! You asked for a match with me, now here we are. Ask and you shall receive. Hell, I even put the Hart Championship on the line. Do you know what defeating me would do for your career Mr. Green? I don’t think I have to tell you but I will anyway. An extensive rejuvenation, a revival, reawakening, a shot of energy you have never had. I can lead a horse to water Green but I cannot make him drink the water. Everything that you could have ever asked for is now sitting right in front of you. Ripe for the taking! All you have to do is step up and take it. Do the unthinkable, slay the dragon no other man or woman could. Contain a beast. In one night, you could become XWF’S own Rudy! All you got to do is step up to the plate shut your eyes and take a swing hoping for the best. You do have a punchers chance, don’t get me wrong here. I’m not trying to disrespect you in anyway. I’m not trying to belittle you or even embarrass you. I’m not that dick head Chris Chaos
Who thinks he will just “swoop” in and take the Universal Championship after I obtain it! Hey Chris if your listening and most likely you’re not! Go ahead and jump princess! I’ll make sure you swoop into another ass kicking! I apologies Mr. Green I sometimes go on rants! But like I was saying, I’m not in this to make you look bad but! Facts are facts! You’re a washed-up tub of lard, who was never that good in the first place. Just a kid living a dream? You and I look at your career in very different ways. I see it as a nightmare. Your legend is of ass beatings handed to you over the years. Now you want to step up and play with the big boys? Please! I saw your cry for attention on twitter so I replied. What most people can’t seem to understand is I’m not hard to find. I’m a fighting champion who will take on any and all comers, all they have to do is ask and I’ll show up and knock some heads around pick my belt up walk back to the dressing room light a cigar and drink some bourbon. This is no different. You want to come out or seclusion fine. Bra-fucking-vo! Good luck. Hey, everybody golf clap Green is coming out of sequestration! But mention my name like you did Mr. Green and I’ll put you in desolation permanently. Since December of last year, I have been facing the flavor of the month. Now enclosed inside a steel cage I’ll give you your fifteen minutes of fame. I’m throwing you a bone here Green, a bone you don’t deserve I might add.
God damn it It's hotter than hell in July. It’s so humid I’m brewing ball soup! Everything is colossal, the leaves, the insects, the predators. There are no paths I can find and the light is starting to fade. The noises that were fascinating earlier now feel threatening. The rainforest vines have taken on the characteristics of snakes and every shadow has now become a hunkered down Jaguar ready to pounce. My mind races to attach a creature to each noise. I hold my machete tight in my hand ready to strike anything that moves.
The rainforest wrapped around Robert like it was taking custody of him. Leafy arms fell over his shoulders. Every view was extraordinary but the same all at once. Robert pulled out his smartphone taking a long swig from his flask. Robert then lets out a long sigh. He had no service and no idea where he was. It was going to take ten times longer to get out than it did to get in. He stretched the fingers of his right hand repeatedly, opening and closing, before re-clasping the handle of his machete. Robert thought he knew what being in a rainforest would be like, he seen so many movies. Robert thinks back to his first breath under dense canopy. It was like inhaling a warm soup. Though his lungs kept heaving the air in and out it became more like drowning than breathing. Robert takes one last look around and starts chopping down vegetation.
I can't move without a plant touching some area of my skin. It’s becoming gross. Everything I thought loved about this rainforest walking in has now elevated my heart rate and assassinating every bit of my logical thinking capacity. The sheer denseness of everything around me had made me feeling closed off. The air around me felt like a cage. My bloodstream quickly became a cocktail of endorphins. My brain flooded with wild thoughts. My wide-open eyes move with a pointless speed, at this point, I’d give my left nut to see blue sky and my hotel bed. But yet even now Green is crossing my mind!
Robert continues swinging away talking out loud
So suddenly you decide to dust off your wrestling boots and hobble back down to the ring on the same bad knee we’ve heard about for years. Why? Because someone in management was bad mouthing you? Have you ever heard of “sticks and stones”? Or be like a duck and just let the water roll off your back? This right here is why you never amounted to anything other than a loser! You worried about everything else besides what was in front of you! That and you don’t have any wrestling talent what so ever. Lay a corn dog on a table and Barny Green can swallow it with no hands involved. You’re out of your league. This isn’t going to be a feel-good Disney story. I’m fucking THANOS and I just snapped! Get my drift? There is no chance in hell you beat me. I’ll crush you underneath my talent alone. This isn’t wrestling a salad bar at Denny’s. You are walking into a match with one of the greatest wrestlers to ever walk the aisle!
But what struck me as odd is what you had to say on Warfare. “You’ll just have to take what you want”? What exactly would that be Green? What are you going to take? My Hart Championship? Not going to happen! You want to come off like you are this gristly resilient hard ass. Your no more dangerous than the next guy. See you want to worry about Vinny Lane. When you should be worried about ROBERT MAIN! While you are busy looking ahead I’m looking at the right now! Vin was right to say what he did about you. Your time is behind you. Cleaning the shitters is all your good for. You could not draw fly’s if you were dipped in shit! The fans don’t want to see a 34-year-old fat fuck get his ass beat for the millionth time. They want to see a man tough as nails a wrestler who is unbreakable, unyielding and can withstand a shit storm. Green I am as hardened as they come, fierce, hard-hitting and obstinate. I am the headstrong merciless son of a bitch you could never become. I am the ruthless uncontrollable, unforgiving, a violent challenge you’ll never pass. You want to play tough fine. Show me in the ring how fucking tough you think you are and I’ll show you a coward.
Losers think of winners Green! Winners don’t think of winning they just go out and win. Champions fight through adversity. Me I think of history! Failure isn’t an option for men like myself. Success is all I can see.
I hear rustling behind me. I tighten my grip on the machete but before I can swing I feel the cold steel of a pistol pressed firmly up against the back of my head. Maybe I should go for it? I think for a second. I then raise my arms high into the air dropping my blade. At least someone found me?
You DEA?
I pause and say nothing wondering what in the fuck is going on.
Wait what? No?
The same pistol hits me in the back of the head dropping me to one knee. I try shaking it off but……
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Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7