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Christian_Andrews Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

04-20-2018, 05:06 PM

"If they stand behind you, protect them. If they stand beside you,
respect them. If they stand against you, defeat them."
- Christian Andrews

.:: Begin Transmission ::.

Familiarity. That's what crosses your mind as the scene spawns to life breathing the familiar images of the hotel room that we last saw Christian Andrews in, getting ready for his match against Jackson Hart for the X-Treme Championship. However, this time on the living room table there were a bunch of bandages with dried blood, as well as crutches laid against the glass of the table. Sitting next to them was the renewed body of Christian Andrews, his head in his hands, and across from him was another familiar figure, Nick. Christian obviously was struggling, although Nick seemed to shine a completely different image. His smile seemed to overwhelm any other sense of the mood in the room.

(Nick): Bro, it was sick! I can't believe you won against that man! Jackson was a hell of a fighter and tried to take you to your limits, yet he still couldn't finish you! I mean, it was like...

(Christian): Nick...

Christian raises his hands from his head, the cuts from his face healed up nicely, but there appeared to be cuts much deeper coming from inside of him, then what's shown. Christian shakes his head, disappointed by Nick's posture.

(Christian): Do you really, that easily, forget what it is we're doing here? What it is I'm fighting to accomplish? This title does nothing for that mission. This title...

Christian picks up the X-Treme Championship from underneath the table, previously hidden from view. He turns it so it's face is facing Nick.

(Christian): Means Nothing. People fight with everything that have to win this piece of gold and metal junk. All this means, is I now have to put my body, and my life, into places that to be quite honest, I have no business being in. I'm not the same hardcore punk I was when I had The Monster living inside me. I'm not the same dangerous, death-defying high flying daredevil that I was when I had nothing to be scared of, and everything to gain! I'm a completely different man today, and I don't even have an opportunity to show that as long as I hold on to this.

(Nick:) You're wrong! Damnitt Christian, you don't even see the opportunity in front of you? Yes, you're going to have to face off in places a lot more hardcore than you anticipated, and YES you are going to have to find yourself in more positions than maybe you would have preferred, but don't be a fool about it. There are going to be people now, gunning for this strap. They are going to be bulldozing their way through opponents to have the honor of facing you, and they won't have any clue that the real trap has already been sat! As they get closer to facing you, they'll be opened up perfectly to see the truth in front of them. And when your hand is raised over them, and they are looking up into victory standing over them staring them in the eyes, they will come to know that very lesson you sat out to teach!

Christian gets up, apparantely he's heard enough. He sighs, and then chuckles to himself sarcastically. He turns to start walking away as Nick stands up quickly, his voice escalating with the situation.

(Nick): I'm serious man! This is your chance! People are going to come to you and they will learn that lesson, except for them it won't be nearly as painful, as heart breaking, as.... deadly as it was for us. For you. Just think about it.

Christian pauses as he approaches the kitchen, never turning back to Nick. He sighs again, this time a more defeated, thoughtful sigh and nods his head in agreement, agreeing to think about what Nick is saying. Christian continues walking into the room as Nick slides his phone out and makes a call.

(Nick): J! Come over to Christian's man, I heard you had some information for his next match, and we need to start training before he loses it man. We can't afford another 2012 to happen. Get him focused. Sounds good, see you in 10.

Christian reenters the room as Nick hangs up the phone. Nick looks up and smiles that guilty smile as Christian sees right through it. Christian laughs mockingly, and then shakes his head toward Nick.

(Christian): He's on his way? Good, he texted me earlier about a Fatal Four Way match I'm in, and if I get pinned I lose this title which I'm still undecided on if that's a blessing in disguise or not. I am interested in hearing about these guys though, Nick can you pull up some of their stuff in the living room? I'll grab drinks.

Nick nods, rolling his way to his feet in a finesse only he could pull off, before skipping his way through the archway from the dining room, and into the living room. He plants himself on a big black leather couch, grabbing the nearby remote from the corner of it. Turning on the television, he brings up the Youtube App on it, types in XWF, and starts scrolling. Christian joins him a few minutes later with a couple beers from the fridge, both being for Nick, as Christian grabs himself a Sweet Tea. Nick notices the Sweet Tea and chuckles lightly.

(Nick): Still avoiding alcohol while you're wrestling? Being a good little boy?

(Christian): I need to be on my game at all times, you know that. I can't afford any alcohol, I have too much on the line. Besides, you remember what happened... Hey, stop there! What's that?

Nick turns his attention back to the screen as he stops scrolling. One of the big bold recommended sections from the XWF was a match titled "Anthony Scalici vs. Pestalance, Beat the Clock Challenge." Nick smirks as he found something relevant to what they were looking for, and he presses play. The two of them together, in silence of the first few minutes, begin watching the match. They hear the announcers talk about this being Pestalance's debut match, and it sparks even more inquiry from Christian Andrews.

(Nick): This Pestalance character is a big guy. And his debut match? He looks pretty impressive so far.

(Christian): I believe we're similar in size actually. Except he's a lot younger. Watching him work, he seems to have some anger control issues which honestly, would be rather easy to exploit. He struggles to keep up with Anthony when they go to the ground, and Anthony isn't that good at the ground game in his own right. But he's definitely a formidable foe, I wonder if anyone has been able to beat him yet?

(J): Twice actually...

Both Christian and Nick shoot around to hear with the voice came from, as Jason was standing in the door way looking into the living room and his eyes focused on the TV. He smiles as he walks in, a bag of some type of food in his hands.

(J): He won this match in impressive style, and then... OH! There it is right there, Scalici taps. Anyways, he won this match and went on to face Chaos at Savage but lost to him. Then Mandii Rider, the current Bombshell Champion, made him tap out on his own right. However, he has an advantage coming into this match only one other competitor does, and it's not you Christian...

(Christian): Oh yeah? And what's that?

(J): Well, he got to face Jackie Peppers, another one of your opponents in a four on four match, so he kind of has a leg up on the competition seeing as he knows how one of the three of his opponents work.

(Nick): Speaking of Jackie Peppers...

Nick types something into the Youtube app, and pulls up Jackie Peppers facing Muddy Waters on Jackie's debut match.

(Christian): Yeah I've seen this match several times, Jackie is impressive in this match defeating a some what veteran of the sport, Muddy Waters. However, Muddy didn't exactly impose as much of a challenge as he could have, which I think would have given Jackie some trouble. Jackie defeating Glisten was a joke, and the real match against Finn Kuhn was I think more of a showing of who Jackie Peppers is. Jackie lost to Finn Kuhn, something I don't believe I even would have done, and in turn showed his own glaring weaknesses. Being easily provoked, and being that little that you could be pushed around the way that Finn did, well... I'm bigger than Finn. So that should prove to be a challenge for Jackie to overcome.

Jason smiles, seeing Christian take a page out of his book and start tearing apart a match as he watched it, looking for the weak spots and the strong spots and seeing where he could have been placed in the match, and what he would have done differently. Nick however doesn't seem as pleased, as he speaks up catching Christian's attention off the TV.

(Nick): Don't start to get arrogant Christian. Don't let your win streak fool you, you are far from invincible. Don't let someone like Finn get under your skin that way, you have much higher goals, much greater dreams still to be accomplished. We need to stay focused here.

Christian seems shocked at Nick's accusation, but lightens up when he realizes that Jason some what agrees with Nick about his cockiness starting to show. Christian knows better than to get prideful, because pride comes before the fall. Christian shrugs his shoulders, trying to play off the correction but inside he truly takes it to heart. Christian finishes Jackie's match and scrolls down to Chris Valley, the "Mad Dog". He plays the Danny Imperial vs. Chris Valley match, another one that he was quite familiar with, having it watched it prior. Jason drops the food off at the table, and sits down on the couch with Christian and Nick.

(J): Now Valley is an interesting character as well. He actually has a losing record, being 2-3 here in the XWF, although like the other two, all three of these guys have started here before you. Unlike you, they all have losses but if you're not careful here, you'll join the pack there. Chris Valley seems like a very dark soul, and it seems like he finds brawling more appealing than wrestling. You may be able to tire him out here, and use your size to make him waste his energy on his attacks but be careful. He's tough, so pain is something he's quite familiar with.

(Christian): I hope so, that just means the match would get that much more interesting. All three of these men don't resemble the normal push-overs that you see, the jobbers of wrestling. They each have their own right to wins, and they have each demonstrated their ability to win here more than one time. I have to keep them out of my head, sure, but more importantly I have to stay out of my own. I can't go in thinking I have anything already given to me, or that this is a win any more than any other match would be. I know I must be focused, I must remain intense and centered, but I also know something else.

So must they.

Christian stands up, adrenaline starting to run through his body as he starts to day dream about the upcoming match at Warfare. He walks around to the back of the couch and starts pacing back and forth, a smile spreading across his face as he continues to think about the chaos and carnage that is going to happen on Wednesday. He looks up at both Jason and Nick, and he nods his head continuing to smile, until his eyes lock on to something else. His smile fades as the camera pans back to see that Christian is staring directly at the X-Treme Championship that he had put in the corner earlier.

(Christian): So must they.

End Scene

The scene comes back to life outside of the XWF Arena. As you make your way inside, you go beyond the concession stands, past the security team checking people in, through the middle of the arena where the wrestling ring is currently dismantled and won't be placed back up for another few days at least, and through the other side of the wall. As you continue, you run right into the locker rooms of some of the Superstars that have come there and set up early, wanting to use the gym facilities that the XWF Arena has to offer. Christian Andrews was one of them, as he sat nearby his locker, one knee on the bench as he was strapping up his boot. Next to him sat the lovely Anna Grace, who was currently putting another familiar man in his place, Christian's trainer Jason.

(Anna Grace): I don't care how you feel about it, you do not need to be putting any more ideas of grandeur and fame inside of his head than the ones that are already there! The X-Treme Championship is nothing to joke about, and is certainly not something that we should be putting any effort into holding!

Christian finishes lacing up the final part of his boot, and wraps his hands around Anna Grace's shoulders. The size of his hands are misleading, as they engulf the small girls shoulders and yet strangely provide a comfort, an intimacy that most long to experience. Anna Grace lets out a long sigh, taking a deep breath in for recovery as Christian comforts her, or tries.

(Christian): What Jason was saying, is that the title can be good after all. It may not directly interact with our goals right now, but it can still be used as a platform. You don't have to worry about me Anna, I have done this plenty of times before, and I know what I'm doing. For the places I don't, or for the areas I lack, that's what I have Jason and Nick for. They train me, they are my partners, and they are most if not all of the reason why we all have had the journey and experiences that we've had. I understand that you weren't there for a lot of it, and I get that, but you have to trust me. Trust that we know what we're doing, and we know where we're going. Jason and Nick? They are our GPS...

Jason doesn't even bother responding, letting Christian handle the emotions of this young lady. Jason himself has had his fair amount of fights, both in and out of the ring, and nothing is scarier than a woman who fears for someone or something that she loves. Anna Grace shakes her head but doesn't bother protesting any more, and when Jason senses the tension start to lighten up, he finally speaks up.

(J): So Christian, while today will be mostly about lifting, I did want to talk about some in ring styles and techniques that we can use for your match Wednesday. I have some styles that if you watch out for, you'll be able to play 5 steps ahead like you normally do. I think you'll really enjoy hearing it...

Suddenly, the locker room door bursts open. All three people turn their entire bodies toward the door in shock, and surprise, as in walks some guy dressed in a sharp suit holding a corded microphone, with a nearby camera man walking rather closely in behind him. There seems to be some commotion as a group of people were outside but the camera man quickly shuts the door behind him using his foot, slamming it in the faces of those who were trying to peer in. The man in the suit is recognized quickly by XWF fans, as Steve Sayors, the one and only XWF Interviewer.

(Steve Sayors): Hello, one and to all! I'm Steve Sayors, the XWF Interviewer and Mr. Andrews I was wondering if you wouldn't mind, could we have a word with you? I've been trying to catch up with you since your impressive debut and...

Jason reaches over and unplugs the mic from the camera's outlet. The camera man jumps back, shocked at how quick Jason was, and looks at him with an inquisitive look. Jason shakes his head, before grabbing the microphone away from Steve and tossing it to the side. He pushes the camera sideways as well, away from Christian and Anna Grace.

(J): I know who you are, I've watched your interviews, and no thanks. We have a match to prepare for, and not a lot of time left to cover what all we need to cover. So if you wouldn't mind...

Christian laughs, as he rests his hand on Jason's shoulder, standing to his feet now. Christian turns Jason around and motions with his hand for Jason to calm down, before turning back to Steve.

(Christian): He still doesn't let me fight my own battles when he can help it. Steve was it? Listen I really appreciate you coming in here and wanting to discuss things with me, and I'd always be more than happy to sit down and have a cup of coffee with you if you'd like. However, I have no interest in speaking in front of that camera to you, the audience, my fans, my opponents, or anyone else who happens to be listening to it. What I want to say to my opponents, I will say to them myself. Both in words, but more importantly with actions when I meet them in the ring. Now, as for kicking in the door when we're having an important conversation...

Jason steps forward, almost getting into Steve Sayor's face before Christian slightly pushes him back and reminding him to calm down. Turning his attention back to Steve, Christian continues.

(Christian): Well, I just don't think that's a very smart idea on your part. I just wouldn't want to see anyone getting hurt, you know what I mean? So I think you should go out there, back the way you came, talk to some of those people out there who are making a lot of noise, and find some other wrestlers to interview. I'm sure there are a ton of people who would just feel honored to be in front of your camera. I, kind sir, am not one of them. Are we clear?

At this point, Christian wraps his arm around Steve Sayors, again his height and weight almost eclipsing the XWF Interviewer, as Christian uses his other arm to point the way to the door which Steve Sayors and the camera man both quickly obliged. As they exited, and the crowd died down outside the door, Christian turns back to both of them, his face in a "wow" expression.

(Anna Grace): That was... unexpected.

(Christian): You're telling me. I thought with my lack of appearances, they'd understand I wasn't the most interested in talking with them. But hey, gotta give the man credit for trying right?

(J): No more distractions! Come on Christian, we gotta train. You have Peppers, Pestalance, and Mad Dog!

(Christian): Mad Dog?

Both Christian and Anna Grace turn to Jason, almost disbelief in their expressions. Jason just realized that Christian didn't know Mad Dog was Chris Valley's ring name. As Jason is debating how to tell Christian in his head, it's as if the message was communicated already as Christian starts to laugh before spitting out his next sentence.

(Christian): You've got to be kidding me. You're kidding right? Mad Dog? Chris Mad Dog Valley? Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but doesn't he know what happens to dogs that have gone mad?

Christian picks up his gym bag as Jason shakes his head, knowing the pun that's about to come out of Christian's mouth. Anna Grace starts to laugh as well, both of them already hearing the pun in their heads before Christian could ever even get it out. As they start walking toward the side door to the gym area, Christian has to finish his one liner.

(Christian): They get put down.

Christian, Anna Grace, and Jason all chuckle as they walk through the side door. Pestalance, Chris Valley, and Jackie Peppers will all meet with Christian Andrews on Wednesday Night Warfare, and if any of them can pin him, they will win his X-Treme Championship. The question is, will they get put down, or will Christian experience his first loss in the XWF? Find out Wednesday!

.:: End Transmission ::.

[Image: The-Beautiful-Mind-Of-A-Hero-Why-Dean-Wi...ADHD_1.png]

.:: Win / Draw / Loss ::.
4 / 0 / 0

- 1x IWF X-Treme Champion

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