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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » TURNING POINT 2018 RP BOARD
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03-03-2018, 06:40 PM

In the back of my mind I feel awful for the shit I've put Paul through. Such an innocent soul. Such a peaceful mind when I found him. So full of joy and good. Now, he's becoming a monster. And I am his creator. Through torment and destruction I have put together a finely tuned soulless machine. The beautiful thing about it, he doesn't know it yet.

Random! Come on man you have two days left before your match!

Random roles out of this bed corner in the gym warehouse.

Why I gotta do this? I am depressed Paul I don't wanna do it anymore.

What!? Are you kidding me? What now? What's your issue today?

I don't know! Can't a guy just be depressed?

No! You can't! You're not human!

I am alien depressed. Its worse.

How is it worse? what's worse about it?

I am gonna commit suicide.

[Image: iR3bFnl.jpg]

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