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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » TURNING POINT 2018 RP BOARD
#MADE4TV - Sweet Dreams (Part1)
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Scully Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

03-03-2018, 01:43 AM

"Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree
Travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody looking for something
Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused.

Here we are in what seemed like an abandoned basement. The distinction is that a basement is an area below ground that is part of the building's foundation but doesn't have a specific purpose, on this occasion it seemed that it was being used for some kind of act. Thus making it cellar? Who knows?! Considering there was an opened tool box and a first aid medical box situated on a unvarnished table, something was occurring. The brick walls surrounding an eerie glow lightened the room slightly, it was a little glum and the cob webs in the corners were a dusty, black. It was moist and the smell of damp travelled throughout. A hospital type bed was placed against the far wall and a figure occupied the bed. His body was still, his eyes were closed, was he dead? The blanket covering the male rose in slow motion (No he wasn't getting an erection) the top end, to show that he was in a deep sleep or breathing at least. Scully was either simply having a nap in the dodgy location or he was out for the count.

Footsteps could be heard coming down the basement steps, clackety-clack! clackety-clack! The walkers steps were slow and instense, it was like whoever it was, purposely took their time. Eventually the brown cowboy styled boots touched the bottom of the basement floor, as the mysterious figure walked towards Scully's motionless body. Who was it? They couldn't be made out, they were well hidden in black jeans and a black hoodie. The face covered up too by a black, acrylic, 3 hole balaclava. They also wore black gloves as the mystery person sat on the rocking chair, bed side. They rocked back and fourth, staring at Scully. The person (who still wasn't established as man or woman) went into their hoodie pocket and pulled out a packet of cigarettes. Opening the lid, pushing up a cig with this two thumbs and grabbing the cut into their mouth, mysterious places the cig back into their pocket, pulling out a smart lighter in the process. All black flicks the Zippo, new Armor® antique brass, Steampunk lighter and lights the cig. Zippo is returned into the pocket as mystery inhales the cigarette for a few seconds before taking it away from their lips and exhaled it, making hoop shapes with the smoke.

I opened my eyes slowly, my vision was blurred as a puff of smoke came in my direction. I felt groggy, my body felt numb and I felt like a weak, mess. Where the fuck was I? The beating in my chest echoed around me, indicating that the space was large and almost completely empty. I stared at the pillars which held the ceiling up and were the only thing keeping the moldy, dripping paste above me from caving in. My vision had come clearer but i still didnt feel right. I heard a voice say my name, "Scully!" so I looked to the left of me to see a figure, all in black.

"Nice for you to join us."Mystery had a deep tone to their voice, it almost sounded robotic.

I tried to speak but no words would come out. It felt like I was high on drugs or something. I tried to move but my body wouldn't budge, I was stuck. I could wiggle my fingers, spread my bare toes and move my head to the left and right but I was pinned down to the bed. Another puff of smoke came towards me to my disgust. I kept asking myself where I was? And who had me at their mercy?!

Mystery stood up from the rocking chair, the cig had burned down quite alot, it seemed Mystery was one of those smokers who let the ash build up with out flicking it. The cigarette was nearly gone so all would be remaining is the nub. Mystery walked towards Scully blowing another puff of smoke in his face. He lifted the bit of blanket which covered Scully's arm and stubbed out the remaining of the cig on the underside of Skulls wrist.

"Ahh.... Fuckin' Cunt!" The words muttered out of my mouth. It was safe to say it hurt, it sort of woke me up a bit and it seemed I could finally speak. The redness flamed up, the singe of my skin and a stupid, smug look on whoever it was staring down on me. I wanted to swing at them but not only was my body not fit for purpose, the shackles around my wrists and ankles stopped me from doing so. I also had a large strap around my waist, holding me down. I was too weak and this person was loving every minute of it. I then asked them a question.. The usual, typical question in this sort of circumstance "What the fuck do you want?"

Mystery paused and began laughing, "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"

"What the fuck is so funny?"I asked frustrated. This asshole just stood and stared at me. The laughter had stopped and they simply tilted their head to the side, it was weird. Needless to say, I didn't expect this.....


Scully shouted out in agony as a baseball bat nailed him on the knee cap. It was hidden under the bed. The worse thing was Skull couldn't even grab his knee like you would in any normal situation. That's a natural reaction isn't it? Grabbing the part of the body that is hurt. But Skull couldn't, he had to endure the pain. Mystery was no longer silent, a smirk approached their face.... More laughter first, followed by some answers.. It was obvious, they had some sort of voice changer disguising their real voice.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Firstly be quiet, otherwise I will hit you again!
Now listen here Scully. We're going to a play a game and when I say a game, I don't mean snakes and ladders. You see Scully, this is what you call karma!

My knee was still throbbing, at this moment in time, I didn't want to endure another shot. I couldn't defend myself so I just had to go along with it. "What it is it?"

"It's a simple game really, called 'Envelope Roulette'... With no roulette."

"Never heard of it. You can't call it that, with no roulette. That's dumb. Who made this game? Some idiot?"

"That idiot would be me... I made it up, you tool! Which means I can call it whatever I like.

So this is what's gonna happen, I have before me..... "
[/b] Mystery went into his hoodie pocket once more and pulling out a few envelopes.

"Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to mix these envelopes up, I don't know which is which until I open one but what you're going to do is choose one. Inside is YOUR way out. You will choose one and you will do whatever it says, right here, right now!"

I listened to this clown ramble on and on, tell me what I was going to do. I thought to myself about telling this dickhead to do one but let's see what these options were... They might not be too bad?"Go on then. What are the choices?"

"Number 1;
Well you may know a certain XWF wrestler called Peter Gilmour? The same guy who beat you for XWF Universal title. The same guy who couldn't win the Uni against any other champion he's faced but you... Well that was easy...

HE has a famous phrase, 'Suck my dick!" Well that's what you will be doing, you will be sucking my dick, until I cum down your throat!"

"Ewwwww... I don't think so! Beat me senseless, I'll have to be dead to do that! At least I know you're a man now. Well a cowardly man!"

"I could simply be a chick with a dick! But you will do it if you choose that envelope or you will pay the consequences.

The next envelope (Number 2) contains something more for my liking. You like the owner of the XWF right? Vinnie Lane? Well you will listen to his theme song 'I wanna Rock!' By Twisted Sister over and over and over again...."

I quickly interupt. It didn't seem that bad. Was it too good to be true?"Vinnie is a dick but that song is alright. I can do that. How long do I have to listen to it for?"

"Until I finish fucking Natalie right in front of you!"

"I don't think so! You can fuck off!"

Mystery suddenly presses the tip of the baseball bat down on Scullys throat applying pressure with his weight. Skull was helpless, veins began to emerge in his face and he looked like a tomato. Skull was struggling to breath. Mystery releases the bat...

I try to gasp for air and I couldn't fight this guy off me. I was helpless. *COUGH. *COUGH. *COUGH.
I can't help but cough like crazy, I thought I was going to die, right there and then. Luckily, this freak took the bat away from me.

"So I hope you can refrain yourself from swearing! So the next envelope is obviously 3:
Well it has two mini envelopes inside Known as A and B. Therefore another selection. Inside one mini envelope is the chance to see your old partner, Maverick again. Not literally but you know at home you have that replica of the Uni you won? Well my good friend is over at your house right now.. If you choose envelope A, he will shit on the Uni!

Envelope B... This is all a bit shit. Scat will enter this room and shit in your mouth!

"You're fucked up, man...."

"Envelope 4:
You know you call Jim Caedus, Sister-Wife fucker, whatever? Well again I have a good friend in snowy England right now. Your mum has broken her leg and has no where to go. She's currently in a hospital bed and this friend is going to rape your mum!"

"I've had enough of this game! You're sick! Leave my mum out of this!"

"I'm gonna ignore that comment. You have enough when I say so...."

"Why should I actually believe this? Huh?"

"You want proof do you?!"

Mystery pulls out a laptop which is already on. They press the enter button to take the screensaver off and put the laptop down in front of Skulls face. There lying helplessly just like Scully was and asleep, is Scully's mum. A live stream was active.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing, my poor mum. This sick fuck was off they're head and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it.

Suddenly a male figure walked into the hospital room, they turned to look in to the direction of the camera. It was Scully's former Union ally and now enemy... Charles Elton.

"Believe me now?"

"You're going to pay for this!"

"I'm not going to pay for anything. This is all, free entertainment."

Mystery closes the laptop and places it on the floor.

"Envelope 5: Again, this has 2 mini envelopes known as C and D.
Inside each envelope is a syringe. One syringe has something known as C.Diff. Not a nice disease to have and luckily, I know a certain individual who was scared of the shower.
The second syringe is YOUR favourite...

You may remember it as The Device? Contains a liquid to turn you into the dribbling mess you are remembered for.... Hahahahaha... "

"You know what? Fuck this shit, kill me already."

"That's all good, I'll happily kill you. But firstly I will kill them....."

Them? Theres no one else in here. Suddenly appearing from no where was a large cupboard, it wasn't there before? I'm sure. The cupboard doors open to reveal... Natalie and my little boy. I shouted out as loud as I could, "NATALIE! ASTON!" But they didn't respond...

"They can't hear you. Time to seal YOUR Fate...

Lookie what we have here....."

Appearing like magic was a roulette. Mystery smirked. There was a roulette after all but God knows where it came from. Mystery places the FIVE plain, envelopes on the roulette. None of them numbered or written on. Mystery span the roulette. Scully watched as the ball rolled around quickly, he had no choice.

This was a horrible situation to be in. This was the worst thing I had ever faced and I couldn't do a damn thing about it. I watched the ball slow down, the speed of which it rolled to begin with had lessened. The ball slows down until it eventually stops."

The ball came to an abrupt hault Mystery smirks as they pick up the winning envelope or losing, in Scully's case. Mystery holds the envelope in hand, opening the flap and pulling out........ Another two envelopes.

"Hmmmmmmmmm... Isn't this fun?"

Scully just stared at Mystery. Mystery placed one small envelope by the fingers of Scully in the right side and then did the same with the envelope on the left.

"The choice is yours... Two envelopes, one choice. One final result...."

It could only be one of four things, considering there was only four mini envelopes in total. Thats if this wanker was telling the truth to begin with. Either have Maverick shit on my Uni replica or someone anyway... Seems legit. Or I have Scat come in here and shit in my mouth. Ewwwww. Or I get infected with C.Diff Or be again.
At least I didn't have to suck this guys dick (I still believe it's a guy) or watch him fuck my mrs in front of me. Oh and watch Charles Elton fuck my mamma. Those were eliminated. Hmmmm.... Just go for it.

"I choose this one......."

Scully stretched his hand, reaching the envelope on his right. Mystery quickly picked it up and opened the flap. Mystery pulled out........

To Be Continued...........
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