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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » TURNING POINT 2018 RP BOARD
Zombie {Pt. 3}
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Mandii Rider Offline
Eat Your Heart Out Bitches


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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-03-2018, 12:27 AM

The majority of the first day of training was made up of Serena talking about my "Heroic" background. Seemingly, the majority of the group already saw me as a leader leaving the talk Serena had with them futile. What little training that was done left the majority of the group feeling confident in my leadership abilities. I say majority because out of 36 new trainees one was not impressed with Serena's speech of courage and determination. This single girl, although respectful, gave the attitude that she was less than impressed with what I had previously done in my life. What surprised me was how she surpassed the rest of the group with her technique. She impressed me, she had the qualities at such a young age that took me years to have. She left her impression on me, something that thoroughly shocked me but in a good way. Although I wanted to speak with her after training, I had to get back to stopping my father.

I opened the door of my room to see Teakin on my laptop, Amaryllis reading books, and Helen writing. The sound of the door closing got everyone's attention and caused them to look up.

Amaryllis, did you find anything out about Blair leaving.


Why is that still a priority? We already know your dad is the one behind all of this no one else. We also know that you refuse to tell the court about it...Probably because you still can't get over the past.

Annoyingly I looked over at Helen. She had spoken under her breath and rolled her eyes before going back to writing.

If I wasn't over the past and wanted something bad to happen to you I would have left you locked in your own castle and had Amaryllis watch you waste away. It's important because it's suspicious and since she told no one she was leaving it makes it a priority to find out where she went. Just because we know Ashba is the reason for everything doesn't mean Blair doesn't have something to do with what is going on. I've been thinking and some things don't match up. The fact I am considered an original doesn't make sense if I didn't come from one of three originals bloodline. I know I was told it was because having my daughter taken away kick started it all but I would still have to have original blood in my veins. How does Ashba have original blood?

While still writing, Helen shrugged her shoulders in annoyance. From this point on I knew she would be just about as useful as a box of crayons.

That's why I'm not turning him in until I have answers.

Why? Why does anything he say matter at this point?

Because Helen, I've been lied to my whole life and I would like to actually know who I am as crazy as that seems to you. Besides, even if I were to turn him in to the court it wouldn't do any good. They don't know where he is and all it would do is put whoever Serena sends out in danger, that includes any of us.

So what's the plan? We can't just sit around here waiting for him to show up at our doorstep. We have to take the fight to him but obviously it isn't a fair fight inside Mandii's mind.

Amaryllis spoke up showing irritability in her voice. I was the thing keeping her mother from being free so I could understand her frustration toward me.

Teakin, is there a way to see inside someone's mind while they are in another mind?

I mean I've read about it but that takes a highly skilled Mind Walker to be able to jump from mind to mind like that. The more minds you go into the more of a risk you run of not coming out and I don't want to be the little voice inside of someones head.

So you wouldn't be willing to try?

Teakin sighed and picked the laptop up off her lap and sat it on the bed.

It depends what you are asking me to try.

I want to try to reach Ashba in my dreams again and trick him into opening his mind. I can't believe a word he says and a mind can't lie. Can you jump into my dream mid way through and link our minds?

It's very risky for everyone involved...But for you I can try. Just fall asleep and give me a sign like wiggling a toe and I'll do my best to jump in and link the two of you.

Then I guess it's time to nap.

Teakin stood up from the bed and allowed me to lay down. I was exhausted from everything so sleeping came naturally. When I woke up inside of the dream I was standing in the middle of what looked to be an arena. There was no sun, only darkness in the sky but torches around the edge of the arena lit up my surroundings.

Ashba! I'm ready to talk to you!...Ashba!

Nothing. There was the chance he wouldn't show up at all after the last encounter we had. I wasn't going to give up just yet though.


The ground shook as Ashba suddenly emerged from the dark edges of the arena, his minions following close behind.

I won't talk unless they leave. As you can see, Teakin isn't here so give me the same courtesy of not having them here.

He nodded, showing approval for my request. The two disappeared and Ashab walked closer.

What is it you want to talk to me about?

Your the original the prophecy foretold about, the ender of worlds...Aren't you?

He laughed a deep raspy laugh.

The prophecy is bullshit. I put that prophecy in Blairs mind. The people you have already killed were never apart of some higher power to bring the world to an end. The killing of Jason, the killing of the human, and the killing of the witch were apart of a spell to bring Nerobell back to life.

I took a step forward with shallow breath. Ashba didn't move allowing me to be able to reach him when I needed to.


Jason was half your brother just as Nerobell was your half sister. Not only did killing Jason unlock the full potential I knew you had, it opened the gate to allow Nerobell to cross over. The death of a human, witch, and someone's true love was enough payment to bring her back. Those tests that you were put through were done so we would have a body for her once you completed the spell.


I remembered back to the flash I had seen the last time we met. The woman was holding a baby and I was reaching my hand out to touch it but it was taken away before I could...

You used me as a human incubator so you could make a body for Nerobell?

It was the only way to have a body for her to return to. It had to be you because of the blood that runs in your veins.

I grasped my hands into fists at my side. The idea of having Nerobell coming from me was disturbing...I guess it was safe to say my family was pretty dysfunctional.

Then why frame Helen? What does she have to do with any of this.

Helen broke a promise she had made to me. She was the reason for your sisters death or do you not remember?

I remember, I remember because I had to live everyday feeling the guilt of it. I watched her die while you were in hiding.

I was expecting them to execute her so the "prophecy" wouldn't come to pass but since you talk about her like this, I can only assume she is still among the living.

I made a motion with my hand praying that Teakin would see it out in the world and jump into my dream.

She is because her sisters, her family, refused to kill her without proof. They may have a fucked up relationship but at the very least they love each other because they are family. Something you will never understand.

Teakin suddenly appeared and touch my head along with Ashba's. Memories of his past flashed through my head. The day he was born, the day he met my mother, even his feelings watching me grow up in the family I did. Less detailed memories flashed in my head until one single memory played in detail. Ashba was seen making a deal with Blair. It was as if I was standing there as the two talked before Ashba handed something in a blanket over to her. In return, she smiled before placing the blanket nearby in a small basket before turning away from Ashba and kneeling down. She began to pray to Demeter but her words were not audible. Suddenly, a loud crack erupted from the sky and a red light flashed down striking Ashba in the chest. He fell to the ground, motionless. His body suddenly jerked up and a scream was released from his body before the memory ended and another took its place.

In this memory Ashba was talking to a woman dressed in a grey robe. He handed her a baby wrapped in a black blanket. The child was still covered in blood and pale...Not breathing. The woman held the child as if it were living before pulling a necklace away from her own neck and tying it around the baby's neck. This time, I was able to make out what they were saying.

You understand what you have to?

Yes, I will do it to bring her back.

The woman nodded as another memory flashed in my mind.

In this flash, Ashba was sitting in front of the two mind walkers. Those same black strands that they had tried to use against me were connected to Ashbas head and back. I gripped one causing me to go deeper into his mind. I saw the vision he placed in Blairs head. Helen was causing mass destruction as I layed dead at her feet. The scene of the death of a human, witch, and true love came in short bursts followed by darkness.

I exited his mind as did Teakin. My heart raced and my head rounded profusely. It was true. He was trying to bring back Nerobell and using me to do so. He wanted us to become his weapons of mass destruction...He didn't want to end the world...He wanted to kill off the Originals to rule over the Sirens...So we could rule. He wanted pay back for being rejected by them after being denied his own original rights. It was all true...All I needed to bring back Nero was...

I looked up to see meet Ashba's disapproving look. The two Mind Walkers approached us but before they could do anything I shove my hand through the woman's chest and held her heart on the opposite side of her body. Time seemingly stopped entirely as my ears began to ring from the silence.


The silence was broke by the man's cries for his lover. I pulled my hand back though and looked down at the heart that pumps blood into the air. The woman's body fell and so did the man with it. His tears stained her black hood as did her blood. The sight itself was gruesome, her eyes never closed and the man tried everything he could to save her with but it was already to late. Covered in blood he promised to make things right to her corpse. I handed the heart to my father.

I did this for her, not for you...

With my last words, Teakin pulled me from my sleep. I awoke peacefully in my bed but that peace did not last long.

You fell right into his hands! Do you realize what you just did Mandii? You did just what he wanted you to!

I sat up on the bed to see tears in Teakins eyes.

He wanted you to kill that girl in front of me! He is trying to turn you into a killer and you just allowed him to!


You what? You don't get to play god Mandii! You can't take one life to make another!

Where was this speech when I was killing Palmer and Archy? Why are you choosing now to sing a different tune?

Because, I understood killing in the memory of Jason but you didn't just kill to avenge your brother. I understood because I did the same thing when Helen took my friends and family away! I thought I was alone but now I know that I'm not...You took another Mind Walker's life for your own personal gain! You're no better than Helen.

I had to Teakin, he had already woken her form death and she was stuck in his mind. God knows what she's been through, at least now she's free.

At the cost of someone who was held prisoner by your father. I was in the same mind as you Mandii but while you ignored many facts I didn't. They didn't want this, they didn't want to be his slaves...They wanted us to save them and you killed one of them and left the other in turmoil!


Save it.

Teakin pulled a jacket off the bed next to me.

You don't care about anyone else you've only ever cared about yourself. Have fun trying to find Ashba on your own because I'm done helping you. I thought you were different, I thought you actually cared. I was mistaken.

With her parting words she slammed the door behind her. Amaryllis pulled her knees up to her chest and looked over at Helen.

Did you get enough of the "Truth" that you can go tell the court I'm innocent and your fathers the one trying to kill people?

My eyes began to sting from tears as I rolled my eyes in Helen's direction.


Jenny how old are you really? I know you claim to be 24 but you act like you are a toddler who won’t listen. I can’t stand watching your promotionals because you accuse me of the very things you do. Contradicting yourself, being a hypocrite, being a whore, bring up the past when it is supposed to not matter, and making it seem like you don’t care when it’s obvious you care to much. Not to mention how I say the same thing over and over when you do the same fucking thing. If you took a step back you would see the reason I have to repeat myself in different words now and this is becuase I am trying to get you to listen or at the very least understand why I am saying. I know, it’s hard for someone like you to understand words but the least you could do is try.I mean, you know me inside and outside of the ring? What are you, my number one stalker? Is all of this hostility toward me your way of trying to get into my pants? For someone who doesn’t like me you sure as hell stalk my life like you don’t have one of your own.

I contradict myself? You need to listen to what you say Jenny. If you find a division useless then the championship attached to it is useless. Do you not know how that works? I know the bombshell division needs work and I am willing to put in the work to make it better instead of trying to kill it like you are. Even though I know the women's Division is lacking in competitors I will work my ass off to get it to a point that the championship that is connected to it is worth as much as any other championship in this company. That is the difference between you and me. I don't dictate people, I allow anyone into my division and like I have done with you I will make them work for their place. Honestly, if all the women you have faced aside from Roxy are so beneath you then can you really say you have given your all? No, but then again that's not your fault. I bring out your full potential because I am the best at what I do even if you don't want to admit it. You can dominate a division without killing it. Honestly, I think the reason so many women left after facing you is they caught something from your nasty self and decided that having the chance of facing you again wasn't worth another trip to the doctor for a shot in their ass.

Alright Jenny, enough is enough with what happend in our tag team match. It seems to be the only thing you can dig up out of your empty mind to really go against me. Obviously you don't understand why I did what I did and I'm not explaining something so simple to someone so simple minded anymore. Keep bringing it but I'm done addressing it after this promotional. It's time to focus on this week and this week alone and obviously you now see I'm not some useless piece of shit you can step on and wash off your shoe. It's time to come up with something new.

Let's talk about this top 50 bullshit shall we? No, I didn't make it on that list in 2014 and yes my name has been in this company since 2014 but like you've already said I was gone for two years. If I had stayed you can bet every dollar you got at the strip club my name would have made it on that list. If someone who fell so far from grace like Chris Chaos can have his name on that list then it must not be that hard to get on. That is why I am back and better than I ever was. This round I will reach every one of my goals in this company and will surpass you. This bombshell championship that you call useless is my starting point and once I build this division up maybe you will open your eyes and see that the only thing you were ever good for in this division was a placeholder. You are the only reason the championship is around still? Bitch, you were the placeholder until someone worth shit stepped foot into this division. You didn't save shit.

You try to make it out like you are some savior in this division when again, you were the toxic kiss that killed it in the first place. If you were to be honest I am the one who is saving this division by being someone who isn't going to back down from your stupid antics and idiotic behavior. I'm the bitch who is going to bring back the division you tried so hard to kill. If it wasn't for me coming back this division would have been the Jenny show and it would have failed miserably. If I hadn't come back you would have been something because the rest of the women in this division are shit. The fact that I am back means this is no longer the Jenny show and soon will be Mandiis rebirth of the division. This is the Jenny era? Sounds more to me like a pitty party that only Jenny showed up to.

It's funny how you finally see how my past has no effect on me and now you result to low blows about my appearance and voice? Do you really have nothing better to do Jenny? Last I checked we were wrestlers, not models or porn stars. Looks don't matter when you get in the ring and if you really think they do then you are the problem with this division not it's savior. When you enter the ring no one cares if you have a man voice or if your boobs are more silicone than actual breasts. What people want in the ring are wrestlers who are willing to get bloody and put on a show. Men and women do not pay for a show to watch us look pretty and wrestle around in mud baths. Ok, some do but true fans of this sport don't. They pay good money to watch us wrestle and entertain them. You have bored me to tears with your promotionals so I know for a fact people don't pay to watch you entertain unless you are on your back with all your holes filled. They pay to watch your tits bounce and that is another reason you don't deserve this championship. You aren't a wrestler because you bring up petty shit like this. If you actually gave a shit about this business you would focus on skill instead of stalking someones past and commenting on how they look like a trans person. That's why I gave you props in my past promotional, because I actually looked at your skill and decided to admit I was wrong. Now, now you make me want to withdraw my statement because of your big mouth. Let's see how many people want to even look at you when I'm done with you. I wonder what you are going to come up with when I rearrange the plastic in your face and knock your teeth down your fucking throat. Instead of being perfection you'll look like the hunchback of notre dame when I'm done with you. Let's see how far looks get you in this business Jenny. I suggest you cover your face during our match because if I ruin it you're out of the job.

I can't believe you want to bring up Frodo and claim things about him and I. I can't believe how misinformed you really are, so much for knowing everything about me in and outside of the ring. Frodo was disgusting and someone I wouldn't touch unless it was with a bat and I was swinging at his head. I stripped down to my bra and thong for him? Oh Jenny, I've been meaning to tell you that just because you're a whore doesn't make every other women on this earth a whore. I have standards and don't let just any aids infested dick inside of me. You seem to have some deep seeded issues with yourself that you want to push off on me. You call me a whore and say I belong in a whore house or that I've already been in one? Again, you know nothing about me. I could probably sleep with more men on this roster than you but you want to know why I don't? I have self respect, I guess you've never seen that so this must blow your fucking mind. I must be a fucking unicorn to you because obviously the women in your life only gave a shit about opening their legs. You have that same issue the only difference is you also like to open your mouth but instead of using it for dicks you make yourself look like a fool with it.

Does everyone want to know the reason reason Jenny Myst doesn't want to speak about the big matches I've come up short in? Because there is one, yes one that I fell short on. I've had my losses here in XWF but Jenny you have to. Let's forget about the past though. Let's pretend I'm completely new to this federation. I fell short on my tag match and that was of my own doing. I would much rather go down on my own terms than be fucked over in a match. Even with my loss you better fucking believe I am going to do better this week. I watched you last week Jenny and even when I appeared to not know what I was doing I was taking notes. That's one disadvantage you have, you don't know my full potential. You don't even care to acknowledge it and that will be one of your downfalls Myst.

To be a champion you have to know there is always room for improvement, I have never claimed to be perfect. I take lessons I have learned in the ring and actually learn from them. To be a champion means you have confidence in yourself and for a woman who gets her worth from looking like a teenage coke whore you already lack that confidence. You can talk yourself up but behind the shit talk is a woman who is vain and only worries about the looks of herself and others. To be a champion you do have to give it your all and granted I failed that in our tag match no matter my reasoning behind it. It doesn't change the fact that I'm giving my all now when it really matters. To be a champion means letting the past go and not bringing it up all the damn time, something you do and in return I knock you down with facts about my past. To be a champion means bettering your division and already I've done that. This match is going to be one that goes down in the books not because of Jenny Must but because of Mandii Rider. I've given this division more worth than you ever did by scaring away women with your dick breath. I wasn't an addition to this division Jenny, I came back and became this division. The Bombshell championship will be worth more on my waist than it ever was on yours, believe that bitch.

I would tell you to go fuck yourself but I'm pretty sure you would take my words literally and live stream it across the world. I would rather sound like a man and be myself than be like you and try so hard just to look like some emo teens dream comic book character. I would rather be who I really am and get criticized for it than someone who pretends to put on a strong front but is nothing more than a scared child inside. You are worthless because you define yourself based on a piece of plastic and not the work you put into earning it. Oh, but you did put work didn't you Jenny. You beat women you say weren't worth the spit in the ground yet you really believe your own lies when you say you are perfection? If you kick a puppy and it lays down and dies do you gloat about it? No, when a viscous blood thirsty dog is trying to rip your arm from it's socket and you fight it off is when you should hold your head high. It's easy to beat people who don't care but facing someone who gives a damn is a different story. As far as I'm concerned you never were a champion even if the championship history says you were. A real champion has to face people worthy and obviously you've never been in the ring with someone who was worthy to face you.

I'm sick of this tango because maybe I say the same thing over and over again but that's only because it goes in one of your ears and out the other. You don't listen Jenny you run your mouth and what ends up happening is we run in circles because you have nothing better to say. When Warfare comes around the only thing that will change in your promotional is you saying "I might have lost but this time I'm taking my championship back." Sadly, you will believe those words and if my championship is on the line at Warfare you will spiral out of control when I beat you AGAIN. That's another reason why you shouldn't be champion. You are far too unstable to even be a wrestler because you go put your worth in an inanimate object. I've already made some calls to keep an eye on you after out match because I think you'll kill yourself because when I take everything that makes you, you there will be nothing for you to live for. Let's say some way I lose this match. I will pick myself back up and kick your ass in the future to get it back. I will better myself and come after you again. You lose and it will be the end of Jennys reality. Do you really think someone so unstable should represent a division of strong women? Well, currently I guess woman. That's why I have the drive to beat you even more. I don't want people to see the mess Jenny Myst as the women's division because that shit looks bad on my part. How could someone like myself be second best to someone like that? I won't let it happen.

I leave you with this to think about Jenny. Instead of putting your worth into something like Chris or this championship why not prove your worth? You shouldn't need a championship to define you or anyone else to define you. I learned that lesson a long time ago. What defines me is my hard work and determination to set goals and reach them. What defines me is the respect I have to not let anyone run me over or walk on me. What sets me apart from you is self worth. You might be fine with having someone walk all over you and being quite. You might be ok with taking your medicine and being put in your place but me I don't let anyone put me in their box. I make my own rules, I do what I want, and I kick ass. That is what makes me a champion and why you still can't get over the fact I didn't find you worthy enough in our tag match to give you my best. You got your wish now Myst, you got the whole package of Mandii Rider this week and when I take away your will to live you'll make another wish. That wish is that you had never stepped in the ring with me.

By the way Jenny, you are a dildo, fake and only useful when someone is lonely.


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