Jenny Myst
The Queen of X-Treme
XWF FanBase: Very random (heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)
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Joined: Thu Apr 06 2017
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Hates Given: 9
Hates Received: 60 in 55 posts
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11-21-2017, 06:06 PM
Trust Gets You Killed
Love Gets You Hurt
Being Real Gets You Hated
"Abuse victims Engy, we are a strange sort. We don't trust anyone. We always try to fuck someone over before we get fucked over. We don't trust, and we can't be trusted. You see, Engy, I thought you were genuine. I thought you truly loved me for me. I thought you were finally someone who is just as fucked up as I am. I thought there was a chance we could be soul mates! But you haven't been very honest either, have you? You accuse me trying to use your feelings to get a title from you? Isn't that the same thing you are doing? Isn't that the same thing you said you had an issue with? Double standard much? What do I mean? Well, its simple. You are using my feelings to try to influence my decision. Talking me up the way you did, saying I am smart, and strong, and tough and all those things. Hey, there is nothing a girl likes more than compliments......."
*bats eyes*
"But we like REAL compliments. You don't really think I can beat you--and why would you? What have I proven against the top tier competitors here? Sure I have beaten a couple dolled up thots in my division to win this belt, but look at my record against the upper echelon here. You don't believe in your heart of hearts that I have what it takes. You love that belt more than you love me, Engy, and you need fake encouragement and shallow 'I'm in your corner' mumbo jumbo to attempt to convince me. The truth is, Engy, is that I CAN beat you. Will I? Who knows, that is the beauty of this little number we dance on a weekly basis, isn't it? But I think that deep down there is a chance that I can actually beat you, and that scares the hell out of you, doesn't it? You see, I don't handle ultimatums very well. I don't exactly get along with authority well and I don't like being told no. I get what I want, in one way or another. It is genuine when I say that I want to give this a chance, but I have my doubts that it is real when you say it."
Her face was only illuminated by dim candles. Her eyes glowed like a cats whenever the flicker fell and the darkness encompassed, before the fire flicker jumped back up again. Her makeup looked as if she had been ripping at her face, as it smeared around narrow marks that looked a lot like those left from fingernails. Her eyes had a paint around them from the moisture mixed with the chemicals. Her lips looked as though they had been mauled by a badger. Hair? Pssht. It looked like a horse stable hay barrell. Matted and everywhere. She looked like someone who either just had the best sex of her life, or a nervous break down. Or both.
Probably both.
Her voice had a crackly rasp to it, as if she had been screaming for hours on end with no respite, and her mouth sounded like it was as dry as a freshly opened pack of cotton balls every time she uttered a word.
"When you love someone, true love, you'd drop everything for them to make them happy. You'd change up your entire life for their ultimate happiness. I think you need to look deep down within yourself and ask yourself honestly if it is a love situation or a lust situation. Do you love me, or do you just like the idea of loving me? I have no qualms with kicking the shit out of your goofy ass and taking your belt, but maybe........just maybe........"
*looks down to the floor before looking up again quickly, biting her lip*
"Maybe tis I who is catching feelings. I have never connected with someone on such a personal level before. I have never had someone understand me the way you do. Never had anyone willing to listen the way you are. But imagine how crushed I would be if all of this were a farce, all of this was untrue, all of this were a ploy to get me to let my guard down? What if the SAME THING you are accusing me of trying is the same thing you are doing to me? I couldn't live with that Engy. It would rip my heart of for the final time, and I don't think I could ever recover or ever trust another male again. You know how it feels---just think about how much bullshit Madison put you through. She used you as a prop, used you as a pawn, used you for her own MANIPULATION. What a fancy word that is, so deep, so complex. She MANIPULATED you for so long. I can see why it may be hard to trust me, you see Madison in me, even if only a fraction. I don't expect you to trust me, or to believe me, but I am being genuine when I say that I am willing to give it a chance, but I am also being genuine when I say I expect you to prove your love. You see, I don't play mind games like Madison does. I don't tug at people's heart strings. I don't drag them through the mud. I tell things like it is, because what is the point in lying? It is just so much work........."
*bites lip again*
"Just imagine, going to sleep next to me every night. Going shopping with me. Long road trips. Vacations to luxurious destinations. When you love someone you make sure they are happy. What would make me happy? Engy, imagine it the other way around. Imagine if I were to be the one who had the fantasies of snuggling up with you, despite the old potato chip and sulfur smell? What if I wanted to take long road trips with you, even though the music would probably be sorta shitty? What if it were ME who wanted to spend my life with YOU. I'd drop it all for you to be happy. The difference is, you aren't eligible to be Bombshell Champion. So how about I represent both of us? We are both the same kind of fucked up, you're right. You probably WANT me to kick the shit out of you. You will probably get some sort of sick thrill out of it, some sort of domination fetish. I mean, Madison has made you her bitch for as long as anyone can remember, why not let me show you that not all women are that way?"
"You claim you want the entire house tour of my mansion of horrors? You sure you are ready to open this box of goodies? I am not sure you are ready. But, while we are sitting here confessing things about each other, let me tell you that I haven't always been the person I am today. I used to look at people like you the same way Madison does. As a freak, a loser, a nothing. The lowest form of life, and the word life being used extremely loosely. Before I found the real me through my quest to become champion, I used to be exactly what people think I am. Shallow, 'cookie cutter', and dry as a bone. I had no pride in myself, so why should I have any in anyone else? I used to be the same kind of woman that you looked up to. Now I am as real as I have ever been."
It was a cloudy day--rare for Nevada in the fall. It looked like it might rain. Lord knows they needed it--the entire landscape was brown. Everything was dead. Everything was always dead. If there was a hell in America, Nevada would be it.
The overly-inflated bike tires crunched on the half dirt half gravel road as she flew down the road as fast as her little legs could take her. She was a good distance from her friends, who trailed behind, already huffing and puffing. She wasn't in better shape than they were, but she was more determined.
Where she was headed today, she'd been waiting to visit for months now. On her back was a backpack, filled so full that she could barely zipper it. It was shockingly light for how full it was. It almost toppled her on the bike for the first few blocks. She could almost see it in the distance. The flat desert leading to it made things visible from much further than they normally would be. The world seemed so much bigger with so little around.
They had been out of town for a bit now, and it was starting to fade off into the distance behind them as they rode. Soon enough they saw signs for what they were looking for.
A smile crossed her lips. Within another 15 minutes they were there, at the fench. She could see some of the patients outside. This facility held some of Nevada's most interesting social pariah's---conspiracists, whack jobs, sexual deviants and straight up lunatics. Most of them were so drugged up or crazy, or both, that reality for them wasn't reality...they lived their lives in a dream state.
All dressed in white robes, they meandered around like zombies from a 1980's B movie horror flick. Mindless, soulless. Drones. Not even people anymore. She stopped her bike by putting a foot in the dirt, it kicked up dust as it skidded to a stop. Shortly after, her friends added to the dirt cloud.
"You guys ready?"
She had a pep in her step, a snicker in her voice. She was ready to do this, had been ready for quite some time. She looked at these monsters through the chain link fence and nodded. Swinging the pack around her arm and off her shoulder, she set it propped against the fence. The sound of it unzipping filled the air. Some of them looked.
Balloons. An entire backpack full of balloons. She pulled out a nice shiny red one, along with a bobby pin, and walked closer to the fence.
"Come here" she said in a voice that could be used to coax a small, timid animal. "Come on, that's right, nice shiny balloon here....."
The zombie man turned his head and formed some semblance of a smile through his mouth. He wandered towards the fence as fast as his heavily medicated legs would take him.
"That's right, come on now."
The other girls sat behind and watched, some with wide-eyed anticipation and others with hands on hips, knowing what was coming.
As the man got to the fence, his fingers reached out for the balloon.
Just as he touched it through the chain link, she began to coo him again. Just as he seemed to settle down---that little red helium filled ball of latex seemingly his only solace from a world that had thrown him overboard like a pirate mutiny---she brought the bobby pin down and into the center of it.
The balloon made a sound as loud as a gunshot in the open desert.
"GGGGGGGGGGGGEYYYEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" the man flipped his lid. He began to run around in circles with his arms waving and flapping, yelling and making a scene. His entire world just imploded around him and as he sat in the corner, knees up, all Jenny could do is smile.
"Think we can get another?" she asked with a wicked grin as she pulled a white balloon out of her bag.