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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Leap of Faith 2017 RP Board
Who says you can't go home again?
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

10-12-2017, 07:45 PM

Phoenix, the Valley Of The Sun, the capital of Arizona and home to the Pryce Industries World Headquarters. Many years ago a man named Thomas Pryce founded the company by taking out a $1,000,000 loan from the bank. The company's mission was a somewhat altruistic one, develop technology that would help to improve the world, specifically those in third world countries. The company was successful providing enough money for Thomas as well as his wife and son to live comfortably while also helping those who desperately needed it.

Over the years the company expanded to include a few new offices within the United States as well as one in Europe, London specifically. However it was not until Theo Pryce was brought on board to train with his father so that he could one day take over the company that Pryce Industries turned into what it is today. The world's largest military contractor. When Thomas brought Theo on to groom him as the future CEO the first thing Theo did was open up an expansive and expensive Research and Development (R & D) department. Their charge was Phase 1 of Theo's plan to completely overhaul the Pryce Industries mission. While the company was successful it could be so much more and Theo knew that. Something he also knew was that war would always exist in some form or fashion on some part of the globe and what does every war need? Weapons. Guns. Missiles. Gear. Tanks. Planes. Helicopters. You name it, Pryce Industries was going to sell it.

The transition took several years by which time Thomas Pryce was already dead and buried. Helping to lead Pryce Industries in it's new direction alongside Theo was a woman by the name of Erica Rayner. A woman seemingly plucked out of obscurity by Theo's father upon her graduation from Princeton University. While Theo was being groomed as the future CEO, Erica's training was somewhat different. Ms. Rayner was brought on board and trained by Thomas to be the future Vice President of the company. But not only that, she was hired to be the ying to Theo's yang. Where Thomas saw genius and vision in Theo he also saw ego and arrogance. Unchecked they could lead to the downfall of the company and so it was Erica's job to keep Theo's more base instincts in check. Something she did very well much to Theo's dismay.

Theo and Erica's relationship was always a rocky one. Even more so when in 2014 it was revealed that Erica being picked out of the blue and trained as an executive at Pryce Industries was in fact not a random act by Thomas Pryce but rather it was his way of atoning for a lifetime of lies. You see Erica Rayner was actually Erica Pryce by birth. The result of an affair between her mother and the then married Thomas Pryce. Something that was kept from her and from Theo until the latter discovered it on his own while doing some digging into Erica's past. For a brief period a usually up and down relationship between Erica and Theo had actually grown stronger due to their common lineage.

Or so they thought.

Later in 2014 it was discovered that while Thomas Pryce was indeed the father of Erica Rayner, he was not the father of Theo. As it turns out Thomas Pryce wasn't the only one engaged in an extramarital affair. Thomas' wife, Theo's mother, Caroline had an affair with a man named Asmodeus. Known in the wrestling world as the Father of Sebastian Duke, grandfather of Thaddeus Duke and as it turns out, father of Theo Pryce. Making Theo Pryce and XWF Legend Sebastian Duke half brothers. This also meant that Theo Pryce was not the sole heir to Pryce Industries. Armed with that knowledge, knowledge he eventually shared with Erica and having already made enough money for ten lifetimes Theo left Pryce Industries behind, in the capable hands of Erica Rayner.

Why is all of this relevant? Why the history lesson? is Erica Rayner's office at Pryce Industries, a place Theo has not returned to in the almost 3 years since he handed over the company that sets the scene for today's episode of "A Day In The Life of Theo Pryce."

"Make sure that Keith get's the documents sent over to the Hakstol Brothers before the end of the day. I don't want this deal getting delayed again because we were late with the paperwork." Erica says to a woman following behind her, frantically writing on a notepad. "And another know what? Nevermind. That will be all for now. Thank you Jessica." The woman, Jessica, lowers her head and walks away out of sight while Erica proceeds towards a set of wooden double doors.

"Ms. Rayner there is a man in your office. He said you and he are old friends. I tried to get him to wait out here but he insisted that he wait in your office." An African American woman standing behind a desk to the immediate left of the double doors says as Erica continues her approach.

"Did this man give a name?" Erica asks.

"Yes ma'am he did. Nathaniel. Nathaniel Idenhaus."

Erica stops dead in her tracks and remains almost frozen for a few seconds.

"Should I call security Ms. Rayner?"


"Ms. Rayner? Should I notify security?" The woman asks again, this time a little louder than the first.

Erica looks up at her doors and then over at the woman speaking to her. "No. No thank you. I'll be fine."

Erica approaches the double doors and with both of her arms extended and her hands open she pushes the doors open. Standing at the far side of the room looking out the bank of windows at the Phoenix skyline is the man purporting to be Erica's Ex Boyfriend and former member of the XWF Nathaniel Adolph Zachary Idenhaus. Erica approaches the man and as she gets to within a few feet lets out an audible sigh.

"You're not Nathaniel."

"No...I'm not." Theo Pryce responds while he turns around revealing himself to his Ex sister employee.

"What are you doing here Theo?"

"What? No hug? Or a handshake? Not even a hello? Nothing."

"You're right. How very rude of me. Let's start over. What are doing here?"

"It's like that is it? Fine." Theo walks over towards the far wall almost as if he is expecting something to be there. Realizing that whatever he was expecting to be there is in fact not there he scans the rest of the room until he finally gives up."No dry bar?"

"I don't drink."

"Since when? And besides, having booze in your office isn't for you, it's for your guests. Jesus Erica that's Executive 101. Did I teach you nothing while you were working for me?"

"Sure you did. You taught me a couple dozen things not to do. Look Theo as much as I am enjoying this little reunion I have a busy day ahead of me so if you could just tell me what it is you want I would appreciate it." Erica says as she walks over to her desk and places a stack of papers on top of it.

"Fine Erica. I know when I'm not wanted. As I'm sure you've heard by now I've started my own shop, a private security firm based out of Las Vegas."

"Decima. Yes I've heard of it."

"Awww you do care. Enough to keep tabs at least. I'm touched."

"What about it?"

"I need some things from your inventory. In perpetuity."'

"You want me to do business with you? Really?"



Theo looks around somewhat puzzled by the repeated question. "What am I speaking Mandarin? Yes Erica. Really."

"Why me? Why Pryce Industries?"

"Come on Erica. You know why."

"Humor me."

"Because I want the best. I want someone that I can deal with that won't make a big thing about our deals. Someone who is accustomed to off the book dealings."

"Ahh there it is. You want me to help you break the law."

"In a manner of speaking....yes"

"Then the answer is no."

"Erica let me be frank with you for a second. I've seen your earnings the last few quarters. They're down. Way down. And I know that you think help is on the way in the form of another war, and you're probably not wrong there but where you are wrong is thinking that you're the only game in town. Pryce Industries may have the name recognition, my name, but believe me when I tell you this, as far as my name has gotten you it can easily be used to take it all away."

"You thinking threatening me is going to get you what you want?"

"Not a threat. Just some unsolicited advice. You see when the time comes for this country to arm up for a war they will no doubt look to the same place they've looked at for the last dozen or so years. Right here. The Empire that I built but you see I have a friend, a very gullible friend, we're golfing buddies in fact, perhaps you've heard of him. He goes by Mr. President now. All I have to do is make one phone call and Pryce Industries is blacklisted. One call and it all comes crashing down."

"You really want to take a torch to this place? To all of it? Because of ego? Pride?"

"No Erica I don't. What I want is this list of items here..." Theo places a piece of paper face up on the table in front of him and slides it towards Erica. "At cost."

"At cost? Are you insane? First you want me to break the law for you, assume all the risk and you want me to do it without making a dime?"

"Come on now Erica. Remember who you are talking to. This would all be off the books. Off the books means unreported. You would be making money in the form of not having to pay taxes. So do we have an agreement or not?"

Erica reaches forward onto the table and picks up the piece of paper, bringing it close to her face she gives it a quick once-over. "This will take some time. How soon do you need it?"

"You have time." Theo says as he gets up from his seat and buttons the middle button of his sport coat. "You know Erica, I didn't want to have to pull my "Trump" card but you turned me down. You of all people should know that I didn't come here prepared to take anything but yes for an answer."

"Are we done?"

"Ever the welcoming host. I got married you know."

"That poor girl."

" You know I've missed you Erica."

"No you haven't."

"No I haven't. I'll expect a phone call from you when my order is ready."

Erica doesn't respond verbally, instead opting to just nod in silent agreement as Theo exits her office.

Let's talk about the difference between aggravation and amusement. You see guys like Trax, Robert Main, Gabe Reno, hell even Engy, they aggravates me. Not because they are persistent like you Barney but because they are ignorant. Ignorant of who and what they are. You see Barney in a business filled with failed acts and egos you are the one guy that is cognizant of who you really are. The other guys I mentioned, they have all or continue to act like they are something better than what they really are. You? You at least stay in your lane. They aggravate me because they insist on trying to reach above their station. They just can't accept that not everyone is meant to be the top dog. Some people are born to play second fiddle. But not you.

Not Barney Green the Tranny Thriller. You know that you're a terrible wrestler. You know that once upon a time in a land far far away that you were sorta good but now you are just a warm body to fill out the card. You know that you are walking into a slaughter and best of all you aren't afraid. I actually respect that about you Barney. It takes a real man, possibly a , but a man nonetheless to get into the ring week in and week out knowing that you will walk out more bruised and battered than when you walked in and not even securing a victory for your troubles. There are honestly maybe a handful of people in this business who would willingly accept that role. You are one of those people and I respect you for that.

But when the bell sounds that respect goes out the window and you, Barney Green, the man with the toddler sized tickle tool, you are just another victim of The Kings™. You posed the question Barney, what am I going to do when I step into the ring with you, and the answer is a simple one. Win. I'm going win. Because winning is what I do. It's what I've always done and unlike you, it is what I will do until the day I decide to hang up the boots for good.

Now as for your partner where you may see a guy who was willing to step into the line of fire with you I see a guy hoping to make a name for himself by taking a beating from The Kings™ in an XWF Pay Per View. I'm sure Tyler will get a few miles out of saying that he was booked in a title match in only his second ever match in the XWF. He'll ride that for a few weeks but then people will catch on to who and what he is and then it's bye bye baby.

Tyler believes he is forgettable. And you know what? He's not wrong. He is forgettable. That will happen when you have a match and then disappear for a few weeks but if you think losing to The Kings™ something that many men, better men than you have done before is going to somehow change that narrative you're wrong. In fact, losing to us is going to be as forgettable for us as it will be the fans of the XWF. No one remembers a loser. No one cares. Here's an example. Do you even remember who Doctor D'Ville and Unknown Soldier beat to originally win the tag team titles that The Kings™ no possess? No of course you don't No one does other than maybe Doc. Hell even I don't know. Because it doesn't matter.

History is written by the winner. And you Tyler, you're not a winner. Not today and certainly not on Saturday. You are right about one thing though Tyler, ever team does have a weakness. But where you're wrong is in thinking that The Kings™ are like every other team because we aren't. The Kings™ aren't a team. We're a legacy. We are eternal. Long after the memory of the XWF has faded the name of The Kings™ will still ring out.

Weakness? The only weakness we have is that we continually give people like you and Barney an opportunity when anyone with a pulse knows it's a waste of time. We don't still have the tag team titles because of our numbers. Go back and look at the matches and tell us how our numbers made a difference. We don't control 50% of the company because of our numbers or our bad attitudes. We control 50% of the company because we are smart. Because we are meticulous and we are patient. We don't put ourselves in positions where we can be taken advantage of. We do not put ourselves in positions of weakness. That is our great strength. But above all else, in a business filled with backstabbing, we are loyal. It's amazing when you think about it right? Four of the very biggest names in the history of this business able to work together as a cohesive unit. Ax3 couldn't do that. The Motherfuckers couldn't do that. Even the vaunted Black Circle, one of the greatest stables in wrestling history, they couldn't do what The Kings™ have done. And I would know, Madison and I were both part of that group as well. But where they failed we succeeded.

At some point you have to ask yourself, why even bother trying? And the truth is something that most people have already figured and that's evident by the fact that they don't. They don't step up, instead they step back. Back into the shadows. Back into obscurity. But not Barney Green and not the young guy hoping to make a name for himself. You two stepped up and all you're going to get for your troubles is a beating. Barney probably won't learn his lesson but you Tyler, maybe you will. And if not, well... you'll know where to find us.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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