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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Awakening
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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
Active in XWF


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

09-26-2017, 06:04 PM

The Awakening

Robert! Robert!!!! Wake up Robert!!!

I was burned….


Everything is blurry…

That voice!


I’m still in hell!

Mr. Main, I’d like to welcome you to your awakening. Or rebirth if you will. I honestly didn’t think that you had it in you! I didn’t think you would make it through each of the trials and tribulations. Most men would have given up and just given me their soul! You though…. Will not! I’ve placed you through mental, physical and emotional pain! You’ve passed with flying colors. Robert when I said you were going to do my work, I meant it. Now before I send you back, I want to tell you a story, Robert!

Send me back?


I feel different…


What is the darkness?

How do I use it?

[Image: GyIGHCl.jpg]

Back a long time ago Mr. Main there was a man named Muramasa Sengo, this man was a sword smith in Japan during the Muromachi period, in the 14th and 15th century. Muramasa prayed to the gods time and time again! He wanted to be the very best swordsmith in Japan. He just didn’t have steady enough hands. He begged the gods for a cure. Nothing ever came. He cried out, damming his god but still they never responded Robert. So in Muramasa weak moment, I appeared before him. I gave him a choice Robert. I told him for his soul I would make sure he became the greatest swords smith in Japan. Muramasa thought it over for a few moments, then agreed to my terms. Once Muramasa shook my hand the deal was completed. The next morning Muramasa began crafting swords no man has ever seen before. With steady hands and an even sharper eye. But with each sword, Muramasa began to become more volatile! I instilled the passion in crafting lethal swords into him, along with bloodlust, intense focus, and pure insanity all which were passed into the swords he made. He then marketed each of his fine weapons as the very best. Telling people whomever wielded one of these weapons, they would become a great destroyer! Once great warriors held these cursed swords I would take control of each of them sending them into a berserker battle rage. I would grant them superior swordsmanship, I would also bestow upon them with temporary superhuman strength and resistance to pain and damage! They because what was promised. In battles, each of these men, in fact, did become great destroyers. But once the battles and fighting were over, they became bloodthirsty, the souls began pouring into hell Robert! Making me even stronger. They would kill enemies, allies, family members. It didn’t matter, as long as they were killing! Or at least until I seen fit! They would then turn the sword on their selves. Hoping to end the bloodshed. Trying to rid their selves of all the terrible thoughts. Trying to sever the demonic ties. Once they turned their blade on themselves the true pain began here in hell. I claimed thousands upon thousands of souls! This, in my hands is called The Honjo! It claimed many lives over centuries. Over time the shogun outlawed these swords, melting them all down. Destroying things of such destruction and beauty. If you were found with one of these swords it came with a rather high price. Your life! I could not let such a beautiful weapon get melted down and destroyed. Although several of my weapons were destroyed Robert a few still remain I have the Honjo! The others have never been found. As for the shogun who banished these weapons. I claimed his soul as well. It is a tale as old as time! He could not refuse power and wealth! Point being Robert I always get what I want one way or another! Now give me your hand!

[Image: RdugJ58.jpg]

Robert shakes his head pushing the Devil back with one hand. Robert stands up quickly getting his bearings looking around seeing where he is no for the first time. Robert is standing in a large boat made of human bones. The Devil smiles at Robert wielding a large samurai sword still in its sheath. Robert takes a moment to look around at the underworlds vast black ocean under a sunless sky. Robert turns towards the Devil walking towards him, with each step the boat bobbled back and forth upon the black ocean underneath it. Robert stops in front of the Devil extending his hand! The Devil looks at Robert's hand for a moment, taking the sword out of its sheath handing it over to Robert.

Cut your hand, my child!

Without any hesitation Robert slices his hand with the sword. Robert watches as his blood begins flowing quickly from his hand trickling down over his fingers. As the blood begins to drip from Roberts fingertips like a thread, covering his hand like a second skin. Both of Robert’s hands begin shaking. Shaking lead way to trembling, as the sword slipped from Robert’s hands. It landed softly on the floor of the boat. The Devil smiles snapping his fingers as the sword levitates into his hands. Robert wasn’t watching the Devil though, he was watching his own pale hands, covered with his own scarlet blood.

[Image: 0t4eDBq.jpg]

Good my boy!

The Devil cuts his hand with the sword as the blood begins to flow like millions of red flowers blooming all at once the droplets of blood fell to the floor of the boat creating their own path intertwining with Robert’s blood already on the floor of the boat. The Devil then extends his had to Robert. Robert places his cut hand in the Devils cut hand shaking it. Robert tried pulling away, but the Devil will not release Robert’s hand. The Devil smiles as Robert drops to his knees. Smoke begins to rise from both of their hands as the Devil lets go, Robert quickly pulls away looking at his hand. The cut was now gone, leaving behind a burnt handprint of the Devil. There is no pain. Robert leaps to his feet looking around, but the Devil is gone!

[Image: ifMctUU.jpg]

No Pain?

Where did he go?

I can’t shake the feeling that something is really wrong!

We just did a blood oath for what though?

The boat made of humans bone begins shaking. Rocking back and forth violently, Robert quickly lowers his stance trying not to fall over into the murky black ocean. As Robert looks to the right side of the boat he notices a set of rotting hands. He watches as a creature of the undead pulls its self-up out of the black ocean into the boat Robert quickly back up unsure what it next. Robert watches the undead monster, it had one ear missing. The flesh rotting off of its head and face. Robert isn’t sure if this was once a human or something else! He watches as one mangled hand reaches out for him. The right bicep was chewed away exposing the white bone beneath. The monsters rattling breath and low growling moan sent a chill through Roberts body.

[Image: hvVdKG8.jpg]

Is this a fucking zombie? Oh, shit….

Robert glanced at the other side of the boat seeing another set of rotting hands. The dark being pulled its self-inside the boat with the other, this one though had no eyes and was blind. Robert watched as its eel-like green-grey intestines dragged in the bottom of the boat staggered toward him. The creature sniffed the air trying to locate Robert by smell. Whipping its monstrous head around cracking its bones loudly in the process. As each creature gets closer to Robert they both groan, ones jaw now only hanging by one side. Robert looks around desperate. He is backed up with no place to go. Robert looks down into the dark ocean of hell and back towards the two creatures now almost on top of him! Robert shakes his head before leaping into the darkness. Robert quickly comes to the surface and begins swimming towards the shoreline when something grabs him from underneath! Robert kicks violently but is pulled under! Robert fights getting loose swimming towards shore being grabbed along the way. Each time getting pulled under deeper than before! Each time Robert fights and comes up he makes a b –line towards the shoreline, but the shoreline still the same distance away. He is no closer than he was before. As Robert becomes more tired he fights but is pulled under this time not reappearing. Bubbles ooze from the black ocean, waves ripple across the vast darkness from the commotion underneath. Finally, the struggle comes to an end.

[Image: 4NJIi7a.jpg]

The darkness of the black as coal ocean surrounded Robert. The thick like water closed in around him almost hugging him filling Robert’s mind with a deep regret. Robert held his breath as long as he could his lungs began to scream out in pain begging for oxygen. As Robert opens his eyes he can see nothing at all besides red splotches dancing in his eyes from the loss of oxygen. Robert looks for anything because he cannot tell if his eyes are opened or closed. He could feel himself being dragged deeper and deeper. The warn now is giving way to coldness. Robert’s heart was beating rapidly in panic. The urgency for air, any air at all was more apparent than ever before. He could see nothing now but darkness. Before Robert fades away he sees the Devil in his true forum.

[Image: tSTwXsf.jpg]






Robert gasps for air looking around his bedroom, quickly kicking the blankets off of himself as sweat beaded up on his forehead. Robert quickly wipes the seat away leaning over grabbing one of his Maker’s Mark Cigars. Robert quickly lights is leaning back against the headboard of his beautiful oak bed. He shuts his eyes for a moment blowing out the white smoke trying to gather himself. His hands slowly stop shaking as Robert opens his eyes. He grabs his phone from the nightstand seeing Robbie Bourbon has finally put out a promo. Robert smiles watching the promo on his phone. After a few minutes, Robert laughs smiling from ear to ear. Robert hits the record button on his phone and begins cutting a promo on Robbie Bourbon.

Cute! You know Robbie I didn’t think you would say anything this time around either. I know I haven’t had much to say over the past few days myself. I’ve kind of been preoccupied. I was talking with a guy who just would not let leave me alone. It was rather time-consuming to say the least. Plus a huge pain. Now here we are just hours away from my return to Warfare. In a match with the bully Robbie Bourbon, a man many men fear. When I look at you fear is the very last thing to cross my mind. In fact, Robbie when I look at you all I see is a wasted roster spot. I see a man taking up space. I see pure and utter laziness! Let’s face it I say this without a shadow of a doubt. You Robbie Bourbon don’t have what it takes to get the job done in the ring anymore! In this match Robbie I am going to take the rest of what is left of your career away one shred at a time. I am going to show you a thing or two about respecting Robert Main! I’m going to teach you a lesson you will , forget Robbie. No one thinks I can beat you! Well come Warfare I prove all the doubters wrong once more. Since stepping foot here in the XWF no one has given me credit where credit is due! I’ve been looked down upon, pushed aside and kicked to the curb like yesterday’s trash. Yet every time, I have been the one to outshine! Robbie I am going to steamroll you and move on to Leap Of Faith and get what I rightfully deserve! Getting what I have wanted from this business since day one! What I deserve from this business. My shot at the Universal Championship! You might be getting that shot at the pay per view, hell Robbie you might even win. But one thing that you have to be wondering about in that empty mind of yours is. What if you do win? What if you have to face Robert Main again? I’ll tell you! If you have to face me for the third time after the beat down, I am going to had you at Warfare. I will take away what you have fought so hard to get! The world might not see it yet, Robbie but I know the truth. You fear me in the ring. You know that you cannot beat me. 10 out of 10 times I beat Robbie Bourbon. I’ve owned you once, I’ll own you again! It must keep you up at night knowing you cannot and will not defeat me! You want to brag about how you have Chris Chaos’s balls in your pocket. How he isn’t willing to face you in the ring or on the street. How he tucks tail! Funny. That’s the same vibe I am getting from you, Robbie! See you should be worried about Robert Main, not Chris Chaos. After Warfare though it won’t matter. I’ll leave that ring with your balls Robbie in my pocket. Every time you see me you will walk the other way. You will know your place in the food chain. You will know from that point forward Robert Main eats Robbie Bourbon!

I am above you! I will always be above you! You wanted to call Chris Chaos the biggest fluke of 2016! Funny Chris did something you never could, Robbie. He, won the Universal Championship. But who’s to say Chris is the biggest flop in 2016? Everyone has their own opinions! Right? He still accomplished something you have yet to do! Now one thing is for sure I do know the biggest flop in 2017! That is you Robbie Bourbon! You have literally done dick! Nothing at all! You have won nothing! You are always second best! The runner-up, and you always will be! , Always the bride's maid never the bride huh! You want to come at me all tough in your half-hearted promo from your mommy’s trailer! Sitting there with Tyrone. I’ve seen better dressed homeless people on the corner begging for change! You two are the biggest douche bags I have even seen hands down. Besides the low quality of your promo and Tyrone having no clue what he was talking about. The guy looked like a total meth head. No surprise, really! I heard very little, it was hard to hear you speak over the buzz. I bet those were the fly’s buzzing around your dumpster fire of a career. Now I get it! I do applaud the patriotic music in the background! Nice touch. I’m surprised Tyrone didn’t take a knee! He seems like a man whose genetic makeup just wouldn’t allow him to understand what’s really going on in the world around him! He looks like a guy conceived from incest! You know where a brother fucked his sister and got her pregnant and bam! Tyrone! Now enough with your boy and more about you Robbie. So supposedly when you and I face off you are going to be a brand new man! Great, maybe you will put in more effort this time around than the last time we met? Huh? Mr. No Show? I really hope you do come in as a brand new man. I’d like a challenge in the ring this time. But sadly I see the same lazy Robbie Bourbon I’ve come accustom too. This promo was lazy, not very well thought out, half-assed in every single way. You want to wait until the last second and all of a sudden you want to try and drop bombs on me? What’s next Cinderella? The midnight bombing? The fact is you have no bombs left to drop! No ammo left! This promo suits up who Robbie Bourbon is in a nut shell. You want the easy way. You’re pathetic! Now I might be over speaking here but… What have you done that has impressed anyone? Nothing at all Robbie! You just lost to the bitch sisters, Jim just beat your ass all over the place and you want to act like the tough guy? Not going to work!

Then you want to say how everything that I have said doesn’t matter! Funny up until this point Robbie I haven’t had anything to say! I haven’t been around! Now, unless you incepted me and entered my dreams. You haven’t heard a damn thing because there was nothing to say! Then you want to twist up what really happened in our Hart Championship match! You gift wrapped it for me? Robbie why don’t you cut the shit and admit what really happened in this match! Tell the world the truth. You are cutting your nose off to spite your face. Just admit it! You were unprepared, you didn’t put in the time against me. You cut corners and it cost you! You just didn’t show up be a man and admit it. Now here Robbie for the second time in a row I am outputting in work and here you are with this shit show of a promo. For the second time, you are making the greatest mistake you could ever make! You are underestimating me and everything that I can do in the ring. Now for the second time right before the biggest match of your career. You will fall to me! You will fail! I will beat you! When you underestimate Robert Main! You fucking lose! Just ask Chris Chaos! Ask Gabe Reno! Each underestimated me! Each fell to my very hands, Robbie!

Robert slowly gets up from his bed. Still smoking his cigar leaving a thick smoke trail behind him.

Then you criticize me when I decided to come back and sit front row for a Graves match. What’s the big deal, Robbie? I wanted to sit front row and watch a friend wrestle? Maybe you would do the same if you had any friends! Then what was that quote? Graves is the concrete that the Robbie Bourbon engine rolls over? Robbie, I’ve seen your last few matches and you are a long way away from rolling over anyone! You are so quick to point out the past because you have done nothing relevant in the right now. You are living on what you used to be able to do! No one cares about the past Robbie! The past will not help you escape this match with me. It will not all of a sudden make you a better wrestler. It will not help you become any less lazy. You have nothing to hold on to here. You have zero credibility left! Now all of a sudden the big bad wolf is going to come and do what? BLOW ME! That’s what! You’re more like Humpty Dumpty at this point! Although he only had a great fall. You still seem to be falling, loss after loss after loss. It’s quite a long drop from the top huh Robbie? Tell me what I am supposed to be afraid of here? You wrecking me? You hurting me? You haven’t hurt or wrecked a damn thing in weeks! You are a joke! Are you coming at me for revenge? Why? You gift wrapped that match for me remember? You handed it to me. You gave it away! So what is there to be all pissed about Robbie? Why do you seek revenge? You are a walking talking fucking contradiction! You want revenge because you gave it your best shot. In the end, you came up short! I call it sour grapes! You will come up short once more! Every time Robbie Bourbon faces Robert Main. Robbie Bourbon loses. You’re coming into this match looking for revenge. I’m coming into this match looking to put the stamp on Robbie Bourbon’s ass. You have everything to lose, and lose you will!

Robert sits down on his bathroom counter not noticing he has no reflection in the merrier behind him!

Then you move on to AX3! Funny how everything you have to say about me has nothing to do with this match. If I needed a history lesson on my past I’d just think back! You say that AX3 was the most pointless stable to ever step foot inside an XWF ring! I didn’t know a stable could be so pointless holding 6 championships between us! I didn’t know how terrible we were holding every single major championship the company had to offer! Pointless isn’t the word you are looking for Robbie! The word you are looking for is jealous! Look at your merry band of ! The Motherfuckers? HA…..HA……HA….HA! What have any of you clowns done? Nothing at all! Besides turn on the best thing you had going for the whole damn group! You wish you had the success AX3 had. That’s why you begged James Raven to join. You needed someone with some credibility! You literally sucked his balls begging him to join! Now look! You have nothing at all once more. You hold onto an empire of dirt! AX3 actually did something! Whether it was short-lived or not is irrelevant! When has a stable taken over everything so quickly? Not even the mighty Kings have every major Championship! The Kings were called in to dismantle AX3. They dusted off their walkers and laced up their wrestling boots one more time. But look what we did there Robbie. We got the greatest team in history to come out of retirement to face us! To take us out! The Kings look at The Motherfuckers and see nothing more than a waste of their time! You continue begging to fight them and why? They would destroy you and your fucktard crew within a matter of moments! The only thing The Motherfuckers are is AX3 want to be’s! Point blank. You are chasing the success we found! You want everything we built. We caught lightning in a bottle Robbie! You fucking morons are too stupid to accomplish anything that we did! The Motherfuckers are nothing more than a watered down failure of AX3! Oh wait! THE MOTHERFUCKERS ARE AX3 LIGHT! LESS TASTE LESS FILLING! We were something special that will never come around again! Like everything else in life, all good things come to an end! Every statue crumbles! As did AX3! The cracks began to form, the egos clashed and that was all she wrote. It was fun while it lasted! Too bad you’ll never obtain what we did! Robbie you continued rambling on and on about things that had no bearing on this match. You joked about my balls and the size vice you would need to squeeze them. You won’t have to worry about a vice Robbie because after I pin you down to the canvas. I’ll be placing these nuts in your mouth! The title of your promo was why you called me out! Yet Robbie you never did explain it! Why?

Robert smiles turning around looking into the merrier. He shakes his head confused not seeing himself. Robert wore a puzzled look on his face for a few moments unsure of what is going on when a familiar voice rings out. Robert quickly turns around looks throughout the bathroom!





Yes! My Child!

That was all a fucking dream! This isn’t real! I’m going insane or something! This isn’t REAL!

Oh but it is Robert! It is very real. Just take a look at your hand!

Robert quickly looks down at his hand he thought he had cut in his dream! There is the Devils burnt hand print laying in Roberts’s palm. Robert looks into the merrier as the Devil reveals himself in his true form! Robert screams out! Punching the merrier several times shattering the glass into millions of pieces not scattered throughout Roberts bathroom!

Oh God what have I done?

God cannot help you now Robert! No one can help you. I am here inside of you! Once our blood bonded in our agreement, I became a part of you! I flow through your veins now! No one can see or hear me but you Robert. Only you! If you cry out you will look foolish and no one will ever believe you! Once you left hell I followed! Did you really think I would sit this one out Robert? I told you I would be watching and what better way to watch everything unfold, than front row! Through your eyes! I’ll let you drive for now Robert! I have ahold of your very being Mr. Main right now! I know you can feel it! I’m not going anywhere. Like I said before, I own you now! I’ll make sure you do my bidding! Because if you decide otherwise. I’ll just take control and you will have no choice either way. So give in Robert! Or I’ll make you give in to me!

Robert turns around looking into the camera his eyes glowing with a tint of red.

Before I go, I want to tell you a story, Robbie! There was this lion! King of the jungle, huge mane. One day he decides to lay down underneath a tree to get some shade. The huge lion was just so big he just wanted to get some rest out of the blistering hot sun. So he laid there for day’s maybe even weeks. Just resting watching. The lion just doesn’t want to move! Before too long the smaller lions come along and start messing with the much larger lion. Biting his tail, swatting at his ears. But the big lion doesn’t move. Then comes along a lioness she along with the smaller lions all biting at the much larger lions tail and now ears. But still the larger lion won’t budge! Suddenly all of the other animals notice that the lion isn’t doing anything and they too begin to move in. The jackals and hyena eat the lion’s food nipping at him in his very own domain. They do this and keep getting closer and closer and bolder and bolder. Barking at the lion mocking his existence! Then that day comes where the lion decided to get up and kills everything in his domain! Eating everything thing in his path! Every once and a while the lion has to show the jackals who he is. Robbie we both know which one you are!

[Image: zvuaD3y.jpg]

Sweet Surrender

[Image: 6x9xFnQ.png]
[Image: nLYNvyj.png] x2
[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
[Image: WPoUWuI.png]

Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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