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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Just mumble jumble
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drezdin5788 Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-26-2017, 08:36 AM

Drezdin:ya know ladies and gents, I have to admit that with in the last about three weeks and counting I honestly thought that despite the special events and the press that I had to do about the xwf and its ppv's, and even the shows it self that we have, I honest to god thought that the days and weeks to come, that it was about to endure was going to be pretty good.
not great, or fantastic, not perfect, nor even glorious, but pretty good, or at the very if not pretty good at least half way decent.
I mean knowing that every time that I have to do something like this; that great, fantastic, perfect, or even glorious was completely, and literally outta the question.
but none the less like I was saying, with in the last about three weeks in counting all the press and special events that I had to do in that time I knew some where in those days or weeks that chaos was not to far long..........well with a side order of creepy as hell, and disturbingly funny along with it as well.
and whudda you know, as I was thinking about what to say, as I was thinking about how I would answer any questions that may come along, plugging anything that I can say/ or talk about, or even mention for that matter, the usual shit, all of a sudden as I was doing all of that fun kinda stuff I was driving to the next special event that I was going to make an appearance and I got stuck behind a literally...and I am assuming it that it was...brand spanking new white hummer hurst.
yeah yall heard me correctly I said that I got stuck behind a brand spanking new white hummer hurst.
but it didn't stop there I wasn't that one hurst, there was several of them, all different kinds of hursts, as a matter of fact there were twenty of them.
the creepy part comes in where I was compelled to follow them to see where in the hell they were going.
a cavalcade if you want it to call it that.
but bear in mind that as I was following them, I am driving a brand new 2018 V10 12 cylinder hard top ford mustang rental car.
I mean if getting stuck behind a quote on quote a cavalcade of hursts and being compelled to follow them to see where in the hell they were going wasn't creep enough, yeah I know, does a familiar sesame street song comes to mind?
then I was compelled again to for what ever reason to pay my respects to those to passed.
thank goodness that I had a lot of time to spare and the people there were thankful that I was able to spare some time even though it was a surprise and that I didn't have to do it.
ooooohhhhh my ladies and gents the quote on quote fun didn't stop there, oh no it didn't.
after I had done the special event that I did and the press a few hours later, i went back to my hotel suit and stayed there to rest up for two days for the majority of the time, and yes i went out to have fun when needed.
the funny part and i guess the what the fuck part comes in to play where if you remember the very first promo that i did where it had two dumb ass blond hair women shitting in the streets after we both witness them doing it after i showed you how stupid they were.
i gotta admit that i thought as dumb as they are and looked, i thought they would be actually smart enough not to do it.
but to my and your chagrin...well you know the rest of it.
but none the less, not far from where my hotel suit is , about two miles to be exact, i had to do some more press and another special event that i dad to do.
this time since it was only two mile from where i was staying for the time being i decided to walk to there.
the funny/ what the fuck part comes in where i saw the mother fucking people just like the two blond women shitting in the shitting in the street from my very first promo other people doing a shitting in the street, a shin dig, a gathering if you will.
now im thinking how im thinking how in the fuck does that happen? I'm mean how the fuck does it happen when you hope that all it is a fad to a god damn trend that happen years ago!?
At this point now it's like yeah I know I'm not the smartest idiot in the world, but this just went from being purely stupid as hell to now that I'm starting to regret telling to blond hair women to shit in the street from years ago.
I guess open mouth insert foot would be the correct analysis for that moment.
A straight up what the fuck part comes in where I got off of a free way to put some gas in the vehicle that I was renting when I received a text that had said that I was in a tag match.
A tag match that I was to team up with the so call return do let liddle j......yes you heard me liddle, not little.
Any way against the sugay sisters.
Right there the chaos that was pursuing me turned into three big gigantic ass problems.
The first problem is I'm fighting the sexist, the hottest two women in the world that the xwf roster has.
Growing up I was always told NOT I repeat NOT to lay my fucking hands on a women no matter who it was.
Now in normal circumstances stances I wouldn't mind kicking some ass when they are asking for it or if they haven been on the roster for a while, or for what ever the reason it may be.
But when you got the sugay sisters as your opponents we'll it's an whole different matter in it's self.
Doing what I have to do to them providing if my partner shows up for the first time I my short time here in the xwf, I don't wanna kill them in the ring.
I actually instead of enjoying destroying someone or two, I won't enjoy it, with those two beautiful creatures it ain't right worth shit.
I actually wanna continue to drool over them like a perverted dumb shit then actually beat their asses.
But to some extent on one hand the positive part is that in twenty-four hours and counting their momentum that they have accumulated since they came to the xwf will come to a end at the hands of me and my partner....*sigh*.
The second problem is that comes in where the man known as liddle j is scheduled to make his return to the xwf ring tomorrow night with me as his partner.
Like always, I get partnered up with some moron who for what ever reason forgets to SHOW THE FUCK UP! And not realize that he or she is scheduled to fucking fight.
Now I don't mind that it turns out to be a two on one, but this is different, it's the sugay sisters.
My fucking partner better show his god damn ass cause I don't wanna cause all the harm by my lonesome self to the sexy ass beautiful creatures.
If his ass doesn't show, then like I always do I will go out find his god damn ass drag it to the next show and perform the worst random acts of hell on him.
But again if it does turn out to be a two on one.......***sigh***, despite what I have to do if it does come to that, then so let it be.
Let the gods above and the gods above forgive me for the acts of violence that I will show tomorrow.
For the sins that I will soon to commit, I apologize for it in advance.
Sisters, though your moment that y'all two accumulated since you've came here to the xwf will come to a grinding hault...EEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!
For what ever I Drezdin what will do to you it will not and I repeat will not be not my fault what will happen.

[Image: FSYLxSs.png]
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