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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
How the better half live?
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Glen DiBiase

XWF FanBase:
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05-22-2013, 11:21 AM

[/color]*Breaking News* At NC News At 10

Chuck Dale: Good evening and welcome to the NC news At 10 moments ago our news team encountered what's believed to be the biggest group party in North Carolina this year, were to believe that the persons involved are new residents to NC state and police can not even get close however no violence has arose as of yet but police are still maintaing there presence to be sure that no one is harmed we go directly to the scene where trisha packard is to be with WWE legend Ted DiBiase

[Image: 6gvkac.jpg]

Trisha Packard: Mr DiBiase whats this gathering in aid of and why are you here?

Ted DiBiase: Well Missy tonights the night of a thousand dreams tonight we all witness the birth of the next XWF superstar my son Glen DiBiase this is a celebration of many to come as we climb the ladder of success the other two Idiots I call Sons Could never manage to get anywhere in a business that I helped build and become a great a true legend lets hope that we can hear the fans screaming this ones name [/color]].

Trisha Packard: so all this is an open party to celebrate a job offer?

with the shocked face on Ted DiBiase's face a tall handsome man approaches the microphone shirt off a gold chain around his neck a body shape many guys would die for beige slacks and a black belt.

Mystery man: A JOB OFFER!!!! *CHUCKLES* a damn job offer? sweetheart what you have is a job a deadend going nowhere job with very little of the way of a raise let me introduce myself I am Mr. Glen DiBiase i am the bastard son of this true great right beside I am the reason for your being here. as for my "Job offer" as you so delicately put it this is more then a job its a career its a dream a real million dollar dream this great family uphold and capture this is going out to every single member of the XWF roster tonight we witness live on NC news the rise of the most coloured flamboyant,charasmatic wrestling god that ever lived all you guys really are to me are stepping stones stepping stones to greatness my greatness as the DiBiase Legacy stays alive i plan to destroy each and every one of you to rise to the top.

as the two men walk off over to the crowd the musics blaring out and the crowd get rowdy with excitment

Trisha Packard: well Chuck there you have it the men behind the commotion the DiBiase Family it sounds as if this party is going to go on all night long so its back to you in the studio .

as the lady gives back the microphone to her camera man a group of men come up behind her with an watercooler and douse hewr with the ice cold water. the three men unknoiwn to anyone walk off laughing and pointing.
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