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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
"Battling the Man-Beast..."
Author Message
The Sugay Sisters Offline
Double Trouble!

XWF FanBase:
Men and Lesbians

(physically attractive female on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

08-29-2017, 07:34 AM

scene one . meeting a new friend.

The scene opens up at the local Hollywood Gym on 1551 N La Brea Ave. Once entering the facility and gain entrance in the meaty part of the workout area, the scene focuses on one of the sister. The sister appears to be Tala, but until the camera zooms in on her—it’s slightly unclear if it’s her or Jaslene. The sister is on a spin bike and she’s pedaling as fast as her little heart can while perspiration drips down her forehead. She has a beige colored hand towel wrapped around the back of her neck. She’s wearing a pair of very black bike shorts with white lightning bolts sporadically on the shorts. The shorts are so short they look like underwear. She has a white plain tank top on, a bit big for her size. Beneath the tank top appears to be a black bra as she leans forward on the bike—her tank top hangs open. She looks down at the monitoring of her bike and reads, “62 minutes and 34 seconds.” She burned a total of “2,332 calories.” She rode for an estimated of “23 miles.” She pauses on the spin bike and takes both ends of her towel. She starts to wipe the perspiration from her face and swings her leg over the side. She sighs and still breathing quite rapid. She grabs her water bottle down on the floor and takes a swig. She continues to do mellow breathing to bring her heart rate. She starts to walk off the platform where the spin bikes are and heads toward what looks to be the lockers’ area. She turns around and looks at other people in the gym before swinging back around. She heads into the hallway and starts toward the women’s locker room, but as she gets down to the end of the hallway.

“Pst… Pst…”

She hears this voice and after the camera zooms in on the sister, it’s really Tala Sugay. Tala turns around and grabs the towel as she wipes her forehead off again. She takes another drink of water and smirks at the person across from her. She arches her eyebrow and slaps the towel over her shoulder.

[Tala Sugay]
“Are you stalking me?”

She says jokingly, followed by a snicker. She takes another drink of water.

"Well I wouldn't say that, I'd say...pursuing someone worth pursuing. And you, Tala, are absolutely worth my time."

The right arm and hand of the unidentified enters frame to lightly brush the left side of Tala's dangling bangs behind her left ear.

"You're stunning, girl."

Remaining strong, Tala placed her right fist to her hip and watches his hands come close to her face.

[Tala Sugay]

She says with a smirk.

[Tala Sugay]
"You certainly have good taste, I can say that much. So, tell me how long have you been observing me?"

She purses out her lips.

[Tala Sugay]
"I can't lie; you've caught my eye too."

"Tala the day you and your sister signed up, the XWF male-roster grapevine, shall we say, and forgive me for saying so, stiffened with the flow of news and rumor. If I'm honest, and I always am, I've been watching since then. You've both been very impressive in every way, especially given your victory on this past Savage. Although, and I mean no offense to your sister, I have to admit my focus is on the more impressive of the two of you. If I've caught your eye as well I say it might be a good idea to...start gettin' to know one another. Believe me when I say, I can't think of a better way to spend my day."

Tala looks over at the man and bites down on her bottom lip as she starts batting her eyes.

[Tala Sugay]
"Is that so? Well, you do prefer the older of the two sisters and I can't say it's totally surprising! Just don't let my sis know because the one thing we always fight over are boys."

She turns to her side and winks at him.

[Tala Sugay]
"I think the boys always prefer my yard because I'm straight up the realest bitch they ever meet. I can be one of the boys and I can be the girly girl type. Growing up on the streets has really given me a real perspective about life hun and my sis is still trying to figure it out."

She tosses a few strands of her hair back behind her shoulder.

[Tala Sugay]
"She was the sheltered sibling of the three of us. I've always had to be the one protecting her at school from the other chicks. It's all good. She doesn't need a bad boy like you anyway..."

She extends her hand to his chest and slides her finger down his chest.

[Tala Sugay]
"A real bad boy needs an even badder girl!"

She licks her lips.

The unidentified man's right arm smoothly enters frame and reaches around to place a hand on the small of Tala's back, pulling her in close. The camera follows to reveal...

Jim Caedus!

Jim uses his left hand to gently lift Tala's chin. He kisses her. A good 15 seconds pass before he pulls back.

[Jim Caedus]
(softly) "Baby, you're exactly the badder girl this bad boy needs."

He gazes, lost, in her gorgeous doe eyes with his own icy blues, his right hand still cradling her back, his left traveling down to rest just above her right hip. Tala brushes her hands through her hair and smirks up at him.

[Tala Sugay]
"Oh Jjimmy, why don't I go finish changing out of these sweaty clothes and we can go some place a little more quiet?"

Tala places her hands on the bottom of her tank and pulls it up over her head and reveals just her beneath.

[Tala Sugay]
"Maybe you can give me some pointers... for Wednesday night."

She winks as she sets her damp tank top in his hands. She turns around and he continues to watch her as she struts toward the women's locker room. He looks down at her lower back and notices a Chinese symbol above her crack.

[Jim Caedus]
“I’ll give you more than a few pointers, baby.”

He says to himself as a smirk comes across his face. He rubs his hand across his chest on the outside of his shirt. He leans against the wall and crosses his arms as he waits for Tala to finish in the women’s dressing room. Moments later, Tala reemerges from the locker room. She’s wearing a pair of black and pink yoga pants with “pink” written across her butt, a short-sleeve matching hooded yoga shirt, and a pair of black and pink sneakers. She has her duffle bag strapped over her shoulder and hair yanked back in a tightly pulled ponytail. Jim looks up as she walks out and notices she’s looking down on her phone.

[Tala Sugay]
“Sis, don’t need a ride. Going to Long Beach with a friend and will text in a bit.”

She looks up as she continues holding her phone in her hand. She looks over to Jim.

[Tala Sugay]

He nods as he walks out of the hallway with her and they head out to the main area of the gym. The scene suddenly fades to static.

scene two . defeating the man-beast.

The scene opens somewhere in Long Beach, California at an old ran down wrestling promotion. Inside this arena with boarded up windows, light fixtures hanging from the ceiling, doors wobbling off their hedges, and chairs thrashed is a big in somewhat good condition still. Inside the old wrestling ring is Tala Sugay. Tala has climbed up in the corner and she’s sitting on the top turnbuckle and leaning her hands on the knees. She licks her lips.

[Tala Sugay]
“My sis and I shined brighter than the North Star on Savage and we looked impeccable in our debut tag team match Saturday night! Of course, we knew we would because we are the Sugay Sisters! It’s just too damn bad Rhiannon couldn’t get on board with the same reality, instead she was stuck in her little LALA land because she was perfecting her skills for the last three months.”

“Bitch, where? To be quite frank, I didn’t see anything perfect in that match on Saturday night. Sorry, but not sorry! Rhiannon and Rose were yesterday’s news and it’s time to move onto my singles debut! Shining in one-on-one action is a treat not everybody gets to see, especially this soon in my career!”

She steps off the second rope and props up off the turnbuckle, but continuing to lean in the corner with her elbows rested on the top rope.

[Tala Sugay]
“When I found out both my sis and I made the ranks for the Bombshell’s Championship, I was freaking estatic and no wonder why Roxy wanted my ass to have my singles debut! Who else than the Jezzebel would I be facing?”

“Of course, give me one of the biggest bitches in XwF’s history as my singles debut! I can deal with it because you know why? I am just coming off a victory in my HSW’s debut over Paul Blair! If I can beat him, I can easily do the same with Jezzebel!”

Tala’s facial expression shift from semi-thrilled to downright disgusted.

[Tala Sugay]
“Hold on, let me put on a face that shows I really care, kay?”

Tala covers her face with her right hand and brushes it downward until she slides it off her face. She turns her face to the side with a huge bubbly smile.

[Tala Sugay]
“Yaaasss! I get to face the MAN-AZON! Oh my God, how in God’s great name did I ever get so lucky!?”

She says sarcastically while jumping up and down while clapping her hands rapidly.

[Tala Sugay]
“Woohoo! I get to face the same alpha male who dropped Bitchy Myst on her head with the Impaler DDT! Yippie!”

Continues with her sarcasm, she suddenly brings herself to composer as she stops bouncing. Her facial expressions quickly change as she’s now stern and staring wickedly.

[Tala Sugay]
“Yeah, yeah, in case you couldn’t tell Jezzy, I was sarcastically acting out a little part of my next play! But you know Jezzy, I can’t be too mad at you for wanting to make your mark in XwF. Cause hey, you beat our asses to the punch! We wanted to leave an everlasting impression at the King of the Ring because we missed out on such an epic pay-per view. Ugh, it freaking sucks! Sis, I do have to tell you if I was going to make my mark, it wouldn’t be Bitchy Myst who I would have moved in on. Oh no, not the bitch lost the Bombshell’s Championship!”

“I don’t know what exactly that attack proved Jezzy, but nobody is really taking much notice of you. My sis and I would have totally went after the Bombshell’s Champion, but there you have it: bitches with different tastes. We like the fine life and you like the trashy life. It’s all good Jezzy and I so wish you would be facing Bitchy Myst in this match instead of me, but whatever floats Queen Roxy’s boat though!”

“But Jezzy, try not to automatically think you have the match won because you were born a man. Try not to underestimate me too much because I’m still a hood bitch and I will still walk away with my arm raised in victory, boo.”

“Man or no man: bitch, you’re going down!”

“In case you haven’t been following the trend of the #sugaysisters and #doubletrouble, allow me to catch you up to speed real quick, kay sis? We aren’t here just for the Bombshell’s Championship. It would totally hold us both over, but we want more. Just like everybody else in the locker room. We want to be naturally born leaders in XwF and we want to dominant more than one division.”

“We want the tag team championships.”

“In a way facing your ass is sort of a positive because it will show the world I have what it takes to hang with the big boys. I’m hanging with one of the biggest ass boys in the locker room. The only difference is you had plastic surgery done that eliminated your penis and ballooned your boobs up to the size of watermelons! You better watch out because I heard breasts that enormous have tendencies to leak when they get older! Leaky silicon isn’t exactly the best thing for your health, hunty!”

“But go on sis, be you.”

She brushes her hair out from over her eyes to behind her ears.

[Tala Sugay]
“I have gay, lesbian, and transgender friends, so please sis don’t think I’m hating on the LBTG community because I’m totally not! I’m just hating on you because I don’t like you, Big Red. I would call you Big Ang, but I wouldn’t want to shame a true legend like that who is watching above us.”

“I love the saying, the bigger they are, the harder they fall.”

“I know bitch, it’s a little cliché, but it works. I don’t see your ass coming up with any better material yourself. All you’re thinking is the same thing everybody else thinks. I know how bitches look at us. They look at us as helpless defenseless sisters who couldn’t fight their way out of a god damn paper bag, but that is until they see us perform. When you fall bitch on Warfare because you are going to fall, I’m going to be the one laughing all the way to the BEEPING bank!”

She extends both forearms up and flips the camera the bird.

[Tala Sugay]
“The best material you could come up with are the Phoenix is Rising or the Phoenix rises from the ashes.”

“Bitch, please! Are you done yet?”

Tala pauses and purses her lips.

[Tala Sugay]
“I guarantee you bitch once I knock you down, the Phoenix will not be getting back up! Jezzy, you’re only going to wish you were half the woman I am after we’re done brawling. Believe me sis, I ain’t scared. I ain’t backing down and I’m definitely not impressed by you. Bring washed up Tommy Dreamer to the ring, if it makes you feel more confident in your skills.”

“Puh-lease! Oh my God, how extra are you bitch?”

“How extra is it for somebody to bring a washed-up legend from old ass ECW? I knew you were pathetic from the first day I saw you in this company, but after seeing you flocking to has been’s, it only vertified just how pathetic you are sis! Be extra bitch because this is the last time XwF will have to worry about you!”

“At least you can take one thing with you to the grave. You’ll always have the memories of executing the impaler DDT on Bitchy Myst at the King of the Ring pay-per view!”

She starts to walk out from the corner and drags her feet against the canvas while looking around the ringside area. She glances over her shoulder.

[Tala Sugay]
“The Rising Phoenix… Bye, bye!”

“Please, don’t go all cliché on me and start saying how the phoenix never dies and somehow it always rise up from the ashes. Cause bitch, it’ll be over after I walk away from this victoriously!

“Cause sis at the end of the day I’m overcoming the odds and white washing the MAN-BEAST!”

She holds up a peace sign and says “deuces” quietly. As she walks toward the side ropes, the scene faded to black.

word count: around 2600
tagged: jimmy <3
ooc note: goodluck to the handler of jezzebel.

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JimCaedus (08-29-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (08-29-2017)

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