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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » King of the Ring 2017 RP Board
Just Perfect
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KimAnderson Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-18-2017, 08:20 PM

Of course life has decided just a few days before the biggest match of my career, a match that could have won me a title shot for either the Hart or TV title, a match I could have easily won but I had to get my period early for the first time in my life, so now here I am sitting in my hotel room bloated, tired and my boobs hurt more then they did when I was pregnant and to make matters worse my face looks like I have been washing it with pizza grease but still some how I am expected to wrestle tomorrow night, still expected to be in the ring while I am bleeding like a stuck pig.

That is the shitty part about being a female that no matter when aunt flow comes to town you are expected to act like nothing is happening, like nothing is wrong but I am sorry that is not the case, all I really want to do right now is roll into a ball with a tub of chocolate ice cream and a heating pad pressed against my stomach trying to rid of these cramps.

I truly don't know if I will be in any shape to wrestle tomorrow night but nothing I can do about it now as the match is booked and well XWF doesn't give sick days for periods. So Random, Holliday and Le'Croix I guess I will be seeing you tomorrow but just know that no matter who wins, know that you didn't beat me at my best.

[Image: dENqNHk.jpg]
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(08-18-2017), JimCaedus (08-18-2017)

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