08-18-2017, 02:33 PM
Several days had gone by since anyone had heard from the returning "Ten Times Better" Seth Feder. This included his "father" Vinnie Lane and Alfred -- the last two that spoke to Seth. Both men had concerns about the well-being of Seth, but for two different reasons. Alfred was worried he wouldn't be paid his handsome salary if Seth was no longer around; second, Vinnie was worried he would simply no show the King of the Ring pay per view.
What's been shared so far from the butler is that Seth had become obsessed with living out the fictional Bruce Wayne / Batman character. He spent a good amount of money on changing his whole identity.
He purchased several comic book and graphic novel sets; watched every animated showing of the caped crusader; bought out a whole theater that showed the Nolan Batman Trilogy films; and binge-watched the Batman Television show starring the late Adam West. Vinnie simply ignored the hundred dollars here or the thousand dollars there, just because it had become a habit for Seth. Vinnie just had to wait it out until Sid arrived. According to several reports, Mr. Lane about blew a gasket when he found out he spent almost a million dollars on being coached by Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale on how to be Batman in the real world.
That move was the final straw for Vinnie. He ended up calling Alfred and the two spoke in detail about Seth's sleepless nights and addiction to be this character. Vinnie promised Alfred the checks would keep coming as long as he kept him in the loop once the location of Seth was found.
On Tuesday, late in the afternoon, a black porsche pulled into the drive-way of the Feder residence in Las Vegas (where Alfred was at). Walking towards the front door was Seth with a beautiful woman on each side. The hair looked quite different. It was pulled back into a ponytail; he had a buttoned up dress shirt tucked into his black pants. Alfred looked a much different Seth he had seen just days earlier.
Seth slipped his sunglasses down to make eye contact with his butler, gave a smirk and continued walking past.
Alfred thought for a moment if he should call Mr. Lane to let him know Seth had returned, but decided against it. (After hearing all about Vinnie from Seth, Alfred decided it was more fun to let him worry.)
"What harm could a day or two delay do?" Alfred thought to himself. He continued doing his daily work by keeping the Feder residence nice and tidy.
Later that day when everyone was sleeping, a loud banging noise was heard on the roof. "For heaven sake! Who in the bloody hell is that?" said Alfred to himself while getting his rob on. (Alfred worked as a green beret in his earlier years, and knew how to take care of himself if the situation ever arose.) Up he went to check on what the noise was about. As he got closer, he heard several men chatting and laughing like they were having a party.
He opened the window and saw men wearing bright orange vests on top of their clothes.
"What in God's name are you doing? And who are you?" he said rather annoyed.
"Uh, Mr. -- Feder. Yeah, Mr. Feder I believe lives here?" he asked.
"Son-of-a-bitch. Now what has he gone and done?" Alfred said under his breath. "Yes, that's correct. I'm his butler. May I ask what you're doing?"
"We're installing his bat signal," the supervisor said while the rest of the crew laughed.
"Say that again?"
"A bat signal. You know, like batman."
Alfred shook his head in disbelief, and closed the window. He made his way to Seth's room, lightly knocked but no answer. He knocked again -- no answer. He quietly opened the door and saw him lying in bed between two naked ladies. As he rolled his eyes and went against his judgment on waking his boss, he noticed several colored magazines on his dresser. He took one out of curiosity due to the front cover.
After shutting the door, he looked down and said, "You've got to be fucking kidd--" he couldn't finish his sentence. It was Issue 001 of the Seth Feder turned Batman graphic novel. He opened it up and roughly skimmed through and one picture caught his attention, which caused a smirk to come across his face. The picture in question was the comic version of Seth hugging the comic version of ... Vinnie Lane. It was the beginning of their relationship and how Seth Feder became "The Batman."
The next morning, Seth came downstairs for his masterfully cooked breakfast from new employee Gordon Ramsay. Alfred through the novel onto the eating table by his plate.
"Ah, you read it" said Seth with a smile. "So what did you think?"
"You're out of your bloody mind," replied Alfred.
"We've established what your thoughts are about me, but what about the novel?"
"It was okay. It didn't have a lot of caped crusader fighting crime action."
"Yeah, but I'll find more crime."
"Beg your pardon?"
"I'll find more crime. When I find it, well it'll get better."
Alfred had no idea what Seth was talking about.
"I'm sorry sir, but I don't know exactly --"
"Oh! This novel isn't going to be fiction. I'm going to share with the artists and writer what I actually am doing, or did, and they'll put it in. It's real life shit, not some fiction. I told you --- I'm going to be the real Batman."
"Perhaps I should have called Mr. Lane yesterday," Alfred said to himself.
Alfred called Vinnie, but had to leave a voice mail. It was just a few days shy of the big King of the Ring and Vinnie had his hands full. Everyone knew that Sid wouldn't show up this weekend, and Seth already was introduced to the XWF as Vinnie's protégé.
For the next several days, Alfred would only see Seth for a few seconds awake. The rest of the time it was Seth lying in bed with bruises on his body, dry blood on his face, and some naked woman in his bed.
The real life Batman would actually go out into Las Vegas and roam the streets until something bad would take place. He'd go into action by trying to help. It annoyed the hell out of the cops because they thought he was a lunatic, but couldn't really arrest him for helping.
Alfred wondered how long Seth would keep up this lifestyle of his, though he didn't mind it as much as long as the checks kept coming. You could tell in Alfred's manor that he was starting to take a liking to his boss, but he never let it show. It did fascinate him how Vinnie Land would react, which gave him quite a chuckle.
