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how bad does it have to be
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Jean Baptiste Le'Croix Offline
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(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

08-17-2017, 10:23 AM

(the scene opens up as we see Jean in hales deeply then slowly exhales as he gives out a big long sigh)

Jean:You know what xwf universe...I...*sigh*...i.i.i.i...........i just minus well go ahead and say it like it is and not sugar coat it.
I know that what I am about to say will get me in a whole heap of doggy shit trouble, and I also know that what I am about to say will not sit well with those who here this and for those who read this, as well as the xwf staff.
so with that being said I would apologize in advance for the words that I will use, and viewer discretion is advised do to the graphic nature of this promo.

(Jean sips his tap water)

over the course of time as I was growing up, time after time after time, for years and years I was told NOT to and I repeat NOT to talk about one of four things, or if at all possible NOT to talk about all four things, like religion, politics, violence, even racism.
and ill admit for years and years on end it didn't matter who it was from, where I was at, what time it was, when it was, nor didn't it matter if it was written or even typed out, hell, it also didn't matter why in hell i was being told that.
or even it didn't matter why it had to be me or why was I the one that it had to be me.
for years and years on end, as I eventually took it as is, like if no one that I went to wanted to tell me the reason(s) why racism, religion, politics, and mine/ some else's opinion was not a good idea to talk about, it just got to me more and more and more.
and the more and more and more it got to me, I was getting more and more and more pissed off.
I mean yeah aside from talking about it at school as I got a little bit older, hearing it and reading about it is one thing, but not being able to get one measly god damn fucking answer(s) why religion, racism, violence, and politics was a bad idea to talk about is a whole other thing in its self.
fuck!, weather if it was my parents or people I knew or didn't knew, being told why not and not being given reason why not other then the same old lie of "youll see why when you get older" or "as you get old enough to understand why youll see why", it just drove me literally on the brink of insanity.
or at the very least drove me beyond nuts.
but of course that was then twenty-one years ago, this is now twenty-one years later at the age twenty-six, the year 2017.
now as a twenty-six year old Russian Canadian adult that who is now a professional wrestler that works for a fantastic company called xwf, all those years ago from when I was a young wee lad, all the way to as an adult, from everyone, and from my parents.....

(Jean picks up is tap water and takes another sip and wipes the left corner of his mouth off)

being told that why I should NOT and I repeat NOT to talk about one of four things, or if at all possible NOT to talk about all four things like religion, racism, politics, and mine/ or some one else's opinion, I now know very very very clearly why I shouldn't, and why if I so happens to do talk about it, why I would be a dead man walking.
I very very very clearly know now why I was told not to.
I mean like I said earlier, as twenty-six year old Russian-Canadian professional wrestler, and I may be a Russian immigrant that moved to Canada in hoping for a better life..........what my parents and every one else weather I knew them or not were telling me why not to and if I had done it that I would be a dead man walking, they weren't lying at all.
just look at all the stupid idiotic bull shit that has gone on here on planet earth, in which I mean all the negativity.
look at what our society has become, its some sad shit aint it huh/
I just simply at all don't get at all why in the blue hell we let all of this stupid idiotic bull shit get out and have it at the fore front of it being the main focus, especially on television news, news radio, online, and the news paper it self.
I understand and get it when it comes to satan, hell, kkk, the Oklahoma city bombing, slavery, and so on on how all of those that ive mentioned and others are one thee biggest sins in human kind.
also I understand and get it that there are other stupid idiotic bull shit that I haven thought of or mentioned that are also one of the biggest sins in human kind, in which I wont even mentioned regard less
but what really gets me all in a up roar is that just when I thought that when I get to the age where I get to old and decrepit and the lord above is calling me to come home with out any bs.
but seeing for the last four days and counting all the same stupid idiotic bull shit rearing its ugly head...again, me getting to an age where I get to old and decrepit where the lord above is calling me to come home in the way that I want to go, that all went to hell.
you see, why do we need to see and have some kkk wanna be white suprimist group or any other group for that matter to absolutely spew their racist hate? why? I mean should we actually give a flying shit or to give a damn about something that is nothing but worthless insignificant stupid idiotic bull shit.
as a matter of fact if my memory serves correctly, this all stems do to some confederate statue(s) is getting pulled down for what ever reason all over the u.s.
if fact, now that I think about it, there was also a gorgeously beautiful thirty-two year old women who got killed for no reason in the midst of all this.
but thats not all, if that wasn't bad enough, if throwing salt in the womb that was gashing wasn't good enough, our dear ole dim witted dumb ass of a president name Donald trump comes out and said that what the white surprimist group did was nothing but a cowardly act, vile, and disgustingness.
he also said that any one who associates them self with them including the kkk can go to hell.
but hhhhold your little horses their xwf universe, it gets even waaay better.
that the flip flopping sorry ass of a mother fuck all of a sudden with in a day in a half, if that, decides to come out and saids that both the white suprimist group and the protesters who are against the white suprimist group and both condemns them by saying that they are both to blame for what had happen.
basically xwf what im saying is this, I am pretty sure that I speak for every one here in the xwf all over the world when I say this.
it doesn't matter who you are, what you are, it also doesn't matter where you live, if its over seas in Europe, the Asian parts of the world, hell or even Canada, or the united states, or any where else...WE ALL DO NOT I REPEAT NOT NEED THAT KIND OF STUPID IDIOTIC BULL SHIT HERE IN OUR SOCIETY!!! WE DO NOT NEED IT AT ALL ANY WHERE!!! THEY CAN ALL KISS OUR HONKY DORY ASS! THEY CAN FUCK OFF, FUCKING GO TO HELL, AND WHEN ITS THERE TIME, THE CAN AAAAALLLLLLLLLL GO TO HELL AND SUFFER FOR ALL ENTERNITY OF BEING SATANS BITCHES!!!
speaking of not focusing on that kind of crap, also im pretty sure that I speak for every one when I also say that not only we shouldn't focus on that, meaning what is going on right now, but we should focus on the positivity, the good, the silver lining, being strong, defeating it, kick its ass when it comes our way.
and if they don't like what I said, then to quote two very famous sayings..."YOU WANT SOME? JUST COME AND GET SOME, ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS JUST BRING IT!!!"
but one thing though that is for damn sure is that while all of that stupid idiotic bull shit is going on, that I jean baptiste le'croix on Saturday august the nineteenth at xwf king of the ring, will walk in the four corners pick your poison match, beat the other three xwf competitors asses, win the match, take a short walk out, eeeeerrrrr..stop, turn where a forty-five degree angle take at, take another short walk into what ever title match I choose, and walk out holding that title in my hands, on my shoulders, or around my waste.

(the scene fades to black)

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