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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » King of the Ring 2017 RP Board
.....A Woman Scorned
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Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

08-08-2017, 06:28 PM

Sitting at the bar, Jenny swirled her drink, with the ice clinking together and the lemon wedge falling into it with a minute splash. She was feeling a little fuzzy, and she welcomed it. She had given her all to make sure that they as a duo were the top group here. But all of this focus on 'them' made her forget about her focus on 'her'.

She felt like her entire career was in the shadows of his, and everything she had accomplished to this point was for the betterment of him and his likeness. She was known as the cheating valet for stole a lot of matches for him---but what had she done herself? She lost to every top name superstar on the roster she faced, except Madison, and her 9 wins were padded by sub par competition like Mario and Isabella Ravenwolf and tag matches with Chris in her corner. What had she done on her own?

This was her chance to shine.

She also found it funny how suddenly people who once dissed her were coming out of the woodwork to hit on her, even people she worked with. It was like there was a new aura on her. It was like "SINGLE" was stamped on her forehead.

She brought the straw back up to her lips, and took a rather large sip. The fruity burn as it went down her esophagus was both pleasurable and painful.

"Hey there."

A male voice came from her right side. She looked out of the corner of her eye at him. He was cute. He wasn't Chris, but he was cute. Short hair, a nice shirt. Seemed to have good muscle mass. She turned towards him.

"Hello." Her voice had no emotion in it. He seemed like one of those roid head jerks with a lot of daddy's money. Typical Las Vegas rich kid scumbag.

But hey, the most important part of a basketball game is the rebound, no?

"What is a sexy girl like you doing all alone here in the bar?"

If only he knew.

"Please, its been a bad week. I'd like to finish this drink, then I am getting an Uber."

This guy was persistent.

"Nonsense. I'll give you a ride home."

"I don't know you."

"I am Chad, and you are?"


"There, now we know each other."

Slick. This guy was confident in himself, for sure. Her hand gripped her drink, the cold felt good on her hands. She could feel the sweat on her brow.

Here comes the full court press.

"So, hun--" ugh, he went to hun this quick? And pulled his chair closer---"what has you down? A man not treating ya right?"

His voice didn't seem genuinely concerned, there was a vapidness to it. Vague. She picked up on the little things.

"I'm fine, really. I'd just like to be alone for a bit."

The man seemed to get the hint, but she knew he didn't. He turned towards the bar and ordered a drink. "Whatever she has, another one, on me."

Nice of him, but she just told him she was finishing and leaving. Here comes that full court press. Jenny looked around the bar. His boys were posted up in the corner, some of them were harassing girls also. If she wanted to get out of here, there was a chance she would have to fight her way out. He turned back towards her.

"So, tell me, what do you do?"

That is pickup 101. Girls don't want to know what you do, but they want you to take interest in what they do.

"Um....I'm a fighter."

His eyes perked up, he smiled. "Oh my.....I like that." His voice changed. He thought he was getting lucky.

"I have a title fight coming up in London on the 19th, actually."

He put his hand on her arm. "I like a girl with a little muscle. But so little at the same time. I bet you are wild in bed."



"I haven't had any complaints."

"Good. Neither have I."

He smiled, looking back to his boys for approval.

"How about I take you back to my hotel and slip you the nine inches. Think you could handle that?" He put his hand on her thigh.

"I would love that, but I don't think you can get it up three times in a row."

His entire demeanor changed. This wasn't a guy who got turned down often. He looked almost desperate now to impress his boys.

"Oh, you've got jokes now."

"Not really, just needed to look at you for a little inspiration."

His eyes told the story now. He stood up ad grabbed her arm. She threw her drink in his face and he swung blindly, she ducked it and shoved him into the bar.

His boys immediately ran over. She began firing shots into his mid section. The bounces ran over as well but his boys cut them off. This was a one on one fight.

He was much bigger than her and ended up getting her in a head lock. Walking her away from the bar, punching her twice in the top of the head, she used all her strength to lift him over her shoulders and back body drop him through a nearby table.

She was blindsided by two of his boys who knocked her down. They began kicking and stomping at her and all she could do is cover up.

One man rolled her over and he had his hand up to strike her. As he was about to bring it down, a hand came out and caught his wrist.

She looked up and saw Madison, who quickly dispatched the men, along with Engy. She lifted Jenny up, and the blonde brushed herself off.

"I didn't need you to save me."

"You did. And you will a King of the Ring, toots. But I am going to call that match down the middle, like I told you. Consider this your free pass."

Jenny grinned, holding her head.

Madison goes to walk away, but Jenny grabs her shoulder.
"Hang on, why not have a little fun before you leave?"

Madison looked at her inquisitively.

The men were tied to the back of Jenny's pink Nissan Skyline. They were tied by their ankles, and their arms were bound to their bodies. Madison sat in the front seat, Engy in the back, behind Jenny so he could sniff her shoulders, and Madison laughed as Jenny looked over at her.

"I think it is safe to say that what happened with Chris is the best thing that ever happened to me.........because now......."

She shifted the stick shift.

".........because the back". The two of them laughed as she popped the clutch and hit the gas.

The Diva Of The Damned

"So here we are, ladies. The moment I have been talking about for weeks now. The King of the Ring Pay Per View is upon us---there are some huge matches on the card but once again, like always, all the lights are on me. All eyes are on me. This event is about ME. These two snail trails I have to step in the ring with? They are only there because the XWF has to fill the womens division with warm bodies. This belt is as good as mine, and it has been.

Ezariaha, I've beaten you what, twice now? You've disappeared and now decide to resurface and go for a belt you don't deserve. You're just a number, just a statistic, and I am going to add you to the record books as another L. Ezariaha, you're a failed abortion whose birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory. You must have been born on a highway, because that's where most accidents happen. I've noticed you haven't opened your Lane Bryant lips yet to cut a promo at me. If you want to upset me there is no need to speak, your face is enough of an insult. I mean, for real. There is plus sized, and then there is you. You're a big bitch, Ezzy, and that is okay. It is 2017.......just because you need cheat codes to play Wii Fit doesn't mean you should be judged........

Even though you are.

And Abigail? She has had like what, one match here? Two?

Sure, wins over Rosalina and Isabella are on her backstage page. How about a loss to Tommy Wish? You can say I am not perfect in the win loss column, you can claim I lost the match that I MADE in my hometown to can claim anything you want Abby......but the truth is that I have only had 14 official matches here as an active member of this roster and I am already considered a "Main Eventer". You're a Main Eventer by default. There is a difference. Sure, I lost to Roxy, but I think I showed my worth here against Madison Dyson. I earned her respect, and she even offered to be the special guest ref in this match. You really think that bodes well in your favor? This belt was, for all intents and purposes, created FOR ME. Vinnie saw a woman taking over and anchoring down as a top competitor here and he decided to save his investment. Roxy gave him the idea and he saw it as good marketing. I AM THE WHOLE DAMN SHOW. Men want to watch me, women want to be me. I am the ratings, I put money in the Loverboy's pockets. All that jewelry he buys for Roxy, it is from the revenue I bring in. Lets be honest, I am the draw. Chris is, too, but I'd rather not talk about that right now.

When I step through that curtain and Sex Metal Barbie hits, you will hear that crowd buzz. You will see all of those big toothed British men drool because they know their wives will never look as good as me. You will see those big toothed British women cross their arms and roll their eyes because they know perfection has finally arrived. There is nothing either of you two can say to me that I haven't already heard. Call me a slut. Say I surgically altered my appearance. Say I am a cheater, a liar, a down right cunt. I have heard it all before, and I am sure I will hear it all again in the future. Tell me we lost the Tag Tournament because of me. All of that is fine. I know who I am and for the first time in my life I have accepted who I am. I am in shape, getting better in the ring nightly, and have a killer instinct I never before had.

Chris Chaos has yet another high profile match, but how do you think he got to where he was? Look at every big moment he has had here, every major victory, and look who was at ringside. Look who helped to propel him to glory. I will not be at ringside at this event, and we will see just how good he is without me.

So ladies....if I were you, I just wouldn't show up. I would let me win by forfeit because if either if you step into that ring, you're going to be in for a world of hurt. I can explain it to you, but I can’t understand it for you. I am the type of person who learns and teaches by example. Show up to the PPV and I'll show ya.

The BITCH is back in the form of PERFECTION.

Pure Perfection


[Image: BWVb4rb.gif]

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Abigail (08-09-2017), Chris Chaos (08-09-2017), Finn Kühn (08-08-2017), JackCain (08-09-2017), Neville Sinclair (08-08-2017), Phantom Panzer (08-09-2017)

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