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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » King of the Ring 2017 RP Board
The Feder Hunt Pt. 4
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Seth Feder Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-08-2017, 12:27 PM

A loud scream follows a few gunshots in the city that likes to parade itself as the party capital of the world, Las Vegas. No one walking on the streets appear to be alarmed and continue to enjoy their night out on the town. The smell gives off a very strange odor -- a mixing of sweaty jockstraps after a long game and various kinds of alcohol. Needless to say, it wasn't pleasant for a visitor but to the residents, it was just the normal scent.

In a short period of time, another gun is heard but without the screams. In this scenario, the gunshots are followed by a bunch of hollers and encouragement from other guys; possibly a gang related event. And once again, no one bats an eye at the noise.

Once you move a few blocks away appears to be a completely different world in another dimension. This is the place people often talk about or visit when they want to go for a family vacation such as the Griswald's, or to sow all your wild oats before settling down in life.

The buildings are constantly giving light to the streets. People are always around no matter the time. I'm not so convinced that New York City is the only city that "never sleeps." The bars are always full and no matter what time of day it is, there is something to do even while you're drunk.

Meet someone and want to get married right away? You can.

Do you want to drop your pants and get a blowjob? Pick your sucker.

Want to drink until you fall asleep? There's a bar for that.

Desire to leave wealthy, or at least leave with more money in your possession? It's a bit more difficult than the others, but it is possible.

And we can't forget about the sporting events taking place where you can enjoy the sport itself, bet on a winner to get some cash, or meet the right (and wrong) people.

While there are laws in Vegas like any other, it's not as forced. It's the party city. The city's motto should be "Fuck it."

There are a few that love to stay in this environment so they setup shop, work and play in the same pool; and the rest just want to have a short-time and get back to normal. It has a strange draw to the world and lures innocent among the guilty. You could fuck a porn star on the streets or a crack addict. You could be rolling the dice with a murderer who was just released from prison somewhere else and not know it. You wouldn't care if you both were making money.

Mr. 10 Times Better has a love-hate relationship with this city.

He loves the alcohol --- Seth is lying on the streets hammered from the previous three day journey of exploring every kind of alcoholic beverage around.

He loves the ladies -- Seth in a large suite at one of the casino's making out with Kiera Winters, Ariana Marie, and Kimmy Granger. (They were all wasted.)

He enjoys the company of some big stars -- Seth interrupting private conversations between Dana White and some other celebrities.

And then there are the not-so-loving moments...

Seth pulling on his hair at the craps table, probably losing all his winnings and going into the negative.

Seth trying to run from security with hands full of money, but eventually getting caught and tased.

Seth fighting.

Seth being arrested after pissing all over the floor of a convenience store while under the influence and a joint in his mouth.

Today, is one of those love days...

Vinnie didn't trust Seth, and for good reason. Vinnie had just built a brand new home in Las Vegas, but he wasn't aware of Seth's relationship with the city. Once peace came over Vinnie from Seth's attitude and lying tongue, they took a brief trip so Vinnie could examine his new home.

Seth would often look at various things in the home, and tell Vinnie that it's probably bugged in someway. Seth even put crowns in the mailbox so when Vinnie would check it, he would get more paranoid about the Kings watching his every move. He must have thought they knew Vinnie was getting Sid, and would do everything possible to intercept Sid himself or just stop the 'transaction.'

This also started to put a wedge between Seth and Vinnie. Vinnie started to wonder if Seth was really working for the Kings. He knew Seth loved money,
and Theo Pryce had plenty to lure him in. Vinnie had no choice but to let Seth move in and keep his eye on him.

One day, Seth was able to lace Vinnie's drink and food at lunch time with some unknown substance. (Vinnie and Seth are the only two that could tell you what it was.) Vinnie zoned out hard. Seth informed those watching over the home and Vinnie, that he was going to go explore the city.

Late in the evening -- about 1:00am -- Vinnie was waking up and knew Seth had something to do with his "trip." When he asked where Seth was, they informed him he had gone to explore Vegas.

Vinnie also found out several thousand dollars were missing from one of his briefcases. He wasn't exactly happy about Seth's life.

Vinnie wasn't about to just call the deal off, especially when Sid's big return to destroy the kings is a big part of it; he just has to deal with Seth a little bit longer. He decided to go get Seth and drag him back to the house.

After a few hours of searching, he saw Seth.

Seth was winning -- and winning big. Vinnie was half-way pissed, but couldn't help but be interested in seeing how much Seth could win. They didn't say a word to each other. The silence between the two was good enough for Seth to continue on his winning way.

Seth had just turned a few thousand dollars into half a million. How could Vinnie be upset? He had a fun little trip and now has half a million dollars more than he had earlier.

Vinnie zoned out. Once he came to, Seth was missing. Vinnie panicked and saw Seth now at the roulette table, and got more uneasy. He ran towards Seth but it was too late.

Seth had placed a half a million dollar bet on red 31.

Seth just won.

Vinnie couldn't believe it. They hugged and celebrated. Seth thought it was a good time to tell Vinnie...

"Sid's number is disconnected. I'll fight for you."

Vinnie stopped celebrating.

"Until I get Sid. I'll find him, don't worry. It's just gonna take some time."

Fast Forward To This Past Saturday, Sunday, & Monday

Vinnie announced that Seth Feder will be a special entry into the King of the Ring, and his first opponent will be Phantom Panzer. Later on that night, if successful, will face either TRAX or The Engineer.

Somewhere in Vegas, Seth is sitting by a fence in the dark with a lit cigarette in his mouth.

"The Phantom Panzer decides he wants to be a fighter. To be honest, I don't know what to even think of you. You can't be Doink from the early WWF/E days since he actually had some talent in the ring. You're not a Homey the Clown knock-off since that guy was somewhat entertaining. I've never heard you sing, but Puddles already took that gig. You don't remind me of the demon clown in Spawn. We all can understand why Stephen King chose Pennywise to portray a threatening clown and not your dumbass.

I take it you're just some punk rock bitch who couldn't make it in music, tried to be a fucking juggalo and got pushed aside, so you hid your true identity by wearing clown make-up in hopes you'll be somewhat recognized or a threat or entertaining. Well, we all know that ship never left the damn dock. Your fucking balloon gets more TV time than you do.

I guess since you have no fucking life or worth of anything short of a shit, you have to be this fucking clown who rambles about dimensions or some shit. I don't know what dimension or world you were a threat in, but it must be the same place Gumby was the King, the Teletubbies were the army, and Barney was the 'Vegas' entertainer. In this world, you're just another cock blower bitch and tries to suck his way to the top.

I do sense you and Trax have this tense sexual frustration thing going on. You tell him to get your INFLATABLE FLESH HAMMER and he tells you "Phantom Panzer has already squatted and churned out". Between the flesh hammer and Trax picturing the clown squatting is a bit much for me. You fucking .

Then this fucktard Trax wants to talk about him being the only true possibility of a king between the final four.

Trax, I'm glad you remember a win over me because I really don't give a fuck about who pinned who, at what time, in what year. I swear people love to live in the past and celebrate it like it's in the present or future. Poppa Feder helped this guy, which then brought up this guy and then that guy helped this guy, finally that guy made a deal with this other guy who met a different guy who got the job done. It's like you're TMZ trying to get a report on someone else's life than to actually get a handle on your own.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you probably subscribe to some Hollywood Magazine or Email list so you can find out who broke up with who, and who is going to end up getting together; who fucked who and why it happened. The fact that you said my name, my brother's name, and my Pops name goes to show you that no matter what kind of smoke you blow up people's asses, it's going to have brand name -- Feder.

It's a damn shame you didn't talk about Sid's and Pop's accomplishments after talking about yours, since you like to live in the past. Go ahead and revisit what they've done.

I know. You'd say, "You're not them. You're SETH." Right? No -- shit. My point is you like to talk about Sid and Pops when Seth comes up, then parade your past like you landed on the moon.

I'm not Sid. I'm not Pops. I don't have a million accomplishments. And I don't really give two shits about that -- because I don't live in the past.

Now as far as your whole "I'm not Trax exactly, I am but I'm not. I'm more, so much more!" deal. Don't have we a doctor who deals with Dissociative Identity Disorder? Or was that another doctor?

I don't really know much of a difference between the old you and the newer you. Just because you spray a different color of paint on a 87 volvo doesn't mean it becomes a lamborghini, you dumb fuck. If you lose, will you be yet a newer new you? A Tracks with a CKS instead of that X? Will that be something you tie into your brand new you? 'I'm gonna run over you if you get on my tracks!' For fuck sake.

I noticed you like to emphasize words.


...'born RULER'

...'Kings saw no CHOICE'

...'I'm not sure WHAT Lane's game is'

Maybe it's the only way you can communicate? Maybe it's why some people misunderstood the old you and made you have to start as a newer new you? Well, let me help in Trax lingo.


I'm going to KICK-AH...

Your ASS-AH...

I don't CARE-AH...

If it's the OLD Trax-AH!...

OR the NEW Trax-AH!

You'll ALWAYS-AH...

Be a fucking PUSSY-AH.

Fuck. Vinnie, you owe me more money for dealing with this horseshit.

It used to be one space man, one preacher, one guy turned woman, and a bunch of useless psycho's. Now, it's a guy who is but isn't, yet is all that will be and more than the old him but focuses on the past; a fucking clown who does other shit, thinks he's in these other worlds and created dimensions or some shit, but really all I know is he makes balloons and wants Trax to suck on his inflatable flesh hammer; and Engy (and Maddy), and I don't really know what to make of them.

Engy, and Maddy, we don't have any beef. You're right. We just have to deal with two cock blowers who obviously have love for one another but won't say it out right. If you make it past Trax, then we'll just have fun kicking the shit out of each other until someone loses and the other wins. But we all know who will be the next King.

Get ready for a fun night. 10 Times Better is about to make this place 10 Times Better."

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