Phantom Panzer
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Joined: Thu May 18 2017
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08-07-2017, 07:24 AM
The battle commenced, on a scale never seen before. Two massive entities clashing in a power struggle, both floating in the vastness in space, the power of them both being pushed into the other, Panzer's hands pressing into the animalistic creature's mix of humanoid hand, but it seemed mixed with an dog or a cat's paws. Its fingertips digging its claw like fingertips into Panzer's flesh. He growled as they had this massive power struggle for what seemed like hours, when in reality, it was barely a minute. That is when Panzer brought his knee straight up into David's midsection. While he seemed to be on the force of Good, he still didn't mind employing some dirtier tactics to win power struggles. Or to win. With the creature doubled over, a massive arm propelled itself through space, too 'fast' for the creature to react, hitting it hard into its jaw, and causing it to fly across space.
Panzer flew after David, who began to crash through planets, destroying civilizations and entire livelihoods for those people and creatures there. It had to stop itself only to feel Panzer flying into it, shoulder first into its midsection. This caused the two massive entities to continue to destroy entire planets in this single galaxy of this one universe in the first couple minutes of their fight. Tired of being manhandled, David began to bring its claws up Panzer's back bringing forth blood, which began to freeze instantly, while Panzer's wounds closed to prevent further blood from being lost. He then felt David's fists beginning to slam into his shoulders, trying to get him away. It worked and Panzer backed off. They then entered a fist fight, throwing lefts and rights, with very little amount of blocking, causing both of them to be punched hard enough to bleed.
David then swung his head forward, headbutting Panzer hard enough to send him flying through space. David flew after him 'quickly' and caught him by the foot. David swung Panzer up and down towards him, where the clown met a giant fist slamming into his face with such force that Panzer spun around. David didn't fly this time. Instead, by hurting Panzer, it was growing stronger, and he was now able to teleport, allowing it to appear ahead of Panzer. It slammed a knee into Panzer's back, causing the clown to let out a loud cry into the vacuum of space. As he turned, he felt David's fist slamming into his gut time and time again. Panzer then blocked one fist, yanking David into his own headbutt, stunning it long enough that Panzer slapped in a guillotine choke, and began to choke the life out of David. He flew with them towards the biggest, hottest star in this entire universe as he choked David. He'd eventually get David to a star almost as big as the star in the 'normie' Universe, the star only labeled WR 102. Once there, they could feel the immense heat from this star, and Panzer slammed David's face into that massive ball of gas, beginning to burn it.
In retaliation, David began to spew out an army of those soldiers that decimated Jemmy's homeworld. Panzer continued to fight and fight, but the small soldiers were overwhelming. So, to end that problem, Panzer teleported away, bringing his left hand up, imbuing it with energy, before and then swung his arm towards both the army and David, who had begun to float away from the star. Panzer began to swing his arm as fast he could as he sent out waves of the energy at the army, making sure to absolutely destroy it. He then flew towards David, who had disappeared, without Panzer knowing. How he found out David had disappeared? When David had appeared above him, and slammed its hands so hard into the back of Panzer's skull, it actually knocked him unconscious. David followed after the spinning Panzer, before catching Panzer, and wrapped its arms around the clown's body, trapping his arms so that as it bear hugged him, David began to squeeze the life out of Panzer, as well as beginning to attempt to break his body. With having had received such a hard hit, the clown was seemingly out for the count, and wasn't going to get out of it. The more pressure applied to Panzer, the sooner Panzer was slowly gaining consciousness. The clown grit his teeth, growling out, before doing two thing: headbutting and kneeing David. The combination of those two actions let Panzer free. He then raised his right leg and kicked David away. He followed it up with bringing his right hand, forming a gun sign, taking aim at David, but as he did so white energy began to form into his hand. He aimed a bit more and then pressed his thumb to his fingers and actual recoil, not faked, came as he fired an energy beam straight for David. David had regained its composure long enough that as it saw the beam, it smacked that shit away and it went straight to a planet. The planet began to crack, to seemingly boil, then explode much like a shrapnel filled grenade, hitting them both with pieces of planet.
"Why don't we get serious?"
Panzer nodded
"Let's, get, dangerous. HA HA HAAAAA.... Darkwing Duck and Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law references."
The creature looked at him quizzically, but not for long, as it opened its mouth, and a massive beam of black energy shot out at Panzer with no warning. The clown's hands would glow with white light, protecting him as he raised his hands to shield himself by using his hands to take the brunt of damage. However, as he did this, small streams of black energy began to fly beyond him, and it began to destroy planet and star behind them, lighting them up with dark light before they began to explode, only for the stars to ignite everything around it when it became a supernova, and turn all of the things into scorched rocks. Panzer could feel the peoples and things being destroyed, and while it hurt him, he knew it was a fight worth winning. If he didn't, he knew each universe would be destroyed. His hands grew brighter, and soon he'd block all of the energy being spewed at him. David disappeared soon after, and teleported behind Panzer, kneeing him in the back, forcing him to stop blocking just long enough to feel a bit of the creature's energy slam into his chest. It burned his skin, beginning to blister it with the evil of the creature. David brought its hands to Panzer's ribs, and dug the claws in, so deep that each claw slid between each rib. Panzer let out a roar of pain, feeling a burning inside his flesh as if it was trying to seep its energies inside of him, to kill him from inside. So Panzer did the only thing he could think of, and swung his left leg straight between the creature's legs, hoping it had some semblance of balls, or something. Some weak spot. While it did not, the strike was hard enough to startle it, but not let go. So Panzer continued to strike it, and soon it would relent, with its claws being pulled out, and Panzer fell forward only to donkey kick the creature away from him.
He flew away from David, and would form blades of white energy using his hands as the blades, with the energy growing large enough and pointed to look like blades. The creature manifested a very long black whip.
David smirked
"You have no idea."
Panzer charged at David, and with a quick flick of its left wrist, the whip smacked and wrapped around Panzer's left arm, and yanked him straight into a massive right hand, where David began to yo-yo Panzer only for the clown to cut the whip, only for David to reform the shape. So, like an idiot, Panzer flew at David once more, whom flicked its wrist once more, but Panzer was smart this time, to use the blade to cut the whip the moment it was about to touch him. David formed a black quarter-bubble like shield as Panzer came crashing down upon it, only for grey sparks to fly off of the shielding. Panzer sent his knee into the creature's guts. only for David to retaliate by trying to use its free hand to slash at Panzer's skin, only for Panzer to cut the hand off. The massive amount of pain coursing through David, caused him to drop the shielding. He disappeared, and Panzer followed with him. Flashes of their collisions being seen, but not them, until the creature appeared, with Panzer reappearing, but flying at it. That's when it decided to reveal its hand reappearing right before Panzer's eyes, which caught the clown's sight for just long enough that David's whip had been flying at Panzer, and wrapped right around his throat, with David flying above him, the energy disappearing from Panzer's hands as he panicked not thinking to just cut the whip, and instead was like "MY NECK! MY MOST VITAL AREA!" as David reeled him upwards, and pulled him up against its feet. A combination of using its muscles in its legs and arms, with pulling up as it pushed down, choking the clown out, simulating hanging him without actually using any gravity choking him.
Panzer had to think quickly, and he did, as his neck began to crackle and pop, which were never a good sign unless you're with a chiropractor, and David was no licensed chiropractor. Panzer formed an energy sword once more, and cut free from the whip, then cut through the wrapped portion without care, which caused him to cut himself open. The cockiness of David is what would be his downfall, as Panzer stabbed through its calf, then formed another sword and flew up, only for Panzer to swing his other hand to stab straight through its throat. Thanks to their energy being the only thing that could hurt one another, David began to ooze the inky black essence out into the universe. The blades disappeared and Panzer 'quickly' grabbed David and flew with him towards the massive star, and began to cook the creature alive.
It took what seemed an eternity to truly cook this sonofabitch, as if the star was nothing more than an E-Z Bake Oven, but it still did its job, killing all trace of David... seemingly. As Panzer was too distracted the creature's blood had trailed with Panzer. The distraction for Panzer? Jemmy's family. Hell, the family of every Baby-Person killed in the 2 year war. He had to return to them.
Thus came unto the Baby-People a time of much sadness, regret and a celebration of the life of those that died in the war. Panzer was not allowed to come back for being the reason why the creature came to their planet, and the clown accepted it. He was the reason why Jemmy died. He was the cause of this suffering and pain. He would kick him off the planet as well. Panzer created a rift to go back to his pocket dimension, where he can rest up from the battle, and get ready for the future of things that have yet to come.