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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » King of the Ring 2017 RP Board
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

08-06-2017, 03:14 PM


Trax had not been himself as of late. With the deceased Shane Grimson's cursed soul seemingly infecting his mind, Mr F'N Dominance had become increasingly violent and sinister. First, he had violently attacked his first round KOTR opponent and old rival St Diabolicus after their match which Trax had won, Trax's attack being so brutal that St Diabolicus had to be hospitalized and even long time XWF fans who were used to witnessing acts of violence predominant in XWF shows felt uneasy upon watching Trax's assault. When Trax went backstage after the post-match annihilation of St Diabolicus he was confronted by his long time friend Paul Hunter who was shocked and concerned about his old tag team partner's actions, when Paul refused to get out of Trax's way Mr Dominance, without restraint or any sign of remorse, attacked his best friend and left him laid out before exiting the arena. The next day, Trax was confronted by his fiance Jackie in their New York home regarding his actions towards Paul, Trax verbally lashed out at Jackie causing her to pack and up and leave him until he "decided he needed her" to which Trax didn't respond.

Inside Trax's head, Grimson revealed to Trax his worst suspicions, Trax was mentally deteriorating and thus Grimson was gaining more control and taking over. Grimson then broke out of the mental prison he was trapped in and imprisoned Trax within his own mind instead as Grimson took over his body. Grimson had declared that he was going to do something that Trax would hate more than anything else, run rough shot in XWF and prove that he was a better Trax... than Trax himself. First order of business, not only defeat but retire the Xtreme Champion Thaddeus Duke to become the new Xtreme Champion and advance in the King of The Ring tournament. That wasn't the only business Grimson, now in seemingly complete control of Trax's body, was looking to see to however. While he was physically alive, Grimson was a respected criminal boss who upon his death at Trax's hands subsequently lost his "empire" in New York. However, using Trax's resurfaced superhuman powers, Grimson infiltrated a prison and freed a number of the dangerous high level inmates from their cells, offering to free them from the prison if they agreed to return the favour....

August 1st 2017

The scene opens inside a dingy, barely lit room full of burly looking men standing around an wooden table, on top of the table rests a locked briefcase. Then men are huddled together talking quietly among themselves when the door to the room opens and in walks in a man whom many would believe to be Trax, however many people would be wrong...this man, flashing a twisted smile, is certainly not Trax, regardless of the fact that he's wearing Trax's skin, so to speak. Upon his entry, the men all turn towards him, "Trax" looks around the room whilst still maintaining that twisted smirk.

Gentlemen. I hope you are well.

"Trax" grins and begins to circle the men around the room, looking them up and down, as if inspecting them, one of them finally speaks out.

You gonna tell us what this is all about? What do you want? You broke us out of prison but what for?

"Trax" continues to circle the group of 15 or so men, as he continues to analyse them.

Simple. I need men, good men, men who can get things done. In... a past life I guess you could say... I used to work with such men and together we ruled this city, nothing happened unless it went through us. I took a fall from grace and most of those men disappeared. But I'm back now and I'm looking to run this city once again, but to do that I'm going to need good men by my side once again.

Another one of the men snorts loudly and speaks.

Uh huh, OK Escobar. The only running you or any of us is gonna be doing is from the feds, cites swarming with police tryna find us. Nice little hideout you got here but won't be long till they're on us, surprised they ain't already.

"Trax" laughs heartily and the men look at each other confused.

Don't worry your pretty little head about the police. They're not out looking for us, ANY of us. I've pulled enough strings, bribed enough dirty cops and the right authority figures to make sure of that, and there's been barely any media coverage over the breakout. You'd be surprised what you can do with money and I have lots of it, trust me. As will you all if you come on board. You have nothing to fear, I use this hideout for convenience, nothing more. We're not hiding from nobody.

The men look among themselves once more before finally yet another one of them speaks out.

Prove it.

Excuse me?

You're saying you've got all this money, prove it.

Sure thing, 3564.

What the fuck is that?

The code to the case on the table. Open it.

The men all turn to look at the case, one of the men nearest to it punches the code in on the dial lock and opens the case, his eyes go wide as he reaches in and pulls out a stack of 100 dollar notes, at least 5 inches thick.

Its fulla stacks just like this! Theres gotta be over a million dollars in here. I...

Before the man can finish "Trax" teleports next to him yanks the stack of money out his hands, throwing it back in the case and slamming the lid shut, the men all step away from "Trax" in shock.

Holy shit.

How do you DO that?

What the fuck are you?

Don't worry about what I am or how I do what I do. You thought what was in that case was impressive, thats just a small fraction of the type of money you can expect to see if you help me.

The men once again look among themselves. Another speaks.

What exactly do you want us to do?

As I said...I took a fall from grace, in my absence, other men took over the drugs and firearm operations as well as other sources of much needed revenue. I have names, and I have locations. I could do this dirty work myself however I cannot maintain and oversee everything once I've reestablished myself as New York's Kingpin by myself..which is where my need for good LOYAL men come in, men who I assure you, will make very rich if they see their given tasks gentlemen.

"Trax" smiles once more as he looks around the room.

Whats it going to be?

The room goes silent and still for a few seconds until someone next to "Trax" breaks the silence.

I'm in.

Me too.

The men in the room all begin to nod in unison, causing "Trax's" twisted smile to expand even wider.

Excellent, we begin tonight.

Few Hours Later.

A olive skinned, black haired man sits in a lavish restaurant in uptown Manhattan, seated at a table next to a large window giving a view of the streets outside, a young voluptuous blonde woman who has to be at least 20 or so years younger than him sitting opposite him. The couple are eating their chosen meals while washing it down with fine vintage wine when a black tinted car with no number plate pulls up outside, the windows roll down and several shot get fired out from within the vehicle at the restaurants window. The bullets shatter the glass and one of them hits the olive skinned man directly in the side of his head, the car quickly pulls away as people inside the restaurant scream and scramble, the young blonde woman, covered in blood which isn't her own screaming at the sight of the man she was just dining with laying face down in his plate, a bullet hole gushing out blood out from the side of his head mixing in with the spilt wine. Elsewhere, in another part of uptown Manhattan, a young man exits a hotel and walks down the steps towards the parked up limousine awaiting him, the chauffeur exits the vehicle and opens the back door for the man, before shutting it behind him when he enters getting back to the drivers seat and driving off with the man inside. The luxurious car traverses a couple of blocks before pulling into an alleyway, the man in the back of the car then proceeds to yell out to the driver asking him what the hell he is playing at, to which the driver who is not his true designated driver, turns to him and smiles before aiming a silenced handgun directly at his chest and unloading a couple rounds. Not too long after that incident, in downtown Brooklyn,a dark skinned bald man walks down a crumbling sidewalk. Its dead of night and the streets are empty, mostly, however another man, whose face is hidden with a hood and low brimmed cap walks down the same sidewalk going in the opposite direction, the two mens eyes meet, and when they are about to pass each other, the hooded man pulls out a knife and stabs the other man directly in the heart, several times, before continuing to walk down the street as casually as ever as the other man lays on the ground clutching his chest as the blood begins to pour out his body and his last breaths begin to leave him. All the while,"Trax" sits at his office desk back in his New York estate, the twisted smirk still present as the scene fades out.

August 2nd 2017

Jackie sits on the couch in her friend's Lily's living room apartment, accompanied by Lily herself as the two watch Wednesday Warfare in silence. The two watch the KOTR round 2 match against Trax and Thaddeus Duke, which was meant to also be for the X-Treme title until King member John Samuels pulled a fast one and pinned Duke before the match. The two watch as Trax and Duke have a back and forth match which ends with a top rope O.T.M by Trax. Jackie and Lily watch as Trax pins Duke for the victory, then proceeds to watch Trax attempt to cripple Thaddeus Duke after the match, crushing his throat with a steel chair and shooting him point blank multiple times with energy blasts.Jackie stares blankly at the screen as Lily puts her hands over her mouth and then shouts.

What the hell is that maniac doing to that poor boy!?

Lily puts her hands over her mouth again realizing what words have just escaped from it.

Jackie I'm sorry...we don't have to watch this, we shouldn't watch this.

This isn't him, somethings wrong...


Somethings WRONG.

Jackie storms out the living room and runs up the stairs to the bathroom, she locks the door and leans against it trembling all over, she reaches a shaky hand into her jean pocket and pulls her phone out, punching in a number before putting the phone up to her ear waiting for the person she called to pick up as she forces herself to stop shaking from head to toe.




Hey, its me Jackie...look...something is wrong with Trax and I don't know why but....I just have a feeling that if theres anybody that can help'd be you. So

Jackie grips the phone tight and listens to the what the person on the other end of the call has to say as the scene cuts out.


I did it....I DID IT.

Shane Grimson laughs gleefully in front of Trax, still imprisoned in the glass case, imprisoned in his own mind. Trax has a look of despair on his face and looks visibly gaunt and weak as Grimson continues to laugh.

I did what you've failed to do ever since your abysmal return, obtained championship gold, made you relevant again something which you couldn't do yourself!


And you hate it don't you? Good. GOOD. You're going to loath what happens next, I'm going to win the tournament and become the new KING of XWF! Me! Not you! No, it won't be "King Trax" sitting on the throne, I have another name in mind now...


YOU don't get to tell me to stop, YOU are not in control here. I AM. Complete control, the only reason you exist as an mental projection in what was once your own head is because I allow it, but you know what? I think I'm done allowing you even that, I'm sick of hearing your pathetic whimpering.


Be gone.

Grimson waves his hand, and the glass case begins to rapidly de-materialise along with Trax inside it. Trax lets out one last desperate, useless yell before both he and the glass case surrounding him disintegrate into nothingness, leaving Grimson there standing alone in the black void that was once Trax's psyche.

Ah, much better.



It is I, your future newest KING.

Of course, is there any doubt?

If there is even a slither of scepticism around my words then you simply have not been paying good enough attention. I set myself a goal and I will see it through to its end. I will see to it that I am the man who rests on the throne, your new King, and still your X-TREME CHAMPION. See me, unlike some other people you may be familiar with, am a doer, I say things, and they get done. I said I was going to end Thaddeus Duke's worthless career and it appears to me I've done just that. I highly doubt we will be seeing or hearing from the Duke boy again, he may claim its because his obligations lie elsewhere, to his military, his country, its all lies. I know the real reason we won't be seeing him again, he got a taste of what a real born champion, born RULER, can do in that ring. He saw first hand what a true champion looks like and the realisation that he'll never be on that level sunk in the same way I sunk his body into the canvas with the force of a freight train. Thats why he will no longer be around and thats why I am your new X-Treme Champion. Now, before any of you simple minded fools try to point out just HOW I ended up with the Xtreme Championship, learn to look at the bigger picture. I made such an example out Duke that the Kings saw no CHOICE but to hand over the title, they knew I was the rightful owner, regardless if Samuels pinned him for it mere days before I was set to take the title off the boy. Of course they handed it over on the condition that I give Samuels a title shot at a later date, which is fine by me. I have no quarrels with The Kings at this point in time, but if Samuels wants a shot at me? At this? Then thats his funeral he's booking. I'm more than happy to oblige.

However I'll cross that bridge when I get to it, now I have to focus on claiming my rightful crown and looking at the three other men reaching for the same crown, I must say I do like my chances and am not the least bit concerned. Phantom Panzer, The Engineer, and the returning Seth Feder, the other three semi-finalists in this tournament, can anyone envision any one of those three as the future King of XWF? No? Me either. One of the other semi-finalists has already been busy it seems, yes Phantom Panzer has already squatted and churned out two promoturds with all his might already. Panzer, the clown who can seemingly manipulate reality and traverse and even create other dimensions. Well Panzer in absolutely no reality or dimension are you fit to be the declared King of any federation, despite your godly powers which I admit triumph even my own, your clown appearance is still quite fitting when observing your wrestling skills, or lack of so to speak. As intrigued as I am about your space-bending abilities I'm more intrigued on just how exactly you've made it to this point. I won't put too much thought into it however, because I doubt you'll be making it past the Feder boy, and no not because Seth is any good, in fact on the contrary me thinking you won't be making it past Seth is a testament on just how trash I think you actually are Panzer.

Seth Feder, the man who no matter how far he run's cannot run out of his brothers or fathers shadow. I'd be much more excited at the prospect of facing a Feder if it was Sid or Poppa Feder, but alas, I guess I will have to settle with slapping around the red headed stepchild of the family in the final KOTR match. It must be nice getting a bye straight to the semi finals of this tournament simply because your poppa helped the old boss Lane win a meaningless PPV match over a year ago. I'm not sure WHAT Lanes game is exactly, but whatever it is I feel sorry for you that he's dragged you into this mess, and to think,you probably think he's done you a favour. Not quite. Do you remember the last match you had here Feder? Do you remember who the last man was to pin your entitled shoulders to the canvas? It was Trax. Trax beat you, thats all I need to know, considering anyone he was capable of beating, I am, twice over with less effort. Now I know you might be scratching your head confused thinking I AM Trax but again...not quite. I'm so much more. I have all of Trax's skills and talent, but none of his mental weakness or restraint, which is a big difference, believe me. Need proof? Check last Warfare or the Warfare before that, theres your proof. Your family name and reasons for being back be damned, if we meet in that final KOTR match, which I am fully expecting, I will not hesitate to gut you for that crown, and I will drag your lifeless corpse by your jew-fro around that ring after for the whole world to see.

Now, The Engineer is at this point most likely wondering why I'm talking about Panzer and Seth Feder and not aiming my words at him, and even though he does seem quite special, of the mini short bus variety, deep down he knows the answer to that. I'm not over looking him, I'm showing him as much attention as he deserves. He knows that. He doesn't stand a chance against me, he knows that. Last Warfare you overcame a former Universal Champion in Chris Chaos, I'm aware. I'm also aware you have his blonde tart to thank for that pretty much. As far as avoidable losses go, that one was on the biggest ones I've seen in recent history. You should be thankful of the circumstances that arose in that match that allowed you to snag victory, you've had a good ride, but it ends here. You won't be advancing in this tournament, and you most certainly won't be becoming X-Treme Champion by pinning me either, get that idea out your head right now, that title, as is victory in general for you next Warfare, is completely out of your reach.

Now, Engy. I don't know much about you, nor do I care to. What I do know other than the fact you're "special" in the exact same way Scully is and you've won a couple matches here and there in your brief time in the company is that you really want this win. Thats a given, as I do, which is exactly why you won't be getting it. I notice in a lot of your promos you put yourself down more than your opponents ever could, you show doubt, apprehension, fear even, and in this case you're absolutely right in doing so. You're not on my level, you can't do the things I do and no the fact you're new here has nothing to do with that, in a couple of months time, if by some slight chance you're still here you won't be any closer to be being able to touch me. You won't be any closer to the top, I know you dream of it, you want the fame, the glory, most of all the money I bet. To make up for all those nights you spent homeless which, by the way, doesn't set you apart from a majority of the roster who have spent several weeks or months homeless, ask your former fellow hobo Jim Caedus, so you're not special in THAT regard I'm afraid to say.

I'm sure you'll give it your best regardless how utterly hopeless your situation is, and if you don't realise now for your sake I hope Madison drills it into that empty head before its too late, but I suppose its already too late. You're booked against me and although I have no doubt you'll go down fighting and will wow the audience with impressive displays of strength you're still going down all the same. I will strike you down and if you get back up I will strike you harder until you stay down and even you're able to understand fighting back is not only pointless, but a danger to your well being. Ask Duke if you can find him, I will try and KILL you if thats what it takes to advance, if your too stupid to stay down the first time I put you down in this match. Do you understand Engy? Of course you don't, you probably still think you're up against TRAX next Warfare. You're not. From now on, you will all refer to me as... Killjoy. Thats MR. Killjoy to you Engy. Trax is gone, I killed him. And Engy, come Warfare, if thats what it takes to get me one step closer to the crown, I'll kill you too.


[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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