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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » High Stakes (May 25th) PPV RP Archive
Buried Alive.
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Nightmare Offline
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05-21-2013, 01:01 AM

To dream that you are being buried alive suggests that you are being undermined or stifled in some way. You are feeling trapped or helpless.
-Dream Dictionary

[Image: 8343376133_7a255584ee_z.jpg]

As darkness falls over the Nevada dessert a shadowy Silhouette can be just made out with the help of the distant glow from the Las Vegas lights. The figure is stood with its back to us staring intently from under his hood to the glowing city ahead of him. Even the gust of wind that threw up a small cloud of sand did not affect his attention or posture. Not even a blink of an eye. There was nothing but focus. A pack of coyotes can be heard singing somewhere out in the darkness, they’re probably chasing down a panicked rabbit or ground squirrel in the hope of tiring it out so they can feast on it’s hopeless corpse.

As we move slightly closer to the figure in the distance we notice a shovel stuck into the desert sand slightly to the right, the handle being held firmly by the gloved hand of the shadowy figure. A cold chill flutters down your spine as the closer you get you can see the hole dug into the Nevada Sand.

At about 7 foot in length with a width of 3 foot this was a relatively big hole, big enough for a... body. Your own body shudders as you reach the hole and lean over taking a peek inside. A wooden coffin lays partly covered in dirt with the lid shut. Eight 6 Inch screws can be seen partly tightened holding the lid in place.

The mysterious figure looks down towards the coffin as a small murmur and quiet tapping can be heard from within the wooden casket. The noises from within the coffin begin to grow louder and louder and louder until eventually with a flurry of screams the coffin begins to shake inside the shallow grave. The contents of the coffin have obviously awoken.

Pulling the shovel back out of the dirty the shadowy figure continues to fill back up the hole slowly covering the coffin and its panicked occupant. The screams for freedom from within seem to grow louder with every further covering.

Until, there was nothing but silence.

With the grave almost completely filled the sound of fear and panic has gone.

Dropping the spade down to his side the masked, hooded figure begins to walk off into the darkness.

When The Nightmare Strikes

Laying back into his nice warm bed the victim closes his eyes after a long day at work. His job isn't the best but it pays the bills. The debts which have built up over the previous years have taken grip on his life. Credit card bills, high interest loans, cars, gambling and expensive women have been his world for a long time now. Every single thing you can think of getting in debt over this victim has and he is now trapped in the routine of work and avoiding knocks on his door until his next pay check arrives.

He must pay for his foolishness and tonight is the beginning.

As he slowly drifts off his eyes are flickering under his eye lids. His mind is already beginning to work in overdrive. The demon that will be haunting him tonight still hasn't arrived, but the anticipation in rife and it will soon be time.

The wind outside rattles the windows as the tapping of rain drop begin to ruin the silence. There is a burst of light as the window suddenly blows open and a figure appears to the side of our victim’s bed.

Completely unaware of any intruder out victim lies motionless drifting deeper and deeper into his own subconscious

"I am Nightmare. Your mind is now not your own, but it is mine. The time is upon us for you to be taught a lesson for all of your mistakes."

Nightmare steps closer to the bed and reaches out placing his hand on his victims head. He closes his eyes and with a big flash of light the victim awakens.

The Victim - The Fear

My hands, knees and feet are leaving a track in the sand. My weak body is being dragged by the collar by an unknown giant. The fear is overwhelming.

The last thing I can remember is getting into bed, my eyes closing as I was drifting off to sleep.

Why me?

What do you want with me?

Where are we going?

What is happening?

Who are you?

These are all the thoughts that are running through my head. The thoughts are only going through my head though as the fear has caused some kind of vocal paralysis. I struggle to break the giant hold of my kidnapper but to no avail.

He is too strong.

I feel as weak as I ever have.

Suddenly I am dropped onto my face with a thud. Looking over to my side I can almost make something out, but what is it. It's hard to see, my vision is blurred.

Just as I make out the outline of a shovel stuck in the ground I feel the pressure of the giants hand on my shoulder. With one flick of his hand I am suddenly laying on my back looking up to the heavens. I say a prayer as the masked demon leans over me blocking out the stars in the sky.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRnbBclQOu--9NrU1H0bge...kUWPjKRNij]

I can feel my bladder weakening as a glimmer of light coming from somewhere flickers through his eyes. His dark eyes pierce into mine like a javelin. His hand slowly covers my eyes as I hear quietly into my ear his voice for the very first time.

"You are to be taught a lesson, a lesson for all you have done."

My eyes close and there is nothing but blackness.

The Victim - The Box

My eyes open again as I awaken from my sleep. The realization dawns on me that I have not been sleeping in my own bed tonight. My thoughts begin to drift back a few hours when I left the casino a few thousand dollars down, but what happened next?

I went to the bar, I had a drink. I am sure I didn't have that many though. Not like the last time in some up on a park bench.

I suppose I better get up and try and work out where I am this time.



But I can see the stars... There blurry but I can see them...

Rolling onto my side the realization that I am in some sort of small box confuses me somewhat.

How did I get into here?

Where am I?

Trying to push myself up with my elbow quickly fails as I too weak to move and I fall back onto my back looking back up out of this hole I have gotten myself into.

With a loud bang the sky was gone and there was nothing but darkness.

What the hell...


Realizing this box I am in now has a top panic sets in.


My arms feel very weak but I manage to muster enough strength to reach up to bang on the wood a few feet above my body. The wood is hard and causes a great amount of pain to my hand with every smack.



This continued for a few minutes before finally... I can hear something outside.

Someone's here to save me.





This was all on vein as the realization that the notice I can hear is in fact some sort of electric drill.

What the...


Why I am shouting for help I do not know. By this point it is obvious that whoever is out there is not going to be helping me. They are screwing this lid down. I am being buried alive!

The shock, the fear that this is the end; I am going to die here in this box, all alone. In the middle of god knows where with little chance of ever being found.

A few specks of sand fall through some of the small gaps in the coffin and land on my face. I search for my phone in my pockets. Where is it?

There it is.

No Signal.




The Victim - The Aftermath

With a bolt of lightning I sit straight up in bed. My clothes drenched with sweat and heart racing so fast it hurts. Thank god that I am in my own bed and that there terrible nightmare is now over. I reach over and turn on the light on my bedside table and look at my clock. 4AM.

My mouth is dry so I decide to head to the kitchen to get a glass of water. The rain continues to tap on the windows and the thunder rumbles through the house.

"We haven't had a storm like this in years"

The taste of the water removes the dryness from my throat as I retreat back to bed, with the hope that the night demons will now leave me be.

"Back to work tomorrow"

A word from

"Another lesson learned for another pathetic sole. His life will be forever changed although as I see him drinking his water and heading back to his bed it is obvious that he does not yet know it. This may take more time than I had hoped

I will return to this lost sole later as I must turn my attention to my next victim...

“The Senator” John Samuels.

Arrogance is ugly and there is not any room for it here."

Nightmare turns and walks away from the house with his victim

With another belt of thunder and flash of lightning Nightmare disappears.

[Image: nm_zps35d07197.jpg]
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(05-22-2013), (05-23-2013), Matt Lennox (05-21-2013)

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