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King of the Ring - Segment 1
Author Message
Archie Lawson Offline
Britain's Finest Export

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

08-20-2017, 05:21 AM


From Wembley Stadium in London, England
August 19, 2017

We are LIVE from Wembley, London, and I am joined my broadcast partner, as always, Luca Arzegotti, it’s a pleasure having you out here with me.

And it’s a pleasure to be here J.R,I am hearing whispers that we are going to be joined shortly by the greatest British General Manager in XWF history, and our host for the evening, are you excited?

Uh… Sure! What a night we have got for you ladies and gentlemen! Not only will we crown a NEW King of the Ring, but we will also see The Kings defend their Tag Team title against Team 2.0 and Brucette Blingsteen will defend her Universal Champion against the legendary James Raven! If that’s not going to get your blood boilin’ I dunno what will! I can guarantee that tonight will be a slobber knocker

Certainly J.R, but amongst that we also have Michael Graves versus Jim Caedus, a match which has been boiling over for weeks! PLUS Robbie Bourbon takes on Chris Chaos in an Ironman match, what a night! I can hardly contain myself... And hang on… HERE HE IS!


Archie Lawson makes his way from the back to a huge ovation from the local crowd. As always he is smug, smart and looking down his nose at everyone else. He strolls down the ramp, clambers up the steel steps, rub his feet on the apron and climbs into the middle of the ring. The music stops and the crowd simmers as Archie raises the microphone.

Tonight, we are in the greatest country in the world! We are in the great city in the world! And the show for you tonight is hosted by the greatest general manager in the world! All of this greatness is conclusive. And it is for the greatest federation of them all , the XWF. People have tried to go elsewhere, but this place has the ability to suck you in, chew you up, and swallow you whole. I am your host for the evening, and I hope that you will join me in giving 100% for all of our competitors! Now then, shall we get this show under way?

The Kings' entrance music smashes the arena to a huge ovation from the crowd. Theo Pryce emerges at the top of the ramp. Archie turns and raises an eyebrow out of intrigue.

Archie, Archie, Archie, my dear, old friend. What’s the rush? The people want to know where you’ve been. It’s so strange for you to come crashing in on us like this. Not that I am complaining, of course.

Well Theo, to be honest, I couldn’t keep myself away. You know how this place can consume even the best of us… Well when Vinnie told me that King of the Ring would be held in my home country and that I should help to run the show, how could I resist that offer? Besides, it pays a heck of a lot bigger than being the personal assistant of the Lord of Cunt, I mean Kent. Are you out here for any reason in particular Theo, or just for a catch up?

Just a catch up, to be honest, Arch.

Suddenly a figure emerged from the crowd and slid into the ring. The man ran off the ropes and planted Archie with a spear.

Theo began to rush the ring but the man shot off through the crowd immediately.

The shot fades with Theo seeing to Archie’s injuries.

By gawd, the host is down!!! What the hell was that!!!

This match is a KING OF THE RING SEMI-FINAL! And it is scheduled for one fall! On his way to the ring first, PHANTOM PANZER!!!

Phantom Panzer slowly walks out as the lights dim. Then they light up on the ramp only, and he walks out and as he walks along the lit ramp, blood seemingly follows his every step, coating the ramp. As he reaches the ring, the ring is lit up and before he enters, and as he steps foot inside the squared circle, the effect rushes from all four corners. After a minute, he throws his arms out fast upwards, and the lights brighten as bloodied confetti shoots out and into the crowd.

And his opponent, SETH FEDER!!!!!!!!

The arena goes completely dark, and the words "SETH FEDER" appear on the X-Tron as the opening chords from Bad Moon Rising echo throughout the arena. The lights flash, white, to red, to white, to red. Seth Feder steps out onto the entrance ramp, both arms raised. He jumps, pumps his fists, and starts jawing to the crowd as he makes his way to the ring. He hops onto the apron, spins and looks at the crowd, and then enters.

Feder and Panzer gaze at each other from across the ring.

Here we go! King of the Ring 2017 is underway!

Not a moment too soon!

Panzer and Feder tie up, and Panzer swiftly rakes the eyes! The referee gives him a warning as the fans erups in boos. Feder tries to shake the cobwebs out and rubs his eyes. After a moment, both men are ready to tie up again! Feder goes right after his opponent underestimating Panzer’s maneuverability. Panzer rolls out of an attempted clothesline only to be met with a few knees to the midsection which causes Panzer to fall backwards into the turnbuckle. Feder backs away a few steps and then chages at Panzer, landing a massive SPLASH on the oppoent sending him dazed and confused to the ring floor. Feder lifts Panzer and delivers a punch to the abdomen, Panzer is doubled over giving Feder the opportunity to place him between his legs head first, before he can lift his opponent up for the piledriver Panzer uses all of his strength and flips Feder up and over sending Feder crashing to the mat. Panzer takes a second to compose himself and delivers a knee drop right to his opponent’s abdomen.

Panzer with the cover…




Panzer lifts Feder up by his shaggy long hair and whips him towards the ropes, Feder ducks an attempted big boot to the face and bounces off the far side ropes only to be caught with a hurricanrana on the rebound! Panzer quickly get’s Feder back up and whips him into the corner. Feder smacks into the turnbuckles chest first. Panzer follows Feder to the corner and hits him with a dropkick to the back of the head. Feder bounces off the turnbuckles and then falls to the mat landing flat on his back.

Phantom Panzer is being pretty aggressive here in the opening moments of the match!

That clown wants a crown, Ross.

Panzer drops, going for the cover.




Panzer is up on his knee double checking the count with the referee. He rolls his eyes and gets to his feet, lifting Seth Feder up with him. Seth counters the head hold with a shot to Panzer's solar plexus! Seth upright with a cross chop to Panzer's chest! Set wrenches the arm! He drags Panzer to the center of the ring, and Panzer counters the arm wrench with a hammerlock! He slaps the back of Seth's head and grabs a fistful of hair! The referee in close to warn Panzer, and Feder with a back leg kick between Panzer's legs, crotching him! Panzer releases the hold and Feder spins! He delivers a side kick to Panzer's head! Feder rebounds off the ropes and with a running knee lift sends Panzer crashing to the mat! Feder spins and does a standing moonsault for the pin!



Kickout! Feder rolls off the pin quickly and gets to his feet as Panzer slowly stands! As Panzer is on his knee, Feder charges in with a dropkick! It sends Panzer tumbling to the rope, which props him up in a seated position! Feder shoots off the opposite ropes, bounds off of Panzer with a springboard and comes back down with a second stomp to Panzer's head! Panzer tumbles and drapes himself over the ring apron! Feder vaults the top rope and spins, dropping a knee onto Panzer's face! Feder lands on the ring floor, and reaches under the ropes! Seth Feder has pulled out a fluorescent light bulb. The referee shrugs.

Good god! It looks like the referee is just going to let this happen!

If you want to be king of the XWF, Ross, you gotta get Xtreme!

Feder swings the fluorescent light bulb at Panzer, who slides himself back under the bottom rope quickly as the light bulb misses and cracks the ground, exploding into a million particles of dust and shards of glass. Phantom Panzer now shooting off the opposite ropes and delivering a baseball slide into Seth Feder, sending him crashing into the announce table! As Feder is leaned up against the announce table, Phantom Panzer vaults the ropes while spinning into a springboard, and throws a spinning rolling senton at Feder...


Both men go through the announce table as Jim Ross and Luca scramble out of the way! Phantom Panzer and Seth Feder are laid out amongst the rubble left over from the collision!


Murder/Suicide is more like it!

The referee comes out of the ring and checks both men! He waves to the back as medics come out! A team of medics are attending to each man as each sits up and is checked for concussion! Seth Feder clocks a medic! Phantom Panzer hits one! The medics scramble as both men slowly get up and face each other! Seth Feder throws a vicious chop which cracks through the air of the O2! Panzer retaliates with a chop of his own! Seth backs up on the floor to the ring apron, near the bed of broken fluorescent light bulb all over the ground! Panzer hooks Feder and goes for the vertical suplex onto the broken glass! Feder counters by wrapping the leg around Panzer! Feder with a headbutt as Panzer reels backwards, almost falling into the glass! Feder with a huge chop, echoing with violence, sending Panzer reeling again, almost falling into the glass! Feder scoops Panzer up, looking to deliver the body slam into the glass on the floor! Panzer slides over Feder's shoulder!

This is barbaric! Both men are trying to destroy each other!

I'm not grabbing a broom any time soon.

Feder spins and is kicked in the gut by Panzer! Panzer hooks Feder and lifts, going for a tigerdriver! Feder stalls out at the top of the lift and punches Panzer! He swings down, and delivers a high angle DDT to Panzer into the glass, Feder's back and Panzer's face getting ground up by the shards of glass and concrete!


The fans here in London are giving the most massive honor to a match a fan can give as both Panzer and Feder are laid out on the floor. Feder rolls over out of the glass, showing his back is gashed in several places as blood trickles down his body onto the arena floor. Panzer rolls out of the glass to show a full crimson mask, blood caking on grease paint.

Call these men an ambulance! This is outrageous!

Both men creep to a knee each, and eye each other. Both men stand, and stagger towards each other. Feder delivers a chop to Panzer! No! Panzer catches the arm, and spins Feder towards the apron! He tosses Feder into the ring! Panzer slowly ascends into the ring as Feder stumbles backwards into a corner, both men still heavily damaged from what happened earlier!

Panzer runs at Feder! But Feder ducks it, he runs head first into the turnbuckle, and he walks into...









Feder's done it! He's advancing to the King of the Ring finals against The Engineer or Trax later tonight!

King Feder has a lovely ring to it J.R!

Here is your winner: Seth Feder

The X-Tron begins a familiar marquee.


[Image: Ei0tfBT.jpg]


Long forgotten.

Like a balloon abandoned. Then falling back to the filthy ground. A deflated pile of exploded rubber... shredded string... broken promises... twisted reactions. Pain is weakness leaving the body. A bloody visual kaliedescope of cander. Backed into a corner. Fledging to grasp from the fingers of what was. What failed to complete. Maybe, can still be?

You had given up on me,


No. It's okay. Hey, I get it.

The wait ends.

Me. Your girlfriend. Everything you wished you could be. And have.

I missed you.


And maybe in your guiltiest endulgent meaningful incestial moment.

You missed me too.




If you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.
Margaret Thatcher

[Image: 97166.jpg]
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(08-20-2017), Doctor Louis D'Ville (08-20-2017), JackCain (08-20-2017), Jean Baptiste Le'Croix (08-20-2017), JimCaedus (08-20-2017), Marlow Raxis (08-20-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (08-20-2017), Phantom Panzer (08-20-2017), Theo Pryce (08-20-2017), Travis McCoy (08-20-2017)

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