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BSNN... The Bull Shit News Network
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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

06-10-2017, 07:10 PM

[Image: iNbKMw3.jpg]

Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to BSNN! That’s right BSNN! The Bull Shit News Network, where we play nothing and I mean nothing other than fake news, theory’s or just plain grade A bull shit, all day every day 365 days a year. Here at BSNN bull shit matters. We take pride in our bull shit! Here at BSNN, we are working for you to bring you the top stories of the day! I’m your host, Bobby Dain! Hold on a second folks we have breaking news! This just in Donald Trump gets two scoops of ice-cream with his chocolate cream pie, while other people at the table only get one scoop! This should defiantly lead to his impeachment for sure! How can a sitting president not allow his family to have two scoops! This is a national security measure! As a liberal snowflake, I am outraged! There should be rioting in the streets! Protest! If we do not get our way we will pout and cry until someone takes notice! Really this is news? What else we got? World record for most scoops of ice cream balanced on a cone! Big deal! Got a cat falling into a fish tank! Who cares? Let’s see here, oh Aliens were spotted again over area 51! Gun control narrative again that’s getting played out! The Russia collusion, still no evidence! God, we need some major bullshit! People are tired of hearing the same thing every single day! Wait what? We have a video loading up from Okay? What is it?

The camera pans out inside the television studio. Bobby is sitting behind a news anchor desk with a deep red suit on fake brown wig and mustache. Bobby holds his hand over his earpiece listening nodding. He takes a quick drink of Scotch looking behind him, there is a very large screen beginning to play Cadryn’s newest promo. Bobby looks towards the camera and smiles tossing the papers over his right shoulder!

Folks if you are indeed a fan of bull shit look no further. We have a fresh steaming pile of it for you right here right now! This should be bull shit with a capital B folks! This guy playing behind me is chalked full of it! Let’s listen on for a few moments to what he has to say! We may not agree with everything Cadryn is about to say. These are his own thoughts and opinions! As dumb as they may sound! Bobby turns to the screen rolling his eyes listening for a moment before stopping everything! Now the guy is saying Robert Main has earned his respect? It seems Cadryn has dramatically changed his tune! By the way folks, we have not altered this video in anyway shape or forum. This is just the low-quality trash Cadryn puts out for the world to see every single time he cuts a promo! He also believes these promos as they call them in the wrestling world are award winning? This might be a first here at BSNN. Holy shit![/i]

[Image: UYN8NP5.jpg]

Bobby Dain spins around in his chair a few times watching.

Look at the mug on this guy! Jeez! Is that a smile? Or a trying not to poop his pants? Maybe that's the look he gives when the King's slide it in! What in the hell is a Mariott? Now I have heard of the Las Vegas Marriott! Mariott! Never! Must be on the poor side of town! Those little shit shacks are all filled with drug users and prostitutes! But hey, you do get a free breakfast in the morning! Let’s hope Robert Main take Cadryn’s wife to a cleaner more secure part of town for their dinner! One second folks! Our producer is saying there was indeed a very large homosexual drug bust last night in that very location! If we can get more on that situation and if Cadryn was indeed involved in any way we will let you know as soon as we get word! Wait a second did he just say “reiterated points”? Cadryn is the master of “reiterated points”! Folks this man could beat a dead horse to death for the rest of the show. “The Essence Of Excellence” here we go again folks! Mr. repeat himself! Maybe Mr. Tiberius should think about the whole rebranding himself thing again! He could call himself The Repeater! Or even Mr. Redundant! Hey, let’s get a poll up and see which name the good people listening prefers! I like The Repeater myself. Folks we now have a poll up at! Vote on what you believe is the best in ring name for Cadryn Tiberius!

Bobby Dain burst out laughing for a few moments wiping away tears from his eyes.

[Image: qYjNwwM.jpg]

This guy! He’s pulling an 8 Mile the movie right now! You know where Rabbit raps about everything that is so screwed up in his life? Drops the microphone and the other guy cannot make fun of him! He’s making fun of himself! Only if that were true here! Again for the people at home, we are watching the Cadryn Tiberius, Point, Set, Match promo, for those of you just tuning in! It’s a whopper folks! Now he is again going over Mr. Heymans ranking system once more! Still going over it! Trying to make a case once more on how Robert Main has suddenly stopped at the number one spot in the XWF! And….. Still going on about the ranking system! We’re sorry folks!

Bobby Dain leans back into his chair getting comfortable! As he listens for a few moments as he drifts away, falling asleep! Each snore leaving his body sounding like the word boring! Suddenly Bobby falls out of his chair to the floor. He gets up quickly looking around startled, fixing his fake wig and mustache before looking around the studio one last time! He adjusts his suit taking a seat.

Folks I’m deeply sorry. I seemed to have drifted off there! I guess there wasn’t enough interesting conversation to keep my attention! More on the rankings…… Now it’s how he wears his failures on his sleeve bit. How many times do we have to hear this shit? We know you have plenty of failures! More than Robert Main will ever have! Honestly, maybe you should be the host of this show! Oh, our poll is back with startling results! Of the two options, someone placed a third and that option won on our BSNN poll! That third option was? Let’s see here! Dickless! So the folks at home apparently believe Cadryn you should go by the name Dickless in the ring for now on! Can we bring that graphic up for the people at home?

The Repeater
Mr. Redundant

Did he just say Robert Main has no heart! That’s it! I’m done with this whole thing!

Bobby Dain leaps from his chair ripping down the screen behind him playing Cadryn’s promo. Bobby Dain stomps the screen a few times before tossing his ergonomically designed chair off the stage. He points at the camera for a moment, before flipping the news desk over!

Cadryn, how dare you, sir, question Robert Main’s heart! Who in the hell do you think you are? If I were a wrestler I would punch you out the first chance I saw you! I am a huge Robert Main fan! Robert Main here with us today! I’m going to go and get him right now as a matter of a fact!

Bobby Dain storms off the stage screaming profanities. Within a few seconds dressed in the same dark red suit, Robert Main struts out onto the stage wearing his dark aviator sunglasses. The Hart Championship over one shoulder and the Trio Championship over the other! Both championships shining brightly from the stage lights! They glisten as Robert adjust each of them staring dead into the camera.

Funny how the world watches your promos and we begin to see after one or two okay ideas the original content seems to die out! You’re defiantly no Netflix! Lying in a cheap hotel bed! There aren't any creative ideas, it’s just all filler at this point! Quoting me and repeating yourself. Much like you have done for days now. You might think this rinse and repeat is working to your advantage. It’s not! You want to gab about everything that I do in these long drawn out promos, but what is point are you trying to drive here? Where are you going with this whole thing? For months I have put out quality promos fighting on cards against top talent! Now all of a sudden you want to give this your best shot? You want to give it you're all? Your best shot will fail! Your best shot it worthless! Much like the weak ass man you are! You are nothing more than a worthless worm compared to me! A nobody, a never was! What you are trying to do here is make a name for yourself riding upon my back! You need me to be someone in the XWF! I am established as one of the brightest stars to come along in decades! I’m loved and hated all at once! You agree to everything that I say! I make true points about you and you agree! There is no fighting back about it because you cannot fight the truth! You are what I have been saying all along. A loser! You act like I am just receiving this verbal beat down from you, and honestly I’m not! This whole copy and paste shit will never cut it! I’m sorry you are all talk and nothing more! Hell, I look at your scenery for a second and think to myself wow. Nothing is there. Boring! Hell, man at least Danny Imperial had random pop-ins for me to look at while running his lips! You, on the other hand, have nothing! You recorded a fucking promo in a hotel bed? You’re a true world beater! I’d be shocked if you ever had a creative idea in your life! Let alone show a second of it on camera! At least I give the people watching something to look at in the background besides a fucking hotel room! I go out into the world! You might as well just be a robot talking to us all! Yet you have called me every word in Webster that describes boring! And you want to say pot calling the kettle black? At least I have something going on in them! Then you want to go as far as questioning my heart? If you decide to put your heart, your mind, and soul into everything you do Cadryn maybe you would have gone someplace by now, here in the XWF! That is the secret to my success. You see every time I step through those ropes and wrestle, my heart is on the line as well. My heart gets me through the roughest spots! Your time on this Earth is limited. You are born you grow up and then you die. It’s what you do in-between being born and your death, that’s what matters! I will never come out and pretend I am something I know I am not! I am not going to try and live another man’s life! I write my own tales. I live for me! I do what’s best for me! I’ll never be the one to ride the coattails of another! I refuse to be trapped by your dogma! I will not live your way of life! I will not think like you! Because if I did. I’d be lost forever in your endless cycle of shit! I have the courage to go out there and live the life you never could! You want to question my heart! Maybe you should start by questioning your own! Take a good long look at who you are deep down inside! You are the Kings jester! Nothing more than a joke to them! I am no man’s jester and I never will be! So don’t talk about something you know nothing at all about!

Cadryn seems to be disconnected from the fact that in order to win the Hart Championship he must fight Robert in a triple story cage. Something he has seemed to overlook. Once locked inside this match isn't about witty comebacks or verbal beatings. This becomes a fight! When it comes to this fight there's no honor or code. All that matters is the win and walking out with the championship! Nothing in this match will be taken for granted. Robert knows what is on the line. His reputation, his Hart Championship. The exits will be covered, one way in and no way out. There's nowhere to run. Or any place to hide. In one frozen second in time Robert Main and Cadryn will stand off! Face to face. Their eyes deadlocked on one another. Their faces unreadable, no fear, no invitational smirks. There will be no peace offering! Robert though will give the jester a chance to surrender under his terms! Terms Cadryn will be too foolish to take. Once he refuses Roberts terms. The first blow will rain down upon Cadryn, a single devastating sniper shot to the over inflated head. After the first shot negotiations are a moot point. Perhaps it isn't a fair fight, but isn't that a strange concept in the first place? A fight is a fight! Cadryn is clearly the underdog he’s just not smart enough to see it. He can dance around his words. Make funny jokes, and act like he isn’t scared to death. Robert has always leaned towards short and brutal matches. But this time around, Robert will drag it out a bit. Maximize the carnage and fear. Beating Cadryn into a bloody pulp.

Cadryn’s actions over the past few days were ones that Robert expected! It was right out of the same old playbook. First, you dehumanize! Second, you destabilize! Third, you antagonize! A tried and true method! One that will not work on Robert Man! It's simply human nature to think of ourselves smarter than our opponents. Only if the situation was different! Robert had hoped for a challenge a true fight! A test of who he is! He now sees this isn’t going to be a fight! It’s going to be a massacre! From day one it has been nothing more than a pissing contest. One Robert has begun to grow tired of. Robert is ready for the fight! Burning rage began to hiss through Roberts’s body like deathly snake venom! Fury now sweeping off him like ferocious waves in the sea. The wrath consumed him, engulfing his moralities and destroying every single boundary Robert once had! Every word rolling off Cadryn’s only fueling the fire that burned inside of Robert. Every violated phrase was like tossing gasoline onto an already raging fire.

Robert's fists began to clench turning his knuckles white as snow! His jaw became rooted as he gritted his teeth from trying to keep his composure. Robert slowly adjusts his championships once more exuding animosity. His face now red with suppressed rage! Then Robert smiles as his primal instincts take over.

[Image: AZO2uqv.jpg]

Cadryn there are times in your promos I don’t know if we are going to fight or if you are trying to be my new best friend! You're better than me one minute, then a few minutes late you are telling me what I already know about myself! How I am a great athlete. How I am such a tremendous wrestler in the ring! Then go on to say when I’m not my best I need a trait to fall back on! I’ll stop you right there! Each and every time I am in the ring I am at my very best! I don’t need to fall back on anything. I do not need to dig deep in a bag of tricks like yourself. I fall back on my wrestling skills! I fall back on my fighting abilities! I fall back on my speed in the ring. My superior cardio! I fall back on being the best fucking wrestler in the world. Are you going to be trying to tell me jokes in the ring? Because we all know you couldn’t wrestle your way out of a wet paper bag! The only thing that you will be falling back on is your ass when I knock your teeth down your throat! Fall back on a trait. You are so damn outmatched in this match it’s isn’t funny! Maybe you can pull a rabbit out of your tights too! You said that you like to rely on your mind! By the time it comes to relying on your mind. I’ll have your brain so damn scrambled you will not know what state you are in let alone relying on that undersized thing you all a brain! Yes, I have said the past don’t matter. But the point I am trying to get into your head. Is that the past seems to repeat itself. Each and every time that you and I have faced off in the ring, one thing seems to happen! Cadryn I beat you within inches of your life and when I’m done! You lose! This trend will continue! You seem to think that you can beat me in the ring! THINK? I damn well know I can and will beat you! Cadryn no one cares how you see things! The only thing that matters now is how I see things. You keep throwing stones at a man with a machine gun! Shit don’t work like that! The fact is Cadryn. I’m going to stomp you out just like all of the others. Just like I have stomped you out time and time again! Once I stomp you out with my oppressive boot! You will know that Robert Main is and always will be the better fucking man! The better wrestler! You have finally bitten off more than that mouth will ever be able to chew! The sobering reality of what is going to happen just hasn’t sunk in yet! But it will! Now I know you struggle with reality each and every day you open your eyes! AND raise your pussy ass out of your bed! No matter where this match takes us. I will be on top of you! Like stink on shit! Everything you try I will counter. I will show you first hand in that cage why I, will always be better than you! Losers don’t get to win championships! The better man will rise to the occasion come High Stakes, and that better man will be me! When you see my name on the card Cadryn you will know without a doubt in that thick head of yours, that you have seen the very best there is!

Robert pauses for a moment!

The Hart Championship aside! This whole High Stakes isn’t about you Cadryn! I’m going to change pace for a moment! I know you are an attention whore Cadryn! I’ll have to split myself up on this night! After I place you though pure and utter hell there is yet another match I will be participating in! The Main Event! The whole roster competing on this very card will enter different rings and battle it out until there is one! As I look at the field I see a few threats. I also see a great shot for payback and retribution! Those who have crossed me in the past will be eliminated by these hands! One by one I will send them over the top rope crashing down to the unforgiving floor! As each man or woman for that matter looks up they will see Robert Main standing tall. For months now I have sat back and watched the circus all-around me. So I bided my time. Never getting defeated in battle, except one time in Lethal Lottery. A match where I was never even pinned! For months I have watched others get their shot at the Universal Championship while I sit there a shining star of this company! A man who holds two championships! Yet each and every week I am overlooked. Tossed aside like I have done nothing at all in this company! Sure I have placed high in the rankings week after week. But what have they gotten me? Nothing! The rankings and 50 cents will get me a cup of coffee. No longer will I stand back in the shadows and keep my mouth shut! No longer will I be voiceless on the matter. I deserve a shot! My time is now! There is no man or woman in this company that can outwrestle me! That goes for the Chris Chaos’s all the way down the ladder to the Cadryn’s! I am the best wrestler in this company! That championship belt belongs with me! It belongs around my waist! I am the true uncrowned king! No more getting over looked!

Once this main event starts I will run through my opponents one by one until I am the only man left standing in the rings! Graves and Jim I wish you both all of the luck I can! I truly never wish to fight either of you in the ring! You two are my brothers! But for the grandest prize in the business! We must set aside our alliance or brotherhood for a little while! If we must come to blow for the greater good of AX3 then so be it. That championship belt belongs with us! We cannot allow it to leave our possession! After it is all said and done, the chips will fall where they may! No matter what happens I will extend my hand out to my brothers after the match. I will never become what Chris Chaos was! I will never use my brothers as a stepping stone to reach success! The time is not for the OMEGA! Management may not be willing to give me my shot at the championship. But placing me in a match where it is on the line for the taking! I’ll get my shot one way or the other. This match is my key to getting what I rightfully deserve! Once I receive my shot at the grandest prize in the wrestling business. I will claim it for my own. At that point, I will have three major championships one around my waist and one over each shoulder. Maybe at that point, I will drop one for the less fortunate to fight over. I’ll drop the scraps on the floor and watch these civilized people fight like dogs! On second thought no I won’t! I’ll keep the gold all for myself! One by one the peasants will come trying to take the kings crowns! One by one they will fall before me! One by one until I run through the entire roster!

Robert begins to walk off stage stopping in his tracks. He turns to the camera one last time!

Cadryn, what you truly need to understand is your little jabs and insults you keep tossing my way! Are nothing more than kid games! Childs play! You can’t even lace my boots, let alone leave a mark on the champ's face! Understand this you sniveling little shit. Come High Stakes you will find out firsthand what it is like to be in the ring with a wrestling god! Now if you will excuse me I have a dinner planned with your wife!

[Image: 5LEoY07.png]


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[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
[Image: WPoUWuI.png]

Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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