"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves
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05-30-2017, 10:00 PM
Cadryn wants to call into question the unity of AX3. Well bud, I can assure you that AX3, at its core, is united! Chris Chaos may not be on the same page as us, but that's a problem that we will sort out one way or the other. What does that mean for this match? Absolutely nothing! Because Robert and myself are more than enough to take out your ragtag team of thrown together nobodies! You guys haven't done shit to prove that you're united. Nothing to show that you can work as a team. Jack Cain showed up to whimper and whine about needing a hero. Gabriel Emerick maintained radio silence all week, and you focused on the TV title. By the way, how did that work out for you, huh? All that effort to walk away empty handed, sad! While you fuckwits were doing your damnedest to avoid saying a word about this match, I was releasing 5 promos early on just so you and the rest of the XWF Universe would see how serious I am about defending these straps! I told Robert to take it easy and enjoy some R&R time so that he could rest up to defend that Hart title at High Stakes because I knew that I was more than capable of winning a war of words against you twats! Then, not only did I embarrass you guys so bad that you decided to try and avoid me like the plague, but I went on to win the Xtreme Title as well as catch a showing of Guardians with my boy Robert. That's how much of a "threat" your team is Cadryn. You guys are such a joke that I can single handly psyche out your entire team without even focusing all of my energy on you idiots! You, on the other hand, put your full effort into your match with Nixon to win nothing! As far as all of this talk about leaders goes. Sure, you hit the nail on the head with your comments about Chris Chaos. He is a piss poor leader. A fact that he has proven at every turn since "taking over" AX3. Good thing for us that we aren't followers! Jim, Robert, myself, we all have brains of our own. We are capable of dominating this company without some figurehead to dish out orders, and that's exactly what we have been doing! Jim has the Universal Title, he did that! Robert has the Hart title, he did that! I have the Xtreme title, and yes Cadryn, I did that! So if I were you, I would quit worrying about who can and can't lead this group, and start worrying about just how bad we are going to hurt you to make an example!
Next, you decided to go on a very uncharacteristic hate fueled rant about how everytime you are booked in a tag match, you're partners let you down. Well, first of all, wasting a full two weeks without saying a peep? Seems like if anything, you're the one who let Jack Cain down. Maybe not as bad as Gabriel Emerick did, but still, you're definitely not leading the race, my friend. Also, have you every stopped to think that maybe the reason that you're partners never really put forth an effort is because of how shit YOU are!?! With as many times as it has happened now, you really have to start looking at yourself as the problem. Killjoy didn't give enough of a shit about teaming with you to try and win. Neither did Shade, LJ Havok, and now your current partners. That's a lot of dudes letting you down Cadryn. Or is it you letting a lot of dudes down? Too bad you dumped me to be a cowboy because we both know that I could have carried your limp dicked ass to greatness!
Now, you say that you've wanted nothing more than to whip my ass? I have no doubt about that. You've had what? two opportunities in the past to do just that? What actually happened though? I walked away victorious each time. I'm a winner Cadryn, you're just a comedy act. It doesn't matter if you are Jestering for the Kings, carrying on conversations with Cock Sock Friend of the week, or doing your damnedest to actually come off as a man. No matter what you do, or what you try, you're just a comedy act! Now I understand that you take pride in being a comedian, and you should, you're funny as hell. I especially love it when you run your mouth about how great you are, then get in the ring and bitch the fuck out. That shit is gold, and I can't wait to see the act this Wednesday when you once again fail to capture a championship in this company!
Something that I don't find funny, however, is the fact that you are trying to give me shit for being an "alleged pedophile". It blows my mind that you actually want to kick my ass for that. You even admit that you can't prove that I've done anything, but still, just because it's alleged, you want blood! Ok buddy, well let's get some self-hate going on. Maybe I'll end up with a hell of a show and get to watch you kick the shit out of yourself... Although, you'd probably find a way to fail at that too! Anyway, without any further ado...
XWF Universe, I felt the need to inform you that just the other night, after Savage. I was backstage in the men's locker room. What I saw was shocking, disturbing, and downright sick! Cadryn Tiberius was in the showers getting a blowjob from what HAD to have been a ten-year-old boy!
I was just as shocked as you all must be right now, but the fact is that it happened, and now that it's out in the open. Now that I have made that accusation, even without proof that it actually happened... Cadryn Tiberius, you are now an alleged pedophile! How does it feel bud? Are you ready to kick the shit out of yourself yet? I'm ready to kick the shit out of you just for being so stupid! I'm not an alleged anything! I freely admit that I enjoy sex with young girls! In some parts of the world, it's legal and fine, in others, not so much. It's all based on societies outlook on the situation, and that varies from place to place. I know where I stand on the subject, and I stand up and fight for the rights of like-minded people! I fight for the right to fuck whoever you want, just like I fight for the rights of the oppressed lizard people alongside my friend Thomas Nixon!
Oh, and what is this shit about I don't feel pride? ARROGANT AGGRESSIVE ASSHOLES! Of course, I feel fucking pride, idiot! I was proud when I won all of the titles in my list of achievements. I was proud when I was voted superstar of the month! I was proud when I scored with that girl from Baby Metal, and I was proud the last time I smashed your ass into the mat so hard you looked like a busted jar of cherry jam!
I never said that you were hiding under your wife's skirt. I said that your wife is a bitch, and Jack Cain is hiding under YOUR skirt. It's funny that you want to call me stupid when it's you that can't get shit straight. Just like how you are claiming to have been TV champion for 15 seconds. No, you did not accomplish what you set your sites on. The decision was reversed, meaning it never happened! You can blame Jim, you can blame Theo, you can blame your own lack of talent. The fact remains, you did not win the TV title, therefore you did not achieve your goals! But again, here I am with a belt on each shoulder actually achieving what I set out to do! You keep referring to yourself as the "Essence of Excellence" and the "Epitome of Manliness". I'm still trying to figure out how you can spit those monikers out with a straight face. You're good, I've always admitted as much, but you are not at a level that can be described as excellent and you damn sure do not represent the epitome of manliness!
I'll see you and the goon platoon at Warfare. Maybe after this beating, you'll wise up and realize that you want nothing to do with AX3 moving forward. Seems that your partners have already figured that out!