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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Dream A Little Dream
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"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves

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05-19-2017, 07:19 PM

Continued from “When Sparks Fly”




My eyes fly open at the sound of my name being shouted from the lips of an angel. I sit up on the floor and look to the beautiful young Dolly Waters dressed in a baby blue sundress and apron. She is standing in the doorway between the living room and kitchen. A concerned look on her face. I wonder what happened? The last thing that I remember was a bright spark.

”What… what happened?”

”I think that you shocked yourself while trying to fix the TV dear.”

I look over to the laughably old floor model television. The back panel has been removed, exposing all of the wires and picture tube. Odd, I don’t remember working on a TV. As a matter of fact, I don’t even remember how we got here...

”Are you okay dear?”

I pull myself up from the floor. I’m a little light-headed, and my right arm is tingling, but otherwise, I feel fine.

”Yeah, I’m great… what’s going on here anyway?”

She shoots me with a confused look.

”I don’t understand what you’re asking honey…”

I close my eyes tightly and massage my temples in a counterclockwise motion. We were in the basement of an old building. I had just cut a promo against our opponents for Warfare. How did I end up in this house? Why is Dolly dressed like that? This doesn’t make sense.

”You don’t look so good baby, maybe you should come get a bite to eat.”

Still confused, I stumble into the kitchen behind Dolly. I take a seat at the table as she begins pulling items out of the fridge to make a sandwich. Ham, cheese, lettuce, pickles.

”You know, you should really be more careful. You can’t be the breadwinner if you end up injuring yourself.”

I watch her from behind as she stands at the counter crafting my sandwich. I still question how we ended up here, and why Dolly is suddenly being nice to me.

”Where’s Terry and Amber?”

”I would imagine that Terry is at home, and you know that Amber is in school at this hour, silly.

Her answer does nothing but confuses me more. Before I can question her any further, she turns around and sets the sandwich in front of me.

”Eat up baby, you need your strength!”

I take the sandwich into my mouth and bite down. The texture doesn’t seem right… it’s stiff and tough to chew through. I try to bite down again. My teeth still don’t bite through the bread, but a warm glob of mayonnaise shoots out of the sandwich and into my mouth. I pull the sandwich out of my mouth and look at it, but it’s not a sandwich at all. It’s a cock. A big, veiny, swollen cock. Shocked and confused I look up to the man this cock is attached to. It’s Chris Chaos!


Dolly begins to giggle as I close my eyes and shake my head. This can’t be real, I think.

”I don’t know why you’re making such a fuss honey. You’ve been sucking his cock for a while now haven’t you?”

I open my eyes to find Chaos gone. It wasn’t real after all. Nevertheless, I’m even more concerned with what exactly is going on here. Have I died? Is this my own personal hell? Dolly leans across the table and caresses my cheek with the palm of her hand. The loving smile on her face is comforting for me. Even though I’m still not sure what in the hell is going on, her loving embrace makes me feel as though everything is going to be alright.

”You look stressed baby. Maybe you should go take a nap and see if you feel better.”

I nod in agreeance. I feel like I could use some rest. I take her hand and hold it in mine for a moment before leaving the table. I head into the bedroom and kick off my shoes. As I walk by the dresser I realize that something seems off. Suddenly it dawns on me, and I take a second look into the dresser mirror.

”MY FACE!?!”

It’s not mangled… I’m… handsome! Dolly comes running into the room looking concerned. I turn to her with a big smile on my face.

”I’m not deformed!”

Yeah, it sounds dumb for me to turn to the girl that I love and say that, but sue me, I’m happy… for now.

”Um, I would hope not. I love you baby, but if you looked like some monsterish freak, we wouldn’t be together. A girl has to have standards ya know!”

And now I’m not so happy. I’ve know this entire time something was not right with all of this. Then it hit me… I’m dre…

My eyes slowly open to the rattling of a cage door. I’m laying in a puddle of water on the cold cement floor. I feel zapped of energy, literally. I slowly turn my head towards the noise to find Dolly still in her cage, but making an effort to pick the lock with some sort of wire, or paperclip. I let out a groan as I roll over to my hands and knees and crawl over to her cage. Dolly sees me coming, and tries desperately to pop the lock before I make it over to her, but she fails. I reach out and grab her hand. She drops the wire almost immediately. Feeling as drained as I do, and having foiled her escape attempt, I release her arm and fall back to the floor. That’s when the soft concerned voice of Amber cuts through the silence.

”Daddy, are you going to be okay?”

”Yes babe, I’m going to be fine.”

”Good, because I don’t want to see you lose your belt!”

I let out a deep sigh, thinking for a moment before I speak.

”Daddy isn’t losing anything baby. Emrick is an unknown sure, but I’m pretty confident that he will prove to be another waste of space around here.”

”How can you be so sure?”

”I’ve seen his type before. They come up with some convoluted story to explain why they are a wrestler, instead of just being honest and admitting that they want to win titles. For some reason, they find it hard to admit that they seek fame and fortune, but find it easy to make up revenge plots, or supernatural bullshit to explain their motivations.”

”Weren’t you a demon!?”

Dolly’s sassy attitude cuts Graves off mid-sentence. He growls slightly before continuing.

”The point is, once he realizes that nobody gives a shit, he’ll vanish. Until then, he’ll flounder around the midcard losing matches to guys like Cadryn. He poses absolutely no threat to me or any of my partners.”

”But what about War Pig?

”What about him?”

”Earlier you were talking about him being dumb, but I remember him. He challenged for the Universal Title not that long ago.”

I have no idea what she’s talking about.

”Honey, I haven’t uttered a word about BWP.”

”Uh huh! You were talking about him earlier when you told me about the guys that you’re facing for the Trios titles!”

No, I didn’t. That much I’m sure of. I know damn well who my opponents are and Bearded War Pig isn’t one of them!

”Baby, I think that you're confused. Daddy doesn’t have a match with Bearded War Pig. The only match that I have is against Gabriel Emrick, Cadryn, and Thaddeus Duke.”

”Oh yeah? I thought Thaddeus Dyke joined your merry band of ?”

”NO! Why would I allow Duke to join AX3!?! That makes absolutely no sense! I can’t stand that prick! On top of that, he hurt my Dolly Doll. That’s why I’m going to bring a world of pain to him, the likes of which he has never felt before! When Thaddeus Duke decided to kick my beautiful princess in the face and steal her jewelry, he sealed his fate! He and I have met once before…”

”Yeah, and he kicked the ever loving shit outta you too!”

”No, he got lucky! The two of us fought a hell of a fight and at the end of the day, Thaddeus managed to pull off the win, but it was luck, not skill! Well, all of the luck in the world won’t save him from the wrath of a pissed off boyfriend! Nobody touches my girl and gets away with it! Cadryn and Emrick best count their lucky stars that Thaddeus Duke ended up being drawn as their partner because if they play their cards right, I’ll take most of my aggression out on that ! Duke is actually their best shot at walking out of Warfare under their own free will! Had they been partnered with someone stupid like BWP, I would have just went in and laid waste to everybody. Matter of fact, that’s all that would have been left by the end of the match, BODIES!”

”Your such and idiot Graves.”

I snap my head to look towards Dolly. I’m getting pretty tired of her smart remarks.

”You need to watch your tone little girl!”

To my surprise, she just laughs off my idle threat.

”I’m serious ya fuckvert. You’ve now name TWO opponents that aren’t even in the match that you’re talking about!”

”What!?! How would you even know. You’ve been locked up down here since before the card was booked!”

”You’re right, I have. Yet I still know who you’re facing and you don’t. So tell me, who looks like an idiot!?!”


The rage in Amber’s voice is enough to silence the room. I have to admit, seeing her grip the bars to her cell so tightly, while panting and foaming at the mouth. Her rage, her blind devotion, the whole deal… I find it a bit arousing.

”Mike, are you alright down there?”

Terry, how kind of you to check on me, you thumb sucking twat.

”I’m fine, just talking to the girls!

I turn my head back towards Dolly. She’s curled up in a ball and staring off into space. I can tell that even now, she is trying to think up a way to escape. Hopefully, I can get her to see the light soon. I need for her to love me as much as I love her, but first, I have to know.

”How do you know who we are booked against anyway?”

Dolly glares at me for a moment before answering in a snotty tone.

”Um, duh, you left your laptop open on the booking page.”

I look over to the desk, and sure enough, the computer is parked on the booking page. Gabriel Emrick, Cadryn Tiberius, and… oh fuck… Not him…

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(05-20-2017), "The Wolf of Afghanistan" Joshua Schuler (05-25-2017), JackCain (05-20-2017), Misty Waters (05-21-2017)

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