Does Fate Whispers Your Name?
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05-12-2017, 05:53 PM
Friday May 12th 6:02pm Auburn Hills Michigan |
Mezian sits what seems to be his hotel room staring at his phone. The phone sits on the bed next to
his bag.He had received numerous calls that day already but none were as important as the one he was
about to receive.
The phone rings, Mezian jumps suddenly caught off guard by it actually ringing.He stares at the caller ID....It says, Vincent Lane. Mezain picks up the phone and answers it.
Hey boss what can I do for you?
Did I see your promo right? did you beat up civilians? Are you stupid?
Yes you did sir, Yes I did sir, and I'd like to think I'm not sir.
Are you sure?Because that looked pretty freaking stupid. Are you trying to get us in a
lawsuit? IF this goes sideways it's coming out of your pay and you are being suspended or
even fired. I can't have my people beating up random civilians.
Mezain sat there in his room with his boss on the phone feeling like shit.He knew that
what he had done was wrong. He knew that Mr.lane had all the reasons to fire him.He also
knew that the person that did that wasn't really him. He tries to explain.
Look boss what happened in Cincinnati won't happen again. I have some issues that I need to take care of there and that will be the end of that. The person that you saw doing those
horrible things wasn't me.I mean it was me but not me at the same time. You know?
Like you have a split personality?
Sorta Boss it's more along the lines of my body is inhabited by two souls.
Like Prince of Persia?Are you kidding me right now? You can't be serious.
Well I am sir. I wish I wasn't.It happened when I was younger and I tried to kill myself.
Nineteen years old and I slit my wrists.They didn't think I would make it. They called my parents to let them know.Before my parents got there I was visited by a man in a brown suit.He told me that it wasn't my time. that I had a bigger purpose.And that someone named Mezian would get me through this.later in my life I began to notice I could do certain things that I couldn't do before the suicide attempt. I could heal faster, I could hear shit that no one else could and I could see shit that no one else could see. hell, I saw things happen before they happened. I saw when my son would die, I saw how my mother would die, I saw my own death and the death of every life I had before this one.
Huh...Okay, so I need to call the lawyers and the Psychiatrist.
I know this sounds crazy and I would think I was crazy too if I hadn't met other people like
me.There are more people like me, hell there are hundreds of people like me.they call themselves
the "chosen'. Its supposed to mean that they were chosen to lie and protect/help the living
from some greater evil. I don't know what that is and that is why I keep a lot of this secret from the rest of the people I know. You and my closest friends are the only ones who know about it. Matt is one,My girlfriend is one, and hopefully, with the right kind of training and teaching can help ezariaha learn what she is.So, in short, I'm not crazy I'm just different, and I hope this doesn't change my status with the company.i also hope that I can prove my worth to you and the rest of the upper ups with my abilities in the ring. I didn't want this to be explained this way but I felt like I had no other choice. I'm gonna sleep for a while and maybe go out for a little while, I'll take someone with me if you want to keep me in check.
No that won't be needed. You're fine dude just don't let that shit get out of hand again.So how does one find out about being a chosen?
I won't let it happen again sir, that I can promise. And to really get an understanding and look into a person and whether or not they're a chosen they need to be near death. There are a few cases where they are a chosen from birth.Ezariaha of hope is one of those cases. I saw it in her the first time I saw her with shade. It wasn't a sexual attraction it was an unexplainable need to be around her. I knew what she was and I knew I could help her. I found out about all of this while I was in the deep jungles of Brazil.'There I spoke to shaman after shaman and every witch doctor who understood English. That is where I also began to understand the symbolism of the leviathan cross. Many think its a satanic symbol, but in actuality, it is a symbol of balance. the balance of life and death and the never-ending cycle that they are apart of. many different people across the world use it for many different things. The way the chosen use it seemed to make the most sense to me as a whole.
So when you say you see shit.Is it ghosts, is it dead people or is it like demons and angels?
are you like the kid in that one movie, or maybe a psychic, or are you like a superhero?
I don't mean to ask so many questions, I just don't know what to think.
Well I see a little bit of all of that.I mostly see the people that are stuck in the middle of this life and the next. They usually have some type of unfinished business or they are lost and don't know how to get to the other side. No, I'm not a ghost whisperer I'm just a little more connected than most.I'm not a psychic because they are not real.I can see what is going to happen in people's lives, that takes a deep emotional connection and the person wanting to be read.The process of switching between me and Mezian is called shifting. and it usually happens during severe emotional stress. Like being very angry or very depressed. So I guess you could say I'm like a mutant or a superhero but I don think of it that way.As long as I have my leviathan cross nearby ill be fine. It's a focus, it keeps me balanced.You asking questions is in human nature. Humanity either asked questions or they run away in fear. So I'm glad you did the questions and not fire me. And if you wanna know about Mezian as a being I honestly couldn't tell you anything really. He is just as mysterious to me as he is to you. All I know is I heal faster than most, I don't age as quickly and I can protect people with things called wards. they stop the negative energy in the world from affecting those I ward. Imagine a metaphysical shield, nothing negative or bad can affect them.But yeah boss I can get into it more one on one if you want. right now I need to take a shower.
Okay dude be good and don't do something stupid.I'll see you at savage.I'll talk you later.
Mezian had never told anyone outside of his friend circle of what he was. He thought the worse that
could happen was he would be fired or committed.The thought alone made him not speak to anyone about his 'abilities'He was absolutely terrified of the idea of being locked up and go for the rest of his life.
Mostly because he saw that was the way he was going to die, this lifetime around.
Mezain took a shower and began to get dressed to go out.Then all of the sudden his phone ran.
He looked at the screen and it said...Micheal Davids{cleaner}..He didn't want to have this conversation.
He had hoped that the problem would take care of itself.He answers the phone.
Hello..Whats up?
What is the color of the ravens
As blue as the Night my brother.Do you need to do that every time you call me?It's my phone I'm going to be the one answering it.
I understand that but there could be an unforeseen circumstance.I like to be prepared for all outcomes.
You should be to Pat.
Yeah, Yeah, what do you want did you take care o the situation in that bar?
Yeah the bartender helped out more than I expected. the three bodies, by the way, were not dead.they
were just severely beaten. you should really keep ahold of your emotions man. That could have been really fucking bad.So do you need me to take money out of the account and pay their medical bills
anonymously?I mean we have enough in there from last time.
Mezain cringed at the memories that were associated with the term last time. he didn't want to think
about how he had come across the money in the account Mike was talking about.He continued the conversation
like nothing happened.
yeah that and make sure that they know it wasn't on purpose and use our cover names.Also, Mike, your payment is in your account. let's not have to this again, please.
That is on you man I'm your cleaner, It's not the other way around.Don't forget Pat.
Yeah because after the debacle overseas you fucking owe me. Don't you forget that shit.
Okay ill talk to you later.
Hopefully not for awhile.
Mezain hung up the phone, finished getting dressed and thought he would do one more promo before Saturday.
Why hello Mr.Nixon and the rest of the Xwf Universe. As you all know probably by now I assaulted a few civilians.These actions are deplorable and uncalled for in the XWF. I have made restitution with all of the parties involved, as well as speaking to Mr. Lane personally today.I have explained to him the situation and he is well aware of issues that lead up to the incident.I am not asking for forgiveness or pity from anyone.I am just asking for a little patience and understanding. Rest assured that I won't let it happen again although I can not promise it won't.You see I am a little different than the rest of the locker room. I have demons that are more vocal than most peoples. Bur ill keep him in check the best I can.
Now to Mr.Nixon, I saw the last thing you posted and you make some very valid points.But the one thing that you seem to be blind to is If I win or lose I'm not going anywhere. So you can use me as a stepping stone or a catalyst to your grand crusade.None of that changes what I have done, nor does it change what I accomplished in my life.Your crusade means nothing to me because it's not gonna change a goddamn thing that I have planned. But hey I'm done with this macho talk of threats and empty promises. Let's see what happens tomorrow on Savage. Ill see you there.
Mezians pupils turn a brilliant dark green and with the eeriest smile he can produce he says
......and so will I.
The feed goes out as he turns off the camera.
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